Emmanuel ROY 23878bfe8e update:
- 3.6 version
2021-06-04 11:45:04 +02:00

192 lines
7.8 KiB

import { addRemoveClass, createSpanEl, inRange, insertSpanEl, isEmpty, values } from './helpers'
import { supportsPassiveEvents } from 'detect-it'
export class Widget {
constructor (el, props) { // (HTMLElement, object):void
this.direction = window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue('direction');
this.el = el; = {
change: this.onChange.bind(this),
keydown: this.onKeyDown.bind(this),
mousedown: this.onPointerDown.bind(this),
mouseleave: this.onPointerLeave.bind(this),
mousemove: this.onPointerMove.bind(this),
reset: this.onReset.bind(this),
touchend: this.onPointerDown.bind(this),
touchmove: this.onPointerMove.bind(this),
this.indexActive = null; // the active span index
this.indexSelected = null; // the selected span index
this.props = props;
this.tick = null;
this.ticking = false;
this.values = values(el);
this.widgetEl = null;
if (this.el.widget) {
this.el.widget.destroy(); // remove any stale event listeners
if (inRange(this.values.length, 1, this.props.maxStars)) {;
} else {
build () { // ():void
this.selectValue((this.indexSelected = this.selected()), false); // set the initial value but do not trigger change event
this.el.widget = this; // store a reference to this widget on the SELECT so that we can remove stale event listeners
buildWidget () { // ():void
let parentEl, widgetEl
if (this.props.prebuilt) {
parentEl = this.el.parentNode
widgetEl = parentEl.querySelector('.' + this.props.classNames.base + '--stars')
} else {
parentEl = insertSpanEl(this.el, false, { class: this.props.classNames.base });
widgetEl = insertSpanEl(this.el, true, { class: this.props.classNames.base + '--stars' });
this.values.forEach((item, index) => {
const el = createSpanEl({ 'data-index': index, 'data-value': item.value });
if ('function' === typeof this.props.stars) {, el, item, index);
[], el => = 'none');
widgetEl.innerHTML += el.outerHTML;
parentEl.dataset.starRating = '';
parentEl.classList.add(this.props.classNames.base + '--' + this.direction);
if (this.props.tooltip) {
widgetEl.setAttribute('role', 'tooltip');
this.widgetEl = widgetEl
changeIndexTo (index, force) { // (int):void
if (this.indexActive !== index || force) {
[], (el, i) => { // i starts at zero
addRemoveClass(el, i <= index,;
addRemoveClass(el, i === this.indexSelected, this.props.classNames.selected);
if ('function' !== typeof this.props.stars && !this.props.prebuilt) { // @v3 compat
this.widgetEl.classList.remove('s' + (10 * (this.indexActive + 1)));
this.widgetEl.classList.add('s' + (10 * (index + 1)));
if (this.props.tooltip) {
const label = index < 0 ? this.props.tooltip : this.values[index].text;
this.widgetEl.setAttribute('aria-label', label);
this.indexActive = index;
this.ticking = false;
destroy () { // ():void
this.indexActive = null; // the active span index
this.indexSelected = this.selected(); // the selected span index
const parentEl = this.el.parentNode;
if (parentEl.classList.contains(this.props.classNames.base)) {
if (this.props.prebuilt) {
this.widgetEl = parentEl.querySelector('.' + this.props.classNames.base + '--stars')
parentEl.classList.remove(this.props.classNames.base + '--' + this.direction);
delete parentEl.dataset.starRating
} else {
parentEl.parentNode.replaceChild(this.el, parentEl);
delete this.el.widget // remove the widget reference
eventListener (el, action, events, items) { // (HTMLElement, string, array, object):void
events.forEach(ev => el[action + 'EventListener'](ev,[ev], items || false));
handleEvents (action) { // (string):void
const formEl = this.el.closest('form');
if (formEl && formEl.tagName === 'FORM') {
this.eventListener(formEl, action, ['reset']);
this.eventListener(this.el, action, ['change']); // always trigger the change event, even when SELECT is disabled
if ('add' === action && this.el.disabled) return;
this.eventListener(this.el, action, ['keydown']);
this.eventListener(this.widgetEl, action, ['mousedown', 'mouseleave', 'mousemove', 'touchend', 'touchmove'],
supportsPassiveEvents ? { passive: false } : false
indexFromEvent (ev) { // (MouseEvent|TouchEvent):void
const origin = ev.touches?.[0] || ev.changedTouches?.[0] || ev;
const el = document.elementFromPoint(origin.clientX, origin.clientY);
return [];
onChange () { // ():void
this.changeIndexTo(this.selected(), true);
onKeyDown (ev) { // (KeyboardEvent):void
const key = ev.key.slice(5);
if (!~['Left', 'Right'].indexOf(key)) return;
let increment = key === 'Left' ? -1 : 1;
if (this.direction === 'rtl') {
increment *= -1;
const maxIndex = this.values.length - 1;
const minIndex = -1;
const index = Math.min(Math.max(this.selected() + increment, minIndex), maxIndex);
this.selectValue(index, true); // trigger change event
onPointerDown (ev) { // (MouseEvent|TouchEvent):void
// this.el.focus(); // highlight the rating field
let index = this.indexFromEvent(ev);
if (this.props.clearable && index === this.indexSelected) {
index = -1; // remove the value
this.selectValue(index, true); // trigger change event
onPointerLeave (ev) { // (MouseEvent):void
requestAnimationFrame(() => this.changeIndexTo(this.indexSelected));
onPointerMove (ev) { // (MouseEvent|TouchEvent):void
if (!this.ticking) {
this.tick = requestAnimationFrame(() => this.changeIndexTo(this.indexFromEvent(ev)));
this.ticking = true;
onReset () { // ():void
const index = this.valueIndex(this.el.querySelector('[selected]')?.value)
this.selectValue(index || -1, false); // do not trigger change event
selected () { // ():int
return this.valueIndex(this.el.value); // get the selected span index
selectValue (index, triggerChangeEvent) { // (int, bool):void
this.el.value = this.values[index]?.value || ''; // first set the value
this.indexSelected = this.selected(); // get the actual index from the selected value
if (false === triggerChangeEvent) {
this.changeIndexTo(this.selected(), true);
} else {
this.el.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
valueIndex (value) {
return this.values.findIndex(val => val.value === +value);