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2015-04-06 10:45:46 +02:00
<title>ezEditTable, enhance HTML tables easily, advanced inline editing, selection and keyboard navigation - script by Max Guglielmi</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<meta name="description" content="ezEditTable is an open source javascript code aimed at enhancing regular HTML tables by adding features such as inline editing components, advanced selection and keyboard navigation" />
<meta name="keywords" content="html table editing, html table inline cell editing, inline cell editor, row selection, script, javascript, max guglielmi" />
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow" />
<meta name="author" content="Max Guglielmi" />
<style type="text/css" media="screen, projection">
@import "http://edittable.free.fr/includes/common.css";
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="../ezEditTable.js"></script>
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<ul class="submenu">
<li class="dir">
<a id="co" href="./doc.html">Configuration Object <small>&#9660;</small></a>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_common">General</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_selection">Selection</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_sel_events">Selection callback events</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_editable">Editable</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_cell_editors">Cell editors</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_editable">Command buttons</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_uploader">Uploader editor <sup>new</sup></a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_editable_events">Editable callback events</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_actions">Actions</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_actions_events">Actions callback events</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc.html#ez_msg">Messages</a></li>
<li class="dir">
<a id="cl" href="./doc_class.html">TF Class<small>&#9660;</small></a>
<li><a href="./doc_class.html#ez_constructor">Constructor</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc_methods.html#ez_methods">General public methods</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc_methods.html#ez_selection_methods">Selection public methods</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc_methods.html#ez_editable_methods">Editable public methods</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc_properties.html#ez_properties">General public properties</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc_properties.html#ez_selection_properties">Selection public properties</a></li>
<li><a href="./doc_properties.html#ez_editable_properties">Editable public properties</a></li>
<li><a id="uf" href="./doc_utilities.html">Utility Functions</a></li>
<h1 class="marginTop30">Documentation</h1>
<a name="class" id="class"></a>
<h2>EditTable Class</h2>
<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<a href="./doc_class.html#ez_constructor">Constructor</a></li> |
<a href="./doc_methods.html#ez_methods">General public methods</a></li> |
<a href="./doc_methods.html#ez_selection_methods">Selection public methods</a></li> |
<a href="./doc_methods.html#ez_editable_methods">Editable public methods</a></li> |
<a href="./doc_properties.html#ez_properties">General public properties</a></li> |
<a href="./doc_properties.html#ez_selection_properties">Selection public properties</a></li> |
<a href="./doc_properties.html#ez_editable_properties">Editable public properties</a></li>
<a name="ez_methods" id="ez_methods"></a>
<h3>General Public Methods</h3>
<table id="tblMethods" cellspacing="0" class="ezEditableTable" >
<th >Method</th>
<th width="200">Description</th>
<th >Remarks</th>
<th >Example</th>
<td><strong> Init()</strong></td>
<td>EditTable object initialisation</td>
<td><code> var myET = new EditTable('myTableId');<br>
myET.editable = true;<br />
... <br />
<td><strong>GetCellsNb( rowIndex )</strong></td>
<td>returns number of cells of a specified row</td>
<td><code> myET.GetCellsNb(4);</code></td>
<tr class="newBg">
<td>returns total number of rows</td>
<td>returns the DOM row element for a given event</td>
<td><code>function myFunction(e){ var clickedRow = myET.GetRow(e); }</code></td>
<td><strong>GetRowByIndex( rowIndex )</strong></td>
<td>returns the DOM row element for a given row index</td>
<td> <code>myET.GetRowByIndex(5);</code></td>
<td>returns the DOM cell element for a given event</td>
<td> <code>function myFunction(e){ var clickedCell = myET.GetCell(e);
<td>checks if table rows are selectable and returns a boolean </td>
<td>checks if table is editable and returns a boolean </td>
<td>clears current row(s) and/or cell selection</td>
<td>&nbsp; </td>
<td> <code>myET.ClearSelections();</code></td>
<a href="javascript:window.scroll(0,0);">Top of page</a>
<a name="ez_selection_methods" id="ez_selection_methods"></a>
<h3>Selection Public Methods</h3>
<table id="tblSelectionMethods" cellspacing="0" class="ezEditableTable" >
