import 'whatwg-fetch'; import 'es6-promise'; import 'core-js/fn/object/assign'; import 'custom-event-autopolyfill'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import Choices from './choices'; import itemReducer from './reducers/items'; import choiceReducer from './reducers/choices'; import { addItem as addItemAction, addChoice as addChoiceAction, } from './actions/actions'; import Dropdown from './components/dropdown'; import Container from './components/container'; import Input from './components/input'; import List from './components/list'; describe('Choices', () => { describe('should initialize Choices', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; input.className = 'js-choices'; document.body.appendChild(input); instance = new Choices(input); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should be defined', () => { expect(instance); }); it('should have initialised', () => { expect(instance.initialised); }); it('should not re-initialise if passed element again', () => { const reinitialise = new Choices(instance.passedElement); sinon.spy(reinitialise, '_createTemplates'); expect(reinitialise._createTemplates.callCount).to.equal(0); }); it('should have a blank state', () => { expect(instance.currentState.items.length).to.equal(0); expect(instance.currentState.groups.length).to.equal(0); expect(instance.currentState.choices.length).to.equal(0); }); it('should have config options', () => { expect(instance.config.silent)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.items)'array'); expect(instance.config.choices)'array'); expect(instance.config.renderChoiceLimit)'number'); expect(instance.config.maxItemCount)'number'); expect(instance.config.addItems)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.removeItems)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.removeItemButton)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.editItems)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.duplicateItems)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.delimiter)'string'); expect(instance.config.paste)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.searchEnabled)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.searchChoices)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.searchFloor)'number'); expect(instance.config.searchResultLimit)'number'); // expect(instance.config.searchFields).to.equal(jasmine.any(Array) || jasmine.any(String)); expect(instance.config.position)'string'); expect(instance.config.regexFilter); expect(instance.config.sortFilter)'function'); expect(instance.config.shouldSort)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.shouldSortItems)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.placeholder)'boolean'); expect(instance.config.placeholderValue); expect(instance.config.prependValue); expect(instance.config.appendValue); expect(instance.config.renderSelectedChoices)'string'); expect(instance.config.loadingText)'string'); expect(instance.config.noResultsText)'string'); expect(instance.config.noChoicesText)'string'); expect(instance.config.itemSelectText)'string'); expect(instance.config.classNames)'object'); expect(instance.config.callbackOnInit); expect(instance.config.callbackOnCreateTemplates); }); it('should expose public methods', () => { expect(instance.init)'function'); expect(instance.destroy)'function'); expect(instance.render)'function'); expect(instance.renderGroups)'function'); expect(instance.renderItems)'function'); expect(instance.renderChoices)'function'); expect(instance.highlightItem)'function'); expect(instance.unhighlightItem)'function'); expect(instance.highlightAll)'function'); expect(instance.unhighlightAll)'function'); expect(instance.removeItemsByValue)'function'); expect(instance.removeActiveItems)'function'); expect(instance.removeHighlightedItems)'function'); expect(instance.showDropdown)'function'); expect(instance.hideDropdown)'function'); expect(instance.toggleDropdown)'function'); expect(instance.getValue)'function'); expect(instance.setValue)'function'); expect(instance.setValueByChoice)'function'); expect(instance.setChoices)'function'); expect(instance.disable)'function'); expect(instance.enable)'function'); expect(instance.ajax)'function'); expect(instance.clearStore)'function'); expect(instance.clearInput)'function'); }); it('should hide passed input', () => { expect('none'); }); it('should create an outer container', () => { expect(instance.containerOuter); }); it('should create an inner container', () => { expect(instance.containerInner); }); it('should create a choice list', () => { expect(instance.choiceList); }); it('should create an item list', () => { expect(instance.itemList); }); it('should create an input', () => { expect(instance.input); }); it('should create a dropdown', () => { expect(instance.dropdown); }); it('should backup and recover original styles', () => { const origStyle = 'background-color: #ccc; margin: 5px padding: 10px;'; instance.destroy(); input.setAttribute('style', origStyle); instance = new Choices(input); let style = input.getAttribute('data-choice-orig-style'); expect(style).to.equal(origStyle); instance.destroy(); style = input.getAttribute('data-choice-orig-style'); expect(style); style = input.getAttribute('style'); expect(style).to.equal(origStyle); }); }); describe('should accept text inputs', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; input.className = 'js-choices'; input.placeholder = 'Placeholder text'; document.body.appendChild(input); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should