'use strict'; import { addItem, removeItem, selectItem, addOption, filterOptions, activateOptions, addGroup, clearAll } from './actions/index'; import { isScrolledIntoView, getAdjacentEl, findAncestor, wrap, isType, strToEl, extend, getWidthOfInput, debounce } from './lib/utils.js'; import Fuse from 'fuse.js'; import Store from './store/index.js'; /** * Choices * * To do: * - Pagination * - Single select box search in dropdown */ export class Choices { constructor(element = '[data-choice]', userOptions = {}) { // If there are multiple elements, create a new instance // for each element besides the first one (as that already has an instance) if(isType('String', element)) { const elements = document.querySelectorAll(element); if(elements.length > 1) { for (let i = 1; i < elements.length; i++) { const el = elements[i]; new Choices(el, userOptions); } } } const defaultOptions = { items: [], addItems: true, removeItems: true, removeButton: false, editItems: false, maxItems: null, delimiter: ',', allowDuplicates: true, allowPaste: true, allowSearch: true, regexFilter: null, placeholder: true, placeholderValue: null, prependValue: null, appendValue: null, highlightAll: true, loadingText: 'Loading...', templates: {}, classNames: { containerOuter: 'choices', containerInner: 'choices__inner', input: 'choices__input', inputCloned: 'choices__input--cloned', list: 'choices__list', listItems: 'choices__list--multiple', listSingle: 'choices__list--single', listDropdown: 'choices__list--dropdown', item: 'choices__item', itemSelectable: 'choices__item--selectable', itemDisabled: 'choices__item--disabled', itemOption: 'choices__item--option', group: 'choices__group', groupHeading : 'choices__heading', button: 'choices__button', activeState: 'is-active', focusState: 'is-focused', openState: 'is-open', disabledState: 'is-disabled', highlightedState: 'is-highlighted', hiddenState: 'is-hidden', flippedState: 'is-flipped', selectedState: 'is-selected', }, callbackOnInit: () => {}, callbackOnRemoveItem: () => {}, callbackOnAddItem: () => {} }; // Merge options with user options this.options = extend(defaultOptions, userOptions); // Create data store this.store = new Store(this.render); // State tracking this.initialised = false; this.currentState = {}; this.prevState = {}; this.currentValue = ''; // Retrieve triggering element (i.e. element with 'data-choice' trigger) this.passedElement = isType('String', element) ? document.querySelector(element) : element; this.highlightPosition = 0; this.canSearch = this.options.allowSearch; // Assign preset items from passed object first this.presetItems = this.options.items; // Then add any values passed from attribute if(this.passedElement.value !== '') { this.presetItems = this.presetItems.concat(this.passedElement.value.split(this.options.delimiter)); } // Bind methods this.init = this.init.bind(this); this.render = this.render.bind(this); this.destroy = this.destroy.bind(this); this.disable = this.disable.bind(this); // Bind event handlers this._onFocus = this._onFocus.bind(this); this._onBlur = this._onBlur.bind(this); this._onKeyUp = this._onKeyUp.bind(this); this._onKeyDown = this._onKeyDown.bind(this); this._onMouseDown = this._onMouseDown.bind(this); this._onMouseOver = this._onMouseOver.bind(this); this._onPaste = this._onPaste.bind(this); this._onInput = this._onInput.bind(this); // Cutting the mustard const cuttingTheMustard = 'querySelector' in document && 'addEventListener' in document && 'classList' in document.createElement("div"); if (!cuttingTheMustard) console.error('Choices: Your browser doesn\'t support Choices'); // Input type check const canInit = this.passedElement && ['select-one', 'select-multiple', 'text'].includes(this.passedElement.type); if(canInit) { // Let's have it large this.init(); } else { console.error('Choices: Incompatible input passed'); } } /** * Initialise Choices * @return * @public */ init(callback) { if(this.initialised !== true) { this.initialised = true; // Create required elements this._createTemplates(); // Generate input markup this._createInput(); this.store.subscribe(this.render); // Render any items this.render(); // Trigger event listeners this._addEventListeners(); // Run callback if it is a function if(callback = this.options.callbackOnInit){ if(isType('Function', callback)) { callback(); } else { console.error('callbackOnInit: Callback is not a function'); } } } } /** * Destroy Choices and nullify values * @return * @public */ destroy() { this.passedElement.classList.remove(this.options.classNames.input, this.options.classNames.hiddenState); this.passedElement.tabIndex = ''; this.passedElement.removeAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); this.passedElement.removeAttribute('aria-hidden'); this.containerOuter.outerHTML = this.passedElement.outerHTML; this.passedElement = null; this.userOptions = null; this.options = null; this.store = null; this._removeEventListeners(); } /** * Select item (a selected item can be deleted) * @param {Element} item Element to select * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ selectItem(item) { if(!item) return; const id = item.id; this.store.dispatch(selectItem(id, true)); return this; } /** * Deselect item * @param {Element} item Element to de-select * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ deselectItem(item) { if(!item) return; const id = item.id; this.store.dispatch(selectItem(id, false)); return this; } /** * Highlight items within store * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ highlightAll() { const items = this.store.getItems(); items.forEach((item) => { this.selectItem(item); }); return this; } /** * Deselect items within store * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ deselectAll() { const items = this.store.getItems(); items.forEach((item) => { this.deselectItem(item); }); return this; } /** * Remove an item from the store by its value * @param {String} value Value to search for * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ removeItemsByValue(value) { if(!value || !isType('String', value)) console.error('removeItemsByValue: No value was passed to be removed'); return; const items = this.store.getItemsFilteredByActive(); items.forEach((item) => { if(item.value === value) { this._removeItem(item); } }); return this; } /** * Remove all items from store array * Note: removed items are soft deleted * @param {Number} excludedId Optionally exclude item by ID * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ removeActiveItems(excludedId) { const items = this.store.getItemsFilteredByActive(); items.forEach((item) => { if(item.active && excludedId !== item.id) { this._removeItem(item); } }); return this; } /** * Remove all selected items from store * Note: removed items are soft deleted * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ removeSelectedItems() { const items = this.store.getItemsFilteredByActive(); items.forEach((item) => { if(item.selected && item.active) { this._removeItem(item); } }); return this; } /** * Show dropdown to user by adding active state class * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ showDropdown() { this.containerOuter.classList.add(this.options.classNames.openState); this.dropdown.classList.add(this.options.classNames.activeState); const dimensions = this.dropdown.getBoundingClientRect(); const shouldFlip = dimensions.top + dimensions.height >= document.body.offsetHeight; // Whether or not the dropdown should appear above or below input if(shouldFlip) { this.containerOuter.classList.add(this.options.classNames.flippedState); } else { this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.options.classNames.flippedState); } return this; } /** * Hide dropdown from user * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ hideDropdown() { // A dropdown flips if it does not have space below the input const isFlipped = this.containerOuter.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.flippedState); this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.options.classNames.openState); this.dropdown.classList.remove(this.options.classNames.activeState); if(isFlipped) { this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.options.classNames.flippedState); } return this; } /** * Determine whether to hide or show dropdown based on its current state * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ toggleDropdown() { const isActive = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.activeState); isActive ? this.hideDropdown() : this.showDropdown(); return this; } /** * Set value of input * @param {Array} args Array of value objects or value strings * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ setValue(args) { // Convert args to an itterable array const values = [...args]; values.forEach((item, index) => { if(isType('Object', item)) { if(!item.value) return; // If we are dealing with a select input, we need to create an option first // that is then selected. For text inputs we can just add items normally. if(this.passedElement.type !== 'text') { this._addOption(true, false, item.value, item.label, -1); } else { this._addItem(item.value, item.label, item.id); } } else if(isType('String', item)) { if(this.passedElement.type !