import {Feature} from '../feature'; import {createElm, createText, elm, removeElm} from '../dom'; import {addEvt} from '../event'; import {defaultsStr} from '../settings'; import {isNull} from '../types'; import {RIGHT} from './toolbar'; /** * Clear button UI component */ export class ClearButton extends Feature { /** * Creates an instance of ClearButton * @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance */ constructor(tf) { super(tf, 'btnReset'); let f = this.config.btn_reset || {}; /** * Container element ID * @type {String} */ this.targetId = defaultsStr(f.target_id, null); /** * Text for the clear button * @type {String} */ this.text = defaultsStr(f.text, null); /** * Css class for reset button * @type {String} */ this.cssClass = defaultsStr(f.css_class, 'reset'); /** * Tooltip text for the clear button * @type {String} */ this.tooltip = f.tooltip || 'Clear filters'; /** * Custom Html string for the clear button * @type {String} */ this.html = defaultsStr(f.html, (!tf.enableIcons || this.text ? null : '')); /** * Default position in toolbar ('left'|'center'|'right') * @type {String} */ this.toolbarPosition = defaultsStr(f.toolbar_position, RIGHT); /** * Clear button container element * @type {DOMElement} * @private */ this.container = null; /** * Clear button element * @type {DOMElement} * @private */ this.element = null; } /** * Click event handler for clear button * @private */ onClick() { if (!this.isEnabled()) { return; }; } /** * Initialize clear button component */ init() { let tf =; if (this.initialized) { return; } this.emitter.emit('initializing-feature', this, !isNull(this.targetId)); let cont = createElm('span'); let targetEl = !this.targetId ? tf.feature('toolbar').container(this.toolbarPosition) : elm(this.targetId); targetEl.appendChild(cont); if (!this.html) { let fltReset = createElm('a', ['href', 'javascript:void(0);']); fltReset.className = this.cssClass; fltReset.appendChild(createText(this.text)); cont.appendChild(fltReset); addEvt(fltReset, 'click', () => this.onClick()); } else { cont.innerHTML = this.html; let resetEl = cont.firstChild; addEvt(resetEl, 'click', () => this.onClick()); } this.element = cont.firstChild; this.container = cont; /** @inherited */ this.initialized = true; this.emitter.emit('feature-initialized', this); } /** * Destroy ClearButton instance */ destroy() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } removeElm(this.element); removeElm(this.container); this.element = null; this.container = null; this.initialized = false; } }