accept a user inputted value', () => { instance = new Choices(input); instance.input.element.focus(); instance.input.element.value = 'test'; instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, }); expect(instance.currentState.items[0].value).to.include(instance.input.element.value); }); it('should copy the passed placeholder to the cloned input', () => { instance = new Choices(input); expect(instance.input.element.placeholder).to.equal(input.placeholder); }); it('should not allow duplicates if duplicateItems is false', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { duplicateItems: false, items: ['test 1'], }); instance.input.element.focus(); instance.input.element.value = 'test 1'; instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, }); expect(instance.currentState.items[instance.currentState.items.length - 1].value).to.equal(instance.input.element.value); }); it('should filter input if regexFilter is passed', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { regexFilter: /^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/, }); instance.input.element.focus(); instance.input.element.value = ''; instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, }); instance.input.element.focus(); instance.input.element.value = 'not an email address'; instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, }); const lastItem = instance.currentState.items[instance.currentState.items.length - 1]; expect(lastItem.value).to.equal(''); expect(lastItem.value)'not an email address'); }); it('should prepend and append values if passed', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { prependValue: 'item-', appendValue: '-value', }); instance.input.element.focus(); instance.input.element.value = 'test'; instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, }); const lastItem = instance.currentState.items[instance.currentState.items.length - 1]; expect(lastItem.value)'test'); expect(lastItem.value).to.equal('item-test-value'); }); }); describe('should accept single select inputs', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('select'); input.className = 'js-choices'; input.placeholder = 'Placeholder text'; for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = `Value ${i}`; option.innerHTML = `Label ${i}`; input.appendChild(option); } document.body.appendChild(input); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should open the choice list on focusing', () => { instance = new Choices(input); instance.input.element.focus(); expect(instance.dropdown.element.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.activeState)); }); it('should select the first choice', () => { instance = new Choices(input); expect(instance.currentState.items[0].value).to.include('Value 1'); }); it('should highlight the choices on keydown', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { renderChoiceLimit: -1, }); instance.input.element.focus(); for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { // Key down to third choice instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 40, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); } expect(instance.highlightPosition).to.equal(2); }); it('should select choice on enter key press', () => { instance = new Choices(input); instance.input.element.focus(); // Key down to second choice instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 40, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); // Key down to select choice instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); expect(instance.currentState.items.length).to.equal(2); }); it('should trigger add/change event on selection', () => { instance = new Choices(input); const onChangeStub = sinon.stub(); const addSpyStub = sinon.stub(); const passedElement = instance.passedElement; passedElement.addEventListener('change', onChangeStub); passedElement.addEventListener('addItem', addSpyStub); instance.input.element.focus(); // Key down to second choice instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 40, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); // Key down to select choice instance._onKeyDown({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); const returnValue = onChangeStub.lastCall.args[0].detail.value; expect(returnValue)'string'); expect(onChangeStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(addSpyStub.callCount).to.equal(1); }); it('should open the dropdown on click', () => { instance = new Choices(input); const container = instance.containerOuter.element; instance._onClick({ target: container, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); expect(document.activeElement === instance.input.element && container.classList.contains('is-open')); }); it('should close the dropdown on double click', () => { instance = new Choices(input); const container = instance.containerOuter.element; const openState = instance.config.classNames.openState; instance._onClick({ target: container, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); instance._onClick({ target: container, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); expect(document.activeElement === instance.input.element && container.classList.contains(openState)); }); it('should trigger showDropdown on dropdown opening', () => { instance = new Choices(input); const container = instance.containerOuter.element; const showDropdownStub = sinon.spy(); const passedElement = instance.passedElement; passedElement.addEventListener('showDropdown', showDropdownStub); instance.input.focus(); instance._onClick({ target: container, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); expect(showDropdownStub.callCount).to.equal(1); }); it('should trigger hideDropdown on dropdown closing', () => { instance = new Choices(input); const container = instance.containerOuter.element; const hideDropdownStub = sinon.stub(); const passedElement = instance.passedElement; passedElement.addEventListener('hideDropdown', hideDropdownStub); instance.input.element.focus(); instance._onClick({ target: container, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); instance._onClick({ target: container, ctrlKey: false, preventDefault: () => {}, }); expect(hideDropdownStub.callCount).to.equal(1); }); it('should filter choices when searching', () => { instance = new Choices(input); const onSearchStub = sinon.spy(); const passedElement = instance.passedElement; passedElement.addEventListener('search', onSearchStub); instance.input.element.focus(); instance.input.element.value = '3 '; // Key down to search instance._onKeyUp({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, }); const mostAccurateResult = instance.currentState.choices.find(choice =>; expect(instance.isSearching && mostAccurateResult.value === 'Value 3'); expect(onSearchStub.callCount).to.equal(1); }); it('shouldn\'t filter choices when searching', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { searchChoices: false, }); instance.setValue(['Javascript', 'HTML', 'Jasmine']); const onSearchStub = sinon.spy(); const passedElement = instance.passedElement; passedElement.addEventListener('search', onSearchStub); instance.input.element.focus(); instance.input.element.value = 'Javascript'; // Key down to search instance._onKeyUp({ target: instance.input.element, keyCode: 13, ctrlKey: false, }); const activeOptions = instance.currentState.choices.filter(choice =>; expect(activeOptions.length).to.equal(instance.currentState.choices.length); expect(onSearchStub.callCount).to.equal(1); }); it('shouldn\'t sort choices if shouldSort is false', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { shouldSort: false, choices: [ { value: 'Value 5', label: 'Label Five', }, { value: 'Value 6', label: 'Label Six', }, { value: 'Value 7', label: 'Label Seven', }, ], }); expect(instance.currentState.choices[0].value).to.equal('Value 5'); }); it('should sort choices if shouldSort is true', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { shouldSort: true, choices: [ { value: 'Value 5', label: 'Label Five', }, { value: 'Value 6', label: 'Label Six', }, { value: 'Value 7', label: 'Label Seven', }, ], }); expect(instance.currentState.choices[0].value).to.equal('Value 1'); }); }); describe('should accept multiple select inputs', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('select'); input.className = 'js-choices'; input.setAttribute('multiple', ''); for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = `Value ${i}`; option.innerHTML = `Value ${i}`; if (i % 2) { option.selected = true; } input.appendChild(option); } document.body.appendChild(input); instance = new Choices(input, { placeholderValue: 'Placeholder text', choices: [ { value: 'One', label: 'Label One', selected: true, disabled: false, }, { value: 'Two', label: 'Label Two', disabled: true, }, { value: 'Three', label: 'Label Three', }, ], }); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should add any pre-defined values', () => { expect(instance.currentState.items.length); }); it('should add options defined in the config + pre-defined options', () => { expect(instance.currentState.choices.length).to.equal(6); }); it('should add a placeholder defined in the config to the search input', () => { expect(instance.input.element.placeholder).to.equal('Placeholder text'); }); }); describe('should handle public methods on select input types', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('select'); input.className = 'js-choices'; input.multiple = true; input.placeholder = 'Placeholder text'; for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = `Value ${i}`; option.innerHTML = `Value ${i}`; if (i % 2) { option.selected = true; } input.appendChild(option); } document.body.appendChild(input); instance = new Choices(input); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should handle highlightItem()', () => { const items = instance.currentState.items; const randomItem = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; instance.highlightItem(randomItem); expect(randomItem.highlighted); }); it('should handle unhighlightItem()', () => { const items = instance.currentState.items; const randomItem = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; instance.unhighlightItem(randomItem); expect(randomItem.highlighted); }); it('should handle highlightAll()', () => { const items = instance.currentState.items; instance.highlightAll(); const unhighlightedItems = items.some(item => item.highlighted === false); expect(unhighlightedItems); }); it('should handle unhighlightAll()', () => { const items = instance.currentState.items; instance.unhighlightAll(); const highlightedItems = items.some(item => item.highlighted === true); expect(highlightedItems); }); it('should handle removeHighlightedItems()', () => { const items = instance.currentState.items; instance.highlightAll(); instance.removeHighlightedItems(); const activeItems = items.some(item => === true); expect(activeItems); }); it('should handle showDropdown()', () => { instance.showDropdown(); const hasOpenState = instance.containerOuter.element.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.openState); const hasAttr = instance.containerOuter.element.