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2015-04-06 10:45:46 +02:00
- ezEditTable v2.3 (edittable.free.fr)
- Copyright (c) 2012 Max Guglielmi
- License required for use
var EditTable = function(id){
- EditTable object constructor
- Params:
- id: table id (string)
- startRow (optional): start row index (number)
- config (optional): configuration object (literal object)
if(arguments.length === 0){ return; }
this.id = id;
this.version = '2.3';
this.table = this.Get(id);
this.tBody = this.table.tBodies[0];
this.startRow = 0;
this.config = null;
this.nbCells = null;
if(!window['et_activeGrid']){ window.et_activeGrid = ''; }//global var for active grid in page
if(this.table === null || this.table.nodeName.LCase() !== 'table'){ return; }
var tBodyRows = this.Tag(this.tBody, 'tr');
if(tBodyRows.length > 0){ this.startRow = tBodyRows[0].rowIndex; }
if(arguments.length > 1){
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){
var argtype = typeof arguments[i];
if(argtype.LCase() === 'number'){ this.startRow = arguments[i]; }
if(argtype.LCase() === 'object'){ this.config = arguments[i]; }
//cols nb
this.nbCells = this.GetCellsNb(this.startRow);
* Configuration object *
var f = this.config || {};
/*** Common properties ***/
this.selection = f.selection===false ? false : true; //enables/disables selection model
this.keyNav = f.key_navigation!==undefined ? f.key_navigation : true; //enables/disables keyboard navigation
this.editable = f.editable!==undefined ? f.editable : false; //enables/disables cell edition model
this.tableCss = f.table_css!==undefined ? f.table_css : 'ezEditableTable'; //default css class applied to html table
this.unselectableCss = f.unselectable_css!==undefined ? f.unselectable_css : 'ezUnselectable'; //default css class applied to html table to make text unselectable
this.basePath = f.base_path!==undefined ? f.base_path : 'ezEditTable/'; //default script base path
this.activityIndicatorCss = f.activity_indicator_css!==undefined ? f.activity_indicator_css : 'ezOpacity'; //server activity indicator default css class
this.onServerActivityStart = this.IsFn(f.on_server_activity_start) ? f.on_server_activity_start : null; //function called on server-side operations start
this.onServerActivityStop = this.IsFn(f.on_server_activity_stop) ? f.on_server_activity_stop : null; //function called when server-side operation completed
//Selection properties
this.selectionModel = f.selection_model!==undefined ? f.selection_model.LCase() : 'single'; //selection model: multiple or single
this.defaultSelection = f.default_selection!==undefined ? f.default_selection.LCase() : 'row'; //default selection: row, cell, both
this.keySelection = this.editable ? true : f.key_selection!==undefined ? f.key_selection : true; //multiple selection: select muliple rows by holding Ctrl key down
this.selectRowAtStart = f.select_row_at_start!==undefined ? f.select_row_at_start : false; //select a row at start
this.rowIndexAtStart = f.row_index_at_start!==undefined ? parseInt(f.row_index_at_start, 10) : this.startRow; //select row at start
this.scrollIntoView = f.scroll_into_view!==undefined ? f.scroll_into_view : false; //scrolls the element into view with key navigation
this.activeRowCss = f.active_row_css!==undefined ? f.active_row_css : 'ezActiveRow'; //default css class applied to active row
this.selectedRowCss = f.selected_row_css!==undefined ? f.selected_row_css : 'ezSelectedRow'; //default css class applied to selected row (multiple selection)
this.activeCellCss = f.active_cell_css!==undefined ? f.active_cell_css : 'ezActiveCell'; //default css class applied to selected row
this.nbRowsPerPage = f.nb_rows_per_page!==undefined ? f.nb_rows_per_page : 10; //nb of rows when pageup/pagedown is pressed
//Selection callbacks
this.onSelectionInit = this.IsFn(f.on_selection_initialized) ? f.on_selection_initialized : null; //selection object initialized callback
this.onBeforeSelectedRow = this.IsFn(f.on_before_selected_row) ? f.on_before_selected_row : null; //callback invoked before a row is selected
this.onAfterSelectedRow = this.IsFn(f.on_after_selected_row) ? f.on_after_selected_row : null; //callback invoked after a row is selected
this.onBeforeSelectedCell = this.IsFn(f.on_before_selected_cell) ? f.on_before_selected_cell : null; //callback invoked before a row is selected
this.onAfterSelectedCell = this.IsFn(f.on_after_selected_cell) ? f.on_after_selected_cell : null; //callback invoked after a cell is selected
this.onBeforeDeselectedRow = this.IsFn(f.on_before_deselected_row) ? f.on_before_deselected_row : null; //callback invoked before a row is deselected
this.onAfterDeselectedRow = this.IsFn(f.on_after_deselected_row) ? f.on_after_deselected_row : null; //callback invoked after a row is deselected
this.onBeforeDeselectedCell = this.IsFn(f.on_before_deselected_cell) ? f.on_before_deselected_cell : null; //callback invoked before a cell is deselected
this.onAfterDeselectedCell = this.IsFn(f.on_after_deselected_cell) ? f.on_after_deselected_cell : null; //callback invoked after a cell is deselected
this.onValidateRow = this.IsFn(f.on_validate_row) ? f.on_validate_row : null; //callback invoked after a row is double-clicked or enter key pressed
this.onValidateCell = this.IsFn(f.on_validate_cell) ? f.on_validate_cell : null; //callback invoked after a cell is double-clicked or enter key pressed
//Editable properties
this.editorModel = f.editor_model!==undefined ? f.editor_model.LCase() : 'cell'; //'cell' or 'row' (template later)
this.openEditorAction = f.open_editor_action!==undefined ? f.open_editor_action.LCase() : 'dblclick'; //editor is shown on a dblclick or click
this.ajax = window['jQuery'] && f.ajax!==false ? true : false; //enable/disable AJAX, if jquery is available has to be explicitly set to false to disable it
this.autoSave = f.auto_save!==undefined ? f.auto_save : this.editable; //save pending changes on selection change
this.autoSaveModel = f.auto_save_model!==undefined ? f.auto_save_model : 'row'; //'cell' or 'row', save on cell or row selection change
this.autoSaveType = f.auto_save_type!==undefined ? f.auto_save_type : 'both'; //'update', 'insert' or 'both' save only inserts, updates or both
this.editableOnKeystroke = f.editable_on_keystroke!==undefined ? f.editable_on_keystroke : false; //enable/disable inline editing by key stroke
this.newRowPrefix = f.new_row_prefix!==undefined ? f.new_row_prefix : 'tr'; //prefix for new row element id
this.formSubmitInterval = f.form_submit_interval!==undefined ? f.form_submit_interval : 50; //interval separating form submissions (overload server security policy)
this.newRowPos = f.new_row_pos!==undefined ? f.new_row_pos : 'top'; //new row position 'top', 'bottom' or integer for row index
//Cells editor properties
this.edtTypes = {
none:'none', input:'input', textarea:'textarea', select:'select', multiple:'multiple',
bool:'boolean', uploader:'uploader', command:'command', custom:'custom'
this.editors = [];
this.cellEditors = this.IsArray(f.cell_editors) ? f.cell_editors : []; //editors configuration objects
this.editorTypes = []; this.editorCss = []; this.editorStyles = []; this.editorAttributes = []; this.customEditor = [];
this.editorCustomSlcOptions = []; this.editorCustomSlcValues = []; this.editorSortSlcOptions = []; this.editorValuesSeparator = [];
this.editorAllowEmptyValue = []; this.editorCmdColIndex = null; this.editorCmdBtns = {}; this.editorUploader = [];
this.uplURI = []; this.uplPath = []; this.uplShowUpload = []; this.uplShowLink = []; this.linkCss = []; this.uplSqlField = [];
this.uplLoaderImg = []; this.uplOkImg = []; this.uplMaxFileSize = []; this.uplValidExt = []; this.uplCss = []; this.uplOutputCss = [];
this.uplDisplayCss = []; this.uplJsSuccess = []; this.uplRecordIdColIndex = []; this.showUpload = []; this.onBeforeOpenUploader = [];
this.onAfterOpenUploader = []; this.onBeforeCloseUploader = []; this.onAfterCloseUploader = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.nbCells; i++){
var editor = this.cellEditors[i];
if(!editor) continue;
this.editorTypes[i] = editor['type']; this.editorCss[i] = editor['css'];
this.editorAttributes[i] = editor['attributes']; this.editorStyles[i] = editor['style'];
this.editorCustomSlcOptions[i] = editor['custom_slc_options']; this.editorCustomSlcValues[i] = editor['custom_slc_values'];
this.editorSortSlcOptions[i] = editor['sort_slc_options']; this.editorValuesSeparator[i] = editor['values_separator'];
this.customEditor[i] = editor['target']; this.editorAllowEmptyValue[i] = editor['allow_empty_value'];
case this.edtTypes.command:
this.editorCmdColIndex = editor['command_column_index']!==undefined ? parseInt(editor['command_column_index'], 10) : (this.nbCells-1);
this.editorCmdBtns = editor['buttons'] || {};
case this.edtTypes.uploader:
var upl = this.editorUploader[i] = editor['uploader'] || {};
this.hasUploader = true;
//Uploader settings
this.uplURI[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('uri') ? upl['uri'] : null; //upload URI
this.uplPath[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('path') ? upl['path'] : null; //upload folder path
this.uplShowUpload[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('show_upload') ? upl['show_upload'] : true; //show uploaded file
this.uplSqlField[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('sql_field') ? upl['sql_field'] : 'IMAGENAME'; //SQL field name storing upload filename
this.uplRecordIdColIndex[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('record_id_column_index') ? upl['record_id_column_index'] : null; //Record id in a column
this.uplShowLink[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('show_link') ? upl['show_link'] : true; //Uploaded file appears as a link in Uploader box and in cell
this.linkCss[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('link_css') ? upl['link_css'] : ''; //Uploaded file link css
this.uplLoaderImg[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('loader_image') ? upl['loader_image'] : this.basePath + 'themes/img_loader.gif'; //local loader image path
this.uplOkImg[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('ok_image') ? upl['ok_image'] : this.basePath +'themes/icn_tick.png'; //local tick image path
this.uplMaxFileSize[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('max_file_size') ? upl['max_file_size'] : '102400'; //default max file size in bytes (100Kb)
this.uplValidExt[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('valid_extensions') ? upl['valid_extensions'] : 'jpg, jpeg, gif, png'; //default file extension allowed
this.uplCss[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('css') ? upl.css : 'ezUploaderEditor'; //uploader container css
this.uplOutputCss[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('output_css') ? upl['output_css'] : 'ezUploaderEditorOutput'; //uploader output message css
this.uplDisplayCss[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('display_css') ? upl['display_css'] : 'ezUploaderEditorDisplay'; //image displayer css
this.uplJsSuccess[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('javascript_code_success') ? upl['javascript_code_success']
: '<script>window.parent["{1}"].SetUploadSuccess(true); window.parent["{1}"].SetUploadName("{0}");' +
'window.parent["{1}"].ShowUpload();</script>'; //js code invoked from server-side when file successfully uploaded
//Uploader callbacks and delegates
this.showUpload[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('show_upload') && this.IsFn(upl['show_upload']) ? upl['show_upload'] : null; //delegate function for showing uploaded file
this.onBeforeOpenUploader[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('on_before_open') && this.IsFn(upl['on_before_open']) ? upl['on_before_open'] : null;
this.onAfterOpenUploader[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('on_after_open') && this.IsFn(upl['on_after_open']) ? upl['on_after_open'] : null;
this.onBeforeCloseUploader[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('on_before_close') && this.IsFn(upl['on_before_close']) ? upl['on_before_close'] : null;
this.onAfterCloseUploader[i] = upl.hasOwnProperty('on_after_close') && this.IsFn(upl['on_after_close']) ? upl['on_after_close'] : null;
if(this.editorTypes.indexOf(this.edtTypes.command) != -1){ this.editorModel = 'row'; }
this.inputEditorCss = f.input_editor_css!==undefined ? f.input_editor_css : 'ezInputEditor'; //default css class applied to input editor
