todd 6a5ed1863d Renamed .scss files so they are handled properly by Jekyll
Jekyll was ignoring all of the files in src/doc/assets/fork-awesome/scss
that began with an underscore when copying to _site.

Removed the underscore and appended `.txt` so they would be copied to

We put the underscore back and remove the .txt extension in the Makefile
2019-02-25 05:28:41 -05:00

8 lines
344 B

/* Font Awesome uses the Unicode Private Use Area (PUA) to ensure screen
readers do not read off random characters that represent icons */
{% for icon in icons %}{% for alias in icon.aliases %}
.#{$fa-css-prefix}-{{ alias }}:before,{% endfor %}
.#{$fa-css-prefix}-{{ }}:before { content: $fa-var-{{ }}; }{% endfor %}