describe('Choices - select one', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.visit('/select-one.html'); }); describe('scenarios', () => { describe('basic', () => { beforeEach(() => { // open dropdown cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices') .click(); }); describe('focusing on text input', () => { it('displays a dropdown of choices', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('be.visible'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .should('have.length', 4) .each(($choice, index) => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal(`Choice ${index + 1}`); }); }); describe('pressing escape', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{esc}'); }); it('closes the dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should(''); }); }); }); describe('selecting choices', () => { const selectedChoiceText = 'Choice 1'; it('allows me select choices from a dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .first() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .should($item => { expect($item).to.contain(selectedChoiceText); }); }); it('does not remove selected choice from dropdown list', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .first() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .first() .should($item => { expect($item).to.contain(selectedChoiceText); }); }); }); describe('searching choices', () => { describe('on input', () => { describe('searching by label', () => { it('displays choices filtered by inputted value', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('item 2'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .first() .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal('Choice 2'); }); }); }); describe('searching by value', () => { it('displays choices filtered by inputted value', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('find me'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .first() .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal('Choice 3'); }); }); }); describe('no results found', () => { it('displays "no results found" prompt', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('faergge'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('be.visible') .should($dropdown => { const dropdownText = $dropdown.text().trim(); expect(dropdownText).to.equal('No results found'); }); }); }); }); }); /* There is currently a bug with opening/closing/toggling dropdowns @todo Investigate why */ describe.skip('interacting with dropdown', () => { describe('opening dropdown', () => { it('opens dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('be.visible'); }); }); describe('closing dropdown', () => { it('closes dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('button.close-dropdown') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should(''); }); }); describe('toggling dropdown', () => { describe('when open', () => { it('closes dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('button.toggle-dropdown') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should(''); }); }); describe('when closed', () => { it('opens dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('button.close-dropdown') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('button.toggle-dropdown') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('be.visible'); }); }); }); }); describe('disabling', () => { describe('on disable', () => { it('disables the search input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('button.disable') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .should('be.disabled'); }); }); }); describe('enabling', () => { describe('on enable', () => { it('enables the search input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('button.enable') .focus() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=basic]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .should(''); }); }); }); }); describe('remove button', () => { /* { removeItemButton: true, } */ beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .focus(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .last() .click(); }); describe('remove button', () => { describe('on click', () => { let removedChoiceText; beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .then($choice => { removedChoiceText = $choice.text().trim(); }) .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .find('.choices__button') .focus() .click(); }); it('removes selected choice', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('.choices__list--single') .children() .should('have.length', 0); }); it('updates the value of the original input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remove-button]') .find('') .should($select => { const val = $select.val() || []; expect(val).to.not.contain(removedChoiceText); }); }); }); }); }); describe('disabled choice', () => { describe('selecting a disabled choice', () => { let selectedChoiceText; beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=disabled-choice]').click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=disabled-choice]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__item--disabled') .then($choice => { selectedChoiceText = $choice.text().trim(); }) .click(); }); it('does not change selected choice', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepend-append]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .should($choice => { expect($choice.text()).to.not.contain(selectedChoiceText); }); }); it('closes the dropdown list', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=disabled-choice]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should(''); }); }); }); describe('adding items disabled', () => { /* { addItems: false, } */ it('disables the search input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-items-disabled]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .should('be.disabled'); }); describe('on click', () => { it('does not open choice dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-items-disabled]') .find('.choices') .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=add-items-disabled]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('not.have.class', 'is-active'); }); }); }); describe('disabled via attribute', () => { it('disables the search input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=disabled-via-attr]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .should('be.disabled'); }); describe('on click', () => { it('does not open choice dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=disabled-via-attr]') .find('.choices') .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=disabled-via-attr]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('not.have.class', 'is-active'); }); }); }); describe('prepend/append', () => { /* { prependValue: 'before-', appendValue: '-after', }; */ let selectedChoiceText; beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepend-append]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .focus(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepend-append]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .last() .then($choice => { selectedChoiceText = $choice.text().trim(); }) .click(); }); it('prepends and appends value to inputted value', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepend-append]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .should($choice => { expect($'value')).to.equal( `before-${selectedChoiceText}-after`, ); }); }); it('displays just the inputted value to the user', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=prepend-append]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .should($choice => { expect($choice.text()).to.not.contain( `before-${selectedChoiceText}-after`, ); expect($choice.text()).to.contain(selectedChoiceText); }); }); }); describe('render choice limit', () => { /* { renderChoiceLimit: 1 } */ it('only displays given number of choices in the dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=render-choice-limit]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .should('have.length', 1); }); }); describe('search disabled', () => { /* { searchEnabled: false } */ const selectedChoiceText = 'Choice 3'; beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-disabled]') .find('.choices') .click(); }); it('does not display a search input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-disabled]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .should('not.exist'); }); it('allows me select choices from a dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-disabled]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .last() .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-disabled]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .should($item => { expect($item).to.contain(selectedChoiceText); }); }); }); describe('search floor', () => { /* { searchFloor: 10, }; */ describe('on input', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-floor]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .focus(); }); describe('search floor not reached', () => { it('displays choices not filtered by inputted value', () => { const searchTerm = 'item 2'; cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-floor]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(searchTerm); cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-floor]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .first() .