import {addEvt, cancelEvt, stopEvt, targetEvt, isKeyPressed} from './event'; import { addClass, createElm, elm, getText, getFirstTextNode, removeClass, tag } from './dom'; import {contains, matchCase, rgxEsc, trim} from './string'; import { isArray, isEmpty, isFn, isNumber, isObj, isString, isUndef, EMPTY_FN, isBoolean } from './types'; import {parse as parseNb} from './number'; import { defaultsBool, defaultsStr, defaultsFn, defaultsNb, defaultsArr } from './settings'; import {root} from './root'; import {Emitter} from './emitter'; import {Dropdown} from './modules/dropdown'; import {CheckList} from './modules/checkList'; import { INPUT, SELECT, MULTIPLE, CHECKLIST, NONE, ENTER_KEY, TAB_KEY, ESC_KEY, UP_ARROW_KEY, DOWN_ARROW_KEY, CELL_TAG, AUTO_FILTER_DELAY, NUMBER, DATE, FORMATTED_NUMBER, FEATURES } from './const'; let doc = root.document; /** * Makes HTML tables filterable and a bit more :) * * @export * @class TableFilter */ export class TableFilter { /** * Creates an instance of TableFilter * requires `table` or `id` arguments, `row` and `configuration` optional * @param {HTMLTableElement} table Table DOM element * @param {String} id Table id * @param {Number} row index indicating the 1st row * @param {Object} configuration object */ constructor(...args) { /** * ID of current instance * @type {String} * @private */ = null; /** * Current version * @type {String} */ this.version = '{VERSION}'; /** * Current year * @type {Number} * @private */ this.year = new Date().getFullYear(); /** * HTML Table DOM element * @type {DOMElement} * @private */ this.tbl = null; /** * Calculated row's index from which starts filtering once filters * are generated * @type {Number} */ this.refRow = null; /** * Index of the headers row * @type {Number} * @private */ this.headersRow = null; /** * Configuration object * @type {Object} * @private */ this.cfg = {}; /** * Number of rows that can be filtered * @type {Number} * @private */ this.nbFilterableRows = 0; /** * Number of cells in the reference row * @type {Number} * @private */ this.nbCells = null; /** * Has a configuration object * @type {Object} * @private */ this.hasConfig = false; /** @private */ this.initialized = false; let startRow; // TODO: use for-of args.forEach((arg) => { if (typeof arg === 'object' && arg.nodeName === 'TABLE') { this.tbl = arg; = || `tf_${new Date().getTime()}_`; =; } else if (isString(arg)) { = arg; this.tbl = elm(arg); } else if (isNumber(arg)) { startRow = arg; } else if (isObj(arg)) { this.cfg = arg; this.hasConfig = true; } }); if (!this.tbl || this.tbl.nodeName !== 'TABLE') { throw new Error(`Could not instantiate TableFilter: HTML table DOM element not found.`); } if (this.getRowsNb(true) === 0) { throw new Error(`Could not instantiate TableFilter: HTML table requires at least 1 row.`); } // configuration object let f = this.cfg; /** * Event emitter instance * @type {Emitter} */ this.emitter = new Emitter(); // start row this.refRow = isUndef(startRow) ? 2 : (startRow + 1); /** * Collection of filter type by column * @type {Array} * @private */ this.filterTypes = [] (this.dom().rows[this.refRow] || this.dom().rows[0]).cells, (cell, idx) => { let colType = this.cfg[`col_${idx}`]; return !colType ? INPUT : colType.toLowerCase(); }); /** * Base path for static assets * @type {String} */ this.basePath = defaultsStr(f.base_path, 'tablefilter/'); /*** filters' grid properties ***/ /** * Enable/disable filters * @type {Boolean} */ this.fltGrid = defaultsBool(f.grid, true); /** * Enable/disable grid layout (fixed headers) * @type {Object|Boolean} */ this.gridLayout = isObj(f.grid_layout) || Boolean(f.grid_layout); /** * Filters row index * @type {Number} */ this.filtersRowIndex = defaultsNb(f.filters_row_index, 0); /** * Headers row index * @type {Number} */ this.headersRow = defaultsNb(f.headers_row_index, (this.filtersRowIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0)); /** * Define the type of cell containing a filter (td/th) * @type {String} */ this.fltCellTag = defaultsStr(f.filters_cell_tag, CELL_TAG); /** * List of filters IDs * @type {Array} * @private */ this.fltIds = []; /** * List of valid rows indexes (rows visible upon filtering) * @type {Array} * @private */ this.validRowsIndex = []; /*** filters' grid appearance ***/ /** * Path