this.textareaEditorCss = f.textarea_editor_css!==undefined ? f.textarea_editor_css : 'ezTextareaEditor'; //default css class applied to textarea editor
this.selectEditorCss = f.select_editor_css!==undefined ? f.select_editor_css : 'ezSelectEditor'; //default css class applied to select editor
this.commandEditorCss = f.command_editor_css!==undefined ? f.command_editor_css : 'ezCommandEditor'; //default css class applied to command editor
this.modifiedCellCss = f.modified_cell_css!==undefined ? f.modified_cell_css : 'ezModifiedCell'; //default css class applied to modified cell
//Command type editor config
this.cmdEnabledBtns = this.editorCmdBtns.hasOwnProperty('enable') ? this.editorCmdBtns.enable : ['update', 'insert', 'delete', 'submit', 'cancel']; //command buttons to be enabled
this.cmdUpdateBtn = this.editorCmdBtns.hasOwnProperty('update') ? this.editorCmdBtns.update : {}; //update command button
this.cmdInsertBtn = this.editorCmdBtns.hasOwnProperty('insert') ? this.editorCmdBtns.insert : {}; //insert command button
this.cmdDeleteBtn = this.editorCmdBtns.hasOwnProperty('delete') ? this.editorCmdBtns['delete'] : {}; //delete command button
this.cmdSubmitBtn = this.editorCmdBtns.hasOwnProperty('submit') ? this.editorCmdBtns['submit'] : {}; //submit command button
this.cmdCancelBtn = this.editorCmdBtns.hasOwnProperty('cancel') ? this.editorCmdBtns.cancel : {}; //cancel command button
this.cmdUpdateBtnText = this.cmdUpdateBtn.hasOwnProperty('text') ? this.cmdUpdateBtn.text : ''; //Default text is empty because icon is set by default
this.cmdInsertBtnText = this.cmdInsertBtn.hasOwnProperty('text') ? this.cmdInsertBtn.text : ''; //Default text is empty because icon is set by default
this.cmdDeleteBtnText = this.cmdDeleteBtn.hasOwnProperty('text') ? this.cmdDeleteBtn.text : ''; //Default text is empty because icon is set by default
this.cmdSubmitBtnText = this.cmdSubmitBtn.hasOwnProperty('text') ? this.cmdSubmitBtn.text : 'Submit';
this.cmdCancelBtnText = this.cmdCancelBtn.hasOwnProperty('text') ? this.cmdCancelBtn.text : 'Cancel';
this.cmdUpdateBtnTitle = this.cmdUpdateBtn.hasOwnProperty('title') ? this.cmdUpdateBtn.title : 'Edit record';
this.cmdInsertBtnTitle = this.cmdInsertBtn.hasOwnProperty('title') ? this.cmdInsertBtn.title : 'Create record';
this.cmdDeleteBtnTitle = this.cmdDeleteBtn.hasOwnProperty('title') ? this.cmdDeleteBtn.title : 'Delete record';
this.cmdSubmitBtnTitle = this.cmdSubmitBtn.hasOwnProperty('title') ? this.cmdSubmitBtn.title : 'Submit record';
this.cmdCancelBtnTitle = this.cmdCancelBtn.hasOwnProperty('title') ? this.cmdCancelBtn.title : 'Cancel';
this.cmdUpdateBtnIcon = this.cmdUpdateBtn.hasOwnProperty('icon') ? this.cmdUpdateBtn.icon : '<img src="'+this.basePath+'themes/icn_edit.gif" alt="" />';
this.cmdInsertBtnIcon = this.cmdInsertBtn.hasOwnProperty('icon') ? this.cmdInsertBtn.icon : '<img src="'+this.basePath+'themes/icn_add.gif" alt="" />';
this.cmdDeleteBtnIcon = this.cmdDeleteBtn.hasOwnProperty('icon') ? this.cmdDeleteBtn.icon : '<img src="'+this.basePath+'themes/icn_del.gif" alt="" />';
this.cmdSubmitBtnIcon = this.cmdSubmitBtn.hasOwnProperty('icon') ? this.cmdSubmitBtn.icon : '';
this.cmdCancelBtnIcon = this.cmdCancelBtn.hasOwnProperty('icon') ? this.cmdCancelBtn.icon : '';
this.cmdUpdateBtnCss = this.cmdUpdateBtn.hasOwnProperty('css') ? this.cmdUpdateBtn.css : null;
this.cmdInsertBtnCss = this.cmdInsertBtn.hasOwnProperty('css') ? this.cmdInsertBtn.css : null;
this.cmdDeleteBtnCss = this.cmdDeleteBtn.hasOwnProperty('css') ? this.cmdDeleteBtn.css : null;
this.cmdSubmitBtnCss = this.cmdSubmitBtn.hasOwnProperty('css') ? this.cmdSubmitBtn.css : null;
this.cmdCancelBtnCss = this.cmdCancelBtn.hasOwnProperty('css') ? this.cmdCancelBtn.css : null;
this.cmdUpdateBtnStyle = this.cmdUpdateBtn.hasOwnProperty('style') ? this.cmdUpdateBtn.style : null;
this.cmdInsertBtnStyle = this.cmdInsertBtn.hasOwnProperty('style') ? this.cmdInsertBtn.style : null;
this.cmdDeleteBtnStyle = this.cmdDeleteBtn.hasOwnProperty('style') ? this.cmdDeleteBtn.style : null;
this.cmdSubmitBtnStyle = this.cmdSubmitBtn.hasOwnProperty('style') ? this.cmdSubmitBtn.style : null;
this.cmdCancelBtnStyle = this.cmdCancelBtn.hasOwnProperty('style') ? this.cmdCancelBtn.style : null;
this.cmdInsertBtnScroll = this.cmdInsertBtn.hasOwnProperty('scrollIntoView') ? this.cmdInsertBtn.scrollIntoView : false; //scroll new added row into view
//Editor callbacks, delegates
this.onEditableInit = this.IsFn(f.on_editable_initialized) ? f.on_editable_initialized : null;
this.onBeforeOpenEditor = this.IsFn(f.on_before_open_editor) ? f.on_before_open_editor : null;
this.onAfterOpenEditor = this.IsFn(f.on_after_open_editor) ? f.on_after_open_editor : null;
this.onBeforeCloseEditor = this.IsFn(f.on_before_close_editor) ? f.on_before_close_editor : null;
this.onAfterCloseEditor = this.IsFn(f.on_after_close_editor) ? f.on_after_close_editor : null;
this.setCustomEditorValue = this.IsFn(f.set_custom_editor_value) ? f.set_custom_editor_value : null;
this.getCustomEditorValue = this.IsFn(f.get_custom_editor_value) ? f.get_custom_editor_value : null;
this.setCellModifiedValue = this.IsFn(f.set_cell_modified_value) ? f.set_cell_modified_value : null;
this.validateModifiedValue = this.IsFn(f.validate_modified_value) ? f.validate_modified_value : null;
this.openCustomEditor = this.IsFn(f.open_custom_editor) ? f.open_custom_editor : null;
this.closeCustomEditor = this.IsFn(f.close_custom_editor) ? f.close_custom_editor : null;
this.onAddedDomRow = this.IsFn(f.on_added_dom_row) ? f.on_added_dom_row : null;
//Server actions config
this.actions = this.IsObj(f.actions) ? f.actions : {};
this.updateConfig = this.actions['update']!==undefined ? this.actions['update'] : {};
this.insertConfig = this.actions['insert']!==undefined ? this.actions['insert'] : {};
this.deleteConfig = this.actions['delete']!==undefined ? this.actions['delete'] : {};
this.updateURI = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('uri') ? this.updateConfig['uri'] : null;
this.insertURI = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('uri') ? this.insertConfig['uri'] : null;
this.deleteURI = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('uri') ? this.deleteConfig['uri'] : null;
this.updateFormMethod = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('form_method') ? this.updateConfig['form_method'].LCase() : 'post';
this.insertFormMethod = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('form_method') ? this.insertConfig['form_method'].LCase() : 'post';
this.deleteFormMethod = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('form_method') ? this.deleteConfig['form_method'].LCase() : 'post';
this.updateSubmitMethod = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('submit_method') ? this.updateConfig['submit_method'].LCase() : this.ajax ? 'ajax': 'form';
this.insertSubmitMethod = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('submit_method') ? this.insertConfig['submit_method'].LCase() : this.ajax ? 'ajax': 'form';
this.deleteSubmitMethod = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('submit_method') ? this.deleteConfig['submit_method'].LCase() : this.ajax ? 'ajax': 'form';
this.bulkDelete = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('bulk_delete') ? this.deleteConfig['bulk_delete'] : false; //enables delete of selected rows
this.defaultRecord = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('default_record')
&& this.IsArray(this.insertConfig['default_record']) ? this.insertConfig['default_record'] : null;
this.updateParams = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('param_names')
&& this.IsArray(this.updateConfig['param_names']) ? this.updateConfig['param_names'] : null;
this.insertParams = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('param_names')
&& this.IsArray(this.insertConfig['param_names']) ? this.insertConfig['param_names'] : null;
this.deleteParams = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('param_names')
&& this.IsArray(this.deleteConfig['param_names']) ? this.deleteConfig['param_names'] : null;
//Server actions delegates and callbacks
this.onUpdateSubmit = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_update_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.updateConfig['on_update_submit']) ? this.updateConfig['on_update_submit'] : null;
this.onInsertSubmit = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_insert_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.insertConfig['on_insert_submit']) ? this.insertConfig['on_insert_submit'] : null;
this.onDeleteSubmit = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_delete_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.deleteConfig['on_delete_submit']) ? this.deleteConfig['on_delete_submit'] : null;
this.onBeforeUpdateSubmit = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_before_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.updateConfig['on_before_submit']) ? this.updateConfig['on_before_submit'] : null;
this.onBeforeInsertSubmit = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_before_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.insertConfig['on_before_submit']) ? this.insertConfig['on_before_submit'] : null;
this.onBeforeDeleteSubmit = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_before_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.deleteConfig['on_before_submit']) ? this.deleteConfig['on_before_submit'] : null;
this.onAfterUpdateSubmit = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_after_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.updateConfig['on_after_submit']) ? this.updateConfig['on_after_submit'] : null;
this.onAfterInsertSubmit = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_after_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.insertConfig['on_after_submit']) ? this.insertConfig['on_after_submit'] : null;
this.onAfterDeleteSubmit = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_after_submit')
&& this.IsFn(this.deleteConfig['on_after_submit']) ? this.deleteConfig['on_after_submit'] : null;
this.onUpdateError = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_submit_error')
&& this.IsFn(this.updateConfig['on_submit_error']) ? this.updateConfig['on_submit_error'] : null;
this.onInsertError = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_submit_error')
&& this.IsFn(this.insertConfig['on_submit_error']) ? this.insertConfig['on_submit_error'] : null;
this.onDeleteError = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('on_submit_error')
&& this.IsFn(this.deleteConfig['on_submit_error']) ? this.deleteConfig['on_submit_error'] : null;
this.checkUpdateResponseSanity = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('check_response_sanity')
&& this.IsFn(this.updateConfig['check_response_sanity']) ? this.updateConfig['check_response_sanity'] : null;
this.checkInsertResponseSanity = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('check_response_sanity')
&& this.IsFn(this.insertConfig['check_response_sanity']) ? this.insertConfig['check_response_sanity'] : null;
this.checkDeleteResponseSanity = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('check_response_sanity')
&& this.IsFn(this.deleteConfig['check_response_sanity']) ? this.deleteConfig['check_response_sanity'] : null;
this.processUpdateResponse = this.updateConfig.hasOwnProperty('process_response')
&& this.IsFn(this.updateConfig['process_response']) ? this.updateConfig['process_response'] : null;
this.processInsertResponse = this.insertConfig.hasOwnProperty('process_response')
&& this.IsFn(this.insertConfig['process_response']) ? this.insertConfig['process_response'] : null;
this.processDeleteResponse = this.deleteConfig.hasOwnProperty('process_response')
&& this.IsFn(this.deleteConfig['process_response']) ? this.deleteConfig['process_response'] : null;
this.msgSubmitOK = f.msg_submit_ok!==undefined ? f.msg_submit_ok : 'Changes were successfully submitted to server!';
this.msgConfirmDelSelectedRows = f.msg_confirm_delete_selected_rows!==undefined ? f.msg_confirm_delete_selected_rows : 'Do you want to delete the selected row(s)?';
this.msgErrOccur = f.msg_error_occured!==undefined ? f.msg_error_occured : 'An error occured!';
this.msgSaveUnsuccess = f.msg_submit_unsuccessful!==undefined ? f.msg_submit_unsuccessful : 'Changes could not be saved!';
this.msgUndefinedSubmitUrl = f.undefined_submit_url!==undefined ? f.undefined_submit_url : 'Changes could not be saved! Endpoint URL is not defined';
