import { expect } from 'chai'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; import { DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES } from '../defaults'; import WrappedElement from './wrapped-element'; import WrappedInput from './wrapped-input'; describe('components/wrappedInput', () => { let instance; let element; const delimiter = '-'; beforeEach(() => { element = document.createElement('input'); instance = new WrappedInput({ element, classNames: DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES, delimiter, }); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.innerHTML = ''; instance = null; }); describe('constructor', () => { it('assigns choices element to class', () => { expect(instance.element).to.eql(element); }); it('assigns classnames to class', () => { expect(instance.classNames).to.eql(DEFAULT_CLASSNAMES); }); }); describe('inherited methods', () => { const methods: string[] = ['conceal', 'reveal', 'enable', 'disable']; methods.forEach((method) => { describe(method, () => { beforeEach(() => { stub(WrappedElement.prototype, method as keyof WrappedElement); }); afterEach(() => { WrappedElement.prototype[method].restore(); }); it(`calls super.${method}`, () => { expect(WrappedElement.prototype[method].called).to.equal(false); instance[method](); expect(WrappedElement.prototype[method].called).to.equal(true); }); }); }); }); describe('value setter', () => { it('sets the value of the input to the given value', () => { const newValue = 'Value 1, Value 2, Value 3'; expect(instance.element.value).to.equal(''); instance.value = newValue; expect(instance.value).to.equal(newValue); }); }); });