import { expect } from 'chai'; import * as actions from './misc'; describe('actions/misc', () => { describe('clearAll action', () => { it('returns CLEAR_ALL action', () => { const expectedAction = { type: 'CLEAR_ALL', }; expect(actions.clearAll()).to.eql(expectedAction); }); }); describe('resetTo action', () => { it('returns RESET_TO action', () => { const state = { test: true }; const expectedAction = { type: 'RESET_TO', state, }; expect(actions.resetTo(state)).to.eql(expectedAction); }); }); describe('setIsLoading action', () => { describe('setting loading state to true', () => { it('returns expected action', () => { const expectedAction = { type: 'SET_IS_LOADING', isLoading: true, }; expect(actions.setIsLoading(true)).to.eql(expectedAction); }); }); describe('setting loading state to false', () => { it('returns expected action', () => { const expectedAction = { type: 'SET_IS_LOADING', isLoading: false, }; expect(actions.setIsLoading(false)).to.eql(expectedAction); }); }); }); });