this.msgNewRowNoUploader = f.msg_new_row_no_uploader!==undefined ? f.msg_new_row_no_uploader : 'Please save the newly added rows before using the Uploader.';
this.msgInvalidData = f.msg_invalid_data!==undefined ? f.msg_invalid_data : 'Returned data is invalid.';
this.ifrmContainer = {}; //submit forms container
this.valuesSeparator = ', ';
this.defaultRecordUndefinedValue = '...';
this.newRowClass = 'ezNewRow';
this.recordKeyValue = 'new';
this.attrValue = 'data-ez-slc-value';
this.attrText = 'data-ez-slc-text';
this.attrCont = 'data-ez-html';
this.attrData = 'data-ez-data';
this.attrUplname = 'data-ez-uplname';
this.attrColIndex = 'data-ez-col-index';
this.attrRowIndex = 'data-ez-row-index';
this.savedRowsNb = { 'insert': 0, 'update': 0, 'delete': 0 };
this.prfxEdt = 'edt_';
this.prfxIFrm = 'iframe_';
this.prfxFrm = 'form_';
this.prfxScr = 'scr_';
this.prfxParam = 'col_';
//upload editor
this.prfxUplCont = 'upl_';
this.prfxUplForm = 'upl_form_';
this.prfxUplIframe = 'upl_ifrm_';
this.prfxUplInfo = 'upl_info_';
this.prfxUplOutput = 'upl_output_';
this.prfxUplBtn = 'upl_btn_';
this.prfxUplBtnClose = 'upl_btn_close_';
this.prfxUplImgDisplay = 'upl_img_display_';
this.prfxUplWinRef = 'et_upl_';
//Upload form
this.uplFileInp = 'UPL_FILE';
this.uplKeyInput = 'RECORD_KEY';
this.uplFldPath = 'IMAGES_FOLDER_PATH';
this.uplSqlFieldName = 'SQL_FIELD';
this.uplFileSize = 'MAX_FILE_SIZE';
this.uplValidExts = 'VALID_EXTENSIONS';
this.uplJsCode = 'JS_CODE';
this.Editable = new Editable(this);
this.Selection = new Selection(this);
var Editable = function(editTable){
this.o = editTable;
var Selection = function(editTable){
this.o = editTable;
var Uploader = function(editTable, colIndex){
this.o = editTable;
this.colIndex = colIndex;
window[this.o.prfxUplWinRef + colIndex + this.o.id] = this; //global reference for server-side purposes
Uploader.prototype = {
divUpl: null, formUpl: null, fileUpl: null, hiddenFileSize: null, hiddenFolderPath: null, hiddenValidExt: null, hiddenKey: null,
ifrmUpl: null, divUplInfo: null, divUplOutput: null, divUplBtnsCont: null, divUplBtn: null, divUplBtnClose: null, divUplDisplay: null,
initialValue: null, isUploadSuccessful: false,
Init: function(){
if(!this.o.hasUploader){ return; }
SetUploader: function(){
this.divUpl = this.o.CreateElm('div',
['id', this.o.prfxUplCont + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['style', 'display:none; z-index:10001;'], ['class', this.o.uplCss[this.colIndex]]
this.formUpl = this.o.CreateElm('form',
['id', this.o.prfxUplForm + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['name', this.o.prfxUplForm + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['method', 'POST'],
['action', this.o.uplURI[this.colIndex]], ['target', this.o.prfxUplIframe + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['enctype', 'multipart/form-data']
this.fileUpl = this.o.CreateElm('input',['id', this.o.uplFileInp], ['name', this.o.uplFileInp], ['type', 'file']);
this.hiddenFileSize = this.o.CreateElm('input', ['name', this.o.uplFileSize], ['type', 'hidden'], ['value', this.o.uplMaxFileSize[this.colIndex]]); //server-side info: max file size
this.hiddenFolderPath = this.o.CreateElm('input', ['name', this.o.uplFldPath], ['type', 'hidden'], ['value', this.o.uplPath[this.colIndex]]); //server-side info: images folder path
this.hiddenValidExt = this.o.CreateElm('input', ['name', this.o.uplValidExts], ['type', 'hidden'], ['value', this.o.uplValidExt[this.colIndex]]); //server-side info: allowed file extensions
this.hiddenKey = this.o.CreateElm('input', ['name', this.o.uplKeyInput], ['type', 'hidden'], ['value', this.o.recordKeyValue]); //server-side info: record key
this.hiddenSqlField = this.o.CreateElm('input', ['name', this.o.uplSqlFieldName], ['type', 'hidden'], ['value', this.o.uplSqlField[this.colIndex]]); //server-side info: SQL field name storing upload filename
this.hiddenUplWinRef = this.o.CreateElm('input', ['name', this.o.uplJsCode], ['type', 'hidden'], ['value', this.o.uplJsSuccess[this.colIndex]]); //server-side info: js code invoked from server when upload successful
this.ifrmUpl = this.o.CreateElm('iframe', ['id', this.o.prfxUplIframe + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['name', this.o.prfxUplIframe + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['style', 'display:none; left:-10001;']);
this.divUplInfo = this.o.CreateElm('div',['id', this.o.prfxUplInfo + this.colIndex + this.o.id]);
this.divUplOutput = this.o.CreateElm('div',['id', this.o.prfxUplOutput + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['class', this.o.uplOutputCss[this.colIndex]]);
this.divUplBtnsCont = this.o.CreateElm('div',['style', 'text-align:right']);
this.divUplBtn = this.o.CreateElm('button',['id', this.o.prfxUplBtn + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['style', 'display:none;']);
this.divUplBtnClose = this.o.CreateElm('button',['id', this.o.prfxUplBtnClose + this.colIndex + this.o.id]);
this.divUplDisplay = this.o.CreateElm('div',['id', this.o.prfxUplImgDisplay + this.colIndex + this.o.id], ['class', this.o.uplDisplayCss[this.colIndex]]);
//IE<8 class, name, style attributes are not set correctly...
if(!this.o.Css.Has(this.divUpl, this.o.uplCss[this.colIndex])){
this.o.Css.Add(this.divUpl, this.o.uplCss[this.colIndex]);
this.o.Css.Add(this.divUplOutput, this.o.uplOutputCss[this.colIndex]);
this.o.Css.Add(this.divUplDisplay, this.o.uplDisplayCss[this.colIndex]);
this.divUpl.style.cssText = 'display:none; z-index:10001;';
this.divUplBtnsCont.style.cssText = 'text-align:right';
this.divUplBtn.style.cssText = 'display:none;';
this.formUpl = document.createElement(
'<form id="'+this.o.prfxUplForm + this.colIndex + this.o.id+'" name="'+this.o.prfxUplForm + this.colIndex + this.o.id+'" method="POST" ' +
'action="'+this.o.uplURI[this.colIndex]+'" target="'+this.o.prfxUplIframe + this.colIndex + this.o.id+'" enctype="multipart/form-data"></form>'
this.ifrmUpl = document.createElement(
'<iframe name="'+this.o.prfxUplIframe + this.colIndex + this.o.id+'" id="'+this.o.prfxUplIframe + this.colIndex + this.o.id +
'" style="display:none; left:-10001;"></iframe>'
this.divUplInfo.innerHTML = parseInt(this.o.uplMaxFileSize[this.colIndex]/1024, 10) + 'Kb max (' + this.o.uplValidExt[this.colIndex].toString() + ')';
this.o.table.parentNode.insertBefore(this.divUpl, this.o.table);
var x = this;
this.ifrmUpl.onload = this.ifrmUpl.onreadystatechange = function(){ //Iframe onload event
if(!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete'){
var iframeDoc = this.contentDocument || this.contentWindow.document;
if(iframeDoc.location.href != 'about:blank'){
x.iframe.src = 'about:blank';
} catch(ex){}
this.o.Event.Add(this.fileUpl, 'click', function(e){ x.OnUplClick(); });
this.o.Event.Add(this.divUplBtn, 'click', function(e){ x.Upload(); });
this.o.Event.Add(this.divUplBtnClose, 'click', function(e){ x.Close(x.o.Selection.GetActiveRow().cells[x.colIndex]); });
//Js code passed to server
var js = this.o.uplJsSuccess[this.colIndex].replace(/\{1\}/g, this.o.prfxUplWinRef + this.colIndex + this.o.id);
this.hiddenUplWinRef.value = js;
GetValue: function(){ return this.fileUpl.value; },
HasValueChanged: function(){ return this.initialValue != this.GetValue(); },
OnUplClick: function(){ this.ShowUploadButton(); },
Upload: function(){ this.ShowLoader(); this.formUpl.submit(); },
SetRecordKey: function(key){ this.hiddenKey.value = key; },
GetRecordKey: function(){ return this.hiddenKey.value; },
ShowUploadButton: function(){ this.divUplBtn.style.display = 'inline'; },
HideUploadButton: function(){ this.divUplBtn.style.display = 'none'; },
ShowUploadContainer: function(){ this.divUplDisplay.style.display = 'block'; },
HideUploadContainer: function(){ this.divUplDisplay.style.display = 'none'; },
ShowUpload: function(){
if(!this.o.uplShowUpload[this.colIndex]){ return; }
var row = this.o.Selection.GetActiveRow();
this.o.showUpload[this.colIndex].call(this, this.o, this.divUplDisplay, this.GetUploadName(), this.o.uplPath[this.colIndex]);
var uplname = this.GetUploadName();
this.divUplDisplay.innerHTML = this.GetUploadLinkHtml();
} else {
this.divUplDisplay.innerHTML = '<img src="'+this.o.uplPath[this.colIndex]+uplname+'" alt="'+uplname+'" />';
} else { this.ClearUpload(); }
ClearUpload: function(){
this.divUplDisplay.innerHTML = '';
GetUploadName: function(){
var cell = this.o.Selection.GetActiveRow().cells[this.colIndex];
if(cell){ return cell.getAttribute(this.o.attrUplname); }
return null;
SetUploadName: function(name){
var cell = this.o.Selection.GetActiveRow().cells[this.colIndex];
if(cell){ cell.setAttribute(this.o.attrUplname, name); }
GetUploadLinkHtml: function(){
var uplname = this.GetUploadName();
return '<a href="'+ this.o.uplPath[this.colIndex]+ uplname +'" target="blank" class="'+ this.o.linkCss[this.colIndex] +'">'+
uplname.replace(this.GetRecordKey()+'_', '') + '</a>';
Open: function(cell){
if(!cell){ return; }
if(this.o.Css.Has(cell.parentNode, this.o.newRowClass) || !cell.parentNode.getAttribute('id')){ alert(this.o.msgNewRowNoUploader); return; }
this.o.onBeforeOpenUploader[this.colIndex].call(this, this.o, this.divUpl, cell);
var key = this.o.uplRecordIdColIndex[this.colIndex]
? this.o.Selection.GetActiveRow()[this.o.uplRecordIdColIndex[this.colIndex]]
: this.o.Selection.GetActiveRow().getAttribute('id').replace(this.o.newRowPrefix, '');
if(key !== ''){
this.divUpl.style.display = '';
this.initialValue = this.GetValue();
this.o.onAfterOpenUploader[this.colIndex].call(this, this.o, this.divUpl, cell);
Close: function(cell){
if(this.divUpl.style.display == 'none'){ return; }
this.o.onBeforeCloseUploader[this.colIndex].call(this, this.o, this.divUpl, cell);
if(cell && this.IsUploadSuccessful()){
var div = this.o.CreateElm('div');
div.innerHTML = this.divUplDisplay.innerHTML;
} else {
var img = this.o.Tag(cell, 'img')[0];
if(img){ img.src = this.o.uplOkImg[this.colIndex]; }
this.divUpl.style.display = 'none';
this.o.onAfterCloseUploader[this.colIndex].call(this, this.o, this.divUpl, cell);
Output: function(msg){ this.divUplOutput.innerHTML = msg; },
SetUploadSuccess: function(val){ this.isUploadSuccessful = val; },
IsUploadSuccessful: function(val){ return this.isUploadSuccessful; },
ShowLoader: function(){ this.Output('<img src="'+this.o.uplLoaderImg[this.colIndex]+'" alt="Please wait..." />'); },
HideLoader: function(){ this.Output(''); }
Editable.prototype = {
onEditAdded: false, activeCellEditor: null, openCellEditor: null, activeRow: null,
modifiedRows: [], newRows: [], addedRows: [], deletedRows: [],
Init: function(){
if(!this.o.editable){ return; }
if(this.o.onEditableInit){ this.o.onEditableInit.call(null, this.o); }
Set: function(){ this.o.editable = true; this.SetEvents(); },
Remove: function(){ this.o.editable = false; this.RemoveEvents(); },
SetEvents: function(){
var x = this;
this.o.Event.Bind(this.o.table, this.o.openEditorAction, function(e){ x.Edit.call(x, e); });
this.onEditAdded = true;
RemoveEvents: function(){
var x = this;
this.o.Event.Unbind(this.o.table, this.o.openEditorAction, function(e){ x.Edit.call(x, e); });
this.onEditAdded = false;
SetCellsEditor: function(){
for (var i = 0; i < this.o.nbCells; i++){
if(this.o.editorTypes.length == this.o.nbCells){
switch (this.o.editorTypes[i]){
case this.o.edtTypes.none:
this.o.editors[i] = null;
case this.o.edtTypes.input:
this.o.editors[i] = this.CreateInputEditor(i);
case this.o.edtTypes.textarea:
this.o.editors[i] = this.CreateMultilineEditor(i);
case this.o.edtTypes.select:
case this.o.edtTypes.multiple:
this.o.editors[i] = this.CreateSelectEditor(i);
case this.o.edtTypes.bool:
this.o.editors[i] = {};
case this.o.edtTypes.uploader:
this.o.editors[i] = this.CreateUploaderEditor(i);
case this.o.edtTypes.command:
this.o.editors[i] = null;
case this.o.edtTypes.custom:
this.o.editors[i] = this.o.Get(this.o.customEditor[i]);
this.o.editors[i] = null;
} else {
//If editor type not set, default type is input
this.o.editorTypes[i] = this.o.edtTypes.input;
this.o.editors[i] = this.CreateInputEditor(i);
CreateInputEditor: function(colIndex){
if(colIndex === undefined) return null;
var inp = this.o.CreateElm(this.o.edtTypes.input, ['id', this.o.prfxEdt + colIndex + '_' + this.o.id], ['type', 'text'],
['class', this.o.inputEditorCss], [this.o.attrColIndex, colIndex]);
var attr = this.o.editorAttributes[colIndex];
if(attr) for (var i = 0; i < attr.length; i++){ inp.setAttribute(attr[i][0], attr[i][1]); } //additional attributes
if(inp.className === '') inp.className = this.o.inputEditorCss; //for older IE versions...