for stylesheets * @type {String} */ this.stylePath = this.getStylePath(); /** * Main stylesheet path * @type {String} */ this.stylesheet = this.getStylesheetPath(); /** * Main stylesheet ID * @type {String} * @private */ this.stylesheetId = + '_style'; /** * Css class for the filters row * @type {String} */ this.fltsRowCssClass = defaultsStr(f.flts_row_css_class, 'fltrow'); /** * Enable/disable icons (paging, reset button) * @type {Boolean} */ this.enableIcons = defaultsBool(f.enable_icons, true); /** * Enable/disable alternating rows * @type {Boolean} */ this.alternateRows = Boolean(f.alternate_rows); /** * Columns widths array * @type {Array} */ this.colWidths = defaultsArr(f.col_widths, []); /** * Default column width when column widths are defined */ this.defaultColWidth = defaultsNb(f.default_col_width, 100); /** * Css class for a filter element * @type {String} */ this.fltCssClass = defaultsStr(f.flt_css_class, 'flt'); /** * Css class for multiple select filters * @type {String} */ this.fltMultiCssClass = defaultsStr(f.flt_multi_css_class, 'flt_multi'); /** * Css class for small filter (when submit button is active) * @type {String} */ this.fltSmallCssClass = defaultsStr(f.flt_small_css_class, 'flt_s'); /** * Css class for single filter type * @type {String} */ this.singleFltCssClass = defaultsStr((f.single_filter || {}).css_class, 'single_flt'); /*** filters' grid behaviours ***/ /** * Enable/disable enter key for input type filters * @type {Boolean} */ this.enterKey = defaultsBool(f.enter_key, true); /** * Callback fired before filtering process starts * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeFilter = defaultsFn(f.on_before_filter, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after filtering process is completed * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterFilter = defaultsFn(f.on_after_filter, EMPTY_FN); /** * Enable/disable case sensitivity filtering * @type {Boolean} */ this.caseSensitive = Boolean(f.case_sensitive); /** * Indicate whether exact match filtering is enabled on a per column * basis * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.hasExactMatchByCol = isArray(f.columns_exact_match); /** * Exact match filtering per column array * @type {Array} */ this.exactMatchByCol = this.hasExactMatchByCol ? f.columns_exact_match : []; /** * Globally enable/disable exact match filtering * @type {Boolean} */ this.exactMatch = Boolean(f.exact_match); /** * Ignore diacritics globally or on a column basis * @type {Boolean|Array} */ this.ignoreDiacritics = f.ignore_diacritics; /** * Enable/disable linked filters filtering mode * @type {Boolean} */ this.linkedFilters = Boolean(f.linked_filters); /** * Enable/disable readonly state for excluded options when * linked filters filtering mode is on * @type {Boolean} */ this.disableExcludedOptions = Boolean(f.disable_excluded_options); /** * Active filter ID * @type {String} * @private */ this.activeFilterId = null; /** * Determine if there are excluded rows from filtering * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.hasExcludedRows = Boolean(isArray(f.exclude_rows) && f.exclude_rows.length > 0); /** * List of row indexes to be excluded from filtering * @type {Array} */ this.excludeRows = defaultsArr(f.exclude_rows, []); /** * List of containers IDs where external filters will be generated * @type {Array} */ this.externalFltIds = defaultsArr(f.external_flt_ids, []); /** * Callback fired after filters are generated * @type {Function} */ this.onFiltersLoaded = defaultsFn(f.on_filters_loaded, EMPTY_FN); /** * Enable/disable single filter mode * @type {Boolean|Object} */ this.singleFlt = isObj(f.single_filter) || Boolean(f.single_filter); /** * Specify columns to be excluded from single filter search, by default * searching in all columns: * single_filter: { * exclude_cols: [2, 7] * } */ this.singleFltExcludeCols = isObj(f.single_filter) && isArray(f.single_filter.exclude_cols) ? f.single_filter.exclude_cols : []; /** * Callback fired after a row is validated during filtering * @type {Function} */ this.onRowValidated = defaultsFn(f.on_row_validated, EMPTY_FN); /** * Specify which column implements a custom cell parser to retrieve the * cell value: * cell_parser: { * cols: [0, 2], * parse: function(tf, cell, colIndex) { * // custom