import { Container, Dropdown, Input, List, WrappedInput, WrappedSelect } from './components'; import { Choice } from './interfaces/choice'; import { Group } from './interfaces/group'; import { Item } from './interfaces/item'; import { Notice } from './interfaces/notice'; import { Options } from './interfaces/options'; import { State } from './interfaces/state'; import Store from './store/store'; import templates from './templates'; /** * Choices * @author Josh Johnson */ declare class Choices implements Choices { static get defaults(): { options: Partial; templates: typeof templates; }; initialised: boolean; config: Options; passedElement: WrappedInput | WrappedSelect; containerOuter: Container; containerInner: Container; choiceList: List; itemList: List; input: Input; dropdown: Dropdown; _isTextElement: boolean; _isSelectOneElement: boolean; _isSelectMultipleElement: boolean; _isSelectElement: boolean; _store: Store; _templates: typeof templates; _initialState: State; _currentState: State; _prevState: State; _currentValue: string; _canSearch: boolean; _isScrollingOnIe: boolean; _highlightPosition: number; _wasTap: boolean; _isSearching: boolean; _placeholderValue: string | null; _baseId: string; _direction: HTMLElement['dir']; _idNames: { itemChoice: string; }; _presetGroups: Group[] | HTMLOptGroupElement[] | Element[]; _presetOptions: Item[] | HTMLOptionElement[]; _presetChoices: Partial[]; _presetItems: Item[] | string[]; constructor(element?: string | Element | HTMLInputElement | HTMLSelectElement, userConfig?: Partial); init(): void; destroy(): void; enable(): this; disable(): this; highlightItem(item: Item, runEvent?: boolean): this; unhighlightItem(item: Item): this; highlightAll(): this; unhighlightAll(): this; removeActiveItemsByValue(value: string): this; removeActiveItems(excludedId: number): this; removeHighlightedItems(runEvent?: boolean): this; showDropdown(preventInputFocus?: boolean): this; hideDropdown(preventInputBlur?: boolean): this; getValue(valueOnly?: boolean): string[] | Item[] | Item | string; setValue(items: string[] | Item[]): this; setChoiceByValue(value: string | string[]): this; /** * Set choices of select input via an array of objects (or function that returns array of object or promise of it), * a value field name and a label field name. * This behaves the same as passing items via the choices option but can be called after initialising Choices. * This can also be used to add groups of choices (see example 2); Optionally pass a true `replaceChoices` value to remove any existing choices. * Optionally pass a `customProperties` object to add additional data to your choices (useful when searching/filtering etc). * * **Input types affected:** select-one, select-multiple * * @example * ```js * const example = new Choices(element); * * example.setChoices([ * {value: 'One', label: 'Label One', disabled: true}, * {value: 'Two', label: 'Label Two', selected: true}, * {value: 'Three', label: 'Label Three'}, * ], 'value', 'label', false); * ``` * * @example * ```js * const example = new Choices(element); * * example.setChoices(async () => { * try { * const items = await fetch('/items'); * return items.json() * } catch(err) { * console.error(err) * } * }); * ``` * * @example * ```js * const example = new Choices(element); * * example.setChoices([{ * label: 'Group one', * id: 1, * disabled: false, * choices: [ * {value: 'Child One', label: 'Child One', selected: true}, * {value: 'Child Two', label: 'Child Two', disabled: true}, * {value: 'Child Three', label: 'Child Three'}, * ] * }, * { * label: 'Group two', * id: 2, * disabled: false, * choices: [ * {value: 'Child Four', label: 'Child Four', disabled: true}, * {value: 'Child Five', label: 'Child Five'}, * {value: 'Child Six', label: 'Child Six', customProperties: { * description: 'Custom description about child six', * random: 'Another random custom property' * }}, * ] * }], 'value', 'label', false); * ``` */ setChoices(choicesArrayOrFetcher?: Choice[] | Group[] | ((instance: Choices) => Choice[] | Promise), value?: string, label?: string, replaceChoices?: boolean): this | Promise; clearChoices(): this; clearStore(): this; clearInput(): this; _render(): void; _renderChoices(): void; _renderItems(): void; _createGroupsFragment(groups: Group[], choices: Choice[], fragment?: DocumentFragment): DocumentFragment; _createChoicesFragment(choices: Choice[], fragment?: DocumentFragment, withinGroup?: boolean): DocumentFragment; _createItemsFragment(items: Item[], fragment?: DocumentFragment): DocumentFragment; _triggerChange(value: any): void; _selectPlaceholderChoice(placeholderChoice: Choice): void; _handleButtonAction(activeItems?: Item[], element?: HTMLElement): void; _handleItemAction(activeItems?: Item[], element?: HTMLElement, hasShiftKey?: boolean): void; _handleChoiceAction(activeItems?: Item[], element?: HTMLElement): void; _handleBackspace(activeItems?: Item[]): void; _startLoading(): void; _stopLoading(): void; _handleLoadingState(setLoading?: boolean): void; _handleSearch(value: string): void; _canAddItem(activeItems: Item[], value: string): Notice; _searchChoices(value: string): number; _addEventListeners(): void; _removeEventListeners(): void; _onKeyDown(event: KeyboardEvent): void; _onKeyUp({ target, keyCode, }: Pick): void; _onSelectKey(event: KeyboardEvent, hasItems: boolean): void; _onEnterKey(event: KeyboardEvent, activeItems: Item[], nonproducibleChoices: Choice[], hasActiveDropdown: boolean): void; _onEscapeKey(hasActiveDropdown: boolean): void; _onDirectionKey(event: KeyboardEvent, activeItems: Item[], nonproducibleChoices: Choice[], hasActiveDropdown: boolean): void; _onDeleteKey(event: KeyboardEvent, activeItems: Item[], hasFocusedInput: boolean): void; _onTouchMove(): void; _onTouchEnd(event: TouchEvent): void; /** * Handles mousedown event in capture mode for containetOuter.element */ _onMouseDown(event: MouseEvent): void; /** * Handles mouseover event over this.dropdown * @param {MouseEvent} event */ _onMouseOver({ target }: Pick): void; _onClick({ target }: Pick): void; _onFocus({ target }: Pick): void; _onBlur({ target }: Pick): void; _onFormReset(): void; _highlightChoice(el?: HTMLElement | null): void; _addItem({ value, label, choiceId, groupId, customProperties, placeholder, keyCode, }: { value: string; label?: string | null; choiceId?: number; groupId?: number; customProperties?: object; placeholder?: boolean; keyCode?: number; }): void; _removeItem(item: Item): void; _addChoice({ value, label, isSelected, isDisabled, groupId, customProperties, placeholder, keyCode, }: { value: string; label?: string | null; isSelected?: boolean; isDisabled?: boolean; groupId?: number; customProperties?: Record; placeholder?: boolean; keyCode?: number; }): void; _addGroup({ group, id, valueKey, labelKey }: { group: any; id: any; valueKey?: string | undefined; labelKey?: string | undefined; }): void; _getTemplate(template: string, ...args: any): any; _createTemplates(): void; _createElements(): void; _createStructure(): void; _addPredefinedGroups(groups: Group[] | HTMLOptGroupElement[] | Element[]): void; _addPredefinedChoices(choices: Partial[]): void; _addPredefinedItems(items: Item[] | string[]): void; _setChoiceOrItem(item: any): void; _findAndSelectChoiceByValue(value: string): void; _generatePlaceholderValue(): string | null; } export default Choices; //#