if(this.o.editorCss[colIndex]) this.o.Css.Add(inp, this.o.editorCss[colIndex]); //additional css
if(this.o.editorStyles[colIndex]) inp.style.cssText = this.o.editorStyles[colIndex]; //inline style
var x = this;
this.o.Event.Add(inp, 'focus', function(e){ x.Event.OnInputFocus.call(x, e); });
this.o.Event.Add(inp, 'blur', function(e){ x.Event.OnBlur.call(x, e); });
return inp;
CreateMultilineEditor: function(colIndex){
if(colIndex === undefined) return null;
var txa = this.o.CreateElm(this.o.edtTypes.textarea, ['id', this.o.prfxEdt + colIndex + '_' + this.o.id],
['class', this.o.textareaEditorCss], [this.o.attrColIndex, colIndex]);
var attr = this.o.editorAttributes[colIndex];
if(attr) for (var i = 0; i < attr.length; i++){ txa.setAttribute(attr[i][0], attr[i][1]); } //additional attributes
if(txa.className === '') txa.className = this.o.textareaEditorCss; //for older IE versions...
if(this.o.editorCss[colIndex]) this.o.Css.Add(txa, this.o.editorCss[colIndex]); //additional css
if(this.o.editorStyles[colIndex]) txa.style.cssText = this.o.editorStyles[colIndex]; //inline style
var x = this;
this.o.Event.Add(txa, 'focus', function(e){ x.Event.OnInputFocus.call(x, e); });
this.o.Event.Add(txa, 'blur', function(e){ x.Event.OnBlur.call(x, e); });
this.o.Event.Add(txa, 'keypress', function(e){ x.Event.OnKeyPress.call(x, e); });
return txa;
CreateSelectEditor: function(colIndex){
if(colIndex === undefined) return null;
var slc = this.o.CreateElm(this.o.edtTypes.select, ['id', this.o.prfxEdt + colIndex + '_' + this.o.id],
['class', this.o.selectEditorCss], [this.o.attrColIndex, colIndex]);
if(this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.multiple)){ slc.setAttribute('multiple', 'multiple'); }
var attr = this.o.editorAttributes[colIndex];
if(attr) for (var i = 0; i < attr.length; i++){ slc.setAttribute(attr[i][0], attr[i][1]); } //additional attributes
if(slc.className === '') slc.className = this.o.selectEditorCss; //for older IE versions...
if(this.o.editorCss[colIndex]) this.o.Css.Add(slc, this.o.editorCss[colIndex]); //additional css
if(this.o.editorStyles[colIndex]) slc.style.cssText = this.o.editorStyles[colIndex]; //inline style
var optArray = [], valArray = []; //options arrays
if(this.o.editorCustomSlcOptions[colIndex]){//custom values
for (var i = 0; i < this.o.editorCustomSlcOptions[colIndex].length; i++){
var data = this.o.editorCustomSlcOptions[colIndex][i];
var val = this.o.editorCustomSlcValues[colIndex][i];
if(valArray.indexOf(val) == -1) valArray.push(val);
if(optArray.indexOf(data) == -1) optArray.push(data);
} else {//automatic column values
for (var i = this.o.startRow; i < this.o.GetRowsNb(); i++){
var row = this.o.table.rows[i];
var cell = row.cells[colIndex];
if(!row || !cell) continue;
var data = this.o.GetText(cell);
if(optArray.indexOf(data) == -1) optArray.push(data);
var sortType = this.o.editorSortSlcOptions[colIndex].LCase();
if(sortType == 'numdesc'){
try { optArray.sort(this.o.Sort.NumDesc); } catch (e){ }
} else if(sortType == 'numasc'){
try { optArray.sort(this.o.Sort.NumAsc); } catch (e){ }
} else {
try { optArray.sort(this.o.Sort.IgnoreCase); } catch (e){ }
for (var j = 0; j < optArray.length; j++){
var opt = this.o.CreateElm('option', ['value', valArray[j] || optArray[j]]);
var x = this;
this.o.Event.Add(slc, 'change', function(e){
var cell = x.o.GetCell(e);
cell.setAttribute(x.o.attrText, slc.options[slc.selectedIndex].text); //for inserts
cell.setAttribute(x.o.attrValue, slc.options[slc.selectedIndex].value); //for inserts
slc.setAttribute(x.o.attrText, slc.options[slc.selectedIndex].text);
slc.setAttribute(x.o.attrValue, slc.options[slc.selectedIndex].value);
this.o.Event.Add(slc, 'blur', function(e){ x.Event.OnBlur.call(x, e); });
this.o.Event.Add(slc, 'keypress', function(e){ x.Event.OnKeyPress.call(x, e); });
return slc;
SetCommandEditor: function(colIndex){
if(colIndex === undefined || !this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.command)){ return; }
this.edtBtns = []; this.addBtns = []; this.delBtns = []; this.submitBtns = []; this.cancelBtns = [];
var x = this.o.Editable,
o = this.o;
for (var i = this.o.startRow; i < this.o.GetRowsNb(); i++){
var row = this.o.table.rows[i];
var cell = row.cells[colIndex];
if(!row || !cell) continue;
var div = this.o.CreateElm('div', ['class', this.o.commandEditorCss]);
if(this.o.cmdEnabledBtns.indexOf('update') != -1){
var editBtn = this.o.CreateElm('button', ['id', 'editBtn_' + i + '_' + this.o.id], ['title', this.o.cmdUpdateBtnTitle],
['css', this.o.cmdUpdateBtnCss], [this.o.attrColIndex, i]);
if(this.o.cmdUpdateBtnStyle) editBtn.style.cssText = this.o.cmdUpdateBtnStyle; //inline style
editBtn.innerHTML = this.o.cmdUpdateBtnIcon + this.o.cmdUpdateBtnText;
this.o.Event.Add(editBtn, 'click', function(e){ x.Edit.call(x, e); });
if(this.edtBtns.indexOf(editBtn) == -1) this.edtBtns[i] = editBtn;
if(this.o.cmdEnabledBtns.indexOf('insert') != -1){
var createBtn = this.o.CreateElm('button', ['id', 'createBtn_' + i + '_' + this.o.id], ['title', this.o.cmdInsertBtnTitle],
['css', this.o.cmdInsertBtnCss], [this.o.attrColIndex, i]);
if(this.o.cmdInsertBtnStyle) createBtn.style.cssText = this.o.cmdInsertBtnStyle; //inline style
createBtn.innerHTML = this.o.cmdInsertBtnIcon + this.o.cmdInsertBtnText;
this.o.Event.Add(createBtn, 'click', function(e){ x.AddNewRow(); x.SetCommandEditor(x.o.editorCmdColIndex); });
if(this.addBtns.indexOf(createBtn) == -1) this.addBtns[i] = createBtn;
if(this.o.cmdEnabledBtns.indexOf('delete') != -1){
var delBtn = this.o.CreateElm('button', ['id', 'delBtn_' + i + '_' + this.o.id], ['title', this.o.cmdDeleteBtnTitle],
['css', this.o.cmdDeleteBtnCss], [this.o.attrColIndex, i]);
if(this.o.cmdDeleteBtnStyle) delBtn.style.cssText = this.o.cmdDeleteBtnStyle; //inline style
delBtn.innerHTML = this.o.cmdDeleteBtnIcon + this.o.cmdDeleteBtnText;
this.o.Event.Add(delBtn, 'click', function(e){ x.SubmitDeletedRows(); });
if(this.delBtns.indexOf(delBtn) == -1) this.delBtns[i] = delBtn;
if(this.o.cmdEnabledBtns.indexOf('submit') != -1){
var postBtn = this.o.CreateElm('button', ['id', 'postBtn_' + i + '_' + this.o.id], ['title', this.o.cmdSubmitBtnTitle],
['style', 'display:none;'], ['css', this.o.cmdSubmitBtnCss], [this.o.attrColIndex, i]);
postBtn.style.display = 'none'; //older versions of IE
if(this.o.cmdSubmitBtnStyle) postBtn.style.cssText += this.o.cmdSubmitBtnStyle; //inline style
postBtn.innerHTML = this.o.cmdSubmitBtnIcon + this.o.cmdSubmitBtnText;
this.o.Event.Add(postBtn, 'click', function(e){
if(this.submitBtns.indexOf(postBtn) == -1) this.submitBtns[i] = postBtn;
if(this.o.cmdEnabledBtns.indexOf('cancel') != -1){
var cancelBtn = this.o.CreateElm('button', ['id', 'cancelBtn_' + i + '_' + this.o.id], ['title', this.o.cmdCancelBtnTitle],
['style', 'display:none;'], ['css', this.o.cmdCancelBtnCss], [this.o.attrColIndex, i]);
cancelBtn.style.display = 'none'; //older versions of IE
if(this.o.cmdCancelBtnStyle) cancelBtn.style.cssText += this.o.cmdCancelBtnStyle; //inline style
cancelBtn.innerHTML = this.o.cmdCancelBtnIcon + this.o.cmdCancelBtnText;
this.o.Event.Add(cancelBtn, 'click', function(e){ o.Event.Stop(e); x.CloseRowEditor(); });
if(this.cancelBtns.indexOf(cancelBtn) == -1) this.cancelBtns[i] = cancelBtn;
cell.innerHTML = '';
CreateUploaderEditor: function(colIndex){
var uploader = new Uploader(this.o, colIndex);
return uploader;
OpenCellEditor: function(cell){
if(!cell){ return; }
var cellIndex = cell.cellIndex;
var editor = this.o.editors[cellIndex];
if(this.o.onBeforeOpenEditor){ this.o.onBeforeOpenEditor.call(null, this.o, cell, editor); }
this.activeCellEditor = cell;
this.openCellEditor = cellIndex;
if(!this.o.IsEditorType(cellIndex, this.o.edtTypes.uploader)){
var data = this.o.GetText(cell);
this.SetCellCache(cell, data);
this.SetEditorValue(cellIndex, data);
if(!this.o.IsEditorType(cellIndex, this.o.edtTypes.custom)){
cell.innerHTML = '';
if(this.o.editorModel == 'cell'){ this.SetEditorFocus(cellIndex); }
} else {
if(this.o.openCustomEditor){ this.o.openCustomEditor.call(null, this.o, cell, editor); }
} else { editor.Open(cell); }
if(this.o.onAfterOpenEditor){ this.o.onAfterOpenEditor.call(null, this.o, cell, editor); }
OpenRowEditor: function(row){
if(!row) return;
this.activeRow = row;
for (var i = 0; i < this.o.nbCells; i++){
if(!this.o.editors[i] || this.o.IsEditorType(i, this.o.edtTypes.bool)
|| this.o.IsEditorType(i, this.o.edtTypes.command)){ continue; }
var c = row.cells[i];
if(this.o.Selection.activeCell && this.o.Selection.activeCell.cellIndex === i){
this.ShowCommandBtns(row.rowIndex, false);
CloseRowEditor: function(){
if(!this.activeRow) return;
var row = this.activeRow;
for (var i = 0; i < this.o.nbCells; i++){
if(!this.o.editors[i] || this.o.IsEditorType(i, this.o.edtTypes.bool)) continue;
this.activeCellEditor = row.cells[i];
this.ShowCommandBtns(row.rowIndex, true);
if(this.o.autoSave){ this.AutoSubmit(); }
this.activeRow = null;
ShowCommandBtns: function(rowIndex, showIcons){
if(rowIndex === undefined || showIcons === undefined || this.o.editorModel != 'row') return;
if(!this.edtBtns || !this.addBtns || !this.delBtns || !this.submitBtns || !this.cancelBtns) return;
if(this.edtBtns[rowIndex]) this.edtBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'inline';
if(this.addBtns[rowIndex]) this.addBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'inline';
if(this.delBtns[rowIndex]) this.delBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'inline';
if(this.submitBtns[rowIndex]) this.submitBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'none';
if(this.cancelBtns[rowIndex]) this.cancelBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'none';
} else {
if(this.edtBtns[rowIndex]) this.edtBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'none';
if(this.addBtns[rowIndex]) this.addBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'none';
if(this.delBtns[rowIndex]) this.delBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'none';
if(this.submitBtns[rowIndex]) this.submitBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'inline';
if(this.cancelBtns[rowIndex]) this.cancelBtns[rowIndex].style.display = 'inline';
CloseCellEditor: function(colIndex){
if(colIndex === undefined || !this.activeCellEditor){ return; }