cell parser logic here * return cellValue; * } * } * @type {Object} */ this.cellParser = isObj(f.cell_parser) && isFn(f.cell_parser.parse) && isArray(f.cell_parser.cols) ? f.cell_parser : { cols: [], parse: EMPTY_FN }; /** * Global watermark text for input filter type or watermark for each * filter if an array is supplied * @type {String|Array} */ this.watermark = f.watermark || ''; /** * Indicate whether watermark is on a per column basis * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.isWatermarkArray = isArray(this.watermark); /** * Indicate whether help UI component is disabled * @type {Boolean} */ = isUndef(f.help_instructions) ? undefined : (isObj(f.help_instructions) || Boolean(f.help_instructions)); /** * Indicate whether pop-up filters UI is enabled * @type {Boolean|Object} */ this.popupFilters = isObj(f.popup_filters) || Boolean(f.popup_filters); /** * Indicate whether filtered (active) columns indicator is enabled * @type {Boolean} */ this.markActiveColumns = isObj(f.mark_active_columns) || Boolean(f.mark_active_columns); /*** select filter's customisation and behaviours ***/ /** * Text for clear option in drop-down filter types (1st option) * @type {String|Array} */ this.clearFilterText = defaultsStr(f.clear_filter_text, 'Clear'); /** * Indicate whether empty option is enabled in drop-down filter types * @type {Boolean} */ this.enableEmptyOption = Boolean(f.enable_empty_option); /** * Text for empty option in drop-down filter types * @type {String} */ this.emptyText = defaultsStr(f.empty_text, '(Empty)'); /** * Indicate whether non-empty option is enabled in drop-down filter * types * @type {Boolean} */ this.enableNonEmptyOption = Boolean(f.enable_non_empty_option); /** * Text for non-empty option in drop-down filter types * @type {String} */ this.nonEmptyText = defaultsStr(f.non_empty_text, '(Non empty)'); /** * Indicate whether drop-down filter types filter the table by default * on change event * @type {Boolean} */ this.onSlcChange = defaultsBool(f.on_change, true); /** * Make drop-down filter types options sorted in alpha-numeric manner * by default globally or on a column basis * @type {Boolean|Array} */ this.sortSlc = isUndef(f.sort_select) ? true : isArray(f.sort_select) ? f.sort_select : Boolean(f.sort_select); /** * Indicate whether options in drop-down filter types are sorted in a * ascending numeric manner * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.isSortNumAsc = Boolean(f.sort_num_asc); /** * List of columns implementing options sorting in a ascending numeric * manner * @type {Array} */ this.sortNumAsc = this.isSortNumAsc ? f.sort_num_asc : []; /** * Indicate whether options in drop-down filter types are sorted in a * descending numeric manner * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.isSortNumDesc = Boolean(f.sort_num_desc); /** * List of columns implementing options sorting in a descending numeric * manner * @type {Array} */ this.sortNumDesc = this.isSortNumDesc ? f.sort_num_desc : []; /** * Indicate whether drop-down filter types are populated on demand at * first usage * @type {Boolean} */ this.loadFltOnDemand = Boolean(f.load_filters_on_demand); /** * Indicate whether custom drop-down filter options are implemented * @type {Boolean} */ this.hasCustomOptions = isObj(f.custom_options); /** * Custom options definition of a per column basis, ie: * custom_options: { * cols:[0, 1], * texts: [ * ['a0', 'b0', 'c0'], * ['a1', 'b1', 'c1'] * ], * values: [ * ['a0', 'b0', 'c0'], * ['a1', 'b1', 'c1'] * ], * sorts: [false, true] * } * * @type {Object} */ this.customOptions = f.custom_options; /*** Filter operators ***/ /** * Regular expression operator for input filter. Defaults to 'rgx:' * @type {String} */ this.rgxOperator = defaultsStr(f.regexp_operator, 'rgx:'); /** * Empty cells operator for input filter. Defaults to '[empty]' * @type {String} */ this.emOperator = defaultsStr(f.empty_operator, '[empty]'); /** * Non-empty cells operator for input filter. Defaults to '[nonempty]' * @type {String} */ this.nmOperator = defaultsStr(f.nonempty_operator, '[nonempty]'); /** * Logical OR operator for input filter. Defaults to '||' * @type {String} */ this.orOperator = defaultsStr(f.or_operator, '||'); /** * Logical AND operator for input filter. Defaults