webpackJsonp([1,2],{ /***/ 1: /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var map = { "./array": 7, "./array.js": 7, "./cookie": 5, "./cookie.js": 5, "./date": 9, "./date.js": 9, "./dom": 3, "./dom.js": 3, "./event": 2, "./event.js": 2, "./extensions/colsVisibility/colsVisibility": 26, "./extensions/colsVisibility/colsVisibility.js": 26, "./extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable": 25, "./extensions/sortabletable/adapterSortabletable.js": 25, "./helpers": 8, "./helpers.js": 8, "./modules/alternateRows": 23, "./modules/alternateRows.js": 23, "./modules/checkList": 17, "./modules/checkList.js": 17, "./modules/clearButton": 21, "./modules/clearButton.js": 21, "./modules/colOps": 24, "./modules/colOps.js": 24, "./modules/dropdown": 16, "./modules/dropdown.js": 16, "./modules/gridLayout": 12, "./modules/gridLayout.js": 12, "./modules/help": 22, "./modules/help.js": 22, "./modules/highlightKeywords": 14, "./modules/highlightKeywords.js": 14, "./modules/loader": 13, "./modules/loader.js": 13, "./modules/paging": 20, "./modules/paging.js": 20, "./modules/popupFilter": 15, "./modules/popupFilter.js": 15, "./modules/rowsCounter": 18, "./modules/rowsCounter.js": 18, "./modules/statusBar": 19, "./modules/statusBar.js": 19, "./modules/store": 11, "./modules/store.js": 11, "./sort": 10, "./sort.js": 10, "./string": 4, "./string.js": 4, "./types": 6, "./types.js": 6 }; function webpackContext(req) { return __webpack_require__(webpackContextResolve(req)); }; function webpackContextResolve(req) { return map[req] || (function() { throw new Error("Cannot find module '" + req + "'.") }()); }; webpackContext.keys = function webpackContextKeys() { return Object.keys(map); }; webpackContext.resolve = webpackContextResolve; module.exports = webpackContext; webpackContext.id = 1; /***/ }, /***/ 25: /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var _Types = __webpack_require__(6); var _Dom = __webpack_require__(3); var _Arr = __webpack_require__(7); var _Event = __webpack_require__(2); var _DateHelper = __webpack_require__(9); var _Helpers = __webpack_require__(8); __webpack_require__(27); // var SortableTable = require('sortabletable'); var AdapterSortableTable = (function () { /** * SortableTable Adapter module * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function AdapterSortableTable(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, AdapterSortableTable); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); this.isPaged = false; //indicates if tables was sorted this.sorted = false; // edit .sort-arrow.descending / .sort-arrow.ascending in filtergrid.css // to reflect any path change this.sortImgPath = f.sort_images_path || tf.themesPath; this.sortImgBlank = f.sort_image_blank || 'blank.png'; this.sortImgClassName = f.sort_image_class_name || 'sort-arrow'; this.sortImgAscClassName = f.sort_image_asc_class_name || 'ascending'; this.sortImgDescClassName = f.sort_image_desc_class_name || 'descending'; //cell attribute storing custom key this.sortCustomKey = f.sort_custom_key || 'data-tf-sortKey'; /*** TF additional events ***/ //additional paging events for alternating background // o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt = function(){ if(o.sorted && o.alternateBgs) o.Filter(); } // o.Evt._Paging.prevEvt = o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt; // o.Evt._Paging.firstEvt = o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt; // o.Evt._Paging.lastEvt = o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt; // o.Evt._OnSlcPagesChangeEvt = o.Evt._Paging.nextEvt; // callback invoked after sort is loaded and instanciated this.onSortLoaded = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_sort_loaded) ? f.on_sort_loaded : null; // callback invoked before table is sorted this.onBeforeSort = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_before_sort) ? f.on_before_sort : null; // callback invoked after table is sorted this.onAfterSort = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_after_sort) ? f.on_after_sort : null; this.tf = tf; } _createClass(AdapterSortableTable, [{ key: 'init', value: function init() { var tf = this.tf; var sortConfig = tf.sortConfig; var adpt = this; // var SortableTable = require('sortabletable'); // SortableTable class sanity check (sortabletable.js) if (_Types.Types.isUndef(SortableTable)) { throw new Error('SortableTable class not found.'); } this.overrideSortableTable(); this.setSortTypes(); //Column sort at start if (sortConfig.sortCol) { this.stt.sort(sortConfig.sortCol[0], sortConfig.sortCol[1]); } tf.isSortEnabled = true; if (this.onSortLoaded) { this.onSortLoaded.call(null, tf, this); } /*** SortableTable callbacks ***/ this.stt.onbeforesort = function () { if (this.onBeforeSort) { this.onBeforeSort.call(null, tf, this.stt.sortColumn); } tf.performSort(); /*** sort behaviour for paging ***/ if (tf.paging) { adpt.isPaged = true; tf.paging = false; tf.Cpt.paging.destroy(); } }; this.stt.onsort = function () { adpt.sorted = true; //rows alternating bg issue // TODO: move into AlternateRows component if (tf.alternateBgs) { var rows = tf.tbl.rows, c = 0; var setClass = function