== 'text') { this._addOption(true, false, item, item, -1); } else { this._addItem(item); } } }); return this; } /** * Clear value of inputs * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ clearValue() { this.store.dispatch(clearAll()); return this; } /** * Disable * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ disable() { this.passedElement.disabled = true; if(this.initialised) { this.input.disabled = true; this.containerOuter.classList.add(this.options.classNames.disabledState); } return this; } /** * Populate options via ajax callback * @param {Function} fn Passed * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ ajax(fn) { this.containerOuter.classList.add('is-loading'); // this.input.placeholder = this.options.loadingText; const placeholderItem = this._getTemplate('item', { id: -1, value: 'Loading', label: this.options.loadingText, active: true}); this.itemList.appendChild(placeholderItem); const callback = (results, value, label) => { if(results && results.length) { this.containerOuter.classList.remove('is-loading'); this.input.placeholder = ""; results.forEach((result, index) => { // Add each result to option dropdown if(index === 0) { this._addItem(result[value], result[label], index); } this._addOption(false, false, result[value], result[label]); }); } }; fn(callback); return this; } /** * Set value of input to blank * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ clearInput() { if (this.input.value) this.input.value = ''; if(this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { this.input.style.width = getWidthOfInput(this.input); } return this; } /** * Process enter key event * @param {Array} activeItems Items that are currently active * @return * @private */ _handleEnter(activeItems, value) { let canUpdate = true; if(this.options.addItems) { if (this.options.maxItems && this.options.maxItems <= this.itemList.children.length) { // If there is a max entry limit and we have reached that limit // don't update canUpdate = false; } else if(this.options.allowDuplicates === false && this.passedElement.value) { // If no duplicates are allowed, and the value already exists // in the array, don't update canUpdate = !activeItems.some((item) => item.value === value ); } } else { canUpdate = false; } if (canUpdate) { let canAddItem = true; // If a user has supplied a regular expression filter if(this.options.regexFilter) { // Determine whether we can update based on whether // our regular expression passes canAddItem = this._regexFilter(value); } // All is good, add if(canAddItem) { this.toggleDropdown(); this._addItem(value); this.clearInput(this.passedElement); } } }; /** * Process back space event * @param {Array} Active items * @return * @private */ _handleBackspace(activeItems) { if(this.options.removeItems && activeItems) { const lastItem = activeItems[activeItems.length - 1]; const hasSelectedItems = activeItems.some((item) => item.selected === true); // If editing the last item is allowed and there are not other selected items, // we can edit the item value. Otherwise if we can remove items, remove all selected items if(this.options.editItems && !hasSelectedItems && lastItem) { this.input.value = lastItem.value; this._removeItem(lastItem); } else { if(!hasSelectedItems) { this.selectItem(lastItem); } this.removeSelectedItems(); } } }; /** * Key down event * @param {Object} e Event * @return */ _onKeyDown(e) { if(e.target !== this.input) return; const ctrlDownKey = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey; const backKey = 46; const deleteKey = 8; const enterKey = 13; const aKey = 65; const escapeKey = 27; const upKey = 38; const downKey = 40; const activeItems = this.store.getItemsFilteredByActive(); const activeOptions = this.store.getOptionsFilteredByActive(); const hasFocusedInput = this.input === document.activeElement; const hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.activeState); const hasItems = this.itemList && this.itemList.children; const keyString = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode); // If a user is typing and the dropdown is not active if(this.passedElement.type !== 'text' && /[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/.test(keyString) && !hasActiveDropdown) { this.showDropdown(); } this.canSearch = this.options.allowSearch; switch (e.keyCode) { case aKey: // If CTRL + A or CMD + A have been pressed and there are items to select if(ctrlDownKey && hasItems) { this.canSearch = false; if(this.options.removeItems && !this.input.value && this.options.highlightAll && this.input === document.activeElement) { // Highlight items this.highlightAll(this.itemList.children); } } break; case enterKey: // If enter key is pressed and the input has a value if(e.target.value && this.passedElement.type === 'text') { const value = this.input.value; this._handleEnter(activeItems, value); } if(hasActiveDropdown) { const highlighted = this.dropdown.querySelector(`.