
360 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// This file should rarely need to be changed. (which is intentional,
// because it is a pain to program here, it's a pain to recompile and
// reload it, and it's a pain to debug it.) Most of the real meat of
// TabFS is on the extension side, not here.
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <fuse.h>
#include "cJSON/cJSON.h"
#include "cJSON/cJSON.c"
#include "frozen/frozen.h"
#include "frozen/frozen.c"
#include "base64/base64.h"
#include "base64/base64.c"
FILE* l;
static void send_request(const char *fmt, ...) {
va_list args; va_start(args, fmt);
char request_data[1024*1024]; // max size of native->Chrome message
struct json_out out = JSON_OUT_BUF(request_data, sizeof(request_data));
unsigned int request_len = json_vprintf(&out, fmt, args);
write(1, (char *) &request_len, 4); // stdout
unsigned int bytes_written = 0;
while (bytes_written < request_len) {
bytes_written += write(1, request_data, request_len);
/* fprintf(l, "req[%s]\n", request_data); fflush(l); */
static int await_response(char **resp) {
unsigned int response_len;
read(0, (char *) &response_len, 4); // stdin
char *response_data = malloc(response_len);
unsigned int bytes_read = 0;
while (bytes_read < response_len) {
bytes_read += read(0, response_data + bytes_read, response_len);
/* fprintf(l, "resp(%d; expected %d)[%s]\n", bytes_read, response_len, response_data); fflush(l); */
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
if (response_data == NULL) {
// Connection is dead.
*resp = "{ \"error\": 5 }";
return strlen(*resp);
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
*resp = response_data;
return response_len;
2019-03-02 21:16:08 +01:00
// This helper macro is used to implement all the FUSE fs operations.
// It constructs a JSON object to represent the incoming request, then
// forwards that object to `send_request_then_await_response` (which
// then dispatches it to our browser extension over stdout). It awaits
// the response from the browser over stdin, then lets us pull that
// apart to ultimately return the data to FUSE.
2019-03-02 21:16:08 +01:00
// OP is an opcode string which the extension handles in JS.
// REQ_BUILDER_BODY is a block which should add whatever request
// properties you want to send to the browser to the `req` cJSON
// object. RESP_HANDLER_BODY should handle whatever response
// properties are on the `resp` cJSON object and pass them back to the
// kernel. It should also set the value of `ret` to the desired
// return value. (MAKE_REQ takes over return from the containing
// function so it can automatically return error values.)
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
do { \
int ret = -1; \
cJSON *req = NULL; \
cJSON *resp = NULL; \
req = cJSON_CreateObject(); \
cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "op", OP); \
resp = send_request_then_await_response(req); \
cJSON *error_item = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, "error"); \
if (error_item) { \
ret = -error_item->valueint; \
if (ret != 0) goto done; \
} \
ret = -1; \
done: \
if (req != NULL) cJSON_Delete(req); \
if (resp != NULL) cJSON_Delete(resp); \
return ret; \
} while (0)
do { \
LVALUE = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, KEY)->valueint; \
} while (0)
#define receive_response(fmt, ...) \
do { \
char *resp; int resp_len; \
resp_len = await_response(&resp); \
if (!resp_len) return -EIO; \
int err; \
if (json_scanf(resp, resp_len, "{error: %d}", &err) && err) { \
free(resp); return -err; \
} \
json_scanf(resp, resp_len, fmt, __VA_ARGS__); \
free(resp); \
} while (0)
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
static int tabfs_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q}", "getattr", path);
memset(stbuf, 0, sizeof(struct stat));
receive_response("{st_mode: %d, st_nlink: %d, st_size: %d}",
&stbuf->st_mode, &stbuf->st_nlink, &stbuf->st_size);
return 0;
/* MAKE_REQ("getattr", { */
/* /\* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); *\/ */
/* }, { */
/* JSON_GET_PROP_INT(stbuf->st_mode, "st_mode"); */
/* JSON_GET_PROP_INT(stbuf->st_nlink, "st_nlink"); */
/* JSON_GET_PROP_INT(stbuf->st_size, "st_size"); */
/* ret = 0; */
/* }); */
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
static int tabfs_readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q}", "readlink", path);
char *scan_buf; receive_response("{buf: %Q}", &scan_buf);
snprintf(buf, size, "%s", scan_buf); free(scan_buf);
return 0;
/* MAKE_REQ("readlink", { */
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); */
/* }, { */
/* cJSON *resp_buf_item = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, "buf"); */
/* // FIXME: fix */
/* char *resp_buf = cJSON_GetStringValue(resp_buf_item); */
/* size_t resp_buf_size = strlen(resp_buf) + 1; */
/* size = resp_buf_size < size ? resp_buf_size : size; */
/* memcpy(buf, resp_buf, size); */
/* ret = 0; */
/* }); */
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
static int tabfs_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q, flags: %d}", "open", path, fi->flags);
receive_response("{fh: %d}", &fi->fh);
return 0;
/* MAKE_REQ("open", { */
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "flags", fi->flags); */
