import { Choices } from './choices'; import { Choice } from './choice'; import { ClassNames } from './class-names'; import { EventType } from './event-type'; import { PassedElementType } from './passed-element-type'; export interface PassedElement extends HTMLElement { classNames: ClassNames; element: (HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement) & { addEventListener(type: K, listener: (this: HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement, ev: EventMap[K]) => void, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions): void; }; type: PassedElementType; isDisabled: boolean; parentInstance: Choices; } /** * Events fired by Choices behave the same as standard events. Each event is triggered on the element passed to Choices (accessible via `this.passedElement`. Arguments are accessible within the `event.detail` object. */ export interface EventMap { /** * Triggered each time an item is added (programmatically or by the user). * * **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple * * Arguments: id, value, label, groupValue, keyCode */ addItem: CustomEvent<{ id: number; value: string; label: string; groupValue: string; keyCode: number; }>; /** * Triggered each time an item is removed (programmatically or by the user). * * **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple * * Arguments: id, value, label, groupValue */ removeItem: CustomEvent<{ id: number; value: string; label: string; groupValue: string; }>; /** * Triggered each time an item is highlighted. * * **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple * * Arguments: id, value, label, groupValue */ highlightItem: CustomEvent<{ id: number; value: string; label: string; groupValue: string; }>; /** * Triggered each time an item is unhighlighted. * * **Input types affected:** text, select-multiple * * Arguments: id, value, label, groupValue */ unhighlightItem: CustomEvent<{ id: number; value: string; label: string; groupValue: string; }>; /** * Triggered each time a choice is selected **by a user**, regardless if it changes the value of the input. * * **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple * * Arguments: choice: Choice */ choice: CustomEvent<{ choice: Choice; }>; /** * Triggered each time an item is added/removed **by a user**. * * **Input types affected:** text, select-one, select-multiple * * Arguments: value */ change: CustomEvent<{ value: string; }>; /** * Triggered when a user types into an input to search choices. * * **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple * * Arguments: value, resultCount */ search: CustomEvent<{ value: string; resultCount: number; }>; /** * Triggered when the dropdown is shown. * * **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple * * Arguments: - */ showDropdown: CustomEvent; /** * Triggered when the dropdown is hidden. * * **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple * * Arguments: - */ hideDropdown: CustomEvent; /** * Triggered when a choice from the dropdown is highlighted. * * Input types affected: select-one, select-multiple * Arguments: el is the choice.passedElement that was affected. */ highlightChoice: CustomEvent<{ el: PassedElement; }>; } //#