/* eslint-disable no-new-wrappers */ import { expect } from 'chai'; import { stub } from 'sinon'; import { cloneObject, diff, dispatchEvent, existsInArray, generateChars, generateId, getRandomNumber, getType, isType, sanitise, sortByAlpha, sortByScore, } from './utils'; describe('utils', () => { describe('getRandomNumber', () => { it('returns random number between range', () => { for (let index = 0; index < 10; index++) { const output = getRandomNumber(1, 10); expect(output).to.be.a('number'); expect(output).to.be.within(1, 10); } }); }); describe('generateChars', () => { it('generates a string of random chars with given length', () => { const output = generateChars(10); expect(output).to.be.a('string'); expect(output).to.have.length(10); }); }); describe('generateId', () => { describe('when given element has id value', () => { it('generates a unique prefixed id based on given elements id', () => { const element = document.createElement('select'); element.id = 'test-id'; const prefix = 'test-prefix'; const output = generateId(element, prefix); expect(output).to.equal(`${prefix}-${element.id}`); }); }); describe('when given element has no id value but name value', () => { it('generates a unique prefixed id based on given elements name plus 2 random characters', () => { const element = document.createElement('select'); element.name = 'test-name'; const prefix = 'test-prefix'; const output = generateId(element, prefix); const expectedOutput = `${prefix}-${element.name}-`; expect(output).to.contain(expectedOutput); expect(output).to.have.length(expectedOutput.length + 2); }); }); describe('when given element has no id value and no name value', () => { it('generates a unique prefixed id based on 4 random characters', () => { const element = document.createElement('select'); const prefix = 'test-prefix'; const output = generateId(element, prefix); const expectedOutput = `${prefix}-`; expect(output).to.contain(expectedOutput); expect(output).to.have.length(expectedOutput.length + 4); }); }); }); describe('getType', () => { it('returns type of given object', () => { expect(getType({})).to.equal('Object'); expect(getType(1)).to.equal('Number'); expect(getType(true)).to.equal('Boolean'); expect(getType([])).to.equal('Array'); expect(getType(() => {})).to.equal('Function'); expect(getType(new Error())).to.equal('Error'); expect(getType(/''/g)).to.equal('RegExp'); expect(getType(new String())).to.equal('String'); // eslint-disable-line expect(getType('')).to.equal('String'); }); }); describe('isType', () => { it('checks with given object type equals given type', () => { expect(isType('Object', {})).to.equal(true); expect(isType('String', {})).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('sanitise', () => { describe('when passing a parameter that is not a string', () => { it('returns the passed argument', () => { const value = { test: true, }; const output = sanitise(value); expect(output).to.equal(value); }); }); describe('when passing a string', () => { it('strips HTML from value', () => { const value = ''; const output = sanitise(value); expect(output).to.equal( '<script>somethingMalicious();</script>', ); }); }); }); describe('sortByAlpha', () => { describe('sorting an array', () => { it('sorts by value alphabetically', () => { const values = [ { value: 'The Strokes' }, { value: 'Arctic Monkeys' }, { value: 'Oasis' }, { value: 'Tame Impala' }, ]; const output = values.sort(sortByAlpha); expect(output).to.eql([ { value: 'Arctic Monkeys' }, { value: 'Oasis' }, { value: 'Tame Impala' }, { value: 'The Strokes' }, ]); }); it('sorts by label alphabetically', () => { const values = [ { value: '0', label: 'The Strokes' }, { value: '0', label: 'Arctic Monkeys' }, { value: '0', label: 'Oasis' }, { value: '0', label: 'Tame Impala' }, ]; const output = values.sort(sortByAlpha); expect(output).to.eql([ { value: '0', label: 'Arctic Monkeys' }, { value: '0', label: 'Oasis' }, { value: '0', label: 'Tame Impala' }, { value: '0', label: 'The Strokes' }, ]); }); }); }); describe('sortByScore', () => { describe('sorting an array', () => { it('sorts by score ascending', () => { const values = [ { score: 10 }, { score: 3001 }, { score: 124 }, { score: 400 }, ]; const output = values.sort(sortByScore); expect(output).to.eql([ { score: 10 }, { score: 124 }, { score: 400 }, { score: 3001 }, ]); }); }); }); describe('dispatchEvent', () => { it('dispatches custom event of given type on given element', () => { const fakeElement = { dispatchEvent: stub(), }; const eventType = 'addItem'; const customArgs = { testing: true, }; dispatchEvent(fakeElement as any, eventType, customArgs); expect(fakeElement.dispatchEvent.called).to.equal(true); const event = fakeElement.dispatchEvent.lastCall.args[0]; expect(event).to.be.instanceof(CustomEvent); expect(event.bubbles).to.equal(true); expect(event.cancelable).to.equal(true); expect(event.detail).to.equal(customArgs); }); }); describe('existsInArray', () => { it('determines whether a value exists within given array', () => { const values = [ { value: 'The Strokes' }, { value: 'Arctic Monkeys' }, { value: 'Oasis' }, { value: 'Tame Impala' }, ]; expect(existsInArray(values, 'Oasis', 'value')).to.equal(true); expect(existsInArray(values, 'The Beatles', 'value')).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('cloneObject', () => { it('deeply clones a given object', () => { const object = { levelOne: { id: 1, levelTwo: { id: 2, levelThree: { id: 3, levelFour: { id: 4, }, }, }, }, }; const output = cloneObject(object); expect(output).to.not.equal(object); expect(output).to.eql(object); }); }); describe('diff', () => { it('returns an array of keys present on the first but missing on the second object', () => { const obj1 = { foo: 'bar', baz: 'foo', }; const obj2 = { foo: 'bar', }; const output = diff(obj1, obj2); expect(output).to.deep.equal(['baz']); }); }); });