(function(win, TableFilter) { var tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/' }); tf.init(); module('Table 1: sanity checks'); test('TableFilter object', function() { deepEqual(tf instanceof TableFilter, true, 'TableFilter instanciated'); deepEqual(tf.id, 'demo', 'id check'); deepEqual(tf.filtersRowIndex, 0, 'Filters row index'); deepEqual(tf.getCellsNb(), 5, 'filters type collection length'); }); module('Table 1: DOM tests'); test('Filters row', function() { equal( tf.dom().rows[0].className, 'fltrow', 'Filters row CSS class name' ); equal(tf.getFilterElement(0).nodeName, 'INPUT', 'Filter DOM element'); deepEqual( tf.dom().scrollWidth === tf.dom().clientWidth, true, 'Horizontal scrollbar is not displayed' ); }); var tf1 = new TableFilter( document.querySelector('.test'), { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', responsive: true, filters_row_index: 1, btn: true } ); tf1.init(); var btn = document.querySelector('.' + tf1.btnCssClass); module('Table 2: sanity checks'); test('TableFilter instance', function() { notEqual(tf1.id, null, 'id check'); deepEqual(tf1.dom().classList.contains(tf1.prfxResponsive), true, 'Responsive CSS class'); equal(tf1.filtersRowIndex, 1, 'Filters row index'); deepEqual(tf1.getCellsNb(), 5, 'filters type collection length'); }); module('Table 2: DOM tests'); test('Filters row', function() { equal( tf1.dom().rows[1].className, 'fltrow', 'Filters row CSS class name' ); equal(tf1.getFilterElement(0).nodeName, 'INPUT', 'Filter DOM element'); deepEqual( tf1.dom().scrollWidth > tf1.dom().clientWidth, true, 'Horizontal scrollbar is displayed' ); }); test('Filter button', function(){ notEqual(btn, null, 'Button exists'); deepEqual(btn.nodeName, 'INPUT', 'Expected element'); }); test('Filter button click event', function(){ tf1.setFilterValue(4, '>30'); btn.click(); deepEqual(tf1.getValidRows().length, 2, 'Filter button event result'); }); test('Cannot init if initialised', function() { // setup var importFile = tf1.import; var hit = 0; tf1.import = function() { hit++; }; tf1.initialized = true; // act tf1.init(); // assert deepEqual(hit, 0, 'import not called'); tf1.import = importFile; }); module('Tear-down'); test('can destroy TableFilter DOM elements', function() { tf.destroy(); tf1.destroy(); deepEqual(tf.isInitialized(), false, 'Instance no longer initialised'); deepEqual(tf1.getFilterElement(0), null, 'Filter 0 removed'); }); module('Edge cases'); test('throws when no working DOM element', function() { throws( function() { new TableFilter('xyz'); }, Error, 'Throws Error when no DOM table' ); }); test('Can instantiate with wrong refRow', function() { var tf2 = new TableFilter('demo', -9); tf2.init(); deepEqual(tf2.nbCells, 5, 'Expected number of columns'); }); })(window, TableFilter);