if(this.o.onBeforeCloseEditor){ this.o.onBeforeCloseEditor.call(null, this.o, this.activeCellEditor, this.o.editors[colIndex]); }
var edtVal = this.GetEditorValue(colIndex),
cache = this.GetCellCache(this.activeCellEditor),
cellVal = cache[1], cellHtml = cache[0],
editor = this.o.editors[colIndex],
if(this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.uploader)){
} else {
if(this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.multiple)){//multiple selections need to be cleared
for (var j = 0; j < editor.options.length; j++){
if(editor.options[j].selected){ editor.options[j].selected = false; }
if(edtVal != cellVal){
var reg = new RegExp(cellVal.RegexpEscape(), 'g');
if(reg.test(cellHtml) && cellVal !== ''){ val = cellHtml.replace(reg, edtVal); } //value to be written
else { val = edtVal; }
if(this.o.setCellModifiedValue){ this.o.setCellModifiedValue.call(null, this.o, this.activeCellEditor, val); }
else {
try { this.activeCellEditor.removeChild(editor); } catch (e){ if(this.activeCellEditor) this.activeCellEditor.innerHTML = ''; } //for older versions of IE
try {
if(!this.o.validateModifiedValue ||
this.o.validateModifiedValue.call(null, this.o, colIndex, cellVal, edtVal, this.activeCellEditor, editor)){ //validation ok
if(this.o.editorAllowEmptyValue[colIndex]){ //empty value is allowed
this.activeCellEditor.innerHTML = (val !== undefined ? val : cellHtml);
} else { this.activeCellEditor.innerHTML = (val !== undefined && val.Trim() !== '' ? val : cellHtml); }
if(edtVal != cellVal){
//select editor with option value different from option text
if(this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.select)){ val = editor.getAttribute(this.o.attrValue); }
if(this.o.editorModel == 'row'){ this.SetModifiedCell(this.activeCellEditor, this.activeCellEditor.innerHTML, cellVal); }
else { this.SetModifiedCell(this.activeCellEditor, val, cellVal); }
} else { this.activeCellEditor.innerHTML = cellVal || cellHtml; } //resets cached value
} catch (e){ } //Temp solution for mysterious Chrome bug
if(this.o.onAfterCloseEditor){ this.o.onAfterCloseEditor.call(null, this.o, this.activeCellEditor, editor); }
if(this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.custom)){
if(this.o.closeCustomEditor){ this.o.closeCustomEditor.call(null, this.o, this.activeCellEditor, editor); }
if(this.o.autoSave && this.o.editorModel === 'cell' && this.o.autoSaveModel === 'cell'){ this.AutoSubmit(); }
this.activeCellEditor = null;
this.openCellEditor = null;
IsEditorOpen: function(colIndex){ return this.openCellEditor == colIndex; },
IsRowEditorOpen: function(){ return this.activeRow !== null; },
SetEditorFocus: function(colIndex){
if(this.o.editors[colIndex] && (this.IsEditorOpen(colIndex) || this.activeRow) &&
(!this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.custom) && !this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.command)
&& !this.o.IsEditorType(colIndex, this.o.edtTypes.bool))){ this.o.editors[colIndex].focus(); }
BlurEditor: function(colIndex){ if(this.o.editors[colIndex] && (this.IsEditorOpen(colIndex) || this.activeRow)) this.o.editors[colIndex].blur(); },
SetModifiedCell: function(cell, val, oldVal){
if(!cell) return;
var row = cell.parentNode;
if(this.o.Css.Has(row, this.o.newRowClass)){ return; } //modified values of added rows don't need to be treated
var r = {}; r.values = []; r.urlParams = ''; r.modified = [];
var modRow = this.GetModifiedRow(row.rowIndex);
for (var i = 0; i < row.cells.length; i++){
if(cell.cellIndex == i){ this.o.Css.Add(cell, this.o.modifiedCellCss); }
var cache = this.GetCellCache(row.cells[i]);
var t = cell.cellIndex == i ? val : (this.o.editorModel == 'row' && !this.o.IsEditorType(i, this.o.edtTypes.none) ? cache[1] || this.o.GetText(row.cells[i]) : this.o.GetText(row.cells[i]));
if(this.o.IsEditorType(i, this.o.edtTypes.bool) && this.o.Tag(row.cells[i], 'input').length > 0)
t = this.o.Tag(row.cells[i], 'input')[0].checked;
var paramName = this.o.prfxParam + i; //param name for server-side purposes
r.modified.push(cell.cellIndex == i ? true : false);
r.urlParams += '&' + paramName + '=' + encodeURIComponent(t); //params for submission
this.modifiedRows.push([row.rowIndex, r]);
} else {
var obj = modRow[1];
obj.values[cell.cellIndex] = val;
obj.modified[cell.cellIndex] = true;
var paramName = this.o.prfxParam + cell.cellIndex;
var oldParam = paramName + '=' + encodeURIComponent(oldVal);
var newParam = paramName + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val);
obj.urlParams = obj.urlParams.replace(oldParam, newParam);
GetModifiedRow: function(rowIndex){
if(rowIndex === undefined){ return null; }
for (var i = 0; i < this.modifiedRows.length; i++){
if(this.modifiedRows[i][0] == rowIndex){
return this.modifiedRows[i];
} return null;
GetModifiedRows: function(){ return this.modifiedRows; },
GetAddedRows: function(){ return this.addedRows; },
SetRowsObject: function(rows, cmd){
if(!rows) return;
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){
var row = rows[i];
if(!row) continue;
var r = {}; r.values = []; r.urlParams = ''; r.modified = [];
for (var j = 0; j < row.cells.length; j++){
var cell = row.cells[j];
var t = this.o.GetText(row.cells[j]);
if(this.o.IsEditorType(j, this.o.edtTypes.bool) && this.o.Tag(cell, 'input').length > 0){
t = this.o.Tag(cell, 'input')[0].checked;
} else if(this.o.IsEditorType(j, this.o.edtTypes.select)){ t = cell.getAttribute(this.o.attrValue); }
var paramName = this.o.prfxParam + j; //param name for server-side purposes
r.modified.push((cmd == 'delete' ? false : true));
r.urlParams += '&' + paramName + '=' + encodeURIComponent(t); //params for submission
if(cmd == 'delete') this.deletedRows.push([row.rowIndex, r]);
else if(cmd == 'insert') this.addedRows.push([row.rowIndex, r]);
else this.modifiedRows.push([row.rowIndex, r]);
GetDeletedRows: function(){ return this.deletedRows; },
RemoveModifiedRow: function(rowIndex){
if(rowIndex === undefined) return;
for (var i = 0; i < this.GetModifiedRows().length; i++){
if(this.GetModifiedRows()[i][0] == rowIndex){
this.modifiedRows.splice(i, 1); break;
RemoveModifiedCellMark: function(rowIndex, cellIndexes){
if(rowIndex === undefined) return;
var row = this.o.table.rows[rowIndex], cells = row.cells;
for (var i = 0; i < cells.length; i++){
var cell = cells[i];
if(!cellIndexes || cellIndexes.indexOf(i) != -1)
this.o.Css.Remove(cell, this.o.modifiedCellCss);
SetCellCache: function(cell, data, htmlCont){
if(!cell || data === undefined) return;
var html = htmlCont || htmlCont === '' ? htmlCont : cell.innerHTML;
cell.setAttribute(this.o.attrCont, escape(html));
cell.setAttribute(this.o.attrData, escape(data));
GetCellCache: function(cell){
if(!cell) return [];
var a, b;
if(cell.attributes[this.o.attrCont] !== undefined) a = unescape(cell.getAttribute(this.o.attrCont));
if(cell.attributes[this.o.attrData] !== undefined) b = unescape(cell.getAttribute(this.o.attrData));
return [a, b];
RemoveCellCache: function(cell){
if(!cell) return;
if(cell.attributes[this.o.attrCont] !== undefined) cell.removeAttribute(this.o.attrCont);
if(cell.attributes[this.o.attrData] !== undefined) cell.removeAttribute(this.o.attrData);
GetEditorValue: function(colIndex){
var editor = this.o.editors[colIndex];
var editorType = this.o.editorTypes[colIndex];
var val = '';
if(!editor || !editorType) return val;
switch (editorType.LCase()){
case this.o.edtTypes.input:
case this.o.edtTypes.textarea:
val = editor.value;
case this.o.edtTypes.select:
val = editor.getAttribute(this.o.attrText) || editor.value;
case this.o.edtTypes.multiple:
var sep = !this.o.editorValuesSeparator[colIndex] ? this.o.valuesSeparator : this.o.editorValuesSeparator[colIndex];
for (var j = 0; j < editor.options.length; j++)
val = val.concat(editor.options[j].value, sep);
val = val.substring(0, val.length - sep.length);
case this.o.edtTypes.custom:
if(this.o.getCustomEditorValue) val = this.o.getCustomEditorValue.call(null, this.o, editor, colIndex);
return val;
SetEditorValue: function(colIndex, val){
var editor = this.o.editors[colIndex];
var editorType = this.o.editorTypes[colIndex];
switch (editorType.LCase()){
case this.o.edtTypes.input:
case this.o.edtTypes.textarea:
case this.o.edtTypes.select:
editor.value = val;
case this.o.edtTypes.multiple:
for (var j = 0; j < editor.options.length; j++)
if(editor.options[j].value == val) editor.options[j].selected = true;
case this.o.edtTypes.custom:
if(this.o.setCustomEditorValue) this.o.setCustomEditorValue.call(null, this.o, editor, colIndex, val);
GetCheckBox: function(cell){
if(!cell) return null;
var chk = this.o.Tag(cell, 'input')[0];
if(chk.getAttribute('type').LCase() == 'checkbox') return chk;
else return null;
SetCheckBoxValue: function(e, cell){
if(!cell) return;
var x = this.o.Editable;
var checkbox = x.GetCheckBox(cell);
if(!checkbox || checkbox.type.LCase() != 'checkbox') return;
if(this.o.Event.GetElement(e) != checkbox){//in case user clicks on cell instead of checkbox
if(checkbox.checked) checkbox.checked = false;
else checkbox.checked = true;
var data = !checkbox.checked;
x.SetCellCache(cell, data, '');
if(x.o.autoSave){ x.SubmitAll(); } //checkbox value set straightaway, prevents treatedRows inconsistency
AddNewRow: function(){
var row,
rowIdx = this.o.startRow;
if(this.o.newRowPos === 'bottom'){
rowIdx = -1;
else if(typeof this.o.newRowPos === 'number' &&
this.o.newRowPos >= -1){
rowIdx = this.o.newRowPos;
row = this.o.table.insertRow(rowIdx);
} catch(e) {
row = this.o.table.insertRow(this.o.startRow);
row.setAttribute('id', this.o.CreateId()); //temp id for new row
this.o.Css.Add(row, this.o.newRowClass);
for (var i = 0; i < this.o.nbCells; i++){
var cell = row.insertCell(i);
if(this.o.defaultRecord){ cell.innerHTML = this.o.defaultRecord[i]; }
else { cell.innerHTML = this.o.defaultRecordUndefinedValue; }
if(this.o.cmdInsertBtnScroll){ row.scrollIntoView(false); }
if(this.o.onAddedDomRow){ this.o.onAddedDomRow.call(null, this.o, this.newRows, row); }
SubmitEditedRows: function(){ this.Submit('update'); },
SubmitAddedRows: function(){ this.SetRowsObject(this.newRows, 'insert'); this.Submit('insert'); },
SubmitDeletedRows: function(){
if(!this.o.Selection.activeRow && this.o.Selection.selectedRows.length === 0) return;
var rows = (this.o.bulkDelete) ? this.o.Selection.selectedRows : [this.o.Selection.activeRow];
