import { expect } from 'chai'; import { spy, stub } from 'sinon'; import Choices from './choices'; import { EVENTS, ACTION_TYPES } from './constants'; describe('choices', () => { let instance; let output; let passedElement; const returnsInstance = () => { it('returns this', () => { expect(output).to.eql(instance); }); }; describe('public methods', () => { beforeEach(() => { passedElement = document.createElement('input'); passedElement.type = 'text'; passedElement.className = 'js-choices'; document.body.appendChild(passedElement); instance = new Choices(passedElement); }); afterEach(() => { output = null; instance = null; }); describe('init', () => { const callbackOnInitSpy = spy(); beforeEach(() => { instance = new Choices(passedElement, { callbackOnInit: callbackOnInitSpy, }); }); describe('when already initialised', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = true; instance.init(); }); it('doesn\'t set initialise flag', () => { expect(instance.initialised).to.not.equal(false); }); }); describe('not already initialised', () => { let createTemplatesSpy; let createInputSpy; let storeSubscribeSpy; let renderSpy; let addEventListenersSpy; beforeEach(() => { createTemplatesSpy = spy(instance, '_createTemplates'); createInputSpy = spy(instance, '_createStructure'); storeSubscribeSpy = spy(, 'subscribe'); renderSpy = spy(instance, 'render'); addEventListenersSpy = spy(instance, '_addEventListeners'); instance.initialised = false; instance.init(); }); afterEach(() => { createTemplatesSpy.restore(); createInputSpy.restore(); storeSubscribeSpy.restore(); renderSpy.restore(); addEventListenersSpy.restore(); }); it('sets initialise flag', () => { expect(instance.initialised).to.equal(true); }); it('creates templates', () => { expect(createTemplatesSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('creates input', () => { expect(createInputSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('subscribes to store with render method', () => { expect(storeSubscribeSpy.called).to.equal(true); expect(storeSubscribeSpy.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(instance.render); }); it('fires initial render', () => { expect(renderSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('adds event listeners', () => { expect(addEventListenersSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('fires callback', () => { expect(callbackOnInitSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); }); }); describe('destroy', () => { beforeEach(() => { passedElement = document.createElement('input'); passedElement.type = 'text'; passedElement.className = 'js-choices'; document.body.appendChild(passedElement); instance = new Choices(passedElement); }); describe('not already initialised', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = false; instance.destroy(); }); it('doesn\'t set initialise flag', () => { expect(instance.initialised).to.not.equal(true); }); }); describe('when already initialised', () => { let removeEventListenersSpy; let passedElementRevealSpy; let containerOuterUnwrapSpy; let clearStoreSpy; beforeEach(() => { removeEventListenersSpy = spy(instance, '_removeEventListeners'); passedElementRevealSpy = spy(instance.passedElement, 'reveal'); containerOuterUnwrapSpy = spy(instance.containerOuter, 'unwrap'); clearStoreSpy = spy(instance, 'clearStore'); instance.initialised = true; instance.destroy(); }); afterEach(() => { removeEventListenersSpy.restore(); passedElementRevealSpy.restore(); containerOuterUnwrapSpy.restore(); clearStoreSpy.restore(); }); it('removes event listeners', () => { expect(removeEventListenersSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('reveals passed element', () => { expect(passedElementRevealSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('reverts outer container', () => { expect(containerOuterUnwrapSpy.called).to.equal(true); expect(containerOuterUnwrapSpy.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(instance.passedElement.element); }); it('clears store', () => { expect(clearStoreSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('nullifys templates config', () => { expect(instance.config.templates).to.equal(null); }); it('resets initialise flag', () => { expect(instance.initialised).to.equal(false); }); }); }); describe('enable', () => { let passedElementEnableSpy; let addEventListenersSpy; let containerOuterEnableSpy; let inputEnableSpy; beforeEach(() => { addEventListenersSpy = spy(instance, '_addEventListeners'); passedElementEnableSpy = spy(instance.passedElement, 'enable'); containerOuterEnableSpy = spy(instance.containerOuter, 'enable'); inputEnableSpy = spy(instance.input, 'enable'); }); afterEach(() => { addEventListenersSpy.restore(); passedElementEnableSpy.restore(); containerOuterEnableSpy.restore(); inputEnableSpy.restore(); }); describe('not already initialised', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = false; output = instance.enable(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('returns early', () => { expect(passedElementEnableSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(addEventListenersSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(inputEnableSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(containerOuterEnableSpy.