# Choices.js [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/jshjohnson/Choices.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/jshjohnson/Choices) A vanilla, lightweight (~15kb gzipped 🎉), configurable select box/text input plugin. Similar to Select2 and Selectize but without the jQuery dependency. [Demo](https://joshuajohnson.co.uk/Choices/) ## TL;DR ✔ Lightweight ✔ No jQuery dependency ✔ Configurable sorting ✔ Flexible styling ✔ Fast search/filtering ✔ Clean API ## Setup ```html ``` ## Installation `npm install choices.js --save` ## Terminology | Word | Definition | | ------ | ---------- | | Choice | A choice is a value a user can select. A choice would be equivelant to the `` element within a select input. | | Group | A group is a collection of choices. A group should be seen as equivalent to a `` element within a select input.| | Item | An item is an inputted value (text input) or a selected choice (select element). In the context of a select element, an item is equivelent to a selected option element: `` whereas in the context of a text input an item is equivelant to ``| ## Configuration options ### items **Type:** `Array` **Default:** `[]` **Input types affected:** `text` **Usage:** Add pre-selected items (see terminology) to text input. Pass an array of strings: `['value 1', 'value 2', 'value 3']` Pass an array of objects: ``` [{ value: 'Value 1', label: 'Label 1', id: 1 }, { value: 'Value 2', label: 'Label 2', id: 2 }] ``` ### choices **Type:** `Array` **Default:** `[]` **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Add choices (see terminology) to select input. Pass an array of objects: ``` [{ value: 'Option 1', label: 'Option 1', selected: true, disabled: false, }, { value: 'Option 2', label: 'Option 2', selected: false, disabled: true, }] ``` ### maxItemCount **Type:** `Number` **Default:** `-1` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** The amount of items a user can input/select ("-1" indicates no limit). ### addItems **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `true` **Input types affected:** `text` **Usage:** Whether a user can add items to the passed input's value. ### removeItems **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `true` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Whether a user can remove items. ### removeItemButton **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `false` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Whether a button should show that, when clicked, will remove an item. ### editItems **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `false` **Input types affected:** `text` **Usage:** Whether a user can edit items. An items value can be edited by pressing the backspace. ### duplicateItems **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `true` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Whether a user can input/choose a duplicate item. ### delimiter **Type:** `String` **Default:** `,` **Input types affected:** `text` **Usage:** What divides each value. By default the delimited value would be `"Value 1, Value 2, Value 3"`. ### paste **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `true` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Whether a user can paste into the input. ### search **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `true` **Input types affected:** `select-one` **Usage:** Whether a user should be allowed to search avaiable choices. Note that multiple select boxes will always show search inputs. ### flip **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `true` **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Whether the dropdown should appear above the input if there is not enough space within the window. ### regexFilter **Type:** `Regex` **Default:** `null` **Input types affected:** `text` **Usage:** A filter that will need to pass for a user to successfully add an item. ### shouldSort **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `true` **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Whether choices should be sorted. If false, choices will appear in the order they were given. ### sortFilter **Type:** `Function` **Default:** sortByAlpha **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** The function that will sort choices before they are displayed (unless a user is searching). By default choices are sorted by alphabetical order. **Example:** ```js // Sorting via length of label from largest to smallest const example = new Choices(element, { sortFilter: function(a, b) { return b.label.length - a.label.length; }, }; ``` ### sortFields **Type:** `Array/String` **Default:** `['label', 'value']` **Input types affected:**`select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Specify which fields should be used for sorting when a user is searching. If a user is not searching and sorting is enabled, only the choice's label will be sorted. ### placeholder **Type:** `Boolean` **Default:** `true` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Whether the input should show a placeholder. Used in conjunction with `placeholderValue`. If `placeholder` is set to true and no value is passed to `placeholderValue`, the passed input's placeholder attribute will be used as the placeholder value. ### placeholderValue **Type:** `String` **Default:** `null` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** The value of the inputs placeholder. ### prependValue **Type:** `String` **Default:** `null` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Prepend a value to each item added/selected. ### appendValue **Type:** `String` **Default:** `null` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Append a value to each item added/selected. ### loadingText **Type:** `String` **Default:** `Loading...