import { expect } from 'chai'; import sinon from 'sinon'; import { DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES } from '../defaults'; import { getClassNamesSelector } from '../lib/utils'; import Dropdown from './dropdown'; describe('components/dropdown', () => { let instance; let choicesElement; beforeEach(() => { choicesElement = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(choicesElement); instance = new Dropdown({ element: choicesElement, type: 'text', classNames: DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES, }); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = ''; instance = null; }); describe('constructor', () => { it('assigns choices element to instance', () => { expect(instance.element).to.eql(choicesElement); }); it('assigns classnames to instance', () => { expect(instance.classNames).to.eql(DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES); }); }); describe('distanceFromTopWindow', () => { let top; let dimensions; let getBoundingClientRectStub; beforeEach(() => { top = 100; dimensions = { bottom: 121, height: 0, left: 0, right: 0, top, width: 0, }; getBoundingClientRectStub = sinon .stub(instance.element, 'getBoundingClientRect') .returns(dimensions); }); afterEach(() => { getBoundingClientRectStub.restore(); }); it('determines how far the top of our element is from the top of the viewport', () => { const expectedResponse = dimensions.bottom; const actualResponse = instance.distanceFromTopWindow; expect(actualResponse).to.equal(expectedResponse); }); }); describe('getChild', () => { let childElement; const childClass = 'test-element'; beforeEach(() => { childElement = document.createElement('span'); childElement.classList.add(childClass); instance.element.appendChild(childElement); }); it('returns child element', () => { const expectedResponse = childElement; const actualResponse = instance.getChild( getClassNamesSelector(childClass), ); expect(expectedResponse).to.eql(actualResponse); }); }); describe('show', () => { let actualResponse; beforeEach(() => { actualResponse =; }); afterEach(() => { instance.hide(); }); it('adds active class', () => { expect( instance.element.classList.contains(DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES.activeState), ).to.equal(true); }); it('sets expanded attribute', () => { expect(instance.element.getAttribute('aria-expanded')).to.equal('true'); }); it('sets isActive instance flag', () => { expect(instance.isActive).to.equal(true); }); it('returns instance', () => { expect(actualResponse).to.eql(instance); }); }); describe('hide', () => { let actualResponse; beforeEach(() => { actualResponse = instance.hide(); }); afterEach(() => {; }); it('adds active class', () => { expect( instance.element.classList.contains(DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES.activeState), ).to.equal(false); }); it('sets expanded attribute', () => { expect(instance.element.getAttribute('aria-expanded')).to.equal('false'); }); it('sets isActive instance flag', () => { expect(instance.isActive).to.equal(false); }); it('returns instance', () => { expect(actualResponse).to.eql(instance); }); }); });