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('when already initialised', () => { describe('containerOuter enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = true; output = instance.enable(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('enables passedElement', () => { expect(passedElementEnableSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('containerOuter disabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = true; instance.containerOuter.isDisabled = true; instance.enable(); }); it('adds event listeners', () => { expect(addEventListenersSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('enables input', () => { expect(inputEnableSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('enables containerOuter', () => { expect(containerOuterEnableSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); }); }); }); describe('disable', () => { let removeEventListenersSpy; let passedElementDisableSpy; let containerOuterDisableSpy; let inputDisableSpy; beforeEach(() => { removeEventListenersSpy = spy(instance, '_removeEventListeners'); passedElementDisableSpy = spy(instance.passedElement, 'disable'); containerOuterDisableSpy = spy(instance.containerOuter, 'disable'); inputDisableSpy = spy(instance.input, 'disable'); }); afterEach(() => { removeEventListenersSpy.restore(); passedElementDisableSpy.restore(); containerOuterDisableSpy.restore(); inputDisableSpy.restore(); }); describe('not already initialised', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = false; output = instance.disable(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('returns early', () => { expect(removeEventListenersSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(passedElementDisableSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(containerOuterDisableSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(inputDisableSpy.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('when already initialised', () => { describe('containerOuter disabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = true; instance.containerOuter.isDisabled = true; output = instance.disable(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('disables passedElement', () => { expect(passedElementDisableSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('containerOuter enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = true; instance.containerOuter.isDisabled = false; instance.disable(); }); it('removes event listeners', () => { expect(removeEventListenersSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('disables input', () => { expect(inputDisableSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('enables containerOuter', () => { expect(containerOuterDisableSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); }); }); }); describe('showDropdown', () => { let containerOuterOpenSpy; let dropdownShowSpy; let inputFocusSpy; let passedElementTriggerEventStub; beforeEach(() => { containerOuterOpenSpy = spy(instance.containerOuter, 'open'); dropdownShowSpy = spy(instance.dropdown, 'show'); inputFocusSpy = spy(instance.input, 'focus'); passedElementTriggerEventStub = stub(); instance.passedElement.triggerEvent = passedElementTriggerEventStub; }); afterEach(() => { containerOuterOpenSpy.restore(); dropdownShowSpy.restore(); inputFocusSpy.restore(); instance.passedElement.triggerEvent.reset(); }); describe('dropdown active', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.dropdown.isActive = true; output = instance.showDropdown(); }); it('returns this', () => { expect(output).to.eql(instance); }); it('returns early', () => { expect(containerOuterOpenSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(dropdownShowSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(inputFocusSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('dropdown inactive', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.dropdown.isActive = false; output = instance.showDropdown(); }); it('returns this', () => { expect(output).to.eql(instance); }); it('opens containerOuter', () => { expect(containerOuterOpenSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('shows dropdown with blurInput flag', () => { expect(dropdownShowSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('triggers event on passedElement', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.eql(EVENTS.showDropdown); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[1]).to.eql({}); }); describe('passing true focusInput flag with canSearch set to true', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.dropdown.isActive = false; instance.canSearch = true; output = instance.showDropdown(true); }); it('focuses input', () => { expect(inputFocusSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); }); }); }); describe('hideDropdown', () => { let containerOuterCloseSpy; let dropdownHideSpy; let inputBlurSpy; let inputRemoveActiveDescendantSpy; let passedElementTriggerEventStub; beforeEach(() => { containerOuterCloseSpy = spy(instance.containerOuter, 'close'); dropdownHideSpy = spy(instance.dropdown, 'hide'); inputBlurSpy = spy(instance.input, 'blur'); inputRemoveActiveDescendantSpy = spy(instance.input, 'removeActiveDescendant'); passedElementTriggerEventStub = stub(); instance.passedElement.triggerEvent = passedElementTriggerEventStub; }); afterEach(() => { containerOuterCloseSpy.restore(); dropdownHideSpy.restore(); inputBlurSpy.restore(); inputRemoveActiveDescendantSpy.restore(); instance.passedElement.triggerEvent.reset(); }); describe('dropdown inactive', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.dropdown.isActive = false; output = instance.hideDropdown(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('returns early', () => { expect(containerOuterCloseSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(dropdownHideSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(inputBlurSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('dropdown active', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.dropdown.isActive = true; output = instance.hideDropdown(); }); it('returns this', () => { expect(output).to.eql(instance); }); it('closes containerOuter', () => { expect(containerOuterCloseSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('hides dropdown with blurInput flag', () => { expect(dropdownHideSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('triggers event on passedElement', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.eql(EVENTS.hideDropdown); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[1]).to.eql({}); }); describe('passing true blurInput flag with canSearch set to true', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.dropdown.isActive = true; instance.canSearch = true; output = instance.hideDropdown(true); }); it('removes active descendants', () => { expect(inputRemoveActiveDescendantSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); it('blurs input', () => { expect(inputBlurSpy.called).to.equal(true); }); }); }); }); describe('toggleDropdown', () => { let hideDropdownStub; let showDropdownStub; beforeEach(() => { hideDropdownStub = stub(); showDropdownStub = stub(); instance.hideDropdown = hideDropdownStub; instance.showDropdown = showDropdownStub; }); afterEach(() => { instance.hideDropdown.reset(); instance.showDropdown.reset(); }); describe('dropdown active', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.dropdown.isActive = true; output = instance.toggleDropdown(); }); it('hides dropdown', () => { expect(hideDropdownStub.called).to.equal(true); }); returnsInstance(output); }); describe('dropdown inactive', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.dropdown.isActive = false; output = instance.toggleDropdown(); }); it('shows dropdown', () => { expect(showDropdownStub.called).to.equal(true); }); returnsInstance(output); }); }); describe('highlightItem', () => { let passedElementTriggerEventStub; let storeDispatchSpy; let storeGetGroupByIdStub; const groupIdValue = 'Test'; beforeEach(() => { passedElementTriggerEventStub = stub(); storeGetGroupByIdStub = stub().returns({ value: groupIdValue, }); storeDispatchSpy = spy(, 'dispatch'); = storeGetGroupByIdStub; instance.passedElement.triggerEvent = passedElementTriggerEventStub; }); afterEach(() => { storeDispatchSpy.restore();; instance.passedElement.triggerEvent.reset(); }); describe('no item passed', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.highlightItem(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('returns early', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(false); expect(storeDispatchSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(storeGetGroupByIdStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('item passed', () => { const item = { id: 1234, value: 'Test', label: 'Test', }; describe('passing truthy second paremeter', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.highlightItem(item, true); }); returnsInstance(output); it('dispatches highlightItem action with correct arguments', () => { expect(storeDispatchSpy.called).to.equal(true); expect(storeDispatchSpy.lastCall.args[0]).to.eql({ type: ACTION_TYPES.HIGHLIGHT_ITEM, id:, highlighted: true, }); }); describe('item with negative groupId', () => { beforeEach(() => { item.groupId = -1; output = instance.highlightItem(item); }); it('triggers event with null