. */ namespace DB\Jig; //! Flat-file DB mapper class Mapper extends \DB\Cursor { protected //! Flat-file DB wrapper $db, //! Data file $file, //! Document identifier $id, //! Document contents $document=[], //! field map-reduce handlers $_reduce; /** * Return database type * @return string **/ function dbtype() { return 'Jig'; } /** * Return TRUE if field is defined * @return bool * @param $key string **/ function exists($key) { return array_key_exists($key,$this->document); } /** * Assign value to field * @return scalar|FALSE * @param $key string * @param $val scalar **/ function set($key,$val) { return ($key=='_id')?FALSE:($this->document[$key]=$val); } /** * Retrieve value of field * @return scalar|FALSE * @param $key string **/ function &get($key) { if ($key=='_id') return $this->id; if (array_key_exists($key,$this->document)) return $this->document[$key]; user_error(sprintf(self::E_Field,$key),E_USER_ERROR); } /** * Delete field * @return NULL * @param $key string **/ function clear($key) { if ($key!='_id') unset($this->document[$key]); } /** * Convert array to mapper object * @return object * @param $id string * @param $row array **/ function factory($id,$row) { $mapper=clone($this); $mapper->reset(); $mapper->id=$id; foreach ($row as $field=>$val) $mapper->document[$field]=$val; $mapper->query=[clone($mapper)]; if (isset($mapper->trigger['load'])) \Base::instance()->call($mapper->trigger['load'],$mapper); return $mapper; } /** * Return fields of mapper object as an associative array * @return array * @param $obj object **/ function cast($obj=NULL) { if (!$obj) $obj=$this; return $obj->document+['_id'=>$this->id]; } /** * Convert tokens in string expression to variable names * @return string * @param $str string **/ function token($str) { $str=preg_replace_callback( '/(?stringify(substr($expr[1],1)): (preg_match('/^\w+/', $mix=$this->token($expr[2]))? $fw->stringify($mix): $mix)). ']'; }, $token[1] ); }, $str ); return trim($str); } /** * Return records that match criteria * @return static[]|FALSE * @param $filter array * @param $options array * @param $ttl int|array * @param $log bool **/ function find($filter=NULL,array $options=NULL,$ttl=0,$log=TRUE) { if (!$options) $options=[]; $options+=[ 'order'=>NULL, 'limit'=>0, 'offset'=>0, 'group'=>NULL, ]; $fw=\Base::instance(); $cache=\Cache::instance(); $db=$this->db; $now=microtime(TRUE); $data=[]; $tag=''; if (is_array($ttl)) list($ttl,$tag)=$ttl; if (!$fw->CACHE || !$ttl || !($cached=$cache->exists( $hash=$fw->hash($this->db->dir(). $fw->stringify([$filter,$options])).($tag?'.'.$tag:'').'.jig',$data)) || $cached[0]+$ttlread($this->file); if (is_null($data)) return FALSE; foreach ($data as $id=>&$doc) { $doc['_id']=$id; unset($doc); } if ($filter) { if (!is_array($filter)) return FALSE; // Normalize equality operator $expr=preg_replace('/(?<=[^<>!=])=(?!=)/','==',$filter[0]); // Prepare query arguments $args=isset($filter[1]) && is_array($filter[1])? $filter[1]: array_slice($filter,1,NULL,TRUE); $args=is_array($args)?$args:[1=>$args]; $keys=$vals=[]; $tokens=array_slice( token_get_all('token($expr)),1); $data=array_filter($data, function($_row) use($fw,$args,$tokens) { $_expr=''; $ctr=0; $named=FALSE; foreach ($tokens as $token) { if (is_string($token)) if ($token=='?') { // Positional ++$ctr; $key=$ctr; } else { if ($token==':') $named=TRUE; else $_expr.=$token; continue; } elseif ($named && token_name($token[0])=='T_STRING') { $key=':'.$token[1]; $named=FALSE; } else { $_expr.=$token[1]; continue; } $_expr.