--- title: TabFS --- [TabFS](https://github.com/osnr/TabFS) is a browser extension that mounts your browser tabs as a filesystem on your computer. Out of the box, it supports Chrome and (to a lesser extent[^firefox]) Firefox, on macOS and Linux.[^otherbrowsers] [^firefox]: because of the absence of the [chrome.debugger API for extensions](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/debugger/). With a bit more plumbing, you could maybe find a way to connect it to the remote debugging protocol in Firefox and other browsers and get that second level of functionality that is currently Chrome-only. [^otherbrowsers]: It could probably be made to work on other browsers like Safari and Opera that support the WebExtensions API, and on Windows using Dokan or WinFUSE/WSL stuff (?), but I haven't looked into that. Each of your open tabs is mapped to a folder.

I have 3 tabs open, and they map to 3 folders in TabFS

The files inside a tab's folder directly reflect (and can control) the state of that tab in your browser. (TODO: update as I add more)

Example: the url.txt, text.txt, and title.txt files inside a tab's folder, which tell me those live properties for that tab

This gives you a _ton_ of power, because now you can apply [all the existing tools](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1018570020324962305) on your computer that already know how to deal with files -- terminal commands, scripting languages, etc -- and use them to control and communicate with your browser. Now you don't need to [code up a browser extension from scratch](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1261392522485526528) every time you want to do anything. You can write a script that talks to your browser in, like, a melange of Python and bash, and you can save it as [a single ordinary file](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1308588645872435202) that you can run whenever, and it's no different from scripting any other part of your computer. ## Examples of stuff you can do![^examples] [^examples]: maybe some of these feel a little more vital and fleshed-out and urgent than others. the things I actually wanted to do and reached for vs. the things that satisfy some pedagogical property (simple to explain, stack on top of the previous example, ...) (assuming your current directory is the `fs` subdirectory of the git repo and you have the extension running) ### List the titles of all the tabs you have open ``` $ cat mnt/tabs/by-id/*/title.txt GitHub Extensions TabFS/install.sh at master ยท osnr/TabFS Alternative Extension Distribution Options - Google Chrome Web Store Hosting and Updating - Google Chrome Home / Twitter ... ``` ### Cull tabs like any other files