${this.options.classNames.highlightedState}`); if(highlighted) { const value = highlighted.getAttribute('data-value'); const label = highlighted.innerHTML; const id = highlighted.getAttribute('data-id'); this._addItem(value, label, id); this.clearInput(this.passedElement); if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { this.isSearching = false; this.store.dispatch(activateOptions()); this.toggleDropdown(); } } } break; case escapeKey: if(hasActiveDropdown) { this.toggleDropdown(); } break; case downKey: case upKey: // If up or down key is pressed, traverse through options if(hasActiveDropdown) { const currentEl = this.dropdown.querySelector(`.${this.options.classNames.highlightedState}`); const directionInt = e.keyCode === downKey ? 1 : -1; let nextEl; this.canSearch = false; if(currentEl) { nextEl = getAdjacentEl(currentEl, '[data-option-selectable]', directionInt); } else { nextEl = this.dropdown.querySelector('[data-option-selectable]'); } if(nextEl) { // We prevent default to stop the cursor moving // when pressing the arrow if(!isScrolledIntoView(nextEl, this.optionList, directionInt)) { this._scrollToOption(nextEl, directionInt); } this._highlightOption(nextEl); } // Prevent default to maintain cursor position whilst // traversing dropdown options e.preventDefault(); } break case backKey: case deleteKey: // If backspace or delete key is pressed and the input has no value if(hasFocusedInput && !e.target.value && this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { this._handleBackspace(activeItems); e.preventDefault(); } break; default: break; } } /** * Key up event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ _onKeyUp(e) { if(e.target !== this.input) return; const keyString = String.fromCharCode(event.keyCode); // We are typing into a text input and have a value, we want to show a dropdown // notice. Otherwise hide the dropdown if(this.passedElement.type === 'text') { const hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.activeState); let dropdownItem; if(this.input.value) { const activeItems = this.store.getItemsFilteredByActive(); const isUnique = !activeItems.some((item) => item.value === this.input.value); if (this.options.maxItems && this.options.maxItems <= this.itemList.children.length) { dropdownItem = this._getTemplate('notice', `Only ${ this.options.maxItems } options can be added.`); } else if(!this.options.allowDuplicates && !isUnique) { dropdownItem = this._getTemplate('notice', `Only unique values can be added.`); } else { dropdownItem = this._getTemplate('notice', `Add "${ this.input.value }"`); } if((this.options.regexFilter && this._regexFilter(this.input.value)) || !this.options.regexFilter) { this.dropdown.innerHTML = dropdownItem.outerHTML; if(!this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.activeState)) { this.showDropdown(); } } } else { if(hasActiveDropdown) this.hideDropdown(); } } // If we have enabled text search if(this.canSearch) { if(this.input === document.activeElement) { const options = this.store.getOptions(); const hasUnactiveOptions = options.some((option) => option.active !== true); // Check that we have a value to search and the input was an alphanumeric character if(this.input.value && options.length && /[a-zA-Z0-9-_ ]/.test(keyString)) { const handleFilter = () => { const newValue = this.input.value.trim(); const currentValue = this.currentValue.trim(); if(newValue.length >= 1 && newValue !== currentValue + ' ') { const haystack = this.store.getOptionsFiltedBySelectable(); const needle = newValue; const fuse = new Fuse(haystack, { keys: ['label', 'value'], shouldSort: true, include: 'score', }); const results = fuse.search(needle); this.currentValue = newValue; this.highlightPosition = 0; this.isSearching = true; this.store.dispatch(filterOptions(results)); } }; handleFilter(); } else if(hasUnactiveOptions) { // Otherwise reset options to active this.isSearching = false; this.store.dispatch(activateOptions()); } } } } /** * Input event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ _onInput(e) { if(this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { this.input.style.width = getWidthOfInput(this.input); } } /** * Click event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ _onMouseDown(e) { // If not a right click if(e.button !== 2) { const activeItems = this.store.getItemsFilteredByActive(); // If click is affecting a child node of our element if(this.containerOuter.contains(e.target)) { // Prevent blur event triggering causing dropdown to close // in a race condition e.preventDefault(); const hasShiftKey = e.shiftKey ? true : false; if(this.passedElement.type !== 'text' && !this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.activeState)) { // For select inputs we always want to show the dropdown if it isn't already showing this.showDropdown(); } // If input is not in focus, it ought to be if(this.input !