Unit Test Results

Browser: PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Mac OS X 0.0.0)
Timestamp: 8/3/2016, 11:19:10 PM

44 tests / 0 errors / 0 failures / 0 skipped / runtime: 0.099s

should initialize Choices

should be defined
Passed in 0.011s

should initialize Choices

should have initalised
Passed in 0.001s

should initialize Choices

should not re-initialise if passed element again
Passed in 0.002s

should initialize Choices

should have a blank state
Passed in 0.001s

should initialize Choices

should have config options
Passed in 0.001s

should initialize Choices

should expose public methods
Passed in 0.001s

should initialize Choices

should hide passed input
Passed in 0s

should initialize Choices

should create an outer container
Passed in 0s

should initialize Choices

should create an inner container
Passed in 0.001s

should initialize Choices

should create a choice list
Passed in 0.001s

should initialize Choices

should create an item list
Passed in 0.001s

should initialize Choices

should create an input
Passed in 0.001s

should initialize Choices

should create a dropdown
Passed in 0s

should handle text inputs

should set value via using setValue()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle text inputs

should accept a user inputted value
Passed in 0.004s

should handle text inputs

should copy the passed placeholder to the cloned input
Passed in 0.001s

should handle single select inputs

should open the choice list on focussing
Passed in 0.003s

should handle single select inputs

should select the first choice
Passed in 0.002s

should handle single select inputs

should highlight the choices on keydown
Passed in 0.002s

should handle single select inputs

should select choice on enter key press
Passed in 0.003s

should handle single select inputs

should trigger a change callback on selection
Passed in 0.004s

should handle single select inputs

should filter choices when searching
Passed in 0.004s

should handle multiple select inputs

should add any pre-defined values
Passed in 0.002s

should handle multiple select inputs

should add options defined in the config + pre-defined options
Passed in 0.002s

should handle multiple select inputs

should add a placeholder (set in config) to the search input
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle highlightItem()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle unhighlightItem()
Passed in 0.003s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle highlightAll()
Passed in 0.003s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle unhighlightAll()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle removeHighlightedItems()
Passed in 0.005s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle showDropdown()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle hideDropdown()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle toggleDropdown()
Passed in 0.001s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle hideDropdown()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle getValue()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle setValue()
Passed in 0.005s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle setValueByChoice()
Passed in 0.005s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle setChoices()
Passed in 0.004s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle clearStore()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle disable()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle enable()
Passed in 0.002s

should handle public methods on select input types

should handle ajax()
Passed in 0.001s

should handle public methods on text input types

should handle clearInput()
Passed in 0.001s

should handle public methods on text input types

should handle removeItemsByValue()
Passed in 0.001s