Selecting and deleting a bunch of tabs in my file manager

I'm using Dired in Emacs here, but you could use whatever tools you already feel comfortable managing your files with. ### Close all Stack Overflow tabs ``` $ rm mnt/tabs/by-title/*Stack_Overflow* ``` or (older / more explicit) ``` $ echo remove | tee -a mnt/tabs/by-title/*Stack_Overflow*/control ``` #### btw (this task, removing all tabs whose titles contain some string, is a little contrived, but it's not that unrealistic, right?) (now... how would you do this _without_ TabFS? I honestly have no idea, off the top of my head. like, how do you even get the titles of tabs? how do you tell the browser to close them?) (I looked up the APIs, and, OK, if you're already in a browser extension, in a 'background script' inside the extension, _and_ your extension has the `tabs` permission -- this already requires you to make 2 separate files and hop between your browser and your text editor to set it all up! -- you can do [this](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/tabs/#method-query): `chrome.tabs.query({}, tabs => chrome.tabs.remove(tabs.filter(tab => tab.title.includes('Stack Overflow')).map(tab => tab.id)))`) (not _terrible_, but look at all that upfront overhead to get it set up. and it's not all that discoverable. and what if you want to reuse this later, or plug it into some larger pipeline of tools on your computer, or give it a visual interface? the jump in complexity once you need to communicate with anything -- possibly setting up a WebSocket, setting up handlers and a state machine -- is pretty horrifying) (but to be honest, I wouldn't even have conceived of this as a thing I could do in the first place) ### Save text of all tabs to a file ``` $ cat mnt/tabs/by-id/*/text.txt > text-of-all-tabs.txt ``` ### Reload an extension when you edit its source code Suppose you're working on a Chrome extension (apart from this one). It's a pain to reload the extension (and possibly affected Web pages) every time you change its code. There's a [Stack Overflow post](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2963260/how-do-i-auto-reload-a-chrome-extension-im-developing) with ways to automate this, but they're all sort of hacky. You need yet another extension, or you need to tack weird permissions onto your work-in-progress extension, and you don't just get a command you can trigger from your editor or shell to refresh the extension. TabFS lets you do all this in [an ordinary shell script](https://github.com/osnr/playgroundize-devtools-protocol/blob/main/go.sh). You don't have to write any browser-side code at all. This script turns an extension (this one's title is "Playgroundize DevTools Protocol") off, then turns it back on, then reloads any tabs that have the relevant pages open (in this case, I decided it's tabs whose titles start with "Chrome Dev"): ``` #!/bin/bash -eux echo false > mnt/extensions/Playg*/enabled echo true > mnt/extensions/Playg*/enabled echo reload | tee mnt/tabs/by-title/Chrome_Dev*/control ``` I mapped this script to Ctrl-. in my text editor, and now I just hit that every time I want to reload my extension code. ### TODO: Live edit a running Web page (TODO: it would be cool to have a persistent storage story here) ### TODO: Something with live view of variables two floating windows. watch mouse position? ### TODO: Import data (JSON or XLS). Persistent storage? hehehehehehehehehe import a plotting library too? ## Setup **disclaimer**: this extension is an experiment. I think it's cool and useful and provocative, and I usually leave it on, but I make no promises about functionality or, especially, security. applications may freeze, your browser may freeze, there may be ways for Web pages to use the extension to escape and hurt your computer ... In some sense, the [whole point](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1338932056743546880) of this extension is to create a gigantic new surface area of communication between stuff inside your browser and software on the rest of your computer. First, install the browser extension. Then, install the C filesystem. ### 1. Install the browser extension (I think for Opera or whatever other Chromium-based browser, you could get it to work, but you'd need to change the native messaging path in install.sh. Not sure about Safari. maybe Edge too? if you also got everything to compile for Windows) #### in Chrome Go to the [Chrome extensions page](chrome://extensions). Enable Developer mode (top-right corner). Load-unpacked the `extension/` folder in this repo. **Make a note of the extension ID Chrome assigns.** Mine is `jimpolemfaeckpjijgapgkmolankohgj`. We'll use this later. #### in Firefox You'll need to install as a "temporary extension", so it'll only last in your current FF session. (TODO: is this fixable? signature stuff?) Go to [about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox](about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox). Load Temporary Add-on... Choose manifest.json in the extension subfolder of this repo. ### 2. Install the C filesystem First, make sure you have FUSE and FUSE headers. On Linux, for example, `sudo apt install libfuse-dev` or equivalent. On macOS, get [FUSE for macOS](https://osxfuse.github.io/). Then compile the C filesystem: ``` $ cd fs $ mkdir mnt $ make ``` Now install the native messaging host into your browser, so the extension can launch and talk to the filesystem: #### Chrome and Chromium Substitute the extension ID you copied earlier for `jimpolemfaeckpjijgapgkmolankohgj` in the command below. ``` $ ./install.sh chrome jimpolemfaeckpjijgapgkmolankohgj ``` or ``` $ ./install.sh chromium jimpolemfaeckpjijgapgkmolankohgj ``` ### 3. Ready! Go back to `chrome://extensions` or `about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox` and reload the extension. Now your browser tabs should be mounted in `fs/mnt`! Open the background page inspector to see the filesystem operations stream in. (in Chrome, click "background page" next to "Inspect views" in the extension's entry in the Chrome extensions page; in Firefox, click "Inspect")