setClass(row, i, removeOnly) { if (_Types.Types.isUndef(removeOnly)) { removeOnly = false; } var altRows = tf.Cpt.alternateRows, oddCls = altRows.oddCss, evenCls = altRows.evenCss; _Dom.Dom.removeClass(row, oddCls); _Dom.Dom.removeClass(row, evenCls); if (!removeOnly) { _Dom.Dom.addClass(row, i % 2 ? oddCls : evenCls); } }; for (var i = tf.refRow; i < tf.nbRows; i++) { var isRowValid = rows[i].getAttribute('validRow'); if (tf.paging && rows[i].style.display === '') { setClass(rows[i], c); c++; } else { if ((isRowValid === 'true' || isRowValid === null) && rows[i].style.display === '') { setClass(rows[i], c); c++; } else { setClass(rows[i], c, true); } } } } //sort behaviour for paging if (adpt.isPaged) { var paginator = tf.Cpt.paging, config = tf.config(); if (paginator.hasResultsPerPage) { var slc = paginator.resultsPerPageSlc; config.paging_length = slc.options[slc.selectedIndex].value; } paginator.addPaging(false); paginator.setPage(paginator.currentPageNb); adpt.isPaged = false; } if (adpt.onAfterSort) { adpt.onAfterSort.call(null, tf, tf.stt.sortColumn); } }; } }, { key: 'sortByColumnIndex', /** * Sort specified column * @param {Number} colIdx Column index */ value: function sortByColumnIndex(colIdx) { this.stt.sort(colIdx); } }, { key: 'overrideSortableTable', value: function overrideSortableTable() { var adpt = this, tf = this.tf; /** * Overrides headerOnclick method in order to handle th event * @param {Object} e [description] */ SortableTable.prototype.headerOnclick = function (evt) { if (!tf.sort) { return; } // find Header element var el = evt.target || evt.srcElement; while (el.tagName !== 'TD' && el.tagName !== 'TH') { el = el.parentNode; } this.sort(SortableTable.msie ? SortableTable.getCellIndex(el) : el.cellIndex); }; /** * Overrides getCellIndex IE returns wrong cellIndex when columns are * hidden * @param {Object} oTd TD element * @return {Number} Cell index */ SortableTable.getCellIndex = function (oTd) { var cells = oTd.parentNode.cells, l = cells.length, i; for (i = 0; cells[i] != oTd && i < l; i++) {} return i; }; /** * Overrides initHeader in order to handle filters row position * @param {Array} oSortTypes */ SortableTable.prototype.initHeader = function (oSortTypes) { var stt = this; if (!stt.tHead) { // throw new Error('Sorting feature requires a THEAD element'); return; } stt.headersRow = tf.headersRow; var cells = stt.tHead.rows[stt.headersRow].cells; var doc = stt.tHead.ownerDocument || stt.tHead.document; stt.sortTypes = oSortTypes || []; var l = cells.length; var img, c; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { c = cells[i]; if (stt.sortTypes[i] !== null && stt.sortTypes[i] !== 'None') { c.style.cursor = 'pointer'; img = _Dom.Dom.create('img', ['src', adpt.sortImgPath + adpt.sortImgBlank]); c.appendChild(img); if (stt.sortTypes[i] !== null) { c.setAttribute('_sortType', stt.sortTypes[i]); } _Event.Event.add(c, 'click', stt._headerOnclick); } else { c.setAttribute('_sortType', oSortTypes[i]); c._sortType = 'None'; } } stt.updateHeaderArrows(); }; /** * Overrides updateHeaderArrows in order to handle arrows indicators */ SortableTable.prototype.updateHeaderArrows = function () { var stt = this; var cells, l, img; // external headers if (tf.sortConfig.asyncSort && tf.sortConfig.triggerIds !== null) { var triggers = tf.sortConfig.triggerIds; cells = []; l = triggers.length; for (var j = 0; j < triggers.length; j++) { cells.push(_Dom.Dom.id(triggers[j])); } } else { if (!this.tHead) { return; } cells = stt.tHead.rows[stt.headersRow].cells; l = cells.length; } for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { var cellAttr = cells[i].getAttribute('_sortType'); if (cellAttr !== null && cellAttr !== 'None') { img = cells[i].lastChild || cells[i]; if (img.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'img') { img = _Dom.Dom.create('img', ['src', adpt.sortImgPath + adpt.sortImgBlank]); cells[i].appendChild(img); } if (i === stt.sortColumn) { img.className = adpt.sortImgClassName + ' ' + (this.descending ? adpt.sortImgDescClassName : adpt.sortImgAscClassName); } else { img.className = adpt.sortImgClassName; } } } }; /** * Overrides getRowValue for custom key value feature * @param {Object} oRow Row element * @param {String} sType * @param {Number} nColumn * @return {String} */ SortableTable.prototype.getRowValue = function (oRow, sType, nColumn) { var stt = this; // if we have defined a custom getRowValue use that var sortTypeInfo = stt._sortTypeInfo[sType]; if (sortTypeInfo && sortTypeInfo.getRowValue) { return sortTypeInfo.getRowValue(oRow, nColumn); } var c = oRow.cells[nColumn]; var s = SortableTable.getInnerText(c); return stt.getValueFromString(s, sType); }; /** * Overrides getInnerText in order to avoid Firefox unexpected sorting * behaviour with untrimmed text elements * @param {Object} oNode DOM element * @return {String} DOM element inner text */ SortableTable.getInnerText = function (oNode) { if (!oNode) { return; } if (oNode.getAttribute(adpt.sortCustomKey)) { return oNode.getAttribute(adpt.sortCustomKey); } else { return _Dom.Dom.getText(oNode); } }; } }, { key: 'addSortType', value: function addSortType() { SortableTable.prototype.addSortType(arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]); } }, { key: 'setSortTypes', value: function setSortTypes() { var _this = this; var tf = this.tf, configSort = tf.sortConfig, configSortTypes = configSort.sortTypes, sortTypes = []; for (var i = 0; i < tf.nbCells; i++) { var colType; if (configSortTypes !