if(rows.length === 0){ return; }
this.SetRowsObject(rows, 'delete');
if(confirm(this.o.msgConfirmDelSelectedRows)){ this.Submit('delete'); }
else { this.deletedRows = []; }
SubmitAll: function(){ this.submitAll = true; this.SubmitAddedRows(); this.SubmitEditedRows(); },
AutoSubmit: function(){
case 'both': this.SubmitAll(); break;
case 'insert': this.SubmitAddedRows(); break;
case 'update': default: this.SubmitEditedRows(); break;
Submit: function(cmd){
cmd = cmd.LCase();
var x = this;
var treatedRows, uri, submitMethod, formMethod, params;
var beforeSubmitCallBack, afterSubmitCallBack, onSubmit, onSubmitError;
var checkResponseSanity, processResponse;
switch ((cmd || '')){
case 'insert':
treatedRows = this.GetAddedRows();
uri = this.o.insertURI;
submitMethod = this.o.insertSubmitMethod;
formMethod = this.o.insertFormMethod;
params = this.o.insertParams;
beforeSubmitCallBack = this.o.onBeforeInsertSubmit;
afterSubmitCallBack = this.o.onAfterInsertSubmit;
onSubmit = this.o.onInsertSubmit;
onSubmitError = this.o.onInsertError;
checkResponseSanity = this.o.checkInsertResponseSanity;
processResponse = this.o.processInsertResponse;
case 'delete':
treatedRows = this.GetDeletedRows();
uri = this.o.deleteURI;
submitMethod = this.o.deleteSubmitMethod;
formMethod = this.o.deleteFormMethod;
params = this.o.deleteParams;
beforeSubmitCallBack = this.o.onBeforeDeleteSubmit;
afterSubmitCallBack = this.o.onAfterDeleteSubmit;
onSubmit = this.o.onDeleteSubmit;
onSubmitError = this.o.onDeleteError;
checkResponseSanity = this.o.checkDeleteResponseSanity;
processResponse = this.o.processDeleteResponse;
case 'update':
treatedRows = this.GetModifiedRows();
uri = this.o.updateURI;
submitMethod = this.o.updateSubmitMethod;
formMethod = this.o.updateFormMethod;
params = this.o.updateParams;
beforeSubmitCallBack = this.o.onBeforeUpdateSubmit;
afterSubmitCallBack = this.o.onAfterUpdateSubmit;
onSubmit = this.o.onUpdateSubmit;
onSubmitError = this.o.onUpdateError;
checkResponseSanity = this.o.checkUpdateResponseSanity;
processResponse = this.o.processUpdateResponse;
if(beforeSubmitCallBack){ beforeSubmitCallBack.call(null, this.o, treatedRows); }
if(onSubmit){ onSubmit.call(null, this.o, treatedRows); }
else {
if((!uri || uri === '') && treatedRows.length > 0){
alert(cmd.toUpperCase() + ': ' + this.o.msgUndefinedSubmitUrl);
treatedRows = []; x.o.savedRowsNb[cmd] = 0;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < treatedRows.length; i++){
var modArr = treatedRows[i], rowIndex = modArr[0], row = modArr[1];
if(rowIndex < 0) continue;
var rowValues = row.values;
var urlParams = row.urlParams, paramParts = urlParams.split('&');
var rowId = this.o.table.rows[rowIndex].getAttribute('id');
if(params && this.o.IsArray(params)){//params are replaced if defined
for (var j = 0; j < params.length; j++){
if(params[j] === ''){ continue; }
urlParams = urlParams.replace(paramParts[j + 1].split('=')[0], params[j]);
paramParts = urlParams.split('&');
this.o.Css.Add(this.o.table, this.o.activityIndicatorCss);
if(this.o.onServerActivityStart) this.o.onServerActivityStart.call(null, this.o, this.o.table.rows[rowIndex]);
if(submitMethod === 'script'){//GET method by using script tag inclusion
var prm = (uri.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?rowId=' : '&rowId=') + rowId + urlParams;
try {//window.open(uri+prm);
this.o.IncludeFile(this.o.prfxScr + rowIndex + '_' + this.o.id, uri + prm,
function(eg, scriptElm){
eg.savedRowsNb[cmd]++; var rIndex = scriptElm.id.replace(eg.prfxScr, '').replace('_' + eg.id, '');
eg.Editable.RemoveModifiedCellMark(parseInt(rIndex, 10));
} catch (e){
this.o.Css.Remove(this.o.table, this.o.activityIndicatorCss);
if(this.o.onServerActivityStop) this.o.onServerActivityStop.call(null, this.o, this.o.table.rows[rowIndex]);
if(this.o.onSubmitError) this.o.onSubmitError.call(null, this.o, e, e.description);
else alert(this.o.msgErrOccur + '\n' + e.description + '\n' + this.o.msgSaveUnsuccess);
else if(submitMethod !== 'script' && this.o.ajax){
var xhr = (function(rowIndex, arrIndex, rowId, urlParams) {
var _self = this,
// Submit data with intervals
submitData(rowId, urlParams, rowIndex, arrIndex);
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
submitData(rowId, urlParams, rowIndex, arrIndex); },
function submitData(rowId, urlParams, rowIndex, arrIndex){
var prm = 'rowId=' + rowId + '&rIndex=' + rowIndex + urlParams;
url: uri,
type: formMethod,
data: prm
}).done(function(data, status, xhr){
// Determine response content-type
var dataType = xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type') || 'application/json';
if(dataType.indexOf('application/json') !== -1){
var sane = sanityCheck(data);
// Process the response if needed
processResponse.call(_self.o, data);
// Ensure id attribute is set for newly created rows, so they can be updated immediately
if(data.result && data.result.id && cmd === 'insert'){
_self.o.table.rows[rowIndex].setAttribute('id', _self.o.newRowPrefix + data.result.id);
} else {
fail(null, 'Invalid Data', _self.o.msgInvalidData);
} else {
div = _self.o.CreateElm('div', ['id', 'xhr_' + rowIndex + '_' + _self.o.id]);
if(div){ document.body.removeChild(div); }
function sanityCheck(data) {
return checkResponseSanity.call(_self.o, data);
return (data && data.hasOwnProperty('result') &&
data.result.hasOwnProperty('success') &&
function fail(jqXHR, textStatus, errDesc) {
// remove reference from collection of rows to be treated
if(cmd === 'insert'){
_self.o.Editable.addedRows.splice(arrIndex, 1);
_self.o.Editable.newRows.splice(arrIndex, 1);
treatedRows.splice(arrIndex, 1);
_self.o.Css.Remove(_self.o.table, _self.o.activityIndicatorCss);
if(_self.o.onServerActivityStop) _self.o.onServerActivityStop.call(null, _self.o, _self.o.table.rows[rowIndex]);
if(_self.o.onSubmitError) _self.o.onSubmitError.call(null, _self.o, e, e.description);
else alert(_self.o.msgErrOccur + '\n' + errDesc + '\n' + _self.o.msgSaveUnsuccess);
function release(){
_self.o.Css.Remove(_self.o.table.rows[rowIndex], _self.o.newRowClass);
}).call(this, rowIndex, i, rowId, urlParams);
} else {//GET or POST method by using form and iframe elements
if(!this.o.ifrmContainer[cmd]) this.o.ifrmContainer[cmd] = this.o.CreateElm('div', ['id', 'cont_' + this.o.id + cmd], ['style', 'display:none;']);
var iframeId = this.o.prfxIFrm + rowIndex + '_' + this.o.id + cmd;
var iframe; //below for older versions of IE, name attribute dynamically created problem, very ugly solution...
try { var iframe = document.createElement('<iframe src="about:blank" name="' + iframeId + '" id="' + iframeId + '" '+ this.o.attrRowIndex +'="' + rowIndex + '"></iframe>'); }
catch (e){ var iframe = this.o.CreateElm('iframe', ['id', iframeId], ['name', iframeId], ['src', 'about:blank'], [this.o.attrRowIndex, rowIndex]); }
iframe.style.cssText = 'display:none; width:0; height:0;';
var form = this.o.CreateElm( 'form',
['id', this.o.prfxFrm + rowIndex + '_' + this.o.id + cmd], ['method', formMethod], ['action', uri],
['target', iframeId], ['accept-charset', 'utf-8'] );
for (var j = 1; j < paramParts.length; j++){
var paramName = paramParts[j].split('=')[0];
var paramValue = paramParts[j].split('=')[1];
var hiddenField = this.o.CreateElm('input', ['type', 'hidden'], ['name', paramName], ['value', paramValue]);
var hiddenField = this.o.CreateElm('input', ['type', 'hidden'], ['name', 'rowId'], ['value', rowId]);
} //for i
if(treatedRows.length > 0 && this.o.ifrmContainer[cmd]){
var ifrms = this.o.Tag(this.o.ifrmContainer[cmd], 'iframe'),
frms = this.o.Tag(this.o.ifrmContainer[cmd], 'form');
for(var j=0; j<ifrms.length; j++){
var form = frms[k], iframe = ifrms[k];
if(k===0){ form.submit(); } //1st form is submitted
else{ setTimeout(function(){ form.submit(); }, (k*x.o.formSubmitInterval)); } //intervalled submits
iframe.onload = iframe.onreadystatechange = function(){ //Iframe onload event
var rIndex = this.getAttribute(x.o.attrRowIndex),
iframeDoc = this.contentDocument || (this.contentWindow && this.contentWindow.document);
if(iframeDoc && iframeDoc.readyState === 'complete'){
//Below for FF, it doesn't seem to submit multiple forms correctly, this operation needs to be enforced
if(iframeDoc.location.href === 'about:blank'){
var form = x.o.Get(this.id.replace(x.o.prfxIFrm, x.o.prfxFrm));
if(form){ form.submit(); }
} //form is re-submitted
else {
x.o.Css.Remove(x.o.table.rows[rIndex], x.o.newRowClass);
} catch(e) {
x.o.Css.Remove(x.o.table, x.o.activityIndicatorCss);
if(x.o.onServerActivityStop) x.o.onServerActivityStop.call(null, x.o, x.o.table.rows[rowIndex]);
if(onSubmitError) onSubmitError.call(null, x.o, e, e.description);
else alert(x.o.msgErrOccur +'\n'+e.description+'\n' + x.o.msgSaveUnsuccess);
}; //onload
})(j); //closure
} // for j
} //else uri
function SubmitComplete(verbose){
if(x.o.savedRowsNb[cmd] === treatedRows.length){
treatedRows = []; x.o.savedRowsNb[cmd] = 0;
if(cmd == 'insert'){ x.o.Editable.newRows = []; x.o.Editable.addedRows = []; }
else if(cmd == 'delete'){
var selectedRow = x.o.Selection.GetActiveRow(),
selectedCell = x.o.Selection.GetActiveCell(),
curSlcRowIndex = null, curSlcCellIndex = null, slcRowIndex = null;
curSlcRowIndex = selectedRow.rowIndex;
if(curSlcRowIndex-1 >= x.o.startRow) {
slcRowIndex = curSlcRowIndex-1;
} else {
slcRowIndex = x.o.startRow;
curSlcCellIndex = selectedCell.cellIndex;
var a = [];
for (var k = 0; k < x.o.Editable.deletedRows.length; k++){
a.sort(x.o.Sort.NumDesc); //rows indexes need to be sorted in desc manner for rows deleting operation
for (var k = 0; k < a.length; k++){
if(slcRowIndex !== null){
if(curSlcCellIndex !== null){
var cell = selectedRow.cells[curSlcCellIndex];
x.o.Editable.deletedRows = [];
else x.o.Editable.modifiedRows = [];
if(x.o.savedRowsNb.update === 0 && x.o.savedRowsNb.insert === 0 && x.o.savedRowsNb['delete'] === 0){
if(afterSubmitCallBack){ afterSubmitCallBack.call(null, x.o, treatedRows); }
else { // message displayed if autosave false
if(verbose && !x.o.autoSave && (!x.o.Editable.submitAll ||
(x.o.Editable.submitAll && cmd === 'update'))){
x.o.Editable.submitAll = false;
if(x.o.onServerActivityStop) x.o.onServerActivityStop.call(null, x.o, x.o.table.rows[rowIndex]);
if(submitMethod === 'form' && !x.o.ajax && x.o.ifrmContainer[cmd]){
