// WebSocket server. // Side thread that gets spawned. #define WBY_STATIC #define WBY_IMPLEMENTATION #define WBY_USE_FIXED_TYPES #define WBY_USE_ASSERT #include "mmx/web.h" #include "common.h" static struct wby_server server; static struct wby_con *con = NULL; static int fill_fd_set_with_ws_sockets(fd_set *read_fds, fd_set *write_fds, fd_set *except_fds) { // Based on web.h:1936 (start of wby_update) int max_fd = 0; FD_SET(server.socket, read_fds); FD_SET(server.socket, except_fds); max_fd = WBY_SOCK(server.socket); if (con == NULL) { return max_fd; } struct wby_connection *conn = (struct wby_connection *) con; wby_socket socket = WBY_SOCK(conn->socket); FD_SET(socket, read_fds); FD_SET(socket, except_fds); if (conn->state == WBY_CON_STATE_SEND_CONTINUE) { FD_SET(socket, write_fds); } if (socket > max_fd) { max_fd = socket; } return max_fd; } static void receive_tabfs_request_then_send_to_browser() { char *request_data = common_receive_tabfs_to_ws(fill_fd_set_with_ws_sockets); if (request_data == NULL) { return; } if (con == NULL) { common_send_ws_to_tabfs(NULL); return; } wby_frame_begin(con, WBY_WSOP_TEXT_FRAME); wby_write(con, request_data, strlen(request_data)); wby_frame_end(con); /* pthread_mutex_lock(&queue_mutex); */ /* if (con == NULL) goto done; */ /* for (request_id id = 0; id < REQUEST_RESPONSE_QUEUE_SIZE; id++) { */ /* if (queue[id].state == SEND_REQUEST) { */ /* char *request = queue[id].request; */ /* wby_frame_begin(con, WBY_WSOP_TEXT_FRAME); */ /* wby_write(con, request, strlen(request)); */ /* wby_frame_end(con); */ /* queue[id].state = RECEIVE_RESPONSE; */ /* free(request); */ /* queue[id].request = NULL; */ /* } */ /* } */ /* done: */ /* pthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_mutex); */ } static int dispatch(struct wby_con *connection, void *userdata) { return 1; } static int websocket_connect(struct wby_con *connection, void *userdata) { /* connection bound userdata */ connection->user_data = NULL; if (0 == strcmp(connection->request.uri, "/")) return 0; return 1; } static void websocket_connected(struct wby_con *connection, void *userdata) { printf("WebSocket connected\n"); con = connection; } #define MAX_DATA_LENGTH 131072 static int websocket_frame(struct wby_con *connection, const struct wby_frame *frame, void *userdata) { unsigned char *data = calloc(1, MAX_DATA_LENGTH); // Will be freed at receiver (tabfs). int i = 0; DEBUG("WebSocket frame incoming\n"); DEBUG(" Frame OpCode: %d\n", frame->opcode); DEBUG(" Final frame?: %s\n", (frame->flags & WBY_WSF_FIN) ? "yes" : "no"); DEBUG(" Masked? : %s\n", (frame->flags & WBY_WSF_MASKED) ? "yes" : "no"); DEBUG(" Data Length : %d\n", (int) frame->payload_length); if ((unsigned long) frame->payload_length > MAX_DATA_LENGTH) { printf("Data too long!\n"); exit(1); } while (i < frame->payload_length) { unsigned char buffer[16]; int remain = frame->payload_length - i; size_t read_size = remain > (int) sizeof buffer ? sizeof buffer : (size_t) remain; size_t k; DEBUG("%08x ", (int) i); if (0 != wby_read(connection, buffer, read_size)) break; for (k = 0; k < read_size; ++k) DEBUG("%02x ", buffer[k]); for (k = read_size; k < 16; ++k) DEBUG(" "); DEBUG(" | "); for (k = 0; k < read_size; ++k) DEBUG("%c", isprint(buffer[k]) ? buffer[k] : '?'); DEBUG("\n"); for (k = 0; k < read_size; ++k) data[i + k] = buffer[k]; i += (int)read_size; } if ((int) strlen((const char *) data) != frame->payload_length) { printf("Null in data! [%s]\n", data); } common_send_ws_to_tabfs((char *) data); // Will be freed at the receiver end. /* cJSON *resp = cJSON_Parse((const char *) data); */ /* cJSON *id_item = cJSON_GetObjectItemCaseSensitive(resp, "id"); */ /* if (id_item == NULL) { */ /* printf("No id in response!\n"); */ /* exit(1); */ /* } */ /* request_id id = id_item->valueint; */ /* pthread_mutex_lock(&queue_mutex); */ /* if (queue[id].state != RECEIVE_RESPONSE) { */ /* printf("Got response to request in wrong state!\n"); */ /* exit(1); */ /* } */ /* queue[id].state = HANDLE_RESPONSE; */ /* queue[id].response = resp; */ /* pthread_cond_signal(&queue_cv); */ /* pthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_mutex); */ return 0; } static void websocket_closed(struct wby_con *connection, void *userdata) { printf("WebSocket closed\n"); if (con == connection) con = NULL; } static void test_log(const char* text) { DEBUG("[debug] %s\n", text); } void await_io_demand_or_timeout() { /* pthread_mutex_lock(&queue_mutex); */ /* struct timeval now; */ /* gettimeofday(&now, NULL); */ /* struct timespec tsp; */ /* tsp.tv_sec = now.tv_sec; */ /* tsp.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000; */ /* tsp.tv_nsec += 200 * 1000000; // wait for 200ms max */ /* pthread_cond_timedwait(&queue_cv, &queue_mutex, &tsp); */ /* pthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_mutex); */ } void *websocket_main(void *threadid) { void *memory = NULL; wby_size needed_memory = 0; struct wby_config config; memset(&config, 0, sizeof config); config.userdata = NULL; config.address = ""; config.port = 8888; config.connection_max = 4; config.request_buffer_size = 2048; config.io_buffer_size = 8192; config.log = test_log; config.dispatch = dispatch; config.ws_connect = websocket_connect; config.ws_connected = websocket_connected; config.ws_frame = websocket_frame; config.ws_closed = websocket_closed; wby_init(&server, &config, &needed_memory); memory = calloc(needed_memory, 1); wby_start(&server, memory); printf("Awaiting WebSocket connection from Chrome extension.\n"); for (;;) { // FIXME: makes reconnect impossible. :< /* await_io_demand_or_timeout(); */ receive_tabfs_request_then_send_to_browser(); wby_update(&server); // We receive stuff during this phase. } wby_stop(&server); free(memory); #if defined(_WIN32) WSACleanup(); #endif return 0; }