` **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** The text that is shown whilst choices are being populated via AJAX. ### noResultsText **Type:** `String` **Default:** `No results round` **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** The text that is shown when a user's search has returned no results. ### noChoicesText **Type:** `String` **Default:** `No choices to choose from` **Input types affected:** `select-multiple` **Usage:** The text that is shown when a user has selected all possible choices. ### classNames **Type:** `Object` **Default:** ``` classNames: { containerOuter: 'choices', containerInner: 'choices__inner', input: 'choices__input', inputCloned: 'choices__input--cloned', list: 'choices__list', listItems: 'choices__list--multiple', listSingle: 'choices__list--single', listDropdown: 'choices__list--dropdown', item: 'choices__item', itemSelectable: 'choices__item--selectable', itemDisabled: 'choices__item--disabled', itemOption: 'choices__item--choice', group: 'choices__group', groupHeading : 'choices__heading', button: 'choices__button', activeState: 'is-active', focusState: 'is-focused', openState: 'is-open', disabledState: 'is-disabled', highlightedState: 'is-highlighted', hiddenState: 'is-hidden', flippedState: 'is-flipped', selectedState: 'is-highlighted', } ``` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Classes added to HTML generated by Choices. By default classnames follow the [BEM](http://csswizardry.com/2013/01/mindbemding-getting-your-head-round-bem-syntax/) notation. ### callbackOnInit **Type:** `Function` **Default:** `() => {}` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Function to run once Choices initialises. ### callbackOnAddItem **Type:** `Function` **Default:** `(id, value, passedInput) => {}` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Function to run each time an item is added (programmatically or by the user). ### callbackOnRemoveItem **Type:** `Function` **Default:** `(id, value, passedInput) => {}` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Function to run each time an item is removed (programmatically or by the user). ### callbackOnHighlightItem **Type:** `Function` **Default:** `(id, value, passedInput) => {}` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Function to run each time an item is highlighted. ### callbackOnUnhighlightItem **Type:** `Function` **Default:** `(id, value, passedInput) => {}` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Function to run each time an item is unhighlighted. ### callbackOnChange **Type:** `Function` **Default:** `(value, passedInput) => {}` **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Function to run each time an item is added/removed by a user. ## Methods Methods can be called either directly or by chaining: ```js // Calling a method by chaining const choices = new Choices(element, { addItems: false, removeItems: false, }).setValue(['Set value 1', 'Set value 2']).disable(); // Calling a method directly const choices = new Choices(element, { addItems: false, removeItems: false, }); choices.setValue(['Set value 1', 'Set value 2']) choices.disable(); ``` ### destroy(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple`, `select-one` **Usage:** Kills the instance of Choices, removes all event listeners and returns passed input to its initial state. ### init(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple`, `select-one` **Usage:** Creates a new instance of Choices, adds event listeners, creates templates and renders a Choices element to the DOM. **Note:** This is called implicitly when a new instance of Choices is created. This would be used after a Choices instance had already been destroyed (using `destroy()`). ### highlightAll(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Highlight each chosen item (selected items can be removed). ### unhighlightAll(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Un-highlight each chosen item. ### removeItemsByValue(value); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Remove each item by a given value. ### removeActiveItems(excludedId); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Remove each selectable item. ### removeHighlightedItems(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Remove each item the user has selected. ### showDropdown(); **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Show option list dropdown (only affects select inputs). ### hideDropdown(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Hide option list dropdown (only affects select inputs). ### toggleDropdown(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Toggle