describe('Choices - text element', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit('/text', { onBeforeLoad(win) { cy.stub(win.console, 'warn').as('consoleWarn'); }, }); }); describe('scenarios', () => { const textInput = 'testing'; describe('basic', () => { describe('adding items', () => { it('allows me to input items', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(textInput) .type('{enter}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .should(($el) => { expect($el).to.contain(textInput); }); }); it('updates the value of the original input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(textInput) .type('{enter}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input[hidden]') .should('have.value', textInput); }); describe('inputting data', () => { it('shows a dropdown prompt', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(textInput); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('be.visible') .should(($dropdown) => { const dropdownText = $dropdown.text().trim(); expect(dropdownText).to.equal( `Press Enter to add "${textInput}"`, ); }); }); }); }); }); describe('editing items', () => { beforeEach(() => { for (let index = 0; index < 3; index++) { cy.get('[data-test-hook=edit-items]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(textInput) .type('{enter}'); } }); describe('on back space', () => { it('allows me to change my entry', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=edit-items]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{backspace}') .type('-edited') .type('{enter}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=edit-items]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .should(($choice) => { expect($'value')).to.equal(`${textInput}-edited`); }); }); }); describe('on cmd+a', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=edit-items]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{cmd}a'); }); it('highlights all items', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=edit-items]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .each(($choice) => { expect($choice.hasClass('is-highlighted')).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('on backspace', () => { it('clears all inputted values', () => { // two backspaces are needed as Cypress has an issue where // it will also insert an 'a' character into the text input cy.get('[data-test-hook=edit-items]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{backspace}{backspace}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=edit-items]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .should('have.length', 0); }); }); }); }); describe('remove button', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(`${textInput}`) .type('{enter}'); }); describe('on click', () => { it('removes respective choice', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__list--multiple') .children() .should(($items) => { expect($items.length).to.equal(1); }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .find('.choices__button') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .should(($items) => { expect($items.length).to.equal(0); }); }); it('updates the value of the original input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .find('.choices__button') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__input[hidden]') .then(($input) => { expect($input.val()).to.not.contain(textInput); }); }); }); }); describe('unique values only', () => { describe('unique values', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=unique-values]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(`${textInput}`) .type('{enter}') .type(`${textInput}`) .type('{enter}'); }); it('only allows me to input unique values', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=unique-values]') .find('.choices__list--multiple') .first() .children() .should(($items) => { expect($items.length).to.equal(1); }); }); describe('inputting a non-unique value', () => { it('displays dropdown prompt', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=unique-values]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('be.visible') .should(($dropdown) => { const dropdownText = $dropdown.text().trim(); expect(dropdownText).to.equal( 'Only unique values can be added', ); }); }); }); }); }); describe('input limit', () => { const inputLimit = 5; beforeEach(() => { for (let index = 0; index < inputLimit + 1; index++) { cy.get('[data-test-hook=input-limit]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(`${textInput} + ${index}`) .type('{enter}'); } }); it('does not let me input more than 5 choices', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=input-limit]') .find('.choices__list--multiple') .first() .children() .should(($items) => { expect($items.length).to.equal(inputLimit); }); }); describe('reaching input limit', () => { it('displays dropdown prompt', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=input-limit]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('be.visible') .should(($dropdown) => { const dropdownText = $dropdown.text().trim(); expect(dropdownText).to.equal( `Only ${inputLimit} values can be added`, ); }); }); }); }); describe('add item filter', () => { describe('inputting a value that satisfies the filter', () => { const input = ''; it('allows me to add choice', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-item-filter]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(input) .type('{enter}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-item-filter]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .should(($choice) => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal(input); }); }); }); describe('inputting a value that does not satisfy the regex', () => { it('displays dropdown prompt', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-item-filter]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(`this is not an email address`) .type('{enter}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-item-filter]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('be.visible') .should(($dropdown) => { const dropdownText = $dropdown.text().trim(); expect(dropdownText).to.equal( 'Only values matching specific conditions can be added', ); }); }); }); }); describe('prepend/append', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepend-append]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(textInput) .type('{enter}'); }); it('prepends and appends value to inputted value', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepend-append]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .should(($choice) => { expect($'value')).to.equal(`before-${textInput}-after`); }); }); it('displays just the inputted value to the user', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepend-append]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .should(($choice) => { expect($choice.text()).to.not.contain(`before-${textInput}-after`); expect($choice.text()).to.contain(textInput); }); }); }); describe('adding items disabled', () => { /* { addItems: false, } */ beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-items-disabled]') .find('.choices') .click(); }); it('disables adding new items', () => { const newChoice = 'New Choice'; cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-items-disabled]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(newChoice) .type('{enter}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-items-disabled]') .find('.choices__list--multiple') .last() .should($el => { expect($el).to.not.contain(newChoice); }); }); }); describe('disabled via attribute', () => { it('does not allow me to input data', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=disabled-via-attr]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .should('be.disabled'); }); }); describe('pre-populated choices', () => { it('pre-populates choices', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepopulated]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .should(($choices) => { expect($choices.length).to.equal(2); }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepopulated]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .first() .should(($choice) => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal('Josh Johnson'); }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepopulated]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .should(($choice) => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal('Joe Bloggs'); }); }); }); describe('placeholder', () => { /* { placeholder: true, placeholderValue: 'I am a placeholder', } */ describe('when no value has been inputted', () => { it('displays a placeholder', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=placeholder]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .should('have.attr', 'placeholder', 'I am a placeholder'); }); }); }); describe('allow html', () => { describe('is undefined', () => { it('logs a deprecation warning', () => { cy.get('@consoleWarn').should( 'be.calledOnceWithExactly', 'Deprecation warning: allowHTML will default to false in a future release. To render HTML in Choices, you will need to set it to true. Setting allowHTML will suppress this message.', ); }); it('does not show html as text', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=allowhtml-undefined]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .first() .should(($choice) => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal('Mason Rogers'); }); }); }); describe('set to true', () => { it('does not show html as text', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=allowhtml-true]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .first() .should(($choice) => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal('Mason Rogers'); }); }); }); describe('set to false', () => { it('shows html as text', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=allowhtml-false]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .first() .should(($choice) => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal('Mason Rogers'); }); }); }); }); describe('within form', () => { describe('inputting item', () => { describe('on enter key', () => { it('does not submit form', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=within-form] form').then(($form) => { $form.submit(() => { // this will fail the test if the form submits throw new Error('Form submitted'); }); }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=within-form]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(textInput) .type('{enter}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=within-form]') .find('.choices__list--multiple .choices__item') .last() .should(($el) => { expect($el).to.contain(textInput); }); }); }); }); }); }); });