== document.activeElement) { this.input.focus(); } if(e.target.hasAttribute('data-button')) { if(this.options.removeItems && this.options.removeButton) { const itemId = e.target.parentNode.getAttribute('data-id'); const itemToRemove = activeItems.find((item) => item.id === parseInt(itemId)); this._removeItem(itemToRemove); } } else if(e.target.hasAttribute('data-item')) { // If we are clicking on an item if(this.options.removeItems) { const passedId = e.target.getAttribute('data-id'); // We only want to select one item with a click // so we deselect any items that aren't the target // unless shift is being pressed activeItems.forEach((item) => { if(item.id === parseInt(passedId) && !item.selected) { this.selectItem(item); } else if(!hasShiftKey) { this.deselectItem(item); } }); } } else if(e.target.hasAttribute('data-option')) { // If we are clicking on an option const options = this.store.getOptionsFilteredByActive(); const id = e.target.getAttribute('data-id'); const option = options.find((option) => option.id === parseInt(id)); if(!option.selected && !option.disabled) { this._addItem(option.value, option.label, option.id); if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { this.input.value = ""; this.isSearching = false; this.store.dispatch(activateOptions(true)); this.toggleDropdown(); } } } } else { // Click is outside of our element so close dropdown and de-select items const hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.activeState); const hasSelectedItems = activeItems.some((item) => item.selected === true); // De-select any highlighted items if(hasSelectedItems) this.unhighlightAll(); // Remove focus state this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.options.classNames.focusState); // Close all other dropdowns if(hasActiveDropdown) this.toggleDropdown(); } } } /** * Mouse over (hover) event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ _onMouseOver(e) { // If the dropdown is either the target or one of its children is the target if((e.target === this.dropdown || findAncestor(e.target, this.options.classNames.listDropdown))) { if(e.target.hasAttribute('data-option')) { this._highlightOption(e.target); } } } /** * Paste event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ _onPaste(e) { if(e.target !== this.input) return; // Disable pasting into the input if option has been set if(!this.options.allowPaste) { e.preventDefault(); } } /** * Focus event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ _onFocus(e) { const hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.activeState); if(e.target === this.input && !hasActiveDropdown) { this.containerOuter.classList.add(this.options.classNames.focusState); if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-one' || this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple'){ this.showDropdown(); } } } /** * Blur event * @param {Object} e Event * @return * @private */ _onBlur(e) { const hasActiveDropdown = this.dropdown.classList.contains(this.options.classNames.activeState); if(e.target === this.input && !hasActiveDropdown) { this.containerOuter.classList.remove(this.options.classNames.focusState); } else { this.hideDropdown(); } } /** * Tests value against a regular expression * @param {string} value Value to test * @return {Boolean} Whether test passed/failed * @private */ _regexFilter(value) { if(!value) return; const expression = new RegExp(this.options.regexFilter, 'i'); return expression.test(value); } /** * Scroll to an option element * @param {HTMLElement} option Option to scroll to * @param {Number} direction Whether option is above or below * @return * @private */ _scrollToOption(option, direction) { if(!option) return; const dropdownHeight = this.optionList.offsetHeight; const optionHeight = option.offsetHeight; // Distance from bottom of element to top of parent const optionPos = option.offsetTop + optionHeight; // Scroll position of dropdown const containerScrollPos = this.optionList.scrollTop + dropdownHeight; // Difference between the option and scroll position let endPoint = direction > 0 ? ((this.optionList.scrollTop + optionPos) - containerScrollPos) : option.offsetTop; const animateScroll = (time, endPoint, direction) => { let continueAnimation = false; let easing, distance; const strength = 4; if(direction > 0) { easing = (endPoint - this.optionList.scrollTop)/strength; distance = easing > 1 ? easing : 1; this.optionList.scrollTop = this.optionList.scrollTop + distance; if(this.optionList.scrollTop < endPoint) { continueAnimation = true; } } else { easing = (this.optionList.scrollTop - endPoint)/strength; distance = easing > 1 ? easing : 1; this.optionList.scrollTop = this.optionList.scrollTop - distance; if(this.optionList.scrollTop > endPoint) { continueAnimation = true; } } if(continueAnimation) { requestAnimationFrame((time) => { animateScroll(time, endPoint, direction); }); } }; requestAnimationFrame((time) => { animateScroll(time, endPoint, direction); }); } /** * Highlight option element * @param {HTMLElement} el Element to highlight * @return * @private */ _highlightOption(el) { // Highlight first element in dropdown const options = Array.from(this.dropdown.querySelectorAll('[data-option-selectable]')); if(options.length) { const highlightedOptions = Array.from(this.dropdown.querySelectorAll(`.