to '&&' * @type {String} */ this.anOperator = defaultsStr(f.and_operator, '&&'); /** * Greater than operator for input filter. Defaults to '>' * @type {String} */ this.grOperator = defaultsStr(f.greater_operator, '>'); /** * Lower than operator for input filter. Defaults to '<' * @type {String} */ this.lwOperator = defaultsStr(f.lower_operator, '<'); /** * Lower than or equal operator for input filter. Defaults to '<=' * @type {String} */ this.leOperator = defaultsStr(f.lower_equal_operator, '<='); /** * Greater than or equal operator for input filter. Defaults to '>=' * @type {String} */ this.geOperator = defaultsStr(f.greater_equal_operator, '>='); /** * Inequality operator for input filter. Defaults to '!' * @type {String} */ this.dfOperator = defaultsStr(f.different_operator, '!'); /** * Like operator for input filter. Defaults to '*' * @type {String} */ this.lkOperator = defaultsStr(f.like_operator, '*'); /** * Strict equality operator for input filter. Defaults to '=' * @type {String} */ this.eqOperator = defaultsStr(f.equal_operator, '='); /** * Starts with operator for input filter. Defaults to '=' * @type {String} */ this.stOperator = defaultsStr(f.start_with_operator, '{'); /** * Ends with operator for input filter. Defaults to '=' * @type {String} */ this.enOperator = defaultsStr(f.end_with_operator, '}'); // this.curExp = f.cur_exp || '^[¥£€$]'; /** * Stored values separator * @type {String} */ this.separator = defaultsStr(f.separator, ','); /** * Enable rows counter UI component * @type {Boolean|Object} */ this.rowsCounter = isObj(f.rows_counter) || Boolean(f.rows_counter); /** * Enable status bar UI component * @type {Boolean|Object} */ this.statusBar = isObj(f.status_bar) || Boolean(f.status_bar); /** * Enable activity/spinner indicator UI component * @type {Boolean|Object} */ this.loader = isObj(f.loader) || Boolean(f.loader); /*** validation - reset buttons/links ***/ /** * Enable filters submission button * @type {Boolean} */ this.displayBtn = Boolean(f.btn); /** * Define filters submission button text * @type {String} */ this.btnText = defaultsStr(f.btn_text, (!this.enableIcons ? 'Go' : '')); /** * Css class for filters submission button * @type {String} */ this.btnCssClass = defaultsStr(f.btn_css_class, (!this.enableIcons ? 'btnflt' : 'btnflt_icon')); /** * Enable clear button * @type {Object|Boolean} */ this.btnReset = isObj(f.btn_reset) || Boolean(f.btn_reset); /** * Callback fired before filters are cleared * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeReset = defaultsFn(f.on_before_reset, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after filters are cleared * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterReset = defaultsFn(f.on_after_reset, EMPTY_FN); /** * Enable paging component * @type {Object|Boolean} */ this.paging = isObj(f.paging) || Boolean(f.paging); /** * Number of hidden rows * @type {Number} * @private */ this.nbHiddenRows = 0; /** * Enable auto-filter behaviour, table is filtered when a user * stops typing * @type {Object|Boolean} */ this.autoFilter = isObj(f.auto_filter) || Boolean(f.auto_filter); /** * Auto-filter delay in milliseconds * @type {Number} */ this.autoFilterDelay = isObj(f.auto_filter) && isNumber(f.auto_filter.delay) ? f.auto_filter.delay : AUTO_FILTER_DELAY; /** * Indicate whether user is typing * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.isUserTyping = null; /** * Auto-filter interval ID * @type {String} * @private */ this.autoFilterTimer = null; /** * Enable keyword highlighting behaviour * @type {Boolean} */ this.highlightKeywords = Boolean(f.highlight_keywords); /** * Enable no results message UI component * @type {Object|Boolean} */ this.noResults = isObj(f.no_results_message) || Boolean(f.no_results_message); /** * Enable state persistence * @type {Object|Boolean} */ this.state = isObj(f.state) || Boolean(f.state); /*** data types ***/ /** * Enable date type module * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.dateType = true; /** * Define default locale, default to 'en' as per Sugar Date module: * * @type {String} */ this.locale = defaultsStr(f.locale, 'en'); /** * Define thousands separator ',' or '.', defaults to ',' * @type {String} */ this.thousandsSeparator = defaultsStr(f.thousands_separator, ','); /** * Define