x.o.ifrmContainer[cmd].innerHTML = '';
x.o.Css.Remove(x.o.table, x.o.activityIndicatorCss);
Edit: function(e){
var row, cell;
if(e && e.type && e.type.LCase().indexOf('click') !== -1){
row = this.o.GetRow(e);
cell = this.o.GetCell(e);
} else {
if(!this.o.selection) return;
if(!this.o.Selection.activeRow && !this.o.Selection.activeCell) return;
row = this.o.Selection.activeRow;
cell = this.o.Selection.activeCell;
if(!row || row.rowIndex < this.o.startRow) return;
if(this.o.editorModel === 'cell' && cell){
var cellIndex = cell.cellIndex;
if(!this.activeCellEditor && this.o.editors[cellIndex]){
if(this.o.IsEditorType(cellIndex, this.o.edtTypes.bool)){
this.SetCheckBoxValue(e, cell);
} else { this.OpenCellEditor(cell); }
if(this.o.editorModel === 'row' && !this.IsRowEditorOpen()){ this.OpenRowEditor(row); }
Event: {
OnInputFocus: function(e){
var elm = this.o.Event.GetElement(e);
OnBlur: function(e){
var elm = this.o.Event.GetElement(e);
var colIndex = elm.getAttribute(this.o.attrColIndex);
if(colIndex === null){
var cell = this.o.GetElement(e, 'td');
colIndex = cell.cellIndex;
if(this.o.editorModel == 'cell'){ this.CloseCellEditor(colIndex); }
Selection.prototype = {
onClickAdded: false, activeRow: null, activeCell: null, selectedRows: [],
Init: function(){
if(!this.o.selection) return;
if(this.activeRow) this.SelectCell(this.activeRow.cells[0]);
if(this.o.onSelectionInit) this.o.onSelectionInit.call(null, this.o);
Set: function(){
this.o.selection = true;
this.o.keyNav = true;
Remove: function(){
this.o.selection = false;
this.o.keyNav = false;
SetEvents: function(){
var x = this;
this.o.Event.Bind(this.o.table, 'click', function(e){ x.OnClick.call(x, e); });
if(this.o.onValidateRow || this.o.onValidateCell) this.o.Event.Bind(this.o.table, 'dblclick', function(e){ x.OnDblClick.call(x, e); });
this.onClickAdded = true;
if(this.o.keyNav){ this.o.Event.Bind(this.o.StandardBody(), 'keydown', function(e){ x.OnKeyDown.call(x, e); }); }
RemoveEvents: function(){
var x = this;
this.o.Event.Unbind(this.o.table, 'click', function(e){ x.OnClick.call(x, e); });
if(this.o.onValidateRow || this.o.onValidateCell) this.o.Event.Unbind(this.o.table, 'dblclick', function(e){ x.OnDblClick.call(x, e); });
this.o.Event.Unbind(this.o.StandardBody(), 'keydown', function(e){ x.OnKeyDown.call(x, e); });
this.onClickAdded = false;
GetActiveRow: function(){ return this.activeRow; },
GetActiveCell: function(){ return this.activeCell; },
GetSelectedRows: function(){ return this.selectedRows; },
GetSelectedValues: function(){
var values = [];
for(var i=0; i<this.GetSelectedRows().length; i++){
var row = this.GetSelectedRows()[i];
var r = this.GetRowValues(row);
return values;
GetActiveRowValues: function(){
if(!this.GetActiveRow()) return [];
return this.GetRowValues(this.GetActiveRow());
GetRowValues: function(row){
if(!row) return [];
var values = [];
for(var i=0; i<row.cells.length; i++){
var cell = row.cells[i];
return values;
SelectRowByIndex: function(rowIndex){
if(rowIndex === undefined || isNaN(rowIndex)){ rowIndex = 0; }
var row = this.o.table.rows[rowIndex];
if(!row){ return; }
SelectRowsByIndexes: function(rowIndexes){
if(!this.o.IsArray(rowIndexes)){ return; }
for(var i=0; i<rowIndexes.length; i++){
SelectRow: function(row, e){
if(this.o.defaultSelection == 'cell' || row.rowIndex<0){ return; }
if(this.o.onBeforeSelectedRow){ this.o.onBeforeSelectedRow.call(null, this.o, row, e); }
this.o.Css.Remove(this.activeRow, this.o.activeRowCss);
if(this.o.selectionModel === 'multiple'){
this.o.Css.Add(row, this.o.selectedRowCss);
if(this.selectedRows.indexOf(row) == -1) this.selectedRows.push(row);
this.o.Css.Add(row, this.o.activeRowCss);
this.activeRow = row;
et_activeGrid = this.o.id;
if(this.o.onAfterSelectedRow) this.o.onAfterSelectedRow.call(null, this.o, row, e);
DeselectRow: function(row, e){
if(this.o.defaultSelection == 'cell') return;
if(!this.IsRowSelected(row)) return;
if(this.o.onBeforeDeselectedRow) this.o.onBeforeDeselectedRow.call(null, this.o, row, e);
this.o.Css.Remove(row, this.o.activeRowCss);
this.o.Css.Remove(row, this.o.selectedRowCss);
if(this.o.selectionModel == 'multiple'){
for(var i=0; i<this.GetSelectedRows().length; i++){
var r = this.selectedRows[i];
if(row == r){
this.selectedRows.splice(i, 1);
this.o.Css.Remove(this.activeRow, this.o.activeRowCss);
this.activeRow = null;
if(this.o.onAfterDeselectedRow) this.o.onAfterDeselectedRow.call(null, this.o, row, e);
SelectCell: function(cell, e){
if(this.o.defaultSelection == 'row') return;
if(this.o.onBeforeSelectedCell) this.o.onBeforeSelectedCell.call(null, this.o, cell, e);
this.o.Css.Add(cell, this.o.activeCellCss);
this.activeCell = cell;
try{ if(this.o.defaultSelection == 'cell' && cell.parentNode && cell.parentNode.nodeName.LCase()=='tr')
this.activeRow = cell.parentNode; } catch(ex){} //ugly try-catch solution for old IE
et_activeGrid = this.o.id;
if(this.o.onAfterSelectedCell) this.o.onAfterSelectedCell.call(null, this.o, cell, e);
DeselectCell: function(cell, e){
if(this.o.defaultSelection == 'row') return;
if(this.o.onBeforeDeselectedCell) this.o.onBeforeDeselectedCell.call(null, this.o, cell, e);
this.o.Css.Remove(cell, this.o.activeCellCss);
this.activeCell = null;
if(this.o.defaultSelection == 'cell') this.activeRow = null;
if(this.o.onAfterDeselectedCell) this.o.onAfterDeselectedCell.call(null, this.o, cell, e);
ClearSelections: function(){
var selRow = this.activeRow;
var selCell = this.activeCell;
if(selCell) this.DeselectCell(selCell);
if(selRow) this.DeselectRow(selRow);
for(var i=0; i<this.GetSelectedRows().length; i++){
var row = this.selectedRows[i];
if(this.o.onBeforeDeselectedRow) this.o.onBeforeDeselectedRow.call(null, this.o, row);
this.o.Css.Remove(row, this.o.selectedRowCss);
this.o.Css.Remove(row, this.o.activeRowCss);
if(this.o.onAfterDeselectedRow) this.o.onAfterDeselectedRow.call(null, this.o, row);
this.selectedRows = [];
IsRowSelected: function(row){
if(this.o.selectionModel == 'single'){
return row == this.activeRow;
} else {
for(var i=0; i<this.GetSelectedRows().length; i++){
var r = this.selectedRows[i];
if(r == row) return true;
return false;
IsCellSelected: function(cell){
return cell == this.activeCell;
OnDblClick: function(e){
var row = this.o.GetRow(e);
var cell = this.o.GetCell(e);
if(!row || row.rowIndex < this.o.startRow) return;
if(this.o.onValidateRow && this.o.defaultSelection != 'cell') this.o.onValidateRow.call(null, this.o, this.activeRow);
if(this.o.onValidateCell && this.o.defaultSelection != 'row') this.o.onValidateCell.call(null, this.o, this.activeCell);
OnClick: function(e){
var row = this.o.GetRow(e);
var cell = this.o.GetCell(e);
if(!row || row.rowIndex < this.o.startRow) return;
if(this.o.autoSave && this.o.autoSaveModel === 'row'){
if(this.activeRow && this.activeRow.rowIndex !== row.rowIndex){
if(this.o.selectionModel == 'single'){
} else {
//Selection keys are disabled, multiple selection is performed with clicks
if(this.selectedRows.length > 0){
if(!this.IsRowSelected(row)) this.SelectRow(row);
else this.DeselectRow(row);
} else this.SelectRow(row);
else if(this.o.keySelection && (!e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey)){
else if(this.o.keySelection && e.ctrlKey && this.selectedRows.length > 0)
else if(this.o.keySelection && e.shiftKey && this.selectedRows.length > 0){
if(!this.activeRow) return;
var prevRowIndex = this.activeRow.rowIndex;
var curRowIndex = this.activeRow.rowIndex;
if(prevRowIndex < curRowIndex){
for(var i=prevRowIndex+1; i<curRowIndex; i++){
var r = this.o.table.rows[i];
if(!this.IsRowSelected(r)) this.SelectRow(r);
else this.DeselectRow(r);
} else {
for(var i=prevRowIndex-1; i>curRowIndex; i--){
var r = this.o.table.rows[i];
if(!this.IsRowSelected(r)) this.SelectRow(r);
else this.DeselectRow(r);
else{ this.SelectRow(row); }
if(this.IsRowSelected(row)){ this.SelectCell(cell); }
var activeCellEditor = this.o.Editable.activeCellEditor;
if(!activeCellEditor && cell && this.o.editors[cell.cellIndex]){
//Boolean is set if cell clicked even if editor action is dblclick
if(this.o.IsEditorType(cell.cellIndex, this.o.edtTypes.bool) && this.o.openEditorAction==='dblclick'){
this.o.Editable.SetCheckBoxValue(e, cell);
//Custom or uploader editor is closed if cell selection changes
if(activeCellEditor && (this.o.IsEditorType(activeCellEditor.cellIndex, this.o.edtTypes.custom) ||
this.o.IsEditorType(activeCellEditor.cellIndex, this.o.edtTypes.uploader))
&& (cell && cell.cellIndex!=activeCellEditor.cellIndex || row.rowIndex!=activeCellEditor.parentNode.rowIndex)){
if(row != this.o.Editable.activeRow) this.o.Editable.CloseRowEditor();
OnKeyDown: function(e){
if(!this.activeRow) return;
var t = this.o.GetTableFromElement(this.activeRow);
if(!t || t.nodeName.LCase() != 'table' || t['id'] != et_activeGrid) return;
var keyCode = this.o.Event.GetKey(e);
var maxRowIndex = (this.o.table.rows.length - 1);
var nbCells = (this.o.GetCellsNb() - 1);
var curRowIndex = this.activeRow.rowIndex;
var rowIndex, cellIndex;
var x = this;
var navigate = function(cmd){
rowIndex = x.o.startRow; cellIndex = 0;
} else {
var curCellIndex = (x.activeCell ? x.activeCell.cellIndex : 0);
if(x.o.selectionModel == 'single' || (x.o.selectionModel == 'multiple' && !e.shiftKey) || !x.o.keySelection) x.ClearSelections();
else if(x.o.selectionModel == 'multiple' && e.shiftKey) x.DeselectCell(x.activeCell, e);
cellIndex = curCellIndex;
if(cmd === 'down') rowIndex = (curRowIndex < maxRowIndex) ? curRowIndex + 1 : maxRowIndex;
else if(cmd === 'up') rowIndex = (curRowIndex == x.o.startRow) ? x.o.startRow : curRowIndex - 1;
else if(cmd === 'pgdown') rowIndex = (curRowIndex+x.o.nbRowsPerPage < maxRowIndex) ? curRowIndex + x.o.nbRowsPerPage : maxRowIndex;
else if(cmd === 'pgup') rowIndex = (curRowIndex-x.o.nbRowsPerPage <= x.o.startRow) ? x.o.startRow : curRowIndex - x.o.nbRowsPerPage;
else if(cmd === 'home') rowIndex = x.o.startRow;
else if(cmd === 'end') rowIndex = maxRowIndex;
else if(cmd === 'right'){
if(x.o.defaultSelection != 'row'){
rowIndex = curRowIndex;
cellIndex = (curCellIndex+1 > nbCells) ? 0 : curCellIndex+1;
if((curCellIndex+1) > nbCells) rowIndex = (curRowIndex < maxRowIndex) ? curRowIndex + 1 : maxRowIndex;
} else rowIndex = (curRowIndex < maxRowIndex) ? curRowIndex + 1 : maxRowIndex;
else if(cmd === 'left'){
if(x.o.defaultSelection != 'row'){
rowIndex = curRowIndex;
cellIndex = (curCellIndex-1 < 0) ? nbCells : curCellIndex-1;
if(curCellIndex-1 < 0) rowIndex = (curRowIndex == x.o.startRow) ? x.o.startRow : curRowIndex - 1;
} else rowIndex = (curRowIndex == x.o.startRow) ? x.o.startRow : curRowIndex - 1;
var row = x.o.table.rows[rowIndex];
if(x.o.keySelection && e.shiftKey && x.selectedRows.length > 0 && (cmd=='pgdown' || cmd=='pgup' || cmd=='home' || cmd=='end')){
if(!x.activeRow) return;
if(curRowIndex < rowIndex){
for(var i=curRowIndex+1; i<rowIndex; i++){
var r = x.o.table.rows[i];
if(!x.IsRowSelected(r)) x.SelectRow(r, e);
else x.DeselectRow(r, e);
x.DeselectRow(x.o.table.rows[curRowIndex], e);
} else {
for(var i=curRowIndex-1; i>rowIndex; i--){
var r = x.o.table.rows[i];
if(!x.IsRowSelected(r)) x.SelectRow(r, e);
else x.DeselectRow(r, e);
x.DeselectRow(x.o.table.rows[curRowIndex], e);
x.SelectRow(row, e);
} else {
if(x.o.keySelection && e.shiftKey && x.IsRowSelected(row)) x.DeselectRow(x.o.table.rows[curRowIndex], e);
x.SelectRow(row, e);
if(x.o.defaultSelection != 'row'){
var cell = row.cells[cellIndex];
x.SelectCell(cell, e);
if(x.o.scrollIntoView) cell.scrollIntoView(false);
if(x.o.scrollIntoView && x.o.defaultSelection=='row') row.scrollIntoView(false);
if(x.o.autoSave && x.o.autoSaveModel === 'row'){
if(rowIndex !== curRowIndex){ x.o.Editable.AutoSubmit(); }
var ed = this.o.Editable;
function closeEditor(){
if(x.o.editable && ed.activeCellEditor && x.o.editorModel=='cell')
if(x.o.editable && ed.activeRow && x.o.editorModel=='row')
if(ed.activeRow != x.activeRow) ed.CloseRowEditor();
case 40: //arrow down
if(!x.o.editable || (x.o.editable && !ed.activeCellEditor && !ed.activeRow)) navigate('down');
case 38: //arrow up
if(!x.o.editable || (x.o.editable && !ed.activeCellEditor && !ed.activeRow)) navigate('up');
case 37: //arrow left
if(!x.o.editable || (x.o.editable && !ed.activeCellEditor && !ed.activeRow)) navigate('left');
case 39: //arrow right
if(!x.o.editable || (x.o.editable && !ed.activeCellEditor) && !ed.activeRow) navigate('right');
case 34: //pagedown
navigate('pgdown'); closeEditor();
case 33: //pageup
navigate('pgup'); closeEditor();
case 36: //home
navigate('home'); closeEditor();
case 35: //end
navigate('end'); closeEditor();
case 9: //tab
if(e.shiftKey) navigate('left');
else navigate('right');
if(x.o.editorModel == 'row'){
if(x.activeCell && x.selectionModel!='row') ed.SetEditorFocus(x.activeCell.cellIndex);
if(x.activeRow && ed.activeRow && x.activeRow.rowIndex != ed.activeRow.rowIndex) closeEditor();
} else{ closeEditor(); }
case 13: //enter
if(!x.o.onValidateRow && !x.o.onValidateCell) navigate('down');
if(x.o.onValidateRow && x.o.defaultSelection != 'cell') x.o.onValidateRow.call(null, x.o, x.activeRow);
if(x.o.onValidateCell && x.o.defaultSelection != 'row') x.o.onValidateCell.call(null, x.o, x.activeCell);
} else {
if(!ed.activeCellEditor){ ed.Edit.call(ed, e); x.o.Event.Cancel(e); }
if(x.o.IsEditorType(ed.activeCellEditor.cellIndex, x.o.edtTypes.input)){ closeEditor(); }
case 113: //F2
case 32: //space bar
if(x.o.editable && (!ed.activeCellEditor)){ ed.Edit.call(ed, e); x.o.Event.Cancel(e); }
case 45: //insert
if(x.o.editable && (!ed.activeCellEditor)){
case 46: //delete
if(x.o.editable && (!ed.activeCellEditor)){ ed.SubmitDeletedRows(); x.o.Event.Cancel(e); }
case 27: //escape
if(x.o.editable && x.o.editorModel == 'cell'){ if(ed.activeCellEditor) closeEditor(); }
if(x.o.editable && x.o.editorModel == 'row') closeEditor();
default: //key stroke opens editor if edition is enabled
if((x.o.editable && x.o.editableOnKeystroke &&
x.o.editorModel == 'cell' && x.o.selectionModel == 'single' &&
!ed.activeCellEditor && !ed.activeRow)){
ed.Edit.call(ed, e);
if(x.o.editable && x.o.openEditorAction=='click'){ ed.Edit.call(ed, e); }
EditTable.prototype = {
Init: function(){
this.Css.Add(this.table, this.tableCss+' '+this.unselectableCss);
GetCellsNb: function(rowIndex){
var tr = (rowIndex === undefined) ? this.table.rows[this.startRow] : this.table.rows[rowIndex];
return tr.cells.length;
GetRowsNb: function(){ return this.table.rows.length; },
GetRow: function(e){ return this.GetElement(e, 'tr'); },
GetRowByIndex: function(rowIndex){ return this.table.rows[rowIndex]; },
GetCell: function(e){ return this.GetElement(e, 'td') || this.GetElement(e, 'th'); },
GetTableFromElement: function(elm){
if(!elm) return null;
if(elm.nodeName.UCase() === 'TABLE'){ return elm; }
elm = elm.parentNode;
return null;
GetElement: function(e, tagName){
var elm, target = this.Event.GetElement(e);
if(target.nodeName.UCase() === tagName.UCase()
&& this.IsParentValid(target)){
elm = target; break;
target = target.parentNode;
return elm;
IsParentValid: function(elm){
if(elm.nodeName.UCase() === 'TABLE'){
if(elm.id == this.id) return true;
else return false;
elm = elm.parentNode;
return false;
IsSelectable: function(){ return this.selection; },
IsEditable: function(){ return this.editable; },
ClearSelections: function(){ this.Selection.ClearSelections(); },
IsEditorType: function(colIndex, type){ return this.editorTypes[colIndex] === type; },
IsObj: function(o){ return (o && o.constructor == Object); },
IsFn: function(fn){ return (fn && fn.constructor == Function); },
IsArray: function(a){ return (a && a.constructor == Array); },
Get: function(id){ return document.getElementById(id); },
Tag: function(o, tagname){ if(!o){ return null; } else { return o.getElementsByTagName(tagname); } },
GetText: function(n){
if(!n){ return ''; }
var s = n.textContent || n.innerText || n.innerHTML.replace(/\<[^<>]+>/g, '');
return s.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, '').Trim();
CreateElm: function(tag){
if(tag===undefined || tag===null || tag==='') return;
var el = document.createElement(tag);
for(var i=0; i<arguments.length; i++){
var argtype = typeof arguments[i];
if(argtype.LCase() == 'object' && arguments[i].length == 2){
return el;
CreateText: function(text){ return document.createTextNode(text); },
CreateId: function(prefix){ return (prefix || this.newRowPrefix) + new Date().getTime(); },
StandardBody: function(){
return (document.compatMode == 'CSS1Compat') ? document.documentElement : document.body;
Css: {
Has: function(elm,cl){
if(!elm){ return false; }
return elm.className.match(new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+cl+'(\\s|$)'));
Add: function(elm,cl){
if(!elm){ return; }
if(!this.Has(elm,cl)){ elm.className += ' '+cl; }
Remove: function(elm,cl){
if(!elm){ return; }
if(!this.Has(elm,cl)){ return; }
var reg = new RegExp('(\\s|^)'+cl+'(\\s|$)');
elm.className = elm.className.replace(reg,'');
Event: {
evt: {},
Bind: function(el, type, handler){
if(!(el in this.evt)){
this.evt[el] = {};
if(!(type in this.evt[el])){
this.evt[el][type] = [];
this.evt[el][type].push([handler, true]);
this.Add(el, type, handler);
Unbind: function(el, type, fn){
if(el in this.evt){
var handlers = this.evt[el];
if(type in handlers){
var eventHandlers = handlers[type];
for(var i = eventHandlers.length; i--;){
var handler = eventHandlers[i];
this.Remove(el, type, handler[0]);
Add: function(el, type, fn, capture){
el.attachEvent('on'+type, fn);
} else if(el.addEventListener){
el.addEventListener(type, fn, (capture===undefined ? false : capture));
} else { el['on'+type] = fn; }
Remove: function(el, type, fn, capture){
el.detachEvent('on'+type, fn);
} else if(el.removeEventListener){
el.removeEventListener(type, fn, (capture===undefined ? false : capture));
} else { el['on'+type] = null; }
Get: function(e){ return e || window.event; },
GetElement: function(e){
return (e && e.target) || (event && event.srcElement);
GetKey: function(e){
var evt = this.Get(e);
var key = (evt.charCode) ? evt.charCode:
((evt.keyCode) ? evt.keyCode: ((evt.which) ? evt.which : 0));
return key;
Stop: function(e){
var evt = this.Get(e);
if(evt.stopPropagation){ evt.stopPropagation(); }
else{ evt.cancelBubble = true; }
Cancel: function(e){
var evt = this.Get(e);
if(evt.preventDefault){ evt.preventDefault(); }
else{ evt.returnValue = false; }
IncludeFile: function(fileId, filePath, callback, type){
var ftype = (type===undefined) ? 'script' : type;
var x = this, isLoaded = false, file;
var head = this.Tag(document,'head')[0];
if(ftype.LCase() == 'link'){
file = this.CreateElm('link', ['id',fileId],['type','text/css'],['rel','stylesheet'],['href',filePath]);
} else {
file = this.CreateElm('script', ['id',fileId],['type','text/javascript'],['src',filePath]);
file.onload = file.onreadystatechange = function(){
//Browser <> IE onload event works only for scripts, not for stylesheets
if(!isLoaded &&
(!this.readyState || this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete')){
isLoaded = true;
if(typeof callback === 'function'){
callback.call(null, x, this);
NumAsc: function(a, b){ return (a-b); },
NumDesc: function(a, b){ return (b-a); },
IgnoreCase: function(a, b){
var x = a.LCase();
var y = b.LCase();
return ((x < y) ? -1 : ((x > y) ? 1 : 0));
if(typeof String.prototype.LCase === 'undefined'){
String.prototype.LCase = function(){ return this.toLowerCase(); };
if(typeof String.prototype.UCase === 'undefined'){
String.prototype.UCase = function(){ return this.toUpperCase(); };
if(typeof String.prototype.Trim === 'undefined'){
String.prototype.Trim = function(){//optimised by Anthony Maes
return this.replace(/(^[\s\xA0]*)|([\s\xA0]*$)/g,'');
if(typeof String.prototype.RegexpEscape === 'undefined'){
String.prototype.RegexpEscape = function(){
var s = this;
function escape(e){
a = new RegExp('\\'+e,'g');
s = s.replace(a,'\\'+e);
chars = new Array('\\','[','^','$','.','|','?','*','+','(',')','<27>');
for(var e=0; e<chars.length; e++) escape(chars[e]);
return s;
if(typeof Array.prototype.indexOf === 'undefined'){
Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj, start){
for (var i = (start || 0), j = this.length; i < j; i++)
if(this[i] === obj){ return i; }
return -1;
function setEditTable(id){
- Calls EditTable Constructor
- Params:
- id: table id (string)
- startRow (optional): start row index (number)
- config (optional): configuration object (literal object)
- Returns EditTable object
if(arguments.length === 0){ return; }
var et = new EditTable(arguments[0],arguments[1],arguments[2]);
return et;