James Johnston cac2895612 Allow custom naming of font family
This allows multiple variations/versions of Font Awesome to be used,
similar to the namespacing currently allowed by the $fa-css-prefix

(And also allows us to more easily use a third-party library that makes
hard-coded non-default assumptions about the font face name.)
2016-12-20 22:59:54 -08:00

19 lines
716 B

// Variables
// --------------------------
@fa-font-path: "../fonts";
@fa-font-size-base: 14px;
@fa-line-height-base: 1;
//@fa-font-path: "//{{site.fontawesome.version}}/fonts"; // for referencing Bootstrap CDN font files directly
@fa-css-prefix: {{ site.fontawesome.css_prefix }};
@fa-font-family: {{ site.fontawesome.font_family }};
@fa-version: "{{ site.fontawesome.version }}";
@fa-border-color: #eee;
@fa-inverse: #fff;
@fa-li-width: (30em / 14);
{% assign sorted_icons = icons | expand_aliases | sort_by:'class' %}{% for icon in sorted_icons %}@fa-var-{{ icon.class }}: "\{{ icon.unicode }}";
{% endfor %}