${this.options.classNames.highlightedState}`)); // Remove any highlighted options highlightedOptions.forEach((el) => { el.classList.remove(this.options.classNames.highlightedState); }); if(el){ // Highlight given option el.classList.add(this.options.classNames.highlightedState); this.highlightPosition = options.indexOf(el); } else { // Highlight option based on last known highlight location let el; if(options.length > this.highlightPosition) { // If we have an option to highlight el = options[this.highlightPosition]; } else { // Otherwise highlight the option before el = options[options.length - 1]; } if(!el) el = options[0]; el.classList.add(this.options.classNames.highlightedState); } } } /** * Add item to store with correct value * @param {String} value Value to add to store * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ _addItem(value, label, optionId = -1, callback = this.options.callbackOnAddItem) { const items = this.store.getItems(); let passedValue = value.trim(); let passedLabel = label || passedValue; let passedOptionId = optionId || -1; // If a prepended value has been passed, prepend it if(this.options.prependValue) { passedValue = this.options.prependValue + passedValue.toString(); } // If an appended value has been passed, append it if(this.options.appendValue) { passedValue = passedValue + this.options.appendValue.toString(); } // Generate unique id const id = items ? items.length + 1 : 1; this.store.dispatch(addItem(passedValue, passedLabel, id, passedOptionId)); if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { this.removeActiveItems(id); } // Run callback if it is a function if(callback){ if(isType('Function', callback)) { callback(id, passedValue, this.passedElement); } else { console.error('callbackOnAddItem: Callback is not a function'); } } return this; } /** * Remove item from store * @param * @return {Object} Class instance * @public */ _removeItem(item, callback = this.options.callbackOnRemoveItem) { if(!item || !isType('Object', item)) { console.error('removeItem: No item object was passed to be removed'); return; } const id = item.id; const value = item.value; const optionId = item.optionId; this.store.dispatch(removeItem(id, optionId)); // Run callback if(callback){ if(!isType('Function', callback)) console.error('callbackOnRemoveItem: Callback is not a function'); return; callback(id, value, this.passedElement); } return this; } /** * Add option to dropdown * @param {Object} option Option to add * @param {Number} groupId ID of the options group * @return * @private */ _addOption(isSelected, isDisabled, value, label, groupId = -1) { if(!value) return if(!label) { label = value; } // Generate unique id const options = this.store.getOptions(); const id = options.length + 1; this.store.dispatch(addOption(value, label, id, groupId, isDisabled)); if(isSelected && !isDisabled) { this._addItem(value, label, id); } } /** * Add group to dropdown * @param {Object} group Group to add * @param {Number} index Whether this is the first group to add * @return * @private */ _addGroup(group, id, isFirst) { const groupOptions = Array.from(group.getElementsByTagName('OPTION')); const groupId = id; if(groupOptions) { this.store.dispatch(addGroup(group.label, groupId, true, group.disabled)); groupOptions.forEach((option, optionIndex) => { const isDisabled = option.disabled || option.parentNode.disabled; this._addOption(option.selected, isDisabled, option.value, option.innerHTML, groupId); }); } else { this.store.dispatch(addGroup(group.label, group.id, false, group.disabled)); } } /** * Get template from name * @param {String} template Name of template to get * @param {...} args Data to pass to template * @return {HTMLElement} Template * @private */ _getTemplate(template, ...args) { if(!template) return; const templates = this.options.templates; return templates[template](...args); } /** * Create HTML element based on type and arguments * @return * @private */ _createTemplates() { const classNames = this.options.classNames; const templates = { containerOuter: () => { return strToEl(`
`); }, containerInner: () => { return strToEl(`
`); }, itemList: () => { return strToEl(`
`); }, optionList: () => { return strToEl(`