<th >Method</th>
<th >Description</th>
<th >Remarks</th>
<th >Example</th>
<td><strong> Init()</strong></td>
<td>Selection object initialisation</td>
<td><code> var myET = new EditTable('myTableId');<br />
... <br />
<td>enables selection feature</td>
<td><code> myET.Selection.Set();</code></td>
<tr class="newBg">
<td> disables selection feature</td>
<td>sets click and keyboard events to table element</td>
<td>removes click and keyboard events to table element</td>
<td>returns the active row element, that is, the row currently selected</td>
<td> <code>var activeRow = myET.Selection.GetActiveRow();<br>
if(activeRow){ ... }</code></td>
<td>returns the active cell element, that is, the cell currently selected</td>
<td><code>var activeCell = myET.Selection.GetActiveCell();<br>
if(activeCell){ ... }</code></td>
<td>returns an array of the row elements currently selected, if selection
model is multiple</td>
<td>returns: <br>
[rowobject, rowobject, rowobject, ... rowobject] </td>
<td> <code>var selRows = myET.Selection.GetSelectedRows();<br>
if(selRows.length &gt; 0){ ... }</code></td>
<td>returns an array containing a collection of selected rows values
<td>returns: [<br>
['value 0', 'value 1', 'value 2', ... 'value 3'],<br>
['value 0', 'value 1', 'value 2', ... 'value 3'],<br>
['value 0', 'value 1', 'value 2', ... 'value 3'],<br>
['value 0', 'value 1', 'value 2', ... 'value 3']<br>
] </td>
<td><code>var selValues = myET.Selection.GetSelectedValues();<br>
if(selValues.length &gt; 0){<br>
var firstValueOfFirstSelectedRow = selValues[0][0];<br>
} </code></td>
<td>returns an array containing the cell values of active row</td>
<td>returns ['value 0', 'value 1', 'value 2', ... 'value 3']</td>
<td><code>var activeValues = myET.Selection.GetActiveRowValues();<br>
if(activeValues.length &gt; 0){ ... } </code></td>
<td><strong>GetRowValues( row )</strong></td>
<td>returns an array containing the cell values of a given row, it accepts
only a row DOM element</td>
<td>returns ['value 0', 'value 1', 'value 2', ... 'value 3'] </td>
<td> <p><code>var myRow = myET.GetRowByIndex(7);<br>
if(myRow){ <br>
myRowValues = myET.Selection.GetRowValues(myRow);<br>
<td><strong>SelectRowByIndex( rowIndex )</strong></td>
<td>selects a row for a given row index</td>
<td><code> myET.Selection.SelectRowByIndex(9);</code></td>
<td><strong>SelectRowsByIndexes( rowIndexes )</strong> <sup>new</sup></td>
<td>selects rows for a given array of row indexes</td>
<td>Multiple selection needs to be active (selection_model: 'multiple')</td>
<td><code> myET.Selection.SelectRowsByIndexes([2, 7, 9, 12]);</code></td>
<td><strong>SelectRow( row )</strong></td>
<td>selects given row element</td>
<td><code>var myRow = myET.GetRowByIndex(6);<br>
} </code></td>
<td><strong>DeselectRow( row )</strong></td>
<td>deselects given row element</td>
<td><code>var myRow = myET.GetRowByIndex(6);<br>
} </code></td>
<td><strong>SelectCell( cell )</strong></td>
<td>selects given cell element</td>
<td><code>var myCell = myET.GetRowByIndex(3).cells[2];<br>
if(myCell) myET.Selection.SelectCell(myCell);</code></td>
<td><strong>DeselectCell( cell )</strong></td>
<td>deselects given cell element</td>
<td><code>var myCell = myET.GetRowByIndex(3).cells[2];<br>
if(myCell) myET.Selection.DeselectCell(myCell);</code></td>
<td>clears current row(s) and/or cell selection</td>
<td>The general <code>ClearSelections()</code> invokes this method (<code>
myET</code><code>.ClearSelections</code>() )</td>
<td><strong>IsRowSelected( row )</strong></td>
<td>determines if given row is selected and returns a boolean</td>
<td><code>var myRow = myET.GetRowByIndex(6);<br>
if(myET.Selection.IsRowSelected(myRow)){ ... } </code></td>
<td><strong>IsCellSelected( cell )</strong></td>
<td>determines if given cell is selected and returns a boolean</td>
<td><code>var myCell = myET.GetRowByIndex(3).cells[2];<br>
if(myET.Selection.IsCellSelected( myCell )){ ... }</code></td>
<a href="javascript:window.scroll(0,0);">Top of page</a>
<a name="ez_editable_methods" id="ez_editable_methods"></a>
<h3>Editable Public Methods</h3>
<table id="tblEditableMethods" cellspacing="0" class="ezEditableTable" >
<th >Method</th>
<th >Description</th>
<th >Remarks</th>
<th >Example</th>
<td><strong> Init()</strong></td>
<td>Editable object initialisation</td>
<td><code> var myET = new EditTable('myTableId');<br />
... <br />
<td>enables inline editing feature</td>
<td><code> myET.Editable.Set();</code></td>
<tr class="newBg">
<td> disables inline editing feature</td>
<td>sets click and keyboard events to table element</td>
<td>removes click and keyboard events to table element</td>
<td>returns an array containing the modified rows objects</td>
<td>returns: <br>
[rowIndex, <br>
{ values: [val0, val1, ...valn], <br>
urlParams: '&amp;ColName0=cellvalue0&amp;ColName1=cellvalue1',<br>
modified: [true, false, ...]<br>
[rowIndex, <br>
{ values: [val0, val1, ...valn], <br>
urlParams: '&amp;ColName0=cellvalue0&amp;ColName1=cellvalue1',<br>
modified: [true, false, ...]<br>
}] <br>
] <br>
urlParams are the paramaters names that are expected server-side.