This console is also incredibly helpful for debugging anything that goes wrong, which probably will happen. (If you get a generic I/O error at the shell when running a command on TabFS, that probably means that an exception happened which you can check here.) (My OS and applications are pretty chatty. They do a lot of operations, even when I don't feel like I'm actually doing anything. My sense is that macOS is generally chattier than Linux.) ## Design - `fs/`: Native FUSE filesystem, written in C - [`tabfs.c`](https://github.com/osnr/TabFS/tree/master/fs/tabfs.c): Talks to FUSE, implements fs operations, talks to extension. I rarely have to change this file; it essentially is just a stub that forwards everything to the browser extension. - `extension/`: Browser extension, written in JS - [`background.js`](https://github.com/osnr/TabFS/tree/master/extension/background.js): **The most interesting file**. Defines all the synthetic files and what browser operations they invoke behind the scenes.[^frustrates] [^frustrates]: it frustrates me that I can't show you, like, a table of contents for this source file. because it does have a structure to it! so I feel like the UI for looking at this one file should be [custom-tailored](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1262956983222591488) to [highlight](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1262957486262214657) and exploit that structure. (I wonder what other cases like this are out there, where ad hoc UI for one file would be useful. like if you have tangled-but-regular business logic, or the giant opcode switch statement of an emulator or interpreter.) I want to link you to a particular route and talk about it here and also have some kind of transclusion (without the horrifying mess of making a lot of tiny separate files). I want to use typesetting and whitespace to set each route in that file apart, and set them as a whole apart from the utility functions & default implementations & networking. My understanding is that when you, for example, `cat mnt/tabs/by-id/6377/title.txt` in the tab filesystem: 1. `cat` on your computer does a system call `open()` down into macOS or Linux, 2. macOS/Linux sees that this path is part of a FUSE filesystem, so it forwards the `open()` to the FUSE kernel module, 3. FUSE forwards it to the `tabfs_open` implementation in our userspace filesystem in `fs/tabfs.c`, 4. then `tabfs_open` rephrases the request as a JSON string and forwards it to our browser extension over stdout (['native messaging'](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/apps/nativeMessaging/)), 6. our browser extension in `extension/background.js` gets the incoming message; it triggers the route for `/tabs/by-id/*/title.txt`, which calls the browser extension API `browser.tabs.get` to get the data about tab ID `6377`, including its title, 7. so when `cat` does `read()` later, the title can get sent back in a JSON native message to `tabfs.c` and finally back to FUSE and the kernel and `cat`. (very little actual work happened here, tbh. it's all just marshalling) TODO: make diagrams? ## License GPLv3 ## things that would be cool to do - multithreading. the key constraint is that I pass `-s` to `fuse_main` in `tabfs.c`, which makes everything single-threaded. but I'm not clear on how much it would improve performance? maybe a lot, but not sure. maybe workload-dependent? the extension itself (and the stdin/stdout comm between the fs and the extension) would still be single-threaded, but you could interleave requests since most of that stuff is async. like the screenshot request that takes like half a second, you could do other stuff while waiting for the browser to get back to you on that (?) another issue is that _applications_ tend to hang if any individual request hangs anyway; they're not expecting the filesystem to be so slow (and to be fair to them, they really have [no way](https://twitter.com/whitequark/status/1133905587819941888) to). some of these problems may be inevitable for any FUSE filesystem, even ones you'd assume are reasonably battle-tested and well-engineered like sshfs? - look into support for Firefox / Windows / Safari / etc. best FUSE equiv for Windows? can you bridge to the remote debugging APIs that all of them already have to get the augmented functionality? or just implement it all with JS monkey patching? - window management. tab management where you can move tabs - snapshotting (snapshot.html / snapshot.mhtml file) - fix leaks - elim unnecessary round-trips / browser API calls ## hmm - there's a famous (?) paper, [Processes as Files (1984)](https://lucasvr.gobolinux.org/etc/Killian84-Procfs-USENIX.pdf), which lays out the case for the `/proc` filesystem. it's very cool! very elegant in how it reapplies the existing interface of files to the new domain of Unix processes. but how much do I care about Unix processes now? most [programs](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1176587656915849218) that I care about running on my computer these days are Web pages, [not Unix processes](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1076229968017772544). so I want to take the approach of `/proc` -- 'expose the stuff you care about as a filesystem' -- and apply it to something [modern](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1251342095698112512): the inside of the browser. can we have 'browser tabs as files'? - there are two 'operating systems' on my computer, the browser and Unix, and Unix is by far the more accessible and programmable and cohesive as a computing environment (it has concepts that compose! shell, processes, files), even though it's arguably the less important to my daily life. how can the browser take on more of the properties of Unix? - it's [way too hard](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1342236988938719232) to make a browser extension. even 'make an extension' is a bad framing; it suggests making an extension is a whole Thing, a whole Project. like, why can't I just take a minute to ask my browser a question or tell it to automate something? lightness - a lot of existing uses of these APIs are in an automation context, if you want to test your code on an automated browser. I'm much more interested in an interactive, end-user context. augmenting the way I use my normal browser. that's why this is an extension. it doesn't require your browser to run in some weird remote debugging mode that you'd always forget to turn on. it just [stays running](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1340150818553561094) - open input space -- filesystem. (it reminds me of Screenotate.) - now you have this whole 'language', this whole toolset, to control and automate your browser. there's this built-up existing capital where lots of people and lots of application software and lots of programming languages ... already know the operations to work with files - this project is cool bc i immediately get [a dataset i care about](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1084166291793965056). I found myself using it 'authentically' pretty quickly -- to clear out my tabs, to help me develop other things in the browser so I'd have actions I could trigger from my editor, ... - stuff that looks cool: - SQLite. OSQuery - it has the right idea - fake filesystems talk - [rmdir a non-empty directory](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1107427906832089088) -- when I was thinking if you should be able to `rm by-id/TABID` even though `TABID` is a folder. I feel like a new OS, something like Plan 9, should [generalize](https://twitter.com/rsnous/status/1070830656005988352) its file I/O APIs just enough to avoid problems like this. like design them with the disk in mind but also a few concrete cases of synthetic filesystems, very slow remote filesystems, etc do you like setting up sockets? I don't