Provide markdown conversion (based on [Michel Fortin work]( to your Symfony2 projects. [![Build Status](]( ## INSTALLATION Add KnpMarkdownBundle to your `composer.json` ```yaml { "require": { "knplabs/knp-markdown-bundle": "~1.3" } } ``` or simply run ```composer require knplabs/knp-markdown-bundle:~1.3``` Register the bundle in ``app/AppKernel.php`` ```php $bundles = array( // ... new Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\KnpMarkdownBundle(), ); ``` ## USAGE ```php // Use the service $html = $this->container->get('markdown.parser')->transformMarkdown($text); // Use the helper with default parser echo $view['markdown']->transform($text); // Use the helper and a select specific parser echo $view['markdown']->transform($text, $parserName); ``` If you have enabled the Twig markdown filter, you can use the following in your Twig templates: ```twig {# Use default parser #} {{ my_data|markdown }} {# Or select specific parser #} {{ my_data|markdown('parserName') }} ``` ## Change the parser implementation Create a service implementing `Knp\Bundle\MarkdownBundle\MarkdownParserInterface`, then configure the bundle to use it: ```yaml knp_markdown: parser: service: my.markdown.parser ``` Alternatively if you are using the ``markdown.parser.sundown`` there are options for enabling sundown extensions and render flags, see the default Configuration with: php app/console config:dump-reference knp_markdown This bundle comes with 5 parser services, 4 based on the same algorithm but providing different levels of compliance to the markdown specification, and one which is uses the php sundown extension: - markdown.parser.max // fully compliant = slower (default implementation) - markdown.parser.medium // expensive and uncommon features dropped - markdown.parser.light // expensive features dropped - markdown.parser.min // most features dropped = faster - markdown.parser.sundown // faster and fully compliant (recommended) ``markdown.parser.sundown`` requires the [php sundown extension]( For more details, see the implementations in Parser/Preset. ## TEST phpunit -c myapp vendor/bundles/Knp/Bundle/MarkdownBundle