decimal separator ',' or '.', defaults to '.' * @type {String} */ this.decimalSeparator = defaultsStr(f.decimal_separator, '.'); /** * Define data types on a column basis, possible values 'string', * 'number', 'formatted-number', 'date', 'ipaddress' ie: * col_types : [ * 'string', 'date', 'number', * { type: 'formatted-number', decimal: ',', thousands: '.' }, * { type: 'date', locale: 'en-gb' }, * { type: 'date', format: ['{dd}-{months}-{yyyy|yy}'] } * ] * * Refer to for exhaustive * information on date parsing formats supported by Sugar Date * @type {Array} */ this.colTypes = isArray(f.col_types) ? f.col_types : []; /*** ids prefixes ***/ /** * Main prefix * @private */ this.prfxTf = 'TF'; /** * Filter's ID prefix (inputs - selects) * @private */ this.prfxFlt = 'flt'; /** * Button's ID prefix * @private */ this.prfxValButton = 'btn'; /** * Responsive Css class * @private */ this.prfxResponsive = 'resp'; /** @private */ this.stickyCssClass = 'sticky'; /*** extensions ***/ /** * List of loaded extensions * @type {Array} */ this.extensions = defaultsArr(f.extensions, []); /*** themes ***/ /** * Enable default theme * @type {Boolean} */ this.enableDefaultTheme = Boolean(f.enable_default_theme); /** * Determine whether themes are enables * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.hasThemes = (this.enableDefaultTheme || isArray(f.themes)); /** * List of themes, ie: * themes: [{ name: 'skyblue' }] * @type {Array} */ this.themes = defaultsArr(f.themes, []); /** * Define path to themes assets, defaults to * 'tablefilter/style/themes/'. Usage: * themes: [{ name: 'skyblue' }] * @type {Array} */ this.themesPath = this.getThemesPath(); /** * Enable responsive layout * @type {Boolean} */ this.responsive = Boolean(f.responsive); /** * Enable toolbar component * @type {Object|Boolean} */ this.toolbar = isObj(f.toolbar) || Boolean(f.toolbar); /** * Enable sticky headers * @type {Boolean} */ this.stickyHeaders = Boolean(f.sticky_headers); /** * Features registry * @private */ this.Mod = {}; this._mod_ = []; /** * Extensions registry * @private */ this.ExtRegistry = {}; // conditionally instantiate required features this.instantiateFeatures( Object.keys(FEATURES).map((item) => FEATURES[item]) ); } /** * Initialise features and layout */ init() { if (this.initialized) { return; } // import main stylesheet this.import(this.stylesheetId, this.getStylesheetPath(), null, 'link'); let Mod = this.Mod; let inpclass; //loads theme this.loadThemes(); const { dateType, help, state, markActiveColumns, gridLayout, loader, highlightKeyword, popupFilter, rowsCounter, statusBar, clearButton, alternateRows, noResults, paging, toolbar } = FEATURES; //explicitly initialise features in given order this.initFeatures([ dateType, help, state, markActiveColumns, gridLayout, loader, highlightKeyword, popupFilter ]); //filters grid is not generated if (!this.fltGrid) { this._initNoFilters(); } else { let fltrow = this._insertFiltersRow(); this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(this.refRow); this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb(); let n = this.singleFlt ? 1 : this.nbCells; //build filters for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { this.emitter.emit('before-filter-init', this, i); let fltCell = createElm(this.fltCellTag), col = this.getFilterType(i); if (this.singleFlt) { fltCell.colSpan = this.nbCells; } if (!this.gridLayout) { fltrow.appendChild(fltCell); } inpclass = (i === n - 1 && this.displayBtn) ? this.fltSmallCssClass : this.fltCssClass; //only 1 input for single search if (this.singleFlt) { col = INPUT; inpclass = this.singleFltCssClass; } //drop-down filters if (col === SELECT || col === MULTIPLE) { Mod.dropdown = Mod.dropdown || new Dropdown(this); Mod.dropdown.init(i, this.isExternalFlt(), fltCell); } // checklist else if (col === CHECKLIST) { Mod.checkList = Mod.checkList || new CheckList(this); Mod.checkList.init(i, this.isExternalFlt(), fltCell); } else { this._buildInputFilter(i, inpclass, fltCell); } // this adds submit button if (i === n - 1 && this.displayBtn) { this._buildSubmitButton( this.isExternalFlt() ? elm(this.externalFltIds[i]) : fltCell ); } this.emitter.emit('after-filter-init', this, i); } this.emitter.on(['filter-focus'], (tf, filter) => this.setActiveFilterId(; }//if