=$fw->stringify( is_string($args[$key])? addcslashes($args[$key],'\''): $args[$key]); } // Avoid conflict with user code unset($fw,$tokens,$args,$ctr,$token,$key,$named); extract($_row); // Evaluate pseudo-SQL expression return eval('return '.$_expr.';'); } ); } if (isset($options['group'])) { $cols=array_reverse($fw->split($options['group'])); // sort into groups $data=$this->sort($data,$options['group']); foreach($data as $i=>&$row) { if (!isset($prev)) { $prev=$row; $prev_i=$i; } $drop=false; foreach ($cols as $col) if ($prev_i!=$i && array_key_exists($col,$row) && array_key_exists($col,$prev) && $row[$col]==$prev[$col]) // reduce/modify $drop=!isset($this->_reduce[$col]) || call_user_func_array( $this->_reduce[$col][0],[&$prev,&$row])!==FALSE; elseif (isset($this->_reduce[$col])) { $null=null; // initial call_user_func_array($this->_reduce[$col][0],[&$row,&$null]); } if ($drop) unset($data[$i]); else { $prev=&$row; $prev_i=$i; } unset($row); } // finalize if ($this->_reduce[$col][1]) foreach($data as $i=>&$row) { $row=call_user_func($this->_reduce[$col][1],$row); if (!$row) unset($data[$i]); unset($row); } } if (isset($options['order'])) $data=$this->sort($data,$options['order']); $data=array_slice($data, $options['offset'],$options['limit']?:NULL,TRUE); if ($fw->CACHE && $ttl) // Save to cache backend $cache->set($hash,$data,$ttl); } $out=[]; foreach ($data as $id=>&$doc) { unset($doc['_id']); $out[]=$this->factory($id,$doc); unset($doc); } if ($log && isset($args)) { if ($filter) foreach ($args as $key=>$val) { $vals[]=$fw->stringify(is_array($val)?$val[0]:$val); $keys[]='/'.(is_numeric($key)?'\?':preg_quote($key)).'/'; } $db->jot('('.sprintf('%.1f',1e3*(microtime(TRUE)-$now)).'ms) '. $this->file.' [find] '. ($filter?preg_replace($keys,$vals,$filter[0],1):'')); } return $out; } /** * Sort a collection * @param $data * @param $cond * @return mixed */ protected function sort($data,$cond) { $cols=\Base::instance()->split($cond); uasort( $data, function($val1,$val2) use($cols) { foreach ($cols as $col) { $parts=explode(' ',$col,2); $order=empty($parts[1])? SORT_ASC: constant($parts[1]); $col=$parts[0]; if (!array_key_exists($col,$val1)) $val1[$col]=NULL; if (!array_key_exists($col,$val2)) $val2[$col]=NULL; list($v1,$v2)=[$val1[$col],$val2[$col]]; if ($out=strnatcmp($v1?:'',$v2?:'')* (($order==SORT_ASC)*2-1)) return $out; } return 0; } ); return $data; } /** * Add reduce handler for grouped fields * @param $key string * @param $handler callback * @param $finalize callback */ function reduce($key,$handler,$finalize=null){ $this->_reduce[$key]=[$handler,$finalize]; } /** * Count records that match criteria * @return int * @param $filter array * @param $options array * @param $ttl int|array **/ function count($filter=NULL,array $options=NULL,$ttl=0) { $now=microtime(TRUE); $out=count($this->find($filter,$options,$ttl,FALSE)); $this->db->jot('('.sprintf('%.1f',1e3*(microtime(TRUE)-$now)).'ms) '. $this->file.' [count] '.($filter?json_encode($filter):'')); return $out; } /** * Return record at specified offset using criteria of previous * load() call and make it active * @return array * @param $ofs int **/ function skip($ofs=1) { $this->document=($out=parent::skip($ofs))?$out->document:[]; $this->id=$out?