dropdown between showing/hidden. ### setChoices(choices, value, label); **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Set choices of select input via an array of objects, a value name and a label name. This behaves the same as passing items via the `choices` option but can be called after initialising Choices. This can also be used to add groups of choices (see example 2); **Example 1:** ```js const example = new Choices(element); example.setChoices([ {value: 'One', label: 'Label One', disabled: true}, {value: 'Two', label: 'Label Two' selected: true}, {value: 'Three', label: 'Label Three'}, ], 'value', 'label'); ``` **Example 2:** ```js const example = new Choices(element); example.setChoices([{ label: 'Group one', id: 1, disabled: false, choices: [ {value: 'Child One', label: 'Child One', selected: true}, {value: 'Child Two', label: 'Child Two', disabled: true}, {value: 'Child Three', label: 'Child Three'}, ] }, { label: 'Group two', id: 2, disabled: false, choices: [ {value: 'Child Four', label: 'Child Four', disabled: true}, {value: 'Child Five', label: 'Child Five'}, {value: 'Child Six', label: 'Child Six'}, ] }], 'value', 'label'); ``` ### getValue(valueOnly) **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Get value(s) of input (i.e. inputted items (text) or selected choices (select)). Optionally pass an argument of `true` to only return values rather than value objects. **Example:** ```js const example = new Choices(element); const values = example.getValue(true); // returns ['value 1', 'value 2']; const valueArray = example.getValue(); // returns [{ active: true, choiceId: 1, highlighted: false, id: 1, label: 'Label 1', value: 'Value 1'}, { active: true, choiceId: 2, highlighted: false, id: 2, label: 'Label 2', value: 'Value 2'}]; ``` ### setValue(args); **Input types affected:** `text` **Usage:** Set value of input based on an array of objects or strings. This behaves exactly the same as passing items via the `items` option but can be called after initialising Choices. **Example:** ```js const example = new Choices(element); // via an array of objects example.setValue([ {value: 'One', label: 'Label One'}, {value: 'Two', label: 'Label Two'}, {value: 'Three', label: 'Label Three'}, ]); // or via an array of strings example.setValue(['Four','Five','Six']); ``` ### setValueByChoice(value); **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Set value of input based on existing Choice. **Example:** ```js const example = new Choices(element, { choices: [ {value: 'One', label: 'Label One'}, {value: 'Two', label: 'Label Two', disabled: true}, {value: 'Three', label: 'Label Three'}, ], }); example.setValueByChoice('Two'); // Choice with value of 'Two' has now been selected. ``` ### clearStore(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Removes all items, choices and groups. Use with caution. ### clearInput(); **Input types affected:** `text` **Usage:** Clear input of any user inputted text. ### disable(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Disables input from accepting new value/sselecting further choices. ### enable(); **Input types affected:** `text`, `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Enables input to accept new values/select further choices. ### ajax(fn); **Input types affected:** `select-one`, `select-multiple` **Usage:** Populate options via a callback. **Example:** ```js var example = new Choices(element); example.ajax(function(callback) { fetch(url) .then(function(response) { response.json().then(function(data) { callback(data, 'value', 'label'); }); }) .catch(function(error) { console.log(error); }); }); ``` ## Browser compatibility Choices is compiled using [Babel](https://babeljs.io/) to enable support for [ES5 browsers](http://caniuse.com/#feat=es5). If you need to support a browser that does not support one of the features listed below, I suggest including a polyfill from the very good [polyfill.io](https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/docs/): **Polyfill example used for the demo:** ```html ``` **Features used in Choices:** * Array.prototype.forEach * Array.prototype.map * Array.prototype.find * Array.prototype.some * Array.prototype.reduce * Array.prototype.indexOf * Element.prototype.classList * window.requestAnimationFrame ## Development To setup a local environment: clone this repo, navigate into it's directory in a terminal window and run the following command: ```npm install``` ### NPM tasks | Task | Usage | | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | `npm start` | Fire up local server for development | | `npm run js:build` | Compile Choices to an uglified JavaScript file | | `npm run css:watch` | Watch SCSS files for changes. On a change, run build process | | `npm run css:build` | Compile, minify and prefix SCSS files to CSS | ## Contributions In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm scripts...bla bla bla ## License MIT License ## Misc Thanks to [@mikefrancis](https://github.com/mikefrancis/) for [sending me on a hunt](https://twitter.com/_mikefrancis/status/701797835826667520) for a non-jQuery solution for select boxes that eventually led to this being built!