import { getWindowHeight } from '../lib/utils'; export default class Container { constructor(instance, element, classNames) { this.parentInstance = instance; this.element = element; this.classNames = classNames; this.config = instance.config; this.isOpen = false; this.isFlipped = false; this.isFocussed = false; this.isDisabled = false; this.isLoading = false; this.onFocus = this.onFocus.bind(this); this.onBlur = this.onBlur.bind(this); } getElement() { return this.element; } /** * Add event listeners */ addEventListeners() { this.element.addEventListener('focus', this.onFocus); this.element.addEventListener('blur', this.onBlur); } /** * Remove event listeners */ /** */ removeEventListeners() { this.element.removeEventListener('focus', this.onFocus); this.element.removeEventListener('blur', this.onBlur); } /** * Set focussed state */ onFocus() { this.isFocussed = true; } /** * Remove blurred state */ onBlur() { this.isFocussed = false; } /** * Determine whether container should be flipped * based on passed dropdown position * @param {Number} dropdownPos * @returns */ shouldFlip(dropdownPos, windowHeight = getWindowHeight()) { if (dropdownPos === undefined) { return false; } // If flip is enabled and the dropdown bottom position is // greater than the window height flip the dropdown. let shouldFlip = false; if (this.config.position === 'auto') { shouldFlip = dropdownPos >= windowHeight; } else if (this.config.position === 'top') { shouldFlip = true; } return shouldFlip; } /** * Set active descendant attribute * @param {Number} activeDescendant ID of active descendant */ setActiveDescendant(activeDescendantID) { this.element.setAttribute('aria-activedescendant', activeDescendantID); } /** * Remove active descendant attribute */ removeActiveDescendant() { this.element.removeAttribute('aria-activedescendant'); } open(dropdownPos) { this.element.classList.add(this.classNames.openState); this.element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'true'); this.isOpen = true; if (this.shouldFlip(dropdownPos)) { this.element.classList.add(this.classNames.flippedState); this.isFlipped = true; } } close() { this.element.classList.remove(this.classNames.openState); this.element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false'); this.removeActiveDescendant(); this.isOpen = false; // A dropdown flips if it does not have space within the page if (this.isFlipped) { this.element.classList.remove(this.classNames.flippedState); this.isFlipped = false; } } focus() { if (!this.isFocussed) { this.element.focus(); } } addFocusState() { this.element.classList.add(this.classNames.focusState); } removeFocusState() { this.element.classList.remove(this.classNames.focusState); } /** * Remove disabled state */ enable() { this.element.classList.remove(this.classNames.disabledState); this.element.removeAttribute('aria-disabled'); if (this.parentInstance.isSelectOneElement) { this.element.setAttribute('tabindex', '0'); } this.isDisabled = false; } /** * Set disabled state */ disable() { this.element.classList.add(this.classNames.disabledState); this.element.setAttribute('aria-disabled', 'true'); if (this.parentInstance.isSelectOneElement) { this.element.setAttribute('tabindex', '-1'); } this.isDisabled = true; } revert(originalElement) { // Move passed element back to original position this.element.parentNode.insertBefore( originalElement, this.element, ); // Remove container this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); } /** * Add loading state to element */ addLoadingState() { this.element.classList.add(this.classNames.loadingState); this.element.setAttribute('aria-busy', 'true'); this.isLoading = true; } /** * Remove loading state from element */ removeLoadingState() { this.element.classList.remove(this.classNames.loadingState); this.element.removeAttribute('aria-busy'); this.isLoading = false; } }