If the parameters' names are not defined by the property <code>param_names</code>
in the actions object (configuration object <a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a>),
the param name by default equals to 'col_<strong>n</strong>' where
n is the column index (col_0, col_1, ... col_n)</td>
<td> <p><code>var modRowObjs = myET.Editable.GetModifiedRows();<br>
for(var i=0; i&lt;modRowObjs.length; i++){<br>
var rowIndex = modRowObjs[i][0]; //int<br>
var obj = modRowObjs[i][1]; //object<br>
var objValues = obj.values; //array<br>
var objModValues = obj.modified; //array of booleans<br>
var objUrlParams = obj.urlParams //string<br>
} </code></p></td>
<td>returns an array containing the added rows objects</td>
<td>returns: <br>
[rowIndex, <br>
{ values: [val0, val1, ...valn], <br>
urlParams: '&amp;ColName0=cellvalue0&amp;ColName1=cellvalue1',<br>
modified: [true, true, ...]<br>
[rowIndex, <br>
{ values: [val0, val1, ...valn], <br>
urlParams: '&amp;ColName0=cellvalue0&amp;ColName1=cellvalue1',<br>
modified: [true, true, ...]<br>
}] <br>
] <br>
urlParams are the paramaters names that are expected server-side.
If the parameters' names are not defined by the property <code>param_names</code>
in the actions object (configuration object <a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a>),
the param name by default equals to 'col_<strong>n</strong>' where
n is the column index (col_0, col_1, ... col_n)</td>
<td><code>var addRowObjs = myET.Editable.GetAddedRows();<br>
for(var i=0; i&lt;addRowObjs.length; i++){<br>
var rowIndex = addRowObjs[i][0]; //int<br>
var obj = addRowObjs[i][1]; //object<br>
var objValues = obj.values; //array<br>
var objModValues = obj.modified; //array of booleans<br>
var objUrlParams = obj.urlParams //string<br>
} </code></td>
<td>returns an array containing the deleted rows objects</td>
<td>returns: <br>
[rowIndex, <br>
{ values: [val0, val1, ...valn], <br>
urlParams: '&amp;ColName0=cellvalue0&amp;ColName1=cellvalue1',<br>
modified: [false, false, ...]<br>
[rowIndex, <br>
{ values: [val0, val1, ...valn], <br>
urlParams: '&amp;ColName0=cellvalue0&amp;ColName1=cellvalue1',<br>
modified: [false, false, ...]<br>
}] <br>
] <br>
urlParams are the paramaters names that are expected server-side.
If the parameters' names are not defined by the property <code>param_names</code>
in the actions object (configuration object <a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a>),
the param name by default equals to 'col_<strong>n</strong>' where
n is the column index (col_0, col_1, ... col_n)</td>
<td> <code>var delRowObjs = myET.Editable.GetDeletedRows();<br>
for(var i=0; i&lt;delRowObjs.length; i++){<br>
var rowIndex = delRowObjs[i][0]; //int<br>
var obj = delRowObjs[i][1]; //object<br>
var objValues = obj.values; //array<br>
var objModValues = obj.modified; //array of booleans<br>
var objUrlParams = obj.urlParams //string<br>
<td>submits edited rows to server according to <a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a> configuration
options </td>
<td>modified rows objects are sent to server (uri property in 'update'
<a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a> configuration options)</td>
<td><p><code>function SaveEditedRows(){<br>
<td>submits added rows to server according to <a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a> configuration
options </td>
<td>added rows objects are sent to server (uri property in 'insert'
<a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a> configuration options)</td>
<td><code>function SaveAddedRows(){
<td>submits deleted rows to server according to <a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a> configuration
options </td>
<td>deleted rows objects are sent to server (uri property in 'delete'
<a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a> configuration options). A
confirmation prompt appears before sending data to server</td>
<td> <p><code>function DeleteSelectedRows(){
<td><strong>SubmitAll()</strong> <sup>new</sup></td>
<td>submits added and edited rows to server according to <a href="doc.html#ez_actions">actions</a> configuration
options </td>
<td><code>function SubmitAll(){ myET.Editable.SubmitAll(); }</code></td>
<td>adds a row to the table</td>
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