import { SCROLLING_SPEED } from '../constants'; export default class List { constructor({ element }) { Object.assign(this, { element }); this.scrollPos = this.element.scrollTop; this.height = this.element.offsetHeight; this.hasChildren = !!this.element.children; } clear() { this.element.innerHTML = ''; } append(node) { this.element.appendChild(node); } getChild(selector) { return this.element.querySelector(selector); } scrollToTop() { this.element.scrollTop = 0; } scrollToChoice(choice, direction) { if (!choice) { return; } const dropdownHeight = this.element.offsetHeight; const choiceHeight = choice.offsetHeight; // Distance from bottom of element to top of parent const choicePos = choice.offsetTop + choiceHeight; // Scroll position of dropdown const containerScrollPos = this.element.scrollTop + dropdownHeight; // Difference between the choice and scroll position const endpoint = direction > 0 ? this.element.scrollTop + choicePos - containerScrollPos : choice.offsetTop; requestAnimationFrame(time => { this._animateScroll(time, endpoint, direction); }); } _scrollDown(scrollPos, strength, endpoint) { const easing = (endpoint - scrollPos) / strength; const distance = easing > 1 ? easing : 1; this.element.scrollTop = scrollPos + distance; } _scrollUp(scrollPos, strength, endpoint) { const easing = (scrollPos - endpoint) / strength; const distance = easing > 1 ? easing : 1; this.element.scrollTop = scrollPos - distance; } _animateScroll(time, endpoint, direction) { const strength = SCROLLING_SPEED; const choiceListScrollTop = this.element.scrollTop; let continueAnimation = false; if (direction > 0) { this._scrollDown(choiceListScrollTop, strength, endpoint); if (choiceListScrollTop < endpoint) { continueAnimation = true; } } else { this._scrollUp(choiceListScrollTop, strength, endpoint); if (choiceListScrollTop > endpoint) { continueAnimation = true; } } if (continueAnimation) { requestAnimationFrame(() => { this._animateScroll(time, endpoint, direction); }); } } }