Provide markdown conversion to your Symfony2 projects. ## INSTALLATION Put MarkdownBundle in your `src/Bundle` dir. Then enable it in your `config.yml`: knplabs_markdown: parser: ~ # Enable the parser service helper: ~ # Enable the helper in the templates Optionnally enable the twig markdown filter : twig: ~ # Enable Twig knplabs_markdown: twig: ~ # Enable the markdown filter You can also define your own Parser class : knplabs_markdown: parser: class: Bundle\HelloBundle\MarkdownParser ## USAGE // Use the service $html = $this->container['markdownParser']->transform($text); // Use the helper echo $view['markdown']->transform($text); If you have enabled the twig markdown filter, you can use the following in your twig templates: {{ my_data | markdown }} ## TEST phpunit -c myapp src/Bundle/MarkdownBundle