import { expect } from 'chai'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import Store from './store'; describe('reducers/store', () => { let instance; let subscribeStub; let dispatchStub; let getStateStub; beforeEach(() => { instance = new Store(); subscribeStub = sinon.stub(instance._store, 'subscribe'); dispatchStub = sinon.stub(instance._store, 'dispatch'); getStateStub = sinon.stub(instance._store, 'getState'); }); afterEach(() => { subscribeStub.restore(); dispatchStub.restore(); getStateStub.restore(); }); describe('constructor', () => { it('creates redux store', () => { expect(instance._store).to.contain.keys([ 'subscribe', 'dispatch', 'getState', ]); }); }); describe('subscribe', () => { it('wraps redux subscribe method', () => { const onChange = () => {}; expect(subscribeStub.callCount).to.equal(0); instance.subscribe(onChange); expect(subscribeStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(subscribeStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(onChange); }); }); describe('dispatch', () => { it('wraps redux dispatch method', () => { const action = 'TEST_ACTION'; expect(dispatchStub.callCount).to.equal(0); instance.dispatch(action); expect(dispatchStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(dispatchStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(action); }); }); describe('state getter', () => { it('returns state', () => { const state = { items: [] }; getStateStub.returns(state); expect(instance.state).to.equal(state); }); }); describe('store selectors', () => { let state; beforeEach(() => { state = { items: [ { id: 1, choiceId: 1, groupId: -1, value: 'Item one', label: 'Item one', active: false, highlighted: false, customProperties: null, placeholder: false, keyCode: null, }, { id: 2, choiceId: 2, groupId: -1, value: 'Item two', label: 'Item two', active: true, highlighted: false, customProperties: null, placeholder: false, keyCode: null, }, { id: 3, choiceId: 3, groupId: -1, value: 'Item three', label: 'Item three', active: true, highlighted: true, customProperties: null, placeholder: false, keyCode: null, }, ], choices: [ { id: 1, elementId: 'choices-test-1', groupId: -1, value: 'Choice 1', label: 'Choice 1', disabled: false, selected: false, active: true, score: 9999, customProperties: null, placeholder: false, keyCode: null, }, { id: 2, elementId: 'choices-test-2', groupId: -1, value: 'Choice 2', label: 'Choice 2', disabled: false, selected: true, active: false, score: 9999, customProperties: null, placeholder: false, keyCode: null, }, ], groups: [ { id: 1, value: 'Group one', active: true, disabled: false, }, { id: 2, value: 'Group two', active: true, disabled: false, }, ], }; getStateStub.returns(state); }); describe('items getter', () => { it('returns items', () => { const expectedResponse = state.items; expect(instance.items).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('activeItems getter', () => { it('returns items that are active', () => { const expectedResponse = state.items.filter((item =>; expect(instance.activeItems).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('highlightedActiveItems getter', () => { it('returns items that are active and highlighted', () => { const expectedResponse = state.items.filter((item => item.highlighted &&; expect(instance.highlightedActiveItems).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('choices getter', () => { it('returns choices', () => { const expectedResponse = state.choices; expect(instance.choices).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('activeChoices getter', () => { it('returns choices that are active', () => { const expectedResponse = state.choices.filter((choice =>; expect(instance.activeChoices).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('selectableChoices getter', () => { it('returns choices that are not disabled', () => { const expectedResponse = state.choices.filter((choice => !choice.disabled)); expect(instance.selectableChoices).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('searchableChoices getter', () => { it('returns choices that are not placeholders and are selectable', () => { const expectedResponse = state.choices.filter((choice => !choice.disabled && !choice.placeholder)); expect(instance.searchableChoices).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('getChoiceById', () => { describe('passing id', () => { it('returns active choice by passed id', () => { const id = '1'; const expectedResponse = state.choices.find((choice => === parseInt(id, 10))); const actualResponse = instance.getChoiceById(id); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('passing no id', () => { it('returns false', () => { const actualResponse = instance.getChoiceById(); expect(actualResponse).to.equal(false); }); }); }); describe('placeholderChoice getter', () => { it('returns placeholder choice', () => { const expectedResponse = state.choices.reverse().find(choice => choice.placeholder); expect(instance.getPlaceholderChoice).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('groups getter', () => { it('returns groups', () => { const expectedResponse = state.groups; expect(instance.groups).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('activeGroups getter', () => { it('returns active groups', () => { const expectedResponse = state.groups.filter(group =>; expect(instance.activeGroups).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('getGroupById', () => { it('returns group by id', () => { const id = '1'; const expectedResponse = state.groups.find((group => === parseInt(id, 10))); const actualResponse = instance.getGroupById(id); expect(actualResponse).to.eql(expectedResponse); }); }); }); });