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.not.contain(searchTerm); }); }); }); describe('search floor reached', () => { it('displays choices filtered by inputted value', () => { const searchTerm = 'Choice 2'; cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-floor]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(searchTerm); cy.get('[data-test-hook=search-floor]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .first() .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.contain(searchTerm); }); }); }); }); }); describe('remote data', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.reload(true); }); describe('when loading data', () => { it('shows a loading message as a placeholder', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remote-data]') .find('.choices__list--single') .children() .first() .should('have.class', 'choices__placeholder') .and($placeholder => { expect($placeholder).to.contain('Loading...'); }); }); describe('on click', () => { it('does not opens choice dropdown', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=remote-data]') .find('.choices') .click() .find('.choices__list--dropdown') .should('not.have.class', 'is-active'); }); }); }); describe('when data has loaded', () => { describe('opening the dropdown', () => { it('displays the loaded data', () => { cy.wait(1000); cy.get('[data-test-hook=remote-data]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .should('have.length', 50) .each(($choice, index) => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal(`Label ${index + 1}`); expect($'value')).to.equal(`Value ${index + 1}`); }); }); }); }); }); describe('scrolling dropdown', () => { let choicesCount; beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=scrolling-dropdown]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .choices__item') .then($choices => { choicesCount = $choices.length; }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=scrolling-dropdown]') .find('.choices') .click(); }); it('highlights first choice on dropdown open', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=scrolling-dropdown]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .is-highlighted') .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal('Choice 1'); }); }); it('scrolls to next choice on down arrow', () => { for (let index = 0; index < choicesCount; index++) { cy.get('[data-test-hook=scrolling-dropdown]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .is-highlighted') .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal(`Choice ${index + 1}`); }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=scrolling-dropdown]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{downarrow}'); } }); it('scrolls up to previous choice on up arrow', () => { // scroll to last choice for (let index = 0; index < choicesCount; index++) { cy.get('[data-test-hook=scrolling-dropdown]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{downarrow}'); } // scroll up to first choice for (let index = choicesCount; index > 0; index--) { cy.wait(100); // allow for dropdown animation to finish cy.get('[data-test-hook=scrolling-dropdown]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .is-highlighted') .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal(`Choice ${index}`); }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=scrolling-dropdown]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{uparrow}'); } }); }); describe('choice groups', () => { const choicesInGroup = 3; let groupValue; beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=groups]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .choices__group') .first() .then($group => { groupValue = $group.text().trim(); }); }); describe('selecting all choices in group', () => { it('removes group from dropdown', () => { for (let index = 0; index < choicesInGroup; index++) { cy.get('[data-test-hook=groups]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .focus(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=groups]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .choices__item') .first() .click(); } cy.get('[data-test-hook=groups]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .choices__group') .first() .should($group => { expect($group.text().trim()).to.not.equal(groupValue); }); }); }); describe('deselecting all choices in group', () => { beforeEach(() => { for (let index = 0; index < choicesInGroup; index++) { cy.get('[data-test-hook=groups]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .focus(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=groups]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .choices__item') .first() .click(); } }); it('shows group in dropdown', () => { for (let index = 0; index < choicesInGroup; index++) { cy.get('[data-test-hook=groups]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .focus() .type('{backspace}'); } cy.get('[data-test-hook=groups]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list .choices__group') .first() .should($group => { expect($group.text().trim()).to.equal(groupValue); }); }); }); }); describe('parent/child', () => { describe('selecting "Parent choice 2"', () => { it('enables the child Choices instance', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=parent-child]') .find('.choices') .eq(1) .should('have.class', 'is-disabled'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=parent-child]') .find('.choices') .eq(0) .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=parent-child]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .eq(1) .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=parent-child]') .find('.choices') .eq(1) .should('not.have.class', 'is-disabled'); }); }); describe('changing selection from "Parent choice 2" to something else', () => { it('disables the child Choices instance', () => { // open parent instance and select second choice cy.get('[data-test-hook=parent-child]') .find('.choices') .eq(0) .click() .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .eq(1) .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=parent-child]') .find('.choices') .eq(1) .should('not.have.class', 'is-disabled'); // open parent instance and select third choice cy.get('[data-test-hook=parent-child]') .find('.choices') .eq(0) .click() .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .eq(2) .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=parent-child]') .find('.choices') .eq(1) .should('have.class', 'is-disabled'); }); }); }); describe('custom properties', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=custom-properties]') .find('.choices') .click(); }); describe('on input', () => { it('filters choices based on custom property', () => { const data = [ { country: 'Germany', city: 'Berlin', }, { country: 'United Kingdom', city: 'London', }, { country: 'Portugal', city: 'Lisbon', }, ]; data.forEach(({ country, city }) => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=custom-properties]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type(country); cy.get('[data-test-hook=custom-properties]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .children() .first() .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal(city); }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=custom-properties]') .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{selectall}{del}'); }); }); }); }); describe('within form', () => { describe('selecting choice', () => { describe('on enter key', () => { it('does not submit form', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=within-form] form').then($form => { $form.submit(() => { // this will fail the test if the form submits throw new Error('Form submitted'); }); }); cy.get('[data-test-hook=within-form]') .find('.choices') .click() .find('.choices__input--cloned') .type('{enter}'); cy.get('[data-test-hook=within-form]') .find('.choices') .click(); cy.get('[data-test-hook=within-form]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .should($item => { expect($item).to.contain('Choice 1'); }); }); }); }); }); describe('dynamically setting choice by value', () => { const dynamicallySelectedChoiceValue = 'Choice 2'; it('selects choice', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=set-choice-by-value]') .find('.choices__list--single .choices__item') .last() .should($choice => { expect($choice.text().trim()).to.equal( dynamicallySelectedChoiceValue, ); }); }); it('does not remove choice from dropdown list', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=set-choice-by-value]') .find('.choices__list--dropdown .choices__list') .then($choicesList => { expect($choicesList).to.contain(dynamicallySelectedChoiceValue); }); }); it('updates the value of the original input', () => { cy.get('[data-test-hook=set-choice-by-value]') .find('') .should($select => { const val = $select.val() || []; expect(val).to.contain(dynamicallySelectedChoiceValue); }); }); }); }); });