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true'; const hasActiveState = instance.dropdown.element.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.activeState); expect(hasOpenState && hasAttr && hasActiveState); }); it('should handle hideDropdown()', () => { instance.showDropdown(); instance.hideDropdown(); const hasOpenState = instance.containerOuter.element.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.openState); const hasAttr = instance.containerOuter.element.getAttribute('aria-expanded') === 'true'; const hasActiveState = instance.dropdown.element.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.activeState); expect(hasOpenState && hasAttr && hasActiveState); }); it('should handle toggleDropdown()', () => { sinon.spy(instance, 'hideDropdown'); instance.showDropdown(); instance.toggleDropdown(); expect(instance.hideDropdown.callCount).to.equal(1); }); it('should handle getValue()', () => { const valueObjects = instance.getValue(); const valueStrings = instance.getValue(true); expect(valueStrings[0])'string'); expect(valueObjects[0])'object'); expect(valueObjects)'array'); expect(valueObjects.length).to.equal(5); }); it('should handle setValue()', () => { instance.setValue(['Set value 1', 'Set value 2', 'Set value 3']); const valueStrings = instance.getValue(true); expect(valueStrings[valueStrings.length - 1]).to.equal('Set value 3'); expect(valueStrings[valueStrings.length - 2]).to.equal('Set value 2'); expect(valueStrings[valueStrings.length - 3]).to.equal('Set value 1'); }); it('should handle setValueByChoice()', () => { const choices =; const randomChoice = choices[Math.floor(Math.random() * choices.length)]; instance.highlightAll(); instance.removeHighlightedItems(); instance.setValueByChoice(randomChoice.value); const value = instance.getValue(true); expect(value[0]).to.equal(randomChoice.value); }); it('should handle setChoices()', () => { instance.setChoices([{ label: 'Group one', id: 1, disabled: false, choices: [ { value: 'Child One', label: 'Child One', selected: true, }, { value: 'Child Two', label: 'Child Two', disabled: true, }, { value: 'Child Three', label: 'Child Three', }, ], }, { label: 'Group two', id: 2, disabled: false, choices: [ { value: 'Child Four', label: 'Child Four', disabled: true, }, { value: 'Child Five', label: 'Child Five', }, { value: 'Child Six', label: 'Child Six', }, ], }], 'value', 'label'); const groups = instance.currentState.groups; const choices = instance.currentState.choices; expect(groups[groups.length - 1].value).to.equal('Group two'); expect(groups[groups.length - 2].value).to.equal('Group one'); expect(choices[choices.length - 1].value).to.equal('Child Six'); expect(choices[choices.length - 2].value).to.equal('Child Five'); }); it('should handle setChoices() with blank values', () => { instance.setChoices([{ label: 'Choice one', value: 'one', }, { label: 'Choice two', value: '', }], 'value', 'label', true); const choices = instance.currentState.choices; expect(choices[0].value).to.equal('one'); expect(choices[1].value).to.equal(''); }); it('should handle clearStore()', () => { instance.clearStore(); expect(instance.currentState.items).to.have.lengthOf(0); expect(instance.currentState.choices).to.have.lengthOf(0); expect(instance.currentState.groups).to.have.lengthOf(0); }); it('should handle disable()', () => { instance.disable(); expect(instance.input.element.disabled); expect(instance.containerOuter.element.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.disabledState)); expect(instance.containerOuter.element.getAttribute('aria-disabled')).to.equal('true'); }); it('should handle enable()', () => { instance.enable(); expect(instance.input.element.disabled); expect(instance.containerOuter.element.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.disabledState)); expect(instance.containerOuter.element.hasAttribute('aria-disabled')); }); it('should handle ajax()', () => { sinon.spy(instance, 'ajax'); instance.ajax((callback) => { fetch('') .then((response) => { response.json().then((data) => { callback(data, 'alpha2Code', 'name'); }); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); }); }); expect(instance.ajax).to.have.been.called(); }); }); describe('should handle public methods on select-one input types', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('select'); input.className = 'js-choices'; input.placeholder = 'Placeholder text'; for (let i = 1; i < 10; i++) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = `Value ${i}`; option.innerHTML = `Value ${i}`; if (i % 2) { option.selected = true; } input.appendChild(option); } document.body.appendChild(input); instance = new Choices(input); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should handle disable()', () => { instance.disable(); expect(instance.containerOuter.element.getAttribute('tabindex')).to.equal('-1'); }); it('should handle enable()', () => { instance.enable(); expect(instance.containerOuter.element.getAttribute('tabindex')).to.equal('0'); }); }); describe('should handle public methods on text input types', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('input'); input.type = 'text'; input.className = 'js-choices'; input.value = 'Value 1, Value 2, Value 3, Value 4'; document.body.appendChild(input); instance = new Choices(input); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should handle clearInput()', () => { instance.clearInput(); expect(instance.input.element.value).to.equal(''); }); it('should handle removeItemsByValue()', () => { const