--- layout: base title: What's New navbar_active: whats-new relative_path: ../ --- {% capture jumbotron_h1 %}  What's New{% endcapture %} {% capture jumbotron_p %}What's New with {{ site.forkawesome.name }} {{ site.forkawesome.minor_version }}{% endcapture %} {% include jumbotron.html %} {% include stripe-social.html %}

{{ site.forkawesome.name }} is community effort base on {{ site.fontawesome.name }} {{ site.fontawesome.version }} by {{ site.fontawesome.author.name }}. We {{ site.fontawesome.name }} but here's why we forked it into {{ site.forkawesome.name }} {{ site.forkawesome.minor_version }}. Want to help contribute?

PR freeze

Since Oct 22, 2016, Font Awesome has frozen all pull requests proposing new icons. With {{ site.forkawesome.name }}, we are welcoming all your pull requests.

Font Awesome 5.0

Fort Awesome has ran a very successful kickstarter campaign and completely redesigned Font Awesome in this new version 5.0. Fork Awesome plans to keep the old look alive.

Distributed community

We'd like to turn this into a distributed open source design project, where all contributions are included and credited. So join our community.
{% include icons/new.html %} {% include new-upgrading.html %}