import {addEvt, removeEvt} from '../event'; import {root} from '../root'; const JSON = root.JSON; const location = root.location; const decodeURIComponent = root.decodeURIComponent; const encodeURIComponent = root.encodeURIComponent; /** * Checks if browser has onhashchange event */ export const hasHashChange = () => { let docMode = root.documentMode; return ('onhashchange' in root) && (docMode === undefined || docMode > 7); }; /** * Manages state via URL hash changes * * @export * @class Hash */ export class Hash { /** * Creates an instance of Hash * * @param {State} state Instance of State */ constructor(state) { /** * State object * @type {State} */ this.state = state; /** * Cached URL hash * @type {String} Hash string * @private */ this.lastHash = null; /** * Application event emitter instance * @type {Emitter} */ this.emitter = state.emitter; /** * Bound sync wrapper for future use * @private */ this.boundSync = null; } /** * Initializes the Hash object */ init() { if (!hasHashChange()) { return; } this.lastHash = location.hash; //Store a bound sync wrapper this.boundSync = this.sync.bind(this); this.emitter.on(['state-changed'], (tf, state) => this.update(state)); this.emitter.on(['initialized'], this.boundSync); addEvt(root, 'hashchange', this.boundSync); } /** * Updates the URL hash based on a state change * * @param {State} state Instance of State */ update(state) { let hash = `#${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(state))}`; if (this.lastHash === hash) { return; } location.hash = hash; this.lastHash = hash; } /** * Converts a URL hash into a JSON object * * @param {String} hash URL hash fragment * @returns {Object} JSON object */ parse(hash) { if (hash.indexOf('#') === -1) { return null; } hash = hash.substr(1); return JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(hash)); } /** * Applies current hash state to features */ sync() { let state = this.parse(location.hash); if (!state) { return; } // override current state with persisted one and sync features this.state.overrideAndSync(state); } /** * Release Hash event subscriptions and clear fields */ destroy() {['state-changed'], (tf, state) => this.update(state));['initialized'], this.boundSync); removeEvt(root, 'hashchange', this.boundSync); this.state = null; this.lastHash = null; this.emitter = null; } }