items = instance.currentState.items; const randomItem = items[Math.floor(Math.random() * items.length)]; instance.removeItemsByValue(randomItem.value); expect(; }); }); describe('should react to config options', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('select'); input.className = 'js-choices'; input.setAttribute('multiple', ''); for (let i = 1; i < 4; i++) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = `Value ${i}`; option.innerHTML = `Value ${i}`; if (i % 2) { option.selected = true; } input.appendChild(option); } document.body.appendChild(input); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should flip the dropdown', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { position: 'top', }); const container = instance.containerOuter.element; instance.input.element.focus(); expect(container.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.flippedState)); }); it('shouldn\'t flip the dropdown', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { position: 'bottom', }); const container = instance.containerOuter.element; instance.input.element.focus(); expect(container.classList.contains(instance.config.classNames.flippedState)); }); it('should render selected choices', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { renderSelectedChoices: 'always', renderChoiceLimit: -1, }); const renderedChoices = instance.choiceList.element.querySelectorAll('.choices__item'); expect(renderedChoices.length).to.equal(3); }); it('shouldn\'t render selected choices', () => { instance = new Choices(input, { renderSelectedChoices: 'auto', renderChoiceLimit: -1, }); const renderedChoices = instance.choiceList.element.querySelectorAll('.choices__item'); expect(renderedChoices.length).to.equal(1); }); it('shouldn\'t render choices up to a render limit', () => { // Remove existing choices (to make test simpler) while (input.firstChild) { input.removeChild(input.firstChild); } instance = new Choices(input, { choices: [ { value: 'Option 1', selected: false, }, { value: 'Option 2', selected: false, }, { value: 'Option 3', selected: false, }, { value: 'Option 4', selected: false, }, { value: 'Option 5', selected: false, }, ], renderSelectedChoices: 'auto', renderChoiceLimit: 4, }); const renderedChoices = instance.choiceList.element.querySelectorAll('.choices__item'); expect(renderedChoices.length).to.equal(4); }); }); describe('should allow custom properties provided by the user on items or choices', () => { it('should allow the user to supply custom properties for an item', () => { const randomItem = { id: 8999, choiceId: 9000, groupId: 9001, value: 'value', label: 'label', customProperties: { foo: 'bar', }, placeholder: false, keyCode: null, }; const expectedState = [{ id:, choiceId: randomItem.choiceId, groupId: randomItem.groupId, value: randomItem.value, label: randomItem.label, active: true, highlighted: false, customProperties: randomItem.customProperties, placeholder: randomItem.placeholder, keyCode: randomItem.keyCode, }]; const action = addItemAction( randomItem.value, randomItem.label,, randomItem.choiceId, randomItem.groupId, randomItem.customProperties, randomItem.placeholder, randomItem.keyCode, ); expect(itemReducer([], action)).to.deep.equal(expectedState); }); it('should allow the user to supply custom properties for a choice', () => { const randomChoice = { id: 123, elementId: 321, groupId: 213, value: 'value', label: 'label', disabled: false, customProperties: { foo: 'bar', }, placeholder: false, keyCode: null, }; const expectedState = [{ id:, elementId: randomChoice.elementId, groupId: randomChoice.groupId, value: randomChoice.value, label: randomChoice.label, disabled: randomChoice.disabled, selected: false, active: true, score: 9999, customProperties: randomChoice.customProperties, placeholder: randomChoice.placeholder, keyCode: randomChoice.keyCode, }]; const action = addChoiceAction( randomChoice.value, randomChoice.label,, randomChoice.groupId, randomChoice.disabled, randomChoice.elementId, randomChoice.customProperties, randomChoice.placeholder, randomChoice.keyCode, ); expect(choiceReducer([], action)).to.deep.equal(expectedState); }); }); describe('should allow custom properties provided by the user on items or choices', () => { let input; let instance; beforeEach(() => { input = document.createElement('select'); input.className = 'js-choices'; input.setAttribute('multiple', ''); document.body.appendChild(input); }); afterEach(() => { instance.destroy(); }); it('should allow the user to supply custom properties for a choice that will be inherited by the item when the user selects the choice', () => { const expectedCustomProperties = { isBestOptionEver: true, }; instance = new Choices(input); instance.setChoices([{ value: '42', label: 'My awesome choice', selected: false, disabled: false, customProperties: expectedCustomProperties, }], 'value', 'label', true); instance.setValueByChoice('42'); const selectedItems = instance.getValue(); expect(selectedItems.length).to.equal(1); expect(selectedItems[0].customProperties).to.equal(expectedCustomProperties); }); it('should allow the user to supply custom properties when directly creating a selected item', () => { const expectedCustomProperties = { isBestOptionEver: true, }; instance = new Choices(input); instance.setValue([{ value: 'bar', label: 'foo', customProperties: expectedCustomProperties, }]); const selectedItems = instance.getValue(); expect(selectedItems.length).to.equal(1); expect(selectedItems[0].customProperties).to.equal(expectedCustomProperties); }); }); });