this.fltGrid /* Features */ if (this.hasExcludedRows) { this.emitter.on(['after-filtering'], () => this.setExcludeRows()); this.setExcludeRows(); } this.initFeatures([ rowsCounter, statusBar, clearButton, alternateRows, noResults, paging, toolbar ]); this.setColWidths(); //TF css class is added to table if (!this.gridLayout) { addClass(this.dom(), this.prfxTf); if (this.responsive) { addClass(this.dom(), this.prfxResponsive); } if (this.colWidths.length > 0) { this.setFixedLayout(); } if (this.stickyHeaders && this.dom().tHead) { addClass(this.dom(), this.stickyCssClass); } } /* Load extensions */ this.initExtensions(); this.initialized = true; this.onFiltersLoaded(this); this.emitter.emit('initialized', this); } /** * Detect key * @param {Event} evt */ detectKey(evt) { if (!this.enterKey) { return; } if (isKeyPressed(evt, [ENTER_KEY])) { this.filter(); cancelEvt(evt); stopEvt(evt); } else { this.isUserTyping = true; root.clearInterval(this.autoFilterTimer); this.autoFilterTimer = null; } } /** * Filter's keyup event: if auto-filter on, detect user is typing and filter * columns * @param {Event} evt */ onKeyUp(evt) { if (!this.autoFilter) { return; } this.isUserTyping = false; function filter() { root.clearInterval(this.autoFilterTimer); this.autoFilterTimer = null; if (!this.isUserTyping) { this.filter(); this.isUserTyping = null; } } if (isKeyPressed(evt, [ENTER_KEY, TAB_KEY, ESC_KEY, UP_ARROW_KEY, DOWN_ARROW_KEY])) { root.clearInterval(this.autoFilterTimer); this.autoFilterTimer = null; } else { if (this.autoFilterTimer !== null) { return; } this.autoFilterTimer = root.setInterval( filter.bind(this), this.autoFilterDelay); } } /** * Filter's keydown event: if auto-filter on, detect user is typing */ onKeyDown() { if (this.autoFilter) { this.isUserTyping = true; } } /** * Filter's focus event * @param {Event} evt */ onInpFocus(evt) { let elm = targetEvt(evt); this.emitter.emit('filter-focus', this, elm); } /** * Filter's blur event: if auto-filter on, clear interval on filter blur */ onInpBlur() { if (this.autoFilter) { this.isUserTyping = false; root.clearInterval(this.autoFilterTimer); } this.emitter.emit('filter-blur', this); } /** * Insert filters row at initialization */ _insertFiltersRow() { // TODO: prevent filters row generation for popup filters too, // to reduce and simplify headers row index adjusting across lib modules // (GridLayout, PopupFilter etc) if (this.gridLayout) { return; } let fltrow; let thead = tag(this.dom(), 'thead'); if (thead.length > 0) { fltrow = thead[0].insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex); } else { fltrow = this.dom().insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex); } fltrow.className = this.fltsRowCssClass; if (this.isExternalFlt()) { = NONE; } this.emitter.emit('filters-row-inserted', this, fltrow); return fltrow; } /** * Initialize filtersless table */ _initNoFilters() { if (this.fltGrid) { return; } this.refRow = this.refRow > 0 ? this.refRow - 1 : 0; this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb(); } /** * Build input filter type * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {String} cssClass Css class applied to filter * @param {DOMElement} container Container DOM element */ _buildInputFilter(colIndex, cssClass, container) { let col = this.getFilterType(colIndex); let externalFltTgtId = this.isExternalFlt() ? this.externalFltIds[colIndex] : null; let inpType = col === INPUT ? 'text' : 'hidden'; let inp = createElm(INPUT, ['id', this.buildFilterId(colIndex)], ['type', inpType], ['ct', colIndex]); if (inpType !== 'hidden' && this.watermark) { inp.setAttribute('placeholder', this.isWatermarkArray ? (this.watermark[colIndex] || '') : this.watermark ); } inp.className = cssClass || this.fltCssClass; addEvt(inp, 'focus', (evt) => this.onInpFocus(evt)); //filter is appended in custom element if (externalFltTgtId) { elm(externalFltTgtId).appendChild(inp); } else { container.appendChild(inp); } this.fltIds.push(; addEvt(inp, 'keypress', (evt) => this.detectKey(evt)); addEvt(inp, 'keydown', () => this.onKeyDown()); addEvt(inp, 'keyup', (evt) => this.onKeyUp(evt)); addEvt(inp, 'blur', () => this.onInpBlur()); } /** * Build submit button * @param {DOMElement} container Container DOM element */ _buildSubmitