# Choices.js - in development A lightweight, configurable select box/text input plugin. Similar to Select2 and Selectize but without the jQuery dependency. Coming soon. ## Setup ```html ``` ## Installation To install via NPM, run `npm install --save-dev choices.js` ## Options #### items Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### addItems Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### removeItems Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### removeButton Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### editItems Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### maxItems Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### delimiter Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### allowDuplicates Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### allowPaste Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### allowSearch Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### regexFilter Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### placeholder Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### placeholderValue Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### prependValue Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### appendValue Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### selectAll Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### loadingText Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### templates Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### classNames Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### callbackOnInit Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### callbackOnAddItem Type: `` Default: `` Usage: #### callbackOnRemoveItem Type: `` Default: `` Usage: ## Methods #### method(); Usage: ## Browser compatibility Coming soon ## Development To setup a local environment: clone this repo, navigate into it's directory in a terminal window and run the following command: * ```npm install``` ### NPM tasks * ```npm start``` * ```npm run js:build``` * ```npm run css:watch``` ## Contributions In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Gulp...bla bla bla ## License MIT License