groupValue', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(EVENTS.highlightItem); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[1]).to.eql({ id:, value: item.value, label: item.label, groupValue: null, }); }); }); describe('item without groupId', () => { beforeEach(() => { item.groupId = 1; output = instance.highlightItem(item); }); it('triggers event with groupValue', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(EVENTS.highlightItem); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[1]).to.eql({ id:, value: item.value, label: item.label, groupValue: groupIdValue, }); }); }); }); describe('passing falsey second paremeter', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.highlightItem(item, false); }); it('doesn\'t trigger event', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(false); }); returnsInstance(output); }); }); }); describe('unhighlightItem', () => { let passedElementTriggerEventStub; let storeDispatchSpy; let storeGetGroupByIdStub; const groupIdValue = 'Test'; beforeEach(() => { passedElementTriggerEventStub = stub(); storeGetGroupByIdStub = stub().returns({ value: groupIdValue, }); storeDispatchSpy = spy(, 'dispatch'); = storeGetGroupByIdStub; instance.passedElement.triggerEvent = passedElementTriggerEventStub; }); afterEach(() => { storeDispatchSpy.restore();; instance.passedElement.triggerEvent.reset(); }); describe('no item passed', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.unhighlightItem(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('returns early', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(false); expect(storeDispatchSpy.called).to.equal(false); expect(storeGetGroupByIdStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('item passed', () => { const item = { id: 1234, value: 'Test', label: 'Test', }; describe('passing truthy second paremeter', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.unhighlightItem(item, true); }); returnsInstance(output); it('dispatches highlightItem action with correct arguments', () => { expect(storeDispatchSpy.called).to.equal(true); expect(storeDispatchSpy.lastCall.args[0]).to.eql({ type: ACTION_TYPES.HIGHLIGHT_ITEM, id:, highlighted: false, }); }); describe('item with negative groupId', () => { beforeEach(() => { item.groupId = -1; output = instance.unhighlightItem(item); }); it('triggers event with null groupValue', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(EVENTS.highlightItem); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[1]).to.eql({ id:, value: item.value, label: item.label, groupValue: null, }); }); }); describe('item without groupId', () => { beforeEach(() => { item.groupId = 1; output = instance.highlightItem(item); }); it('triggers event with groupValue', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(EVENTS.highlightItem); expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.lastCall.args[1]).to.eql({ id:, value: item.value, label: item.label, groupValue: groupIdValue, }); }); }); }); describe('passing falsey second paremeter', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.highlightItem(item, false); }); it('doesn\'t trigger event', () => { expect(passedElementTriggerEventStub.called).to.equal(false); }); returnsInstance(output); }); }); }); describe('highlightAll', () => { let storeGetItemsStub; let highlightItemStub; const items = [ { id: 1, value: 'Test 1', }, { id: 2, value: 'Test 2', }, ]; beforeEach(() => { storeGetItemsStub = stub(, 'items').get(() => items); highlightItemStub = stub(); instance.highlightItem = highlightItemStub; output = instance.highlightAll(); }); afterEach(() => { highlightItemStub.reset(); storeGetItemsStub.reset(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('highlights each item in store', () => { expect(highlightItemStub.callCount).to.equal(items.length); expect(highlightItemStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[0]); expect(highlightItemStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[1]); }); }); describe('unhighlightAll', () => { let storeGetItemsStub; let unhighlightItemStub; const items = [ { id: 1, value: 'Test 1', }, { id: 2, value: 'Test 2', }, ]; beforeEach(() => { storeGetItemsStub = stub(, 'items').get(() => items); unhighlightItemStub = stub(); instance.unhighlightItem = unhighlightItemStub; output = instance.unhighlightAll(); }); afterEach(() => { instance.unhighlightItem.reset(); storeGetItemsStub.reset(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('unhighlights each item in store', () => { expect(unhighlightItemStub.callCount).to.equal(items.length); expect(unhighlightItemStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[0]); expect(unhighlightItemStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[1]); }); }); describe('clearStore', () => { let storeDispatchStub; beforeEach(() => { storeDispatchStub = stub(); = storeDispatchStub; output = instance.clearStore(); }); afterEach(() => {; }); returnsInstance(output); it('dispatches clearAll action', () => { expect(storeDispatchStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.eql({ type: ACTION_TYPES.CLEAR_ALL, }); }); }); describe('clearInput', () => { let inputClearSpy; let storeDispatchStub; beforeEach(() => { inputClearSpy = spy(instance.input, 'clear'); storeDispatchStub = stub(); = storeDispatchStub; output = instance.clearInput(); }); afterEach(() => { inputClearSpy.restore();; }); returnsInstance(output); describe('text element', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = false; instance.isTextElement = false; output = instance.clearInput(); }); it('clears input with correct arguments', () => { expect(inputClearSpy.called).to.equal(true); expect(inputClearSpy.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('select element with search enabled', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = true; instance.isTextElement = false; instance.config.searchEnabled = true; output = instance.clearInput(); }); it('clears input with correct arguments', () => { expect(inputClearSpy.called).to.equal(true); expect(inputClearSpy.lastCall.args[0]).to.equal(false); }); it('resets search flag', () => { expect(instance.isSearching).to.equal(false); }); it('dispatches activateChoices action', () => { expect(storeDispatchStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(storeDispatchStub.lastCall.args[0]).to.eql({ type: ACTION_TYPES.ACTIVATE_CHOICES, active: true, }); }); }); }); describe('ajax', () => { const callbackoutput = 'worked'; let handleLoadingStateStub; let ajaxCallbackStub; const returnsEarly = () => { it('returns early', () => { expect(handleLoadingStateStub.called).to.equal(false); expect(ajaxCallbackStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }; beforeEach(() => { handleLoadingStateStub = stub(); ajaxCallbackStub = stub().returns(callbackoutput); instance._ajaxCallback = ajaxCallbackStub; instance._handleLoadingState = handleLoadingStateStub; }); afterEach(() => { instance._ajaxCallback.reset(); instance._handleLoadingState.reset(); }); describe('not initialised', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = false; output = instance.ajax(() => {}); }); returnsInstance(output); returnsEarly(); }); describe('text element', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectElement = false; output = instance.ajax(() => {}); }); returnsInstance(output); returnsEarly(); }); describe('passing invalid function', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.ajax(null); }); returnsInstance(output); returnsEarly(); }); describe('select element', () => { let callback; beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = true; instance.isSelectElement = true; ajaxCallbackStub = stub(); callback = stub(); output = instance.ajax(callback); }); returnsInstance(output); it('sets loading state', (done) => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { expect(handleLoadingStateStub.called).to.equal(true); done(); }); }); it('calls passed function with ajax callback', () => { expect(callback.called).to.equal(true); expect(callback.lastCall.args[0]).to.eql(callbackoutput); }); }); }); describe('setValue', () => { let setChoiceOrItemStub; const values = [ 'Value 1', { value: 'Value 2', }, ]; beforeEach(() => { setChoiceOrItemStub = stub(); instance._setChoiceOrItem = setChoiceOrItemStub; }); afterEach(() => { instance._setChoiceOrItem.reset(); }); describe('not already initialised', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = false; output = instance.setValue(values); }); returnsInstance(output); it('returns early', () => { expect(setChoiceOrItemStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('when already initialised', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = true; output = instance.setValue(values); }); returnsInstance(output); it('sets each value', () => { expect(setChoiceOrItemStub.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(setChoiceOrItemStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(values[0]); expect(setChoiceOrItemStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.equal(values[1]); }); }); }); describe('setChoiceByValue', () => { let findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub; beforeEach(() => { findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub = stub(); instance._findAndSelectChoiceByValue = findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub; }); afterEach(() => { instance._findAndSelectChoiceByValue.reset(); }); describe('not already initialised', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = false; output = instance.setChoiceByValue([]); }); returnsInstance(output); it('returns early', () => { expect(findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('when already initialised and not text element', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.initialised = true; instance.isTextElement = false; }); describe('passing a string value', () => { const value = 'Test value'; beforeEach(() => { output = instance.setChoiceByValue(value); }); returnsInstance(output); it('sets each choice with same value', () => { expect(findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(value); }); }); describe('passing an array of values', () => { const values = [ 'Value 1', 'Value 2', ]; beforeEach(() => { output = instance.setChoiceByValue(values); }); returnsInstance(output); it('sets each choice with same value', () => { expect(findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(values[0]); expect(findAndSelectChoiceByValueStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.equal(values[1]); }); }); }); }); describe('getValue', () => { let activeItemsStub; const items = [ { id: '1', value: 'Test value 1', }, { id: '2', value: 'Test value 2', }, ]; beforeEach(() => { activeItemsStub = stub(, 'activeItems').get(() => items); }); afterEach(() => { activeItemsStub.reset(); }); describe('passing true valueOnly flag', () => { describe('select one input', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = true; output = instance.getValue(true); }); it('returns a single action value', () => { expect(output).to.equal(items[0].value); }); }); describe('non select one input', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = false; output = instance.getValue(true); }); it('returns all active item values', () => { expect(output).to.eql( => item.value))); }); }); }); describe('passing false valueOnly flag', () => { describe('select one input', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = true; output = instance.getValue(false); }); it('returns a single active item', () => { expect(output).to.equal(items[0]); }); }); describe('non select one input', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = false; output = instance.getValue(false); }); it('returns all active items', () => { expect(output).to.eql(items); }); }); }); }); describe('removeActiveItemsByValue', () => { describe('passing invalid value', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.removeActiveItemsByValue(null); }); returnsInstance(output); }); describe('passing valid value', () => { let activeItemsStub; let removeItemStub; const value = 'Removed'; const items = [ { id: '1', value: 'Not removed', }, { id: '2', value: 'Removed', }, { id: '3', value: 'Removed', }, ]; beforeEach(() => { removeItemStub = stub(); activeItemsStub = stub(, 'activeItems').get(() => items); instance._removeItem = removeItemStub; output = instance.removeActiveItemsByValue(value); }); afterEach(() => { activeItemsStub.reset(); instance._removeItem.reset(); }); it('removes each active item in store with matching value', () => { expect(removeItemStub.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(removeItemStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[1]); expect(removeItemStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[2]); }); }); }); describe('removeActiveItems', () => { let activeItemsStub; let removeItemStub; const items = [ { id: '1', value: 'Not removed', }, { id: '2', value: 'Removed', }, { id: '3', value: 'Removed', }, ]; beforeEach(() => { removeItemStub = stub(); activeItemsStub = stub(, 'activeItems').get(() => items); instance._removeItem = removeItemStub; }); afterEach(() => { activeItemsStub.reset(); instance._removeItem.reset(); }); describe('not passing id to exclude', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.removeActiveItems(); }); it('removes all active items in store', () => { expect(removeItemStub.callCount).to.equal(items.length); expect(removeItemStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[0]); expect(removeItemStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[1]); expect(removeItemStub.thirdCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[2]); }); }); describe('passing id to exclude', () => { const idToExclude = '2'; beforeEach(() => { output = instance.removeActiveItems(idToExclude); }); it('removes all active items in store with id that does match excludedId', () => { expect(removeItemStub.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(removeItemStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[0]); expect(removeItemStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[2]); }); }); }); describe('removeHighlightedItems', () => { let highlightedActiveItemsStub; let removeItemStub; let triggerChangeStub; const items = [ { id: 1, value: 'Test 1', }, { id: 2, value: 'Test 2', }, ]; beforeEach(() => { highlightedActiveItemsStub = stub(, 'highlightedActiveItems').get(() => items); removeItemStub = stub(); triggerChangeStub = stub(); instance._removeItem = removeItemStub; instance._triggerChange = triggerChangeStub; }); afterEach(() => { highlightedActiveItemsStub.reset(); instance._removeItem.reset(); instance._triggerChange.reset(); }); describe('runEvent parameter being passed', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.removeHighlightedItems(); }); returnsInstance(output); it('removes each highlighted item in store', () => { expect(removeItemStub.callCount).to.equal(2); }); }); describe('runEvent parameter not being passed', () => { beforeEach(() => { output = instance.removeHighlightedItems(true); }); returnsInstance(output); it('triggers event with item value', () => { expect(triggerChangeStub.callCount).to.equal(2); expect(triggerChangeStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[0].value); expect(triggerChangeStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.equal(items[1].value); }); }); }); describe('setChoices', () => { let clearChoicesStub; let addGroupStub; let addChoiceStub; let containerOuterRemoveLoadingStateStub; const value = 'value'; const label = 'label'; const choices = [ { id: '1', value: '1', label: 'Test 1', }, { id: '2', value: '2', label: 'Test 2', }, ]; const groups = [ { ...choices[0], choices, }, ...choices[1], ]; beforeEach(() => { clearChoicesStub = stub(); addGroupStub = stub(); addChoiceStub = stub(); containerOuterRemoveLoadingStateStub = stub(); instance._clearChoices = clearChoicesStub; instance._addGroup = addGroupStub; instance._addChoice = addChoiceStub; instance.containerOuter.removeLoadingState = containerOuterRemoveLoadingStateStub; }); afterEach(() => { instance._clearChoices.reset(); instance._addGroup.reset(); instance._addChoice.reset(); instance.containerOuter.removeLoadingState.reset(); }); const returnsEarly = () => { it('returns early', () => { expect(addGroupStub.called).to.equal(false); expect(addChoiceStub.called).to.equal(false); expect(clearChoicesStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }; describe('when element is not select element', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectElement = false; instance.setChoices(choices, value, label, false); }); returnsEarly(); }); describe('passing invalid arguments', () => { describe('passing an empty array', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectElement = true; instance.setChoices([], value, label, false); }); returnsEarly(); }); describe('passing no value', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectElement = true; instance.setChoices(choices, undefined, 'label', false); }); returnsEarly(); }); }); describe('passing valid arguments', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectElement = true; }); it('removes loading state', () => { instance.setChoices(choices, value, label, false); expect(containerOuterRemoveLoadingStateStub.called).to.equal(true); }); describe('passing choices with children choices', () => { it('adds groups', () => { instance.setChoices(groups, value, label, false); expect(addGroupStub.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(addGroupStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.equal(groups[0]); expect(addGroupStub.firstCall.args[1]).to.equal(groups[0].id); expect(addGroupStub.firstCall.args[2]).to.equal(value); expect(addGroupStub.firstCall.args[3]).to.equal(label); }); }); describe('passing choices without children choices', () => { it('adds passed choices', () => { instance.setChoices(choices, value, label, false); expect(addChoiceStub.callCount).to.equal(2); addChoiceStub.getCalls().forEach((call, index) => { expect(call.args[0]).to.equal(choices[index][value]); expect(call.args[1]).to.equal(choices[index][label]); expect(call.args[2]).to.equal(choices[index].selected); expect(call.args[3]).to.equal(choices[index].disabled); expect(call.args[4]).to.equal(undefined); expect(call.args[5]).to.equal(choices[index].customProperties); expect(call.args[6]).to.equal(choices[index].placeholder); }); }); }); describe('passing true replaceChoices flag', () => { it('choices are cleared', () => { instance.setChoices(choices, value, label, true); expect(clearChoicesStub.called).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('passing false replaceChoices flag', () => { it('choices are not cleared', () => { instance.setChoices(choices, value, label, false); expect(clearChoicesStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }); }); }); describe('createGroupsFragment', () => { let createChoicesFragmentStub; const choices = [ { id: 1, selected: true, groupId: 1, value: 'Choice 1', label: 'Choice 1', }, { id: 2, selected: false, groupId: 2, value: 'Choice 2', label: 'Choice 2', }, { id: 3, selected: false, groupId: 1, value: 'Choice 3', label: 'Choice 3', }, ]; const groups = [ { id: 2, value: 'Group 2', active: true, disabled: false, }, { id: 1, value: 'Group 1', active: true, disabled: false, }, ]; beforeEach(() => { createChoicesFragmentStub = stub(); instance.createChoicesFragment = createChoicesFragmentStub; }); afterEach(() => { instance.createChoicesFragment.reset(); }); describe('returning