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- HTML Table Filter Generator
- Popup filters feature v1.2
- By Max Guglielmi (tablefilter.free.fr)
- Licensed under the MIT License
TF.prototype.SetPopupFilterIcons = function()
- generates popup filters div
if(!this.popUpFilters) return;
this.isExternalFlt = true; //external filters behaviour is enabled
var f = this.fObj;
this.popUpImgFlt = f.popup_filters_image!=undefined //filter icon path
? f.popup_filters_image : this.themesPath+'icn_filter.gif';
this.popUpImgFltActive = f.popup_filters_image_active!=undefined //active filter icon path
? f.popup_filters_image_active : this.themesPath+'icn_filterActive.gif';
this.popUpImgFltHtml = f.popup_filters_image_html!=undefined
? f.popup_filters_image_html : '<img src="'+ this.popUpImgFlt +'" alt="Column filter" />';
this.popUpDivCssClass = f.popup_div_css_class!=undefined //defines css class for popup div containing filter
? f.popup_div_css_class : 'popUpFilter';
this.onBeforePopUpOpen = tf_IsFn(f.on_before_popup_filter_open) //callback function before popup filtes is opened
? f.on_before_popup_filter_open : null;
this.onAfterPopUpOpen = tf_IsFn(f.on_after_popup_filter_open) //callback function after popup filtes is opened
? f.on_after_popup_filter_open : null;
this.onBeforePopUpClose = tf_IsFn(f.on_before_popup_filter_close) //callback function before popup filtes is closed
? f.on_before_popup_filter_close : null;
this.onAfterPopUpClose = tf_IsFn(f.on_after_popup_filter_close) //callback function after popup filtes is closed
? f.on_after_popup_filter_close : null;
this.externalFltTgtIds = [];
this.popUpFltSpans = []; //stores filters spans
this.popUpFltImgs = []; //stores filters icons
this.popUpFltElms = !this.popUpFltElmCache ? [] : this.popUpFltElmCache; //stores filters containers
this.popUpFltAdjustToContainer = true;
var o = this;
for(var i=0; i<this.nbCells; i++){
if(this['col'+i] == this.fltTypeNone) continue;
var popUpSpan = tf_CreateElm('span', ['id', this.prfxPopUpSpan+this.id+'_'+i], ['ci',i]);
popUpSpan.innerHTML = this.popUpImgFltHtml;
var header = this.GetHeaderElement(i);
popUpSpan.onclick = function(e){
var evt = e || window.event;
var colIndex = parseInt(this.getAttribute('ci'));
var popUpDiv = o.popUpFltElms[colIndex];
var header = o.GetHeaderElement(colIndex);
var headerWidth = header.clientWidth * .95;
var headerLeft = tf_ObjPosition(header, [header.nodeName])[0];
popUpDiv.style.left = (headerLeft) + 'px';
popUpDiv.style.width = parseInt(headerWidth) + 'px';
this.popUpFltSpans[i] = popUpSpan;
this.popUpFltImgs[i] = popUpSpan.firstChild;
TF.prototype.SetPopupFilters = function()
- generates all popup filters div
for(var i=0; i<this.popUpFltElmCache.length; i++)
this.SetPopupFilter(i, this.popUpFltElmCache[i]);
TF.prototype.SetPopupFilter = function(colIndex, div)
- generates a popup filters div for specifies
var popUpDiv = !div ? tf_CreateElm('div', ['id', this.prfxPopUpDiv+this.id+'_'+colIndex]) : div;
popUpDiv.className = this.popUpDivCssClass;
var header = this.GetHeaderElement(colIndex);
header.insertBefore(popUpDiv, header.firstChild);
popUpDiv.onclick = function(e){ tf_StopEvent(e || window.event); };
this.popUpFltElms[colIndex] = popUpDiv;
TF.prototype.TogglePopupFilter = function(colIndex)
- toggles popup filters div
var popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[colIndex];
if(popUpFltElm.style.display == 'none' || popUpFltElm.style.display == ''){
if(this.onBeforePopUpOpen!=null) this.onBeforePopUpOpen.call(null,this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex],colIndex);
popUpFltElm.style.display = 'block';
if(this['col'+colIndex] == this.fltTypeInp) this.GetFilterElement(colIndex).focus();
if(this.onAfterPopUpOpen!=null) this.onAfterPopUpOpen.call(null,this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex],colIndex);
} else {
if(this.onBeforePopUpClose!=null) this.onBeforePopUpClose.call(null,this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex],colIndex);
popUpFltElm.style.display = 'none';
if(this.onAfterPopUpClose!=null) this.onAfterPopUpClose.call(null,this, this.popUpFltElms[colIndex],colIndex);
TF.prototype.CloseAllPopupFilters = function(exceptColIndex)
- closes all popup filters
for(var i=0; i<this.popUpFltElms.length; i++){
if(i == exceptColIndex) continue;
var popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[i];
if(popUpFltElm) popUpFltElm.style.display = 'none';
TF.prototype.RemovePopupFilters = function()
- removes popup filters div
this.popUpFltElmCache = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.popUpFltElms.length; i++){
var popUpFltElm = this.popUpFltElms[i];
var popUpFltSpan = this.popUpFltSpans[i];
this.popUpFltElmCache[i] = popUpFltElm;
popUpFltElm = null;
if(popUpFltSpan) popUpFltSpan.parentNode.removeChild(popUpFltSpan);
popUpFltSpan = null;
TF.prototype.SetPopupFilterIcon = function(colIndex, active)
- sets inactive or active filter icon
var activeImg = active==undefined ? true : active;
this.popUpFltImgs[colIndex].src = (active) ? this.popUpImgFltActive : this.popUpImgFlt;
TF.prototype.SetAllPopupFiltersIcon = function(active)
- sets inactive or active filter icon for all
var activeImg = active==undefined ? false : active;
for(var i=0; i<this.popUpFltImgs.length; i++)
this.SetPopupFilterIcon(i, false);