$out->id:NULL; if ($this->document && isset($this->trigger['load'])) \Base::instance()->call($this->trigger['load'],$this); return $out; } /** * Insert new record * @return array **/ function insert() { if ($this->id) return $this->update(); $db=$this->db; $now=microtime(TRUE); while (($id=uniqid('',TRUE)) && ($data=&$db->read($this->file)) && isset($data[$id]) && !connection_aborted()) usleep(mt_rand(0,100)); $this->id=$id; $pkey=['_id'=>$this->id]; if (isset($this->trigger['beforeinsert']) && \Base::instance()->call($this->trigger['beforeinsert'], [$this,$pkey])===FALSE) return $this->document; $data[$id]=$this->document; $db->write($this->file,$data); $db->jot('('.sprintf('%.1f',1e3*(microtime(TRUE)-$now)).'ms) '. $this->file.' [insert] '.json_encode($this->document)); if (isset($this->trigger['afterinsert'])) \Base::instance()->call($this->trigger['afterinsert'], [$this,$pkey]); $this->load(['@_id=?',$this->id]); return $this->document; } /** * Update current record * @return array **/ function update() { $db=$this->db; $now=microtime(TRUE); $data=&$db->read($this->file); if (isset($this->trigger['beforeupdate']) && \Base::instance()->call($this->trigger['beforeupdate'], [$this,['_id'=>$this->id]])===FALSE) return $this->document; $data[$this->id]=$this->document; $db->write($this->file,$data); $db->jot('('.sprintf('%.1f',1e3*(microtime(TRUE)-$now)).'ms) '. $this->file.' [update] '.json_encode($this->document)); if (isset($this->trigger['afterupdate'])) \Base::instance()->call($this->trigger['afterupdate'], [$this,['_id'=>$this->id]]); return $this->document; } /** * Delete current record * @return bool * @param $filter array * @param $quick bool **/ function erase($filter=NULL,$quick=FALSE) { $db=$this->db; $now=microtime(TRUE); $data=&$db->read($this->file); $pkey=['_id'=>$this->id]; if ($filter) { foreach ($this->find($filter,NULL,FALSE) as $mapper) if (!$mapper->erase(null,$quick)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } elseif (isset($this->id)) { unset($data[$this->id]); parent::erase(); } else return FALSE; if (!$quick && isset($this->trigger['beforeerase']) && \Base::instance()->call($this->trigger['beforeerase'], [$this,$pkey])===FALSE) return FALSE; $db->write($this->file,$data); if ($filter) { $args=isset($filter[1]) && is_array($filter[1])? $filter[1]: array_slice($filter,1,NULL,TRUE); $args=is_array($args)?$args:[1=>$args]; foreach ($args as $key=>$val) { $vals[]=\Base::instance()-> stringify(is_array($val)?$val[0]:$val); $keys[]='/'.(is_numeric($key)?'\?':preg_quote($key)).'/'; } } $db->jot('('.sprintf('%.1f',1e3*(microtime(TRUE)-$now)).'ms) '. $this->file.' [erase] '. ($filter?preg_replace($keys,$vals,$filter[0],1):'')); if (!$quick && isset($this->trigger['aftererase'])) \Base::instance()->call($this->trigger['aftererase'], [$this,$pkey]); return TRUE; } /** * Reset cursor * @return NULL **/ function reset() { $this->id=NULL; $this->document=[]; parent::reset(); } /** * Hydrate mapper object using hive array variable * @return NULL * @param $var array|string * @param $func callback **/ function copyfrom($var,$func=NULL) { if (is_string($var)) $var=\Base::instance()->$var; if ($func) $var=call_user_func($func,$var); foreach ($var as $key=>$val) $this->set($key,$val); } /** * Populate hive array variable with mapper fields * @return NULL * @param $key string **/ function copyto($key) { $var=&\Base::instance()->ref($key); foreach ($this->document as $key=>$field) $var[$key]=$field; } /** * Return field names * @return array **/ function fields() { return array_keys($this->document); } /** * Retrieve external iterator for fields * @return object **/ function getiterator() { return new \ArrayIterator($this->cast()); } /** * Instantiate class * @return void * @param $db object * @param $file string **/ function __construct(\DB\Jig $db,$file) { $this->db=$db; $this->file=$file; $this->reset(); } }