a fragment of groups', () => { describe('passing fragment argument', () => { it('updates fragment with groups', () => { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); const childElement = document.createElement('div'); fragment.appendChild(childElement); output = instance.createGroupsFragment(groups, choices, fragment); const elementToWrapFragment = document.createElement('div'); elementToWrapFragment.appendChild(output); expect(output); expect(elementToWrapFragment.children[0]).to.eql(childElement); expect(elementToWrapFragment.querySelectorAll('[data-group]').length).to.equal(2); }); }); describe('not passing fragment argument', () => { it('returns new groups fragment', () => { output = instance.createGroupsFragment(groups, choices); const elementToWrapFragment = document.createElement('div'); elementToWrapFragment.appendChild(output); expect(output); expect(elementToWrapFragment.querySelectorAll('[data-group]').length).to.equal(2); }); }); describe('sorting groups', () => { let sortFnStub; beforeEach(() => { sortFnStub = stub(); instance.config.sortFn = sortFnStub; instance.config.shouldSort = true; }); afterEach(() => { instance.config.sortFn.reset(); }); it('sorts groups by config.sortFn', () => { expect(sortFnStub.called).to.equal(false); instance.createGroupsFragment(groups, choices); expect(sortFnStub.called).to.equal(true); }); }); describe('not sorting groups', () => { let sortFnStub; beforeEach(() => { sortFnStub = stub(); instance.config.sortFn = sortFnStub; instance.config.shouldSort = false; }); afterEach(() => { instance.config.sortFn.reset(); }); it('does not sort groups', () => { instance.createGroupsFragment(groups, choices); expect(sortFnStub.called).to.equal(false); }); }); describe('select-one element', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = true; }); it('calls createChoicesFragment with choices that belong to each group', () => { expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.called).to.equal(false); instance.createGroupsFragment(groups, choices); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.eql([ { id: 1, selected: true, groupId: 1, value: 'Choice 1', label: 'Choice 1', }, { id: 3, selected: false, groupId: 1, value: 'Choice 3', label: 'Choice 3', }, ]); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.eql([ { id: 2, selected: false, groupId: 2, value: 'Choice 2', label: 'Choice 2', }, ]); }); }); describe('text/select-multiple element', () => { describe('renderSelectedChoices set to "always"', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = false; instance.config.renderSelectedChoices = 'always'; }); it('calls createChoicesFragment with choices that belong to each group', () => { expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.called).to.equal(false); instance.createGroupsFragment(groups, choices); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.eql([ { id: 1, selected: true, groupId: 1, value: 'Choice 1', label: 'Choice 1', }, { id: 3, selected: false, groupId: 1, value: 'Choice 3', label: 'Choice 3', }, ]); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.eql([ { id: 2, selected: false, groupId: 2, value: 'Choice 2', label: 'Choice 2', }, ]); }); }); describe('renderSelectedChoices not set to "always"', () => { beforeEach(() => { instance.isSelectOneElement = false; instance.config.renderSelectedChoices = false; }); it('calls createChoicesFragment with choices that belong to each group that are not already selected', () => { expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.called).to.equal(false); instance.createGroupsFragment(groups, choices); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.called).to.equal(true); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.firstCall.args[0]).to.eql([ { id: 3, selected: false, groupId: 1, value: 'Choice 3', label: 'Choice 3', }, ]); expect(createChoicesFragmentStub.secondCall.args[0]).to.eql([ { id: 2, selected: false, groupId: 2, value: 'Choice 2', label: 'Choice 2', }, ]); }); }); }); }); }); describe('createChoicesFragment', () => { beforeEach(() => {}); it('returns a fragment of choices', () => {}); }); describe('createItemsFragment', () => { beforeEach(() => {}); it('returns a fragment of items', () => {}); }); describe('render', () => { beforeEach(() => {}); describe('no change to state', () => { it('returns early', () => {}); }); describe('change to state', () => { it('updates previous state to current state', () => {}); describe('select element', () => { it('clears choice list', () => {}); describe('when resetScrollPosition config option is set to true', () => { it('scrolls to top of choice list', () => {}); }); }); describe('text element', () => { describe('active items in store', () => { it('clears item list', () => {}); it('renders active items inside item list', () => {}); }); }); }); }); }); });