`); }, input: () => { return strToEl(``); }, dropdown: () => { return strToEl(`
`); }, notice: (label, clickable) => { return strToEl(`
${ label }
`); }, selectOption: (data) => { return strToEl(``); }, option: (data) => { return strToEl(`
${ data.label }
`); }, optgroup: (data) => { return strToEl(`
${ data.value }
`); }, item: (data) => { if(this.options.removeButton && this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { return strToEl(`
${ data.label }
`); } else { return strToEl(`
${ data.label }
`); } }, }; this.options.templates = extend(this.options.templates, templates); } /** * Create DOM structure around passed select element * @return * @private */ _createInput() { const containerOuter = this._getTemplate('containerOuter'); const containerInner = this._getTemplate('containerInner'); const itemList = this._getTemplate('itemList'); const optionList = this._getTemplate('optionList'); const input = this._getTemplate('input'); const dropdown = this._getTemplate('dropdown'); this.containerOuter = containerOuter; this.containerInner = containerInner; this.input = input; this.optionList = optionList; this.itemList = itemList; this.dropdown = dropdown; // Hide passed input this.passedElement.classList.add(this.options.classNames.input, this.options.classNames.hiddenState); this.passedElement.tabIndex = '-1'; this.passedElement.setAttribute('style', 'display:none;'); this.passedElement.setAttribute('aria-hidden', 'true'); this.passedElement.removeAttribute('data-choice'); // Wrap input in container preserving DOM ordering wrap(this.passedElement, containerInner); // Wrapper inner container with outer container wrap(containerInner, containerOuter); // If placeholder has been enabled and we have a value if (this.options.placeholder && (this.options.placeholderValue || this.passedElement.placeholder)) { const placeholder = this.options.placeholderValue || this.passedElement.placeholder; input.placeholder = placeholder; if(this.passedElement.type !== 'select-one') { input.style.width = getWidthOfInput(input); } } if(!this.options.addItems) this.disable(); containerOuter.appendChild(containerInner); containerOuter.appendChild(dropdown); containerInner.appendChild(itemList); dropdown.appendChild(optionList); if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple' || this.passedElement.type === 'text') { containerInner.appendChild(input); } else if(this.options.allowSearch) { dropdown.insertBefore(input, dropdown.firstChild); } if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple' || this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { this.highlightPosition = 0; const passedGroups = Array.from(this.passedElement.getElementsByTagName('OPTGROUP')); this.isSearching = false; if(passedGroups && passedGroups.length) { passedGroups.forEach((group, index) => { const isFirst = index === 0 ? true : false; this._addGroup(group, index, isFirst); }); } else { const passedOptions = Array.from(this.passedElement.options); passedOptions.forEach((option) => { const isDisabled = option.disabled || option.parentNode.disabled; this._addOption(option.selected, isDisabled, option.value, option.innerHTML); }); } } else if(this.passedElement.type === 'text') { // Add any preset values seperated by delimiter this.presetItems.forEach((item) => { if(isType('Object', item)) { if(!item.value) return; this._addItem(item.value, item.label, item.id); } else if(isType('String', item)) { this._addItem(item); } }); } } /** * Render group options into a DOM fragment and append to options list * @param {Array} groups Groups to add to list * @param {Array} options Options to add to groups * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment Fragment to add groups and options to (optional) * @return {DocumentFragment} Populated options fragment * @private */ renderGroups(groups, options, fragment) { const groupFragment = fragment || document.createDocumentFragment(); groups.forEach((group, i) => { // Grab options that are children of this group const groupOptions = options.filter((option) => { if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { return option.groupId === group.id } else { return option.groupId === group.id && !option.selected; } }); if(groupOptions.length >= 1) { const dropdownGroup = this._getTemplate('optgroup', group); groupFragment.appendChild(dropdownGroup); this.renderOptions(groupOptions, groupFragment); } }); return groupFragment; } /** * Render options into a DOM fragment and append to options list * @param {Array} options Options to add to list * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment Fragment to add options to (optional) * @return {DocumentFragment} Populated options fragment * @private */ renderOptions(options, fragment) { // Create