Emmanuel ROY 7b52c58faf Ajout de dernière update dans le bin de la console module
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2020-04-01 11:54:24 +02:00

144 lines
5 KiB

* This file is part of the Symfony package.
* (c) Fabien Potencier <>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Symfony\Component\Config\Tests\Resource;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Symfony\Component\Config\Resource\ReflectionClassResource;
class ReflectionClassResourceTest extends TestCase
public function testToString()
$res = new ReflectionClassResource(new \ReflectionClass('ErrorException'));
$this->assertSame('reflection.ErrorException', (string) $res);
public function testSerializeUnserialize()
$res = new ReflectionClassResource(new \ReflectionClass(DummyInterface::class));
$ser = unserialize(serialize($res));
$this->assertSame((string) $res, (string) $ser);
public function testIsFresh()
$res = new ReflectionClassResource(new \ReflectionClass(__CLASS__));
$mtime = filemtime(__FILE__);
$this->assertTrue($res->isFresh($mtime), '->isFresh() returns true if the resource has not changed in same second');
$this->assertTrue($res->isFresh($mtime + 10), '->isFresh() returns true if the resource has not changed');
$this->assertTrue($res->isFresh($mtime - 86400), '->isFresh() returns true if the resource has not changed');
public function testIsFreshForDeletedResources()
$now = time();
$tmp = sys_get_temp_dir().'/tmp.php';
file_put_contents($tmp, '<?php class ReflectionClassResourceTestClass {}');
require $tmp;
$res = new ReflectionClassResource(new \ReflectionClass('ReflectionClassResourceTestClass'));
$this->assertFalse($res->isFresh($now), '->isFresh() returns false if the resource does not exist');
* @dataProvider provideHashedSignature
public function testHashedSignature($changeExpected, $changedLine, $changedCode)
$code = <<<'EOPHP'
/* 0*/
/* 1*/ class %s extends ErrorException
/* 2*/ {
/* 3*/ const FOO = 123;
/* 4*/
/* 5*/ public $pub = array();
/* 6*/
/* 7*/ protected $prot;
/* 8*/
/* 9*/ private $priv;
/*11*/ public function pub($arg = null) {}
/*13*/ protected function prot($a = array()) {}
/*15*/ private function priv() {}
/*16*/ }
static $expectedSignature, $generateSignature;
if (null === $expectedSignature) {
eval(sprintf($code, $class = 'Foo'.str_replace('.', '_', uniqid('', true))));
$r = new \ReflectionClass(ReflectionClassResource::class);
$generateSignature = $r->getMethod('generateSignature');
$generateSignature = $generateSignature->getClosure($r->newInstanceWithoutConstructor());
$expectedSignature = implode("\n", iterator_to_array($generateSignature(new \ReflectionClass($class))));
$code = explode("\n", $code);
$code[$changedLine] = $changedCode;
eval(sprintf(implode("\n", $code), $class = 'Foo'.str_replace('.', '_', uniqid('', true))));
$signature = implode("\n", iterator_to_array($generateSignature(new \ReflectionClass($class))));
if ($changeExpected) {
$this->assertTrue($expectedSignature !== $signature);
} else {
$this->assertSame($expectedSignature, $signature);
public function provideHashedSignature()
yield array(0, 0, "// line change\n\n");
yield array(1, 0, '/** class docblock */');
yield array(1, 1, 'abstract class %s');
yield array(1, 1, 'final class %s');
yield array(1, 1, 'class %s extends Exception');
yield array(1, 1, 'class %s implements '.DummyInterface::class);
yield array(1, 3, 'const FOO = 456;');
yield array(1, 3, 'const BAR = 123;');
yield array(1, 4, '/** pub docblock */');
yield array(1, 5, 'protected $pub = array();');
yield array(1, 5, 'public $pub = array(123);');
yield array(1, 6, '/** prot docblock */');
yield array(1, 7, 'private $prot;');
yield array(0, 8, '/** priv docblock */');
yield array(0, 9, 'private $priv = 123;');
yield array(1, 10, '/** pub docblock */');
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600) {
yield array(1, 11, 'public function pub(...$arg) {}');
if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000) {
yield array(1, 11, 'public function pub($arg = null): Foo {}');
yield array(0, 11, "public function pub(\$arg = null) {\nreturn 123;\n}");
yield array(1, 12, '/** prot docblock */');
yield array(1, 13, 'protected function prot($a = array(123)) {}');
yield array(0, 14, '/** priv docblock */');
yield array(0, 15, '');
interface DummyInterface