// // TabFSService.swift // TabFSService // // Created by Omar Rizwan on 2/7/21. // import Foundation import Network import os.log class TabFSService: NSObject, TabFSServiceProtocol { var fs: Process! var fsInput: FileHandle! var fsOutput: FileHandle! func startFs() { let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: #filePath) let repoURL = fileURL.deletingLastPathComponent().deletingLastPathComponent().deletingLastPathComponent().deletingLastPathComponent().deletingLastPathComponent() fs = Process() fs.executableURL = repoURL.appendingPathComponent("fs").appendingPathComponent("tabfs") fs.currentDirectoryURL = fs.executableURL?.deletingLastPathComponent() fs.arguments = [] let inputPipe = Pipe(), outputPipe = Pipe() fs.standardInput = inputPipe fs.standardOutput = outputPipe fsInput = inputPipe.fileHandleForWriting fsOutput = outputPipe.fileHandleForReading try! fs.run() } var ws: NWListener! func startWs() { // TODO: randomly generate port and report back to caller? let port = NWEndpoint.Port(rawValue: 9991)! let parameters = NWParameters(tls: nil) parameters.allowLocalEndpointReuse = true parameters.includePeerToPeer = true // for security ? so people outside your computer can't hijack TabFS at least parameters.requiredInterfaceType = .loopback let opts = NWProtocolWebSocket.Options() opts.autoReplyPing = true parameters.defaultProtocolStack.applicationProtocols.insert(opts, at: 0) ws = try! NWListener(using: parameters, on: port) ws.start(queue: .main) } override init() { super.init() startFs() startWs() var handleRequest: ((_ req: Data) -> Void)? ws.newConnectionHandler = { conn in conn.start(queue: .main) handleRequest = { req in let metaData = NWProtocolWebSocket.Metadata(opcode: .text) let context = NWConnection.ContentContext(identifier: "context", metadata: [metaData]) conn.send(content: req, contentContext: context, completion: .contentProcessed({ err in if err != nil { os_log(.default, "req %{public}@ error: %{public}@", String(data: req, encoding: .utf8) as! CVarArg, err!.debugDescription as CVarArg) // FIXME: ERROR } })) } func read() { conn.receiveMessage { (resp, context, isComplete, err) in guard let resp = resp else { // FIXME err os_log(.default, "resp error: %{public}@", err!.debugDescription as CVarArg) return } self.fsInput.write(withUnsafeBytes(of: UInt32(resp.count)) { Data($0) }) self.fsInput.write(resp) read() } } read() } // split new thread DispatchQueue.global(qos: .default).async { while true { // read from them let length = self.fsOutput.readData(ofLength: 4).withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: UInt32.self) } let req = self.fsOutput.readData(ofLength: Int(length)) // send to other side of WEBSOCKET if let handleRequest = handleRequest { handleRequest(req) } else { // FIXME: ERROR } } } // FIXME: disable auto termination } func upperCaseString(_ string: String, withReply reply: @escaping (String) -> Void) { let response = string.uppercased() reply(response) } } class TabFSServiceDelegate: NSObject, NSXPCListenerDelegate { func listener(_ listener: NSXPCListener, shouldAcceptNewConnection newConnection: NSXPCConnection) -> Bool { let exportedObject = TabFSService() newConnection.exportedInterface = NSXPCInterface(with: TabFSServiceProtocol.self) newConnection.exportedObject = exportedObject newConnection.resume() return true } }