a fragment to store our list items (so we don't have to update the DOM for each item) const optsFragment = fragment || document.createDocumentFragment(); options.forEach((option, i) => { const dropdownItem = this._getTemplate('option', option); if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { optsFragment.appendChild(dropdownItem); } else if(!option.selected) { optsFragment.appendChild(dropdownItem); } }); return optsFragment; } /** * Render items into a DOM fragment and append to items list * @param {Array} items Items to add to list * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment Fragrment to add items to (optional) * @return * @private */ renderItems(items, fragment) { // Create fragment to add elements to const itemListFragment = fragment || document.createDocumentFragment(); // Simplify store data to just values const itemsFiltered = this.store.getItemsReducedToValues(items); if(this.passedElement.type === 'text') { // Assign hidden input array of values this.passedElement.setAttribute('value', itemsFiltered.join(this.options.delimiter)); } else { const selectedOptionsFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Add each list item to list items.forEach((item) => { // Create a standard select option const option = this._getTemplate('selectOption', item); // Append it to fragment selectedOptionsFragment.appendChild(option); }); // Update selected options this.passedElement.innerHTML = ""; this.passedElement.appendChild(selectedOptionsFragment); } // Add each list item to list items.forEach((item) => { // Create new list element const listItem = this._getTemplate('item', item); // Append it to list itemListFragment.appendChild(listItem); }); return itemListFragment; } /** * Render DOM with values * @return * @private */ render() { this.currentState = this.store.getState(); // Only render if our state has actually changed if(this.currentState !== this.prevState) { // Options if((this.currentState.options !== this.prevState.options || this.currentState.groups !== this.prevState.groups)) { if(this.passedElement.type === 'select-multiple' || this.passedElement.type === 'select-one') { // Get active groups/options const activeGroups = this.store.getGroupsFilteredByActive(); const activeOptions = this.store.getOptionsFilteredByActive(); let optListFragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); // Clear options this.optionList.innerHTML = ''; // If we have grouped options if(activeGroups.length >= 1 && this.isSearching !== true) { optListFragment = this.renderGroups(activeGroups, activeOptions, optListFragment); } else if(activeOptions.length >= 1) { optListFragment = this.renderOptions(activeOptions, optListFragment); } if(optListFragment.children.length) { // If we actually have anything to add to our dropdown // append it and highlight the first option this.optionList.appendChild(optListFragment); this._highlightOption(); } else { // Otherwise show a notice const dropdownItem = this.isSearching ? this._getTemplate('notice', 'No results found') : this._getTemplate('notice', 'No options to select'); this.optionList.appendChild(dropdownItem); } } } // Items if(this.currentState.items !== this.prevState.items) { const activeItems = this.store.getItemsFilteredByActive(); if(activeItems) { // Create a fragment to store our list items (so we don't have to update the DOM for each item) const itemListFragment = this.renderItems(activeItems); // Clear list this.itemList.innerHTML = ''; // If we have items to add if(itemListFragment.children.length) { // Update list this.itemList.appendChild(itemListFragment); } } } this.prevState = this.currentState; } } /** * Trigger event listeners * @return * @private */ _addEventListeners() { document.addEventListener('keyup', this._onKeyUp); document.addEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown); document.addEventListener('mousedown', this._onMouseDown); document.addEventListener('mouseover', this._onMouseOver); this.input.addEventListener('input', this._onInput); this.input.addEventListener('paste', this._onPaste); this.input.addEventListener('focus', this._onFocus); this.input.addEventListener('blur', this._onBlur); } /** * Destroy event listeners * @return * @private */ _removeEventListeners() { document.removeEventListener('keyup', this._onKeyUp); document.removeEventListener('keydown', this._onKeyDown); document.removeEventListener('mousedown', this._onMouseDown); document.removeEventListener('mouseover', this._onMouseOver); this.input.removeEventListener('input', this._onInput); this.input.removeEventListener('paste', this._onPaste); this.input.removeEventListener('focus', this._onFocus); this.input.removeEventListener('blur', this._onBlur); } }; window.Choices = module.exports = Choices;