/* }, { */
/* cJSON *fh_item = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, "fh"); */
/* if (!fh_item) return -EIO; */
/* fi->fh = fh_item->valueint; */
/* ret = 0; */
/* }); */
static int
tabfs_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q, size: %d, offset: %d, fh: %d, flags: %d}",
"read", path, size, offset, fi->fh, fi->flags);
char *scan_buf; receive_response("{buf: %Q}", &scan_buf);
snprintf(buf, size, "%s", scan_buf); free(scan_buf);
return 0;
/* MAKE_REQ("read", { */
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "size", size); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "offset", offset); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "fh", fi->fh); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "flags", fi->flags); */
/* }, { */
/* cJSON *resp_buf_item = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, "buf"); */
/* if (!resp_buf_item) return -EIO; */
/* char *resp_buf = cJSON_GetStringValue(resp_buf_item); */
/* if (!resp_buf) return -EIO; */
/* size_t resp_buf_len = strlen(resp_buf); */
/* cJSON *base64_encoded_item = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, "base64Encoded"); */
/* if (base64_encoded_item && cJSON_IsTrue(base64_encoded_item)) { */
/* size = base64_decode(resp_buf, resp_buf_len, (unsigned char *) buf); */
/* } else { */
/* size = resp_buf_len < size ? resp_buf_len : size; */
/* memcpy(buf, resp_buf, size); */
/* } */
/* ret = size; */
/* }); */
2019-03-02 21:16:08 +01:00
static int
tabfs_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset,
struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q, buf: %V, offset: %d, fh: %d, flags: %d}",
"write", path, size, buf, offset, fi->fh, fi->flags);
int ret; receive_response("{size: %d}", &ret); return ret;
/* MAKE_REQ("write", { */
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); */
2019-03-02 21:16:08 +01:00
/* char base64_buf[size + 1]; // ughh. */
/* base64_encode((const unsigned char *) buf, size, base64_buf); */
2019-03-02 21:16:08 +01:00
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "buf", base64_buf); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "offset", offset); */
/* }, { */
/* ret = size; */
/* }); */
2019-03-02 21:16:08 +01:00
static int tabfs_release(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q, fh: %d}",
"release", path, fi->fh);
receive_response("{}", NULL);
return 0;
/* MAKE_REQ("release", { */
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "fh", fi->fh); */
/* }, { */
/* ret = 0; */
/* }); */
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
static int tabfs_opendir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q, flags: %d}",
"opendir", path, fi->flags);
receive_response("{fh: %d}", &fi->fh);
return 0;
/* MAKE_REQ("opendir", { */
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "flags", fi->flags); */
/* }, { */
/* cJSON *fh_item = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, "fh"); */
/* if (fh_item) fi->fh = fh_item->valueint; */
/* ret = 0; */
/* }); */
static int
tabfs_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler,
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q, offset: %d}",
"readdir", path, offset);
char *resp; int resp_len;
resp_len = await_response(&resp);
if (!resp_len) return -EIO;
struct json_token t;
for (int i = 0; json_scanf_array_elem(resp, resp_len, ".entries", i, &t) > 0; i++) {
char entry[t.len + 1]; snprintf(entry, t.len + 1, "%.*s", t.len, t.ptr);
filler(buf, entry, NULL, 0);
return 0;
/* MAKE_REQ("readdir", { */
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); */
/* }, { */
/* cJSON *entries = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, "entries"); */
/* cJSON *entry; */
/* cJSON_ArrayForEach(entry, entries) { */
/* filler(buf, cJSON_GetStringValue(entry), NULL, 0); */
/* } */
/* ret = 0; */
/* }); */
static int
2019-02-26 04:29:04 +01:00
tabfs_releasedir(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) {
send_request("{op: %Q, path: %Q, fh: %d}",
"release", path, fi->fh);
receive_response("{}", NULL);
return 0;
/* MAKE_REQ("releasedir", { */
/* cJSON_AddStringToObject(req, "path", path); */
/* cJSON_AddNumberToObject(req, "fh", fi->fh); */
/* }, { */
/* ret = 0; */
/* }); */
static struct fuse_operations tabfs_filesystem_operations = {
.getattr = tabfs_getattr, /* To provide size, permissions, etc. */
.readlink = tabfs_readlink,
.open = tabfs_open, /* To enforce read-only access. */
.read = tabfs_read, /* To provide file content. */
2019-03-02 21:16:08 +01:00
.write = tabfs_write,
.release = tabfs_release,
.opendir = tabfs_opendir,
.readdir = tabfs_readdir, /* To provide directory listing. */
.releasedir = tabfs_releasedir
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
char killcmd[1000];
sprintf(killcmd, "pgrep tabfs | grep -v %d | xargs kill -9", getpid());
#ifdef __APPLE__
system("diskutil umount force mnt > /dev/null");
system("fusermount -u mnt");
l = fopen("log.txt", "w");
for (int i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
fprintf(l, "arg%d: [%s]\n", i, argv[i]); fflush(l);
char* fuse_argv[] = {argv[0], "-odirect_io", "-s", "-f", "mnt"};
return fuse_main(5, fuse_argv, &tabfs_filesystem_operations, NULL);