import { expect } from 'chai'; import templates from './templates'; import { strToEl } from './lib/utils'; import { DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES, DEFAULT_CONFIG } from './defaults'; import { Options } from './interfaces/options'; import { ClassNames } from './interfaces/class-names'; /** * @param {HTMLElement} element1 * @param {HTMLElement} element2 */ function expectEqualElements(element1, element2): void { expect(element1.tagName).to.equal(element2.tagName); expect(element1.attributes.length).to.equal(element2.attributes.length); expect(Object.keys(element1.dataset)).to.have.members( Object.keys(element2.dataset), ); expect(element1.classList).to.include(element2.classList); // compare attributes values for (const attribute of Object.values(element1.attributes)) { expect(element1.getAttribute(attribute)).to.equal( element2.getAttribute(attribute), ); } } function createOptionsWithPartialClasses( classNames: Partial, options: Partial = {}, ): Options { return { ...DEFAULT_CONFIG, ...options, classNames: { ...DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES, ...classNames, }, }; } describe('templates', () => { describe('containerOuter', () => { const options = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ containerOuter: 'class-1', }); const direction = 'rtl'; describe('select element', () => { describe('search enabled', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const isSelectElement = true; const isSelectOneElement = false; const searchEnabled = true; const passedElementType = 'select-multiple'; const expectedOutput = strToEl(` `); const actualOutput = templates.containerOuter( options, direction, isSelectElement, isSelectOneElement, searchEnabled, passedElementType, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('search disabled', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const isSelectElement = true; const isSelectOneElement = false; const searchEnabled = false; const passedElementType = 'select-multiple'; const expectedOutput = strToEl(` `); const actualOutput = templates.containerOuter( options, direction, isSelectElement, isSelectOneElement, searchEnabled, passedElementType, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('select one element', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const isSelectElement = true; const isSelectOneElement = true; const searchEnabled = false; const passedElementType = 'select-one'; const expectedOutput = strToEl(` `); const actualOutput = templates.containerOuter( options, direction, isSelectElement, isSelectOneElement, searchEnabled, passedElementType, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); }); describe('non select element', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const isSelectElement = false; const isSelectOneElement = false; const searchEnabled = false; const passedElementType = 'text'; const expectedOutput = strToEl(` `); const actualOutput = templates.containerOuter( options, direction, isSelectElement, isSelectOneElement, searchEnabled, passedElementType, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); }); describe('containerInner', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const innerOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ containerInner: 'class-1', }); const expectedOutput = strToEl( `
`, ); const actualOutput = templates.containerInner(innerOptions); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('itemList', () => { const itemOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ list: 'class-1', listSingle: 'class-2', listItems: 'class-3', }); describe('select one element', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl( `
`, ); const actualOutput = templates.itemList(itemOptions, true); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('non select one element', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl( `
`, ); const actualOutput = templates.itemList(itemOptions, false); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); }); describe('placeholder', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const placeholderOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ placeholder: 'class-1', }); const value = 'test'; const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.placeholder(placeholderOptions, value); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('choiceList', () => { const choiceListOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ list: 'class-1', }); describe('select one element', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choiceList(choiceListOptions, true); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('non select one element', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choiceList(choiceListOptions, false); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); }); describe('choiceGroup', () => { const groupOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ group: 'class-1', groupHeading: 'class-2', itemDisabled: 'class-3', }); let data; beforeEach(() => { data = { id: 1, value: 'test', disabled: false, }; }); describe('enabled state', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choiceGroup(groupOptions, data); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('disabled state', () => { beforeEach(() => { data = {, disabled: true, }; }); it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choiceGroup(groupOptions, data); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); }); describe('choice', () => { const choiceOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ item: 'class-1', itemChoice: 'class-2', itemDisabled: 'class-3', itemSelectable: 'class-4', placeholder: 'class-5', selectedState: 'class-6', }); const itemSelectText = 'test 6'; let data; beforeEach(() => { data = { id: 1, groupId: -1, disabled: false, elementId: 'test', label: 'test', value: 'test', selected: false, }; }); describe('enabled state', () => { it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choice( choiceOptions, data, itemSelectText, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('disabled state', () => { beforeEach(() => { data = {, disabled: true, }; }); it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choice( choiceOptions, data, itemSelectText, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('selected state', () => { beforeEach(() => { data = {, selected: true, }; }); it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choice( choiceOptions, data, itemSelectText, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('placeholder', () => { beforeEach(() => { data = {, placeholder: true, }; }); it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choice( choiceOptions, data, itemSelectText, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('child of group', () => { beforeEach(() => { data = {, groupId: 1, }; }); it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.choice( choiceOptions, data, itemSelectText, ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); }); describe('input', () => { const inputOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ input: 'class-1', inputCloned: 'class-2', }); it('returns expected html', () => { /* Following attributes are not supported by JSDOM, so, can't compare autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" */ const expectedOutput = strToEl(` `); const actualOutput = templates.input(inputOptions, 'test placeholder'); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('dropdown', () => { const dropdownOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ list: 'class-1', listDropdown: 'class-2', }); it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl( ``, ); const actualOutput = templates.dropdown(dropdownOptions); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('notice', () => { const noticeOptions = createOptionsWithPartialClasses({ item: 'class-1', itemChoice: 'class-2', noResults: 'class-3', noChoices: 'class-4', }); const label = 'test'; it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.notice(noticeOptions, label); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); describe('passing a notice type', () => { describe('no results', () => { it('adds no results classname', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.notice( noticeOptions, label, 'no-results', ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); describe('no choices', () => { it('adds no choices classname', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl(`
`); const actualOutput = templates.notice( noticeOptions, label, 'no-choices', ); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); }); }); }); describe('option', () => { let data; beforeEach(() => { data = { disabled: false, selected: false, value: 'test value', label: 'test label', }; }); it('returns expected html', () => { const expectedOutput = strToEl( ``, ); const actualOutput = templates.option(data); expectEqualElements(actualOutput, expectedOutput); }); describe('when selected', () => { beforeEach(() => { data = {, active: true, }; }); it('sets selected attr to true', () => { const output = templates.option(data); expect(output.selected).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('when disabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { data = {, disabled: true, }; }); it('sets disabled attr to true', () => { const output = templates.option(data); expect(output.disabled).to.equal(true); }); }); }); });