== null && configSortTypes[i] != null) { colType = configSortTypes[i].toLowerCase(); if (colType === 'none') { colType = 'None'; } } else { // resolve column types if (tf.hasColNbFormat && tf.colNbFormat[i] !== null) { colType = tf.colNbFormat[i].toLowerCase(); } else if (tf.hasColDateType && tf.colDateType[i] !== null) { colType = tf.colDateType[i].toLowerCase() + 'date'; } else { colType = 'String'; } } sortTypes.push(colType); } //Public TF method to add sort type //Custom sort types this.addSortType('number', Number); this.addSortType('caseinsensitivestring', SortableTable.toUpperCase); this.addSortType('date', SortableTable.toDate); this.addSortType('string'); this.addSortType('us', usNumberConverter); this.addSortType('eu', euNumberConverter); this.addSortType('dmydate', dmyDateConverter); this.addSortType('ymddate', ymdDateConverter); this.addSortType('mdydate', mdyDateConverter); this.addSortType('ddmmmyyyydate', ddmmmyyyyDateConverter); this.addSortType('ipaddress', ipAddress, sortIP); this.stt = new SortableTable(tf.tbl, sortTypes); /*** external table headers adapter ***/ if (configSort.asyncSort && configSort.triggerIds !== null) { var triggers = configSort.triggerIds; for (var j = 0; j < triggers.length; j++) { if (triggers[j] === null) { continue; } var trigger = _Dom.Dom.id(triggers[j]); if (trigger) { trigger.style.cursor = 'pointer'; _Event.Event.add(trigger, 'click', function (evt) { var elm = evt.target; if (!_this.tf.sort) { return; } _this.stt.asyncSort(_Arr.Arr.indexByValue(triggers, elm.id, true)); }); trigger.setAttribute('_sortType', sortTypes[j]); } } } } }, { key: 'destroy', /** * Destroy sort */ value: function destroy() { var tf = this.tf; tf.sort = false; this.sorted = false; this.stt.destroy(); var ids = tf.getFiltersId(); for (var idx = 0; idx < ids.length; idx++) { var header = tf.getHeaderElement(idx); var img = _Dom.Dom.tag(header, 'img'); if (img.length === 1) { header.removeChild(img[0]); } } } }]); return AdapterSortableTable; })(); exports.AdapterSortableTable = AdapterSortableTable; //Converters function usNumberConverter(s) { return _Helpers.Helpers.removeNbFormat(s, 'us'); } function euNumberConverter(s) { return _Helpers.Helpers.removeNbFormat(s, 'eu'); } function dateConverter(s, format) { return _DateHelper.DateHelper.format(s, format); } function dmyDateConverter(s) { return dateConverter(s, 'DMY'); } function mdyDateConverter(s) { return dateConverter(s, 'MDY'); } function ymdDateConverter(s) { return dateConverter(s, 'YMD'); } function ddmmmyyyyDateConverter(s) { return dateConverter(s, 'DDMMMYYYY'); } function ipAddress(value) { var vals = value.split('.'); for (var x in vals) { var val = vals[x]; while (3 > val.length) { val = '0' + val; } vals[x] = val; } return vals.join('.'); } function sortIP(a, b) { var aa = ipAddress(a.value.toLowerCase()); var bb = ipAddress(b.value.toLowerCase()); if (aa == bb) { return 0; } else if (aa < bb) { return -1; } else { return 1; } } /***/ }, /***/ 26: /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var _Dom = __webpack_require__(3); var _Types = __webpack_require__(6); var _Event = __webpack_require__(2); var _Helpers = __webpack_require__(8); var _Arr = __webpack_require__(7); var ColsVisibility = (function () { /** * Columns Visibility extension * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function ColsVisibility(tf) { var ext = arguments[1] === undefined ? { name: 'ColsVisibility', description: 'Columns visibility manager' } : arguments[1]; _classCallCheck(this, ColsVisibility); // Configuration object var f = ext; var cfg = tf.config(); this.initialized = false; this.extName = f.name; this.extDesc = f.description; //show/hide cols span element this.spanEl = null; //show/hide cols button element this.btnEl = null; //show/hide cols container div element this.contEl = null; //tick to hide or show column this.tickToHide = f.tick_to_hide === false ? false : true; //enables/disables cols manager generation this.manager = f.manager === false ? false : true; //only if external headers this.headersTbl = f.headers_table || false; //only if external headers this.headersIndex = f.headers_index || 1; //id of container element this.contElTgtId = f.container_target_id || null; //alternative headers text this.headersText = f.headers_text || null; //id of button container element this.btnTgtId = f.btn_target_id || null; //defines show/hide cols text this.btnText = f.btn_text || 'Columns▼'; //defines show/hide cols button innerHtml this.btnHtml = f.btn_html || null; //defines css class for show/hide cols button this.btnCssClass = f.btn_css_class || 'colVis'; //defines close link text this.btnCloseText = f.btn_close_text || 'Close'; //defines close button innerHtml this.btnCloseHtml = f.btn_close_html || null; //defines css class for close button this.btnCloseCssClass = f.btn_close_css_class || this.btnCssClass; this.path = f.path || tf.extensionsPath + 'colsVisibility/'; this.stylesheet = f.stylesheet || 'colsVisibility.css'; //span containing show/hide cols button this.prfx = 'colVis_'; //defines css class span containing show/hide cols this.spanCssClass = f.span_css_class || 'colVisSpan'; this.prfxCont = this.prfx + 'Cont_'; //defines css class div containing show/hide cols this.contCssClass = f.cont_css_class || 'colVisCont'; //defines css class for cols list (ul) this.listCssClass = cfg.list_css_class || 'cols_checklist'; //defines css class for list item (li) this.listItemCssClass = cfg.checklist_item_css_class || 'cols_checklist_item'; //defines css class for selected list item (li) this.listSlcItemCssClass = cfg.checklist_selected_item_css_class || 'cols_checklist_slc_item'; //text preceding columns list this.text = f.text || (this.tickToHide ? 'Hide: ' : 'Show: '); this.atStart = f.at_start || null; this.enableHover = Boolean(f.enable_hover); //enables select all option this.enableTickAll = Boolean(f.enable_tick_all); //text preceding columns list this.tickAllText = f.tick_all_text || 'Select all:'; //array containing hidden columns indexes this.hiddenCols = []; this.tblHasColTag = _Dom.Dom.tag(tf.tbl, 'col').length > 0; //callback invoked just after cols manager is loaded this.onLoaded = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_loaded) ? f.on_loaded : null; //calls function before cols manager is opened this.onBeforeOpen = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_before_open) ? f.on_before_open : null; //calls function after cols manager is opened this.onAfterOpen = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_after_open) ? f.on_after_open : null; //calls function before cols manager is closed this.onBeforeClose = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_before_close) ? f.on_before_close : null; //calls function after cols manager is closed this.onAfterClose = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_after_close) ? f.on_after_close : null; //calls function before col is hidden this.onBeforeColHidden = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_before_col_hidden) ? f.on_before_col_hidden : null; //calls function after col is hidden this.onAfterColHidden = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_after_col_hidden) ? f.on_after_col_hidden : null; //calls function before col is displayed this.onBeforeColDisplayed = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_before_col_displayed) ? f.on_before_col_displayed : null; //calls function after col is displayed this.onAfterColDisplayed = _Types.Types.isFn(f.on_after_col_displayed) ? f.on_after_col_displayed : null; //Grid layout compatibility if (tf.gridLayout) { this.headersTbl = tf.Cpt.gridLayout.headTbl; //headers table this.headersIndex = 0; //headers index this.onAfterColDisplayed = function () {}; this.onAfterColHidden = function () {}; } //Loads extension stylesheet tf.includeFile(f.name + 'Style', this.path + this.stylesheet, null, 'link'); this.tf = tf; this.init(); } _createClass(ColsVisibility, [{ key: 'toggle', value: function toggle(evt) { var tf = this.tf; var contDisplay = this.contEl.style.display; var onBeforeOpen = this.onBeforeOpen; var onBeforeClose = this.onBeforeClose; var onAfterOpen = this.onAfterOpen; var onAfterClose = this.onAfterClose; if (onBeforeOpen && contDisplay !== 'inline') { onBeforeOpen.call(null, this); } if (onBeforeClose && contDisplay === 'inline') { onBeforeClose.call(null, this); } this.contEl.style.display = contDisplay === 'inline' ? 'none' : 'inline'; if (onAfterOpen && contDisplay !== 'inline') { onAfterOpen.call(null, this); } if (onAfterClose && contDisplay === 'inline') { onAfterClose.call(null, this); } } }, { key: 'checkItem', value: function checkItem(lbl) { var li = lbl.parentNode; if (!li || !lbl) { return; } var isChecked = lbl.firstChild.checked; var colIndex = lbl.firstChild.getAttribute('id').split('_')[1]; colIndex = parseInt(colIndex, 10); if (isChecked) { _Dom.Dom.addClass(li, this.listSlcItemCssClass); } else { _Dom.Dom.removeClass(li, this.listSlcItemCssClass); } var hide = false; if (this.tickToHide && isChecked || !this.tickToHide && !isChecked) { hide = true; } this.setHidden(colIndex, hide); } }, { key: 'init', value: function init() { if (!this.manager) { return; } this.buildBtn(); this.buildManager(); this.initialized = true; } }, { key: 'buildBtn', /** * Build main button UI */ value: function buildBtn() { var _this = this; if (this.btnEl) { return; } var tf = this.tf; var span = _Dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfx + tf.id]); span.className = this.spanCssClass; //Container element (rdiv or custom element) if (!this.btnTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.btnTgtId ? tf.rDiv : _Dom.Dom.id(this.btnTgtId); if (!this.btnTgtId) { var firstChild = targetEl.firstChild; firstChild.parentNode.insertBefore(span, firstChild); } else { targetEl.appendChild(span); } if (!this.btnHtml) { var btn = _Dom.Dom.create('a', ['href', 'javascript:;']); btn.className = this.btnCssClass; btn.title = this.extDesc; btn.innerHTML = this.btnText; span.appendChild(btn); if (!this.enableHover) { _Event.Event.add(btn, 'click', function (evt) { _this.toggle(evt); }); } else { _Event.Event.add(btn, 'mouseover', function (evt) { _this.toggle(evt); }); } } else { //Custom html span.innerHTML = this.btnHtml; var colVisEl = span.firstChild; if (!this.enableHover) { _Event.Event.add(colVisEl, 'click', function (evt) { _this.toggle(evt); }); } else { _Event.Event.add(colVisEl, 'mouseover', function (evt) { _this.toggle(evt); }); } } this.spanEl = span; this.btnEl = this.spanEl.firstChild; if (this.onLoaded) { this.onLoaded.call(null, this); } } }, { key: 'buildManager', /** * Build columns manager UI */ value: function buildManager() { var _this2 = this; var tf = this.tf; var container = !this.contElTgtId ? _Dom.Dom.create('div', ['id', this.prfxCont + tf.id]) : _Dom.Dom.id(this.contElTgtId); container.className = this.contCssClass; //Extension description var extNameLabel = _Dom.Dom.create('p'); extNameLabel.innerHTML = this.text; container.appendChild(extNameLabel); //Headers list var ul = _Dom.Dom.create('ul', ['id', 'ul' + this.extName + '_' + tf.id]); ul.className = this.listCssClass; var tbl = this.headersTbl ? this.headersTbl : tf.tbl; var headerIndex = this.headersTbl ? this.headersIndex : tf.getHeadersRowIndex(); var headerRow = tbl.rows[headerIndex]; //Tick all option if (this.enableTickAll) { var li = _Dom.Dom.createCheckItem('col__' + tf.id, this.tickAllText, this.tickAllText); _Dom.Dom.addClass(li, this.listItemCssClass); ul.appendChild(li); li.check.checked = !this.tickToHide; _Event.Event.add(li.check, 'click', function (evt) { for (var h = 0; h < headerRow.cells.length; h++) { var itm = _Dom.Dom.id('col_' + h + '_' + tf.id); if (itm && li.check.checked !== itm.checked) { itm.click(); itm.checked = li.check.checked; } } }); } for (var i = 0; i < headerRow.cells.length; i++) { var cell = headerRow.cells[i]; var cellText = this.headersText && this.headersText[i] ? this.headersText[i] : this._getHeaderText(cell); var liElm = _Dom.Dom.createCheckItem('col_' + i + '_' + tf.id, cellText, cellText); _Dom.Dom.addClass(liElm, this.listItemCssClass); if (!this.tickToHide) { _Dom.Dom.addClass(liElm, this.listSlcItemCssClass); } ul.appendChild(liElm); if (!this.tickToHide) { liElm.check.checked = true; } _Event.Event.add(liElm.check, 'click', function (evt) { var elm = _Event.Event.target(evt); var lbl = elm.parentNode; _this2.checkItem(lbl); }); } //separator var p = _Dom.Dom.create('p', ['align', 'center']); var btn; //Close link if (!this.btnCloseHtml) { btn = _Dom.Dom.create('a', ['href', 'javascript:;']); btn.className = this.btnCloseCssClass; btn.innerHTML = this.btnCloseText; _Event.Event.add(btn, 'click', function (evt) { _this2.toggle(evt); }); p.appendChild(btn); } else { p.innerHTML = this.btnCloseHtml; btn = p.firstChild; _Event.Event.add(btn, 'click', function (evt) { _this2.toggle(evt); }); } container.appendChild(ul); container.appendChild(p); this.btnEl.parentNode.insertBefore(container, this.btnEl); this.contEl = container; if (this.atStart) { var a = this.atStart; for (var k = 0; k < a.length; k++) { var itm = _Dom.Dom.id('col_' + a[k] + '_' + tf.id); if (itm) { itm.click(); } } } } }, { key: 'setHidden', /** * Hide or show specified columns * @param {Numner} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} hide hide column if true or show if false */ value: function setHidden(colIndex, hide) { var tf = this.tf; var tbl = tf.tbl; var col = _Dom.Dom.tag(tbl, 'col')[colIndex]; if (this.onBeforeColHidden && hide) { this.onBeforeColHidden.call(null, this, colIndex); } if (this.onBeforeColDisplayed && !hide) { this.onBeforeColDisplayed.call(null, this, colIndex); } this._hideCells(tbl, colIndex, hide); if (this.headersTbl) { this._hideCells(this.headersTbl, colIndex, hide); } var hiddenCols = this.hiddenCols; if (hide) { if (hiddenCols.indexOf(colIndex) === -1) { this.hiddenCols.push(colIndex); } } else { var itemIndex = _Arr.Arr.indexByValue(hiddenCols, colIndex, true); if (hiddenCols.indexOf(colIndex) !== -1) { this.hiddenCols.splice(itemIndex, 1); } } var gridLayout; var headTbl; var gridColElms; if (this.onAfterColHidden && hide) { //This event is fired just after a column is displayed for //grid_layout compatibility if (tf.gridLayout) { gridLayout = tf.Cpt.gridLayout; headTbl = gridLayout.headTbl; gridColElms = gridLayout.gridColElms; if (_Helpers.Helpers.isIE()) { tbl.style.width = headTbl.clientWidth + 'px'; } else { var ths = headTbl.rows[this.headersIndex].cells; var hiddenWidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tf.nbCells; i++) { if (ths[i].style.display === 'none') { var w = parseInt(ths[i].style.width, 10); ths[i].style.width = 0; hiddenWidth += w; } } var headTblW = parseInt(headTbl.style.width, 10); headTbl.style.width = headTblW - hiddenWidth + 'px'; tbl.style.width = headTbl.style.width; gridColElms[colIndex].style.display = 'none'; } } this.onAfterColHidden.call(null, this, colIndex); } if (this.onAfterColDisplayed && !hide) { //This event is fired just after a column is displayed for //grid_layout compatibility if (tf.gridLayout) { gridLayout = tf.Cpt.gridLayout; headTbl = gridLayout.headTbl; gridColElms = gridLayout.gridColElms; gridColElms[colIndex].style.display = ''; var width = parseInt(gridColElms[colIndex].style.width, 10); var header = tf.getHeaderElement(colIndex); header.style.width = width + 'px'; headTbl.style.width = parseInt(headTbl.style.width, 10) + width + 'px'; tf.tbl.style.width = headTbl.style.width; } this.onAfterColDisplayed.call(null, this, colIndex); } } }, { key: 'showCol', /** * Show specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ value: function showCol(colIndex) { if (colIndex === undefined || !this.isColHidden(colIndex)) { return; } if (this.manager && this.contEl) { var itm = _Dom.Dom.id('col_' + colIndex + '_' + this.tf.id); if (itm) { itm.click(); } } else { this.setHidden(colIndex, false); } } }, { key: 'hideCol', /** * Hide specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ value: function hideCol(colIndex) { if (colIndex === undefined || this.isColHidden(colIndex)) { return; } if (this.manager && this.contEl) { var itm = _Dom.Dom.id('col_' + colIndex + '_' + this.tf.id); if (itm) { itm.click(); } } else { this.setHidden(colIndex, true); } } }, { key: 'isColHidden', /** * Determine if specified column is hidden * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ value: function isColHidden(colIndex) { if (this.hiddenCols.indexOf(colIndex) !== -1) { return true; } return false; } }, { key: 'toggleCol', /** * Toggle visibility of specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ value: function toggleCol(colIndex) { if (colIndex === undefined || this.isColHidden(colIndex)) { this.showCol(colIndex); } else { this.hideCol(colIndex); } } }, { key: 'getHiddenCols', /** * Returns the indexes of the columns currently hidden * @return {Array} column indexes */ value: function getHiddenCols() { return this.hiddenCols; } }, { key: 'destroy', /** * Remove the columns manager */ value: function destroy() { if (!this.btnEl || !this.contEl) { return; } if (_Dom.Dom.id(this.contElTgtId)) { _Dom.Dom.id(this.contElTgtId).innerHTML = ''; } else { this.contEl.innerHTML = ''; this.contEl.parentNode.removeChild(this.contEl); this.contEl = null; } this.btnEl.innerHTML = ''; this.btnEl.parentNode.removeChild(this.btnEl); this.btnEl = null; this.initialized = false; } }, { key: '_getHeaderText', value: function _getHeaderText(cell) { if (!cell.hasChildNodes) { return ''; } for (var i = 0; i < cell.childNodes.length; i++) { var n = cell.childNodes[i]; if (n.nodeType === 3) { return n.nodeValue; } else if (n.nodeType === 1) { if (n.id && n.id.indexOf('popUp') !== -1) { continue; } else { return _Dom.Dom.getText(n); } } continue; } return ''; } }, { key: '_hideCells', value: function _hideCells(tbl, colIndex, hide) { for (var i = 0; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) { var row = tbl.rows[i]; var cell = row.cells[colIndex]; if (cell) { cell.style.display = hide ? 'none' : ''; } } } }]); return ColsVisibility; })(); exports.ColsVisibility = ColsVisibility; /***/ }, /***/ 27: /***/ function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Sortable Table 1.12 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Created by Erik Arvidsson | | (http://webfx.eae.net/contact.html#erik) | | For WebFX (http://webfx.eae.net/) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | A DOM 1 based script that allows an ordinary HTML table to be sortable. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Copyright (c) 1998 - 2006 Erik Arvidsson | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not | | use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy | | of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 | | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - | | Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software | | distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT | | WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the | | License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations | | under the License. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 2003-01-10 | First version | | 2003-01-19 | Minor changes to the date parsing | | 2003-01-28 | JScript 5.0 fixes (no support for 'in' operator) | | 2003-02-01 | Sloppy typo like error fixed in getInnerText | | 2003-07-04 | Added workaround for IE cellIndex bug. | | 2003-11-09 | The bDescending argument to sort was not correctly working | | | Using onclick DOM0 event if no support for addEventListener | | | or attachEvent | | 2004-01-13 | Adding addSortType and removeSortType which makes it a lot | | | easier to add new, custom sort types. | | 2004-01-27 | Switch to use descending = false as the default sort order. | | | Change defaultDescending to suit your needs. | | 2004-03-14 | Improved sort type None look and feel a bit | | 2004-08-26 | Made the handling of tBody and tHead more flexible. Now you | | | can use another tHead or no tHead, and you can chose some | | | other tBody. | | 2006-04-25 | Changed license to Apache Software License 2.0 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Created 2003-01-10 | All changes are in the log above. | Updated 2006-04-25 | \----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function SortableTable(oTable, oSortTypes) { this.sortTypes = oSortTypes || []; this.sortColumn = null; this.descending = null; var oThis = this; this._headerOnclick = function (e) { oThis.headerOnclick(e); }; if (oTable) { this.setTable( oTable ); this.document = oTable.ownerDocument || oTable.document; } else { this.document = document; } // only IE needs this var win = this.document.defaultView || this.document.parentWindow; this._onunload = function () { oThis.destroy(); }; if (win && typeof win.attachEvent != "undefined") { win.attachEvent("onunload", this._onunload); } } SortableTable.gecko = navigator.product == "Gecko"; SortableTable.msie = /msie/i.test(navigator.userAgent); // Mozilla is faster when doing the DOM manipulations on // an orphaned element. MSIE is not SortableTable.removeBeforeSort = SortableTable.gecko; SortableTable.prototype.onsort = function () {}; // default sort order. true -> descending, false -> ascending SortableTable.prototype.defaultDescending = false; // shared between all instances. This is intentional to allow external files // to modify the prototype SortableTable.prototype._sortTypeInfo = {}; SortableTable.prototype.setTable = function (oTable) { if ( this.tHead ) this.uninitHeader(); this.element = oTable; this.setTHead( oTable.tHead ); this.setTBody( oTable.tBodies[0] ); }; SortableTable.prototype.setTHead = function (oTHead) { if (this.tHead && this.tHead != oTHead ) this.uninitHeader(); this.tHead = oTHead; this.initHeader( this.sortTypes ); }; SortableTable.prototype.setTBody = function (oTBody) { this.tBody = oTBody; }; SortableTable.prototype.setSortTypes = function ( oSortTypes ) { if ( this.tHead ) this.uninitHeader(); this.sortTypes = oSortTypes || []; if ( this.tHead ) this.initHeader( this.sortTypes ); }; // adds arrow containers and events // also binds sort type to the header cells so that reordering columns does // not break the sort types SortableTable.prototype.initHeader = function (oSortTypes) { if (!this.tHead) return; var cells = this.tHead.rows[0].cells; var doc = this.tHead.ownerDocument || this.tHead.document; this.sortTypes = oSortTypes || []; var l = cells.length; var img, c; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { c = cells[i]; if (this.sortTypes[i] != null && this.sortTypes[i] != "None") { img = doc.createElement("IMG"); img.src = "images/blank.png"; c.appendChild(img); if (this.sortTypes[i] != null) c._sortType = this.sortTypes[i]; if (typeof c.addEventListener != "undefined") c.addEventListener("click", this._headerOnclick, false); else if (typeof c.attachEvent != "undefined") c.attachEvent("onclick", this._headerOnclick); else c.onclick = this._headerOnclick; } else { c.setAttribute( "_sortType", oSortTypes[i] ); c._sortType = "None"; } } this.updateHeaderArrows(); }; // remove arrows and events SortableTable.prototype.uninitHeader = function () { if (!this.tHead) return; var cells = this.tHead.rows[0].cells; var l = cells.length; var c; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { c = cells[i]; if (c._sortType != null && c._sortType != "None") { c.removeChild(c.lastChild); if (typeof c.removeEventListener != "undefined") c.removeEventListener("click", this._headerOnclick, false); else if (typeof c.detachEvent != "undefined") c.detachEvent("onclick", this._headerOnclick); c._sortType = null; c.removeAttribute( "_sortType" ); } } }; SortableTable.prototype.updateHeaderArrows = function () { if (!this.tHead) return; var cells = this.tHead.rows[0].cells; var l = cells.length; var img; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (cells[i]._sortType != null && cells[i]._sortType != "None") { img = cells[i].lastChild; if (i == this.sortColumn) img.className = "sort-arrow " + (this.descending ? "descending" : "ascending"); else img.className = "sort-arrow"; } } }; SortableTable.prototype.headerOnclick = function (e) { // find TD element var el = e.target || e.srcElement; while (el.tagName != "TD") el = el.parentNode; this.sort(SortableTable.msie ? SortableTable.getCellIndex(el) : el.cellIndex); }; // IE returns wrong cellIndex when columns are hidden SortableTable.getCellIndex = function (oTd) { var cells = oTd.parentNode.childNodes var l = cells.length; var i; for (i = 0; cells[i] != oTd && i < l; i++) ; return i; }; SortableTable.prototype.getSortType = function (nColumn) { return this.sortTypes[nColumn] || "String"; }; // only nColumn is required // if bDescending is left out the old value is taken into account // if sSortType is left out the sort type is found from the sortTypes array SortableTable.prototype.sort = function (nColumn, bDescending, sSortType) { if (!this.tBody) return; if (sSortType == null) sSortType = this.getSortType(nColumn); // exit if None if (sSortType == "None") return; if (bDescending == null) { if (this.sortColumn != nColumn) this.descending = this.defaultDescending; else this.descending = !this.descending; } else this.descending = bDescending; this.sortColumn = nColumn; if (typeof this.onbeforesort == "function") this.onbeforesort(); var f = this.getSortFunction(sSortType, nColumn); var a = this.getCache(sSortType, nColumn); var tBody = this.tBody; a.sort(f); if (this.descending) a.reverse(); if (SortableTable.removeBeforeSort) { // remove from doc var nextSibling = tBody.nextSibling; var p = tBody.parentNode; p.removeChild(tBody); } // insert in the new order var l = a.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) tBody.appendChild(a[i].element); if (SortableTable.removeBeforeSort) { // insert into doc p.insertBefore(tBody, nextSibling); } this.updateHeaderArrows(); this.destroyCache(a); if (typeof this.onsort == "function") this.onsort(); }; SortableTable.prototype.asyncSort = function (nColumn, bDescending, sSortType) { var oThis = this; this._asyncsort = function () { oThis.sort(nColumn, bDescending, sSortType); }; window.setTimeout(this._asyncsort, 1); }; SortableTable.prototype.getCache = function (sType, nColumn) { if (!this.tBody) return []; var rows = this.tBody.rows; var l = rows.length; var a = new Array(l); var r; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { r = rows[i]; a[i] = { value: this.getRowValue(r, sType, nColumn), element: r }; }; return a; }; SortableTable.prototype.destroyCache = function (oArray) { var l = oArray.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { oArray[i].value = null; oArray[i].element = null; oArray[i] = null; } }; SortableTable.prototype.getRowValue = function (oRow, sType, nColumn) { // if we have defined a custom getRowValue use that if (this._sortTypeInfo[sType] && this._sortTypeInfo[sType].getRowValue) return this._sortTypeInfo[sType].getRowValue(oRow, nColumn); var s; var c = oRow.cells[nColumn]; if (typeof c.innerText != "undefined") s = c.innerText; else s = SortableTable.getInnerText(c); return this.getValueFromString(s, sType); }; SortableTable.getInnerText = function (oNode) { var s = ""; var cs = oNode.childNodes; var l = cs.length; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { switch (cs[i].nodeType) { case 1: //ELEMENT_NODE s += SortableTable.getInnerText(cs[i]); break; case 3: //TEXT_NODE s += cs[i].nodeValue; break; } } return s; }; SortableTable.prototype.getValueFromString = function (sText, sType) { if (this._sortTypeInfo[sType]) return this._sortTypeInfo[sType].getValueFromString( sText ); return sText; /* switch (sType) { case "Number": return Number(sText); case "CaseInsensitiveString": return sText.toUpperCase(); case "Date": var parts = sText.split("-"); var d = new Date(0); d.setFullYear(parts[0]); d.setDate(parts[2]); d.setMonth(parts[1] - 1); return d.valueOf(); } return sText; */ }; SortableTable.prototype.getSortFunction = function (sType, nColumn) { if (this._sortTypeInfo[sType]) return this._sortTypeInfo[sType].compare; return SortableTable.basicCompare; }; SortableTable.prototype.destroy = function () { this.uninitHeader(); var win = this.document.parentWindow; if (win && typeof win.detachEvent != "undefined") { // only IE needs this win.detachEvent("onunload", this._onunload); } this._onunload = null; this.element = null; this.tHead = null; this.tBody = null; this.document = null; this._headerOnclick = null; this.sortTypes = null; this._asyncsort = null; this.onsort = null; }; // Adds a sort type to all instance of SortableTable // sType : String - the identifier of the sort type // fGetValueFromString : function ( s : string ) : T - A function that takes a // string and casts it to a desired format. If left out the string is just // returned // fCompareFunction : function ( n1 : T, n2 : T ) : Number - A normal JS sort // compare function. Takes two values and compares them. If left out less than, // <, compare is used // fGetRowValue : function( oRow : HTMLTRElement, nColumn : int ) : T - A function // that takes the row and the column index and returns the value used to compare. // If left out then the innerText is first taken for the cell and then the // fGetValueFromString is used to convert that string the desired value and type SortableTable.prototype.addSortType = function (sType, fGetValueFromString, fCompareFunction, fGetRowValue) { this._sortTypeInfo[sType] = { type: sType, getValueFromString: fGetValueFromString || SortableTable.idFunction, compare: fCompareFunction || SortableTable.basicCompare, getRowValue: fGetRowValue }; }; // this removes the sort type from all instances of SortableTable SortableTable.prototype.removeSortType = function (sType) { delete this._sortTypeInfo[sType]; }; SortableTable.basicCompare = function compare(n1, n2) { if (n1.value < n2.value) return -1; if (n2.value < n1.value) return 1; return 0; }; SortableTable.idFunction = function (x) { return x; }; SortableTable.toUpperCase = function (s) { return s.toUpperCase(); }; SortableTable.toDate = function (s) { var parts = s.split("-"); var d = new Date(0); d.setFullYear(parts[0]); d.setDate(parts[2]); d.setMonth(parts[1] - 1); return d.valueOf(); }; // add sort types SortableTable.prototype.addSortType("Number", Number); SortableTable.prototype.addSortType("CaseInsensitiveString", SortableTable.toUpperCase); SortableTable.prototype.addSortType("Date", SortableTable.toDate); SortableTable.prototype.addSortType("String"); // None is a special case // module.exports = SortableTable; /***/ } });