import { expect } from 'chai'; import { Choice } from '../interfaces/choice'; import choices, { defaultState } from './choices'; describe('reducers/choices', () => { it('should return same state when no action matches', () => { expect(choices(defaultState, {} as any)).to.equal(defaultState); }); describe('when choices do not exist', () => { describe('ADD_CHOICE', () => { const value = 'test'; const label = 'test'; const id = 1; const groupId = 1; const disabled = false; const elementId = 1; const customProperties = { test: true }; const placeholder = true; describe('passing expected values', () => { it('adds choice', () => { const expectedResponse = [ { value, label, id, groupId, disabled, elementId, customProperties, placeholder, selected: false, active: true, score: 9999, }, ]; const actualResponse = choices(undefined, { type: 'ADD_CHOICE', value, label, id, groupId, disabled, elementId, customProperties, placeholder, }); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('fallback values', () => { describe('passing no label', () => { it('adds choice using value as label', () => { const expectedResponse = [ { value, label: value, id, groupId, disabled, elementId, customProperties, placeholder, selected: false, active: true, score: 9999, }, ]; const actualResponse = choices(undefined, { type: 'ADD_CHOICE', value, label: undefined, id, groupId, disabled, elementId, customProperties, placeholder, }); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('passing no placeholder value', () => { it('adds choice with placeholder set to false', () => { const expectedResponse = [ { value, label: value, id, groupId, disabled, elementId, customProperties, placeholder: false, selected: false, active: true, score: 9999, }, ]; const actualResponse = choices(undefined, { type: 'ADD_CHOICE', value, label: undefined, id, groupId, disabled, elementId, customProperties, placeholder: undefined, }); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); }); }); }); describe('when choices exist', () => { let state; beforeEach(() => { state = [ { id: 1, elementId: 'choices-test-1', groupId: -1, value: 'Choice 1', label: 'Choice 1', disabled: false, selected: false, active: false, score: 9999, customProperties: null, placeholder: false, }, { id: 2, elementId: 'choices-test-2', groupId: -1, value: 'Choice 2', label: 'Choice 2', disabled: false, selected: true, active: false, score: 9999, customProperties: null, placeholder: false, }, ]; }); describe('FILTER_CHOICES', () => { it('sets active flag based on whether choice is in passed results', () => { const id = 1; const score = 10; const active = true; const expectedResponse = { ...state[0], active, score, }; const actualResponse = choices(state, { type: 'FILTER_CHOICES', results: [ { item: { id } as Choice, score, }, ], }).find((choice) => === id); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('ACTIVATE_CHOICES', () => { it('sets active flag to passed value', () => { const clonedState = state.slice(0); const expectedResponse = [ { ...state[0], active: true, }, { ...state[1], active: true, }, ]; const actualResponse = choices(clonedState, { type: 'ACTIVATE_CHOICES', active: true, }); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('CLEAR_CHOICES', () => { it('restores to defaultState', () => { const clonedState = state.slice(0); const expectedResponse = defaultState; const actualResponse = choices(clonedState, { type: 'CLEAR_CHOICES', }); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('ADD_ITEM', () => { describe('when action has a choice id', () => { it('disables choice corresponding with id', () => { const id = 2; const clonedState = state.slice(0); const expectedResponse = [ { ...state[0], }, { ...state[1], selected: true, }, ]; const actualResponse = choices(clonedState, { type: 'ADD_ITEM', choiceId: id, }); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('when action has no choice id', () => { it('returns state', () => { const clonedState = state.slice(0); const actualResponse = choices(clonedState, { type: 'ADD_ITEM', choiceId: undefined, }); expect(actualResponse).to.equal(clonedState); }); }); }); describe('REMOVE_ITEM', () => { it('selects choice by passed id', () => { const id = 2; const clonedState = state.slice(0); const expectedResponse = [ { ...state[0], }, { ...state[1], selected: false, }, ]; const actualResponse = choices(clonedState, { type: 'REMOVE_ITEM', choiceId: id, }); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); describe('passing no id', () => { it('returns state', () => { const clonedState = state.slice(0); const actualResponse = choices(clonedState, { type: 'REMOVE_ITEM', choiceId: undefined, }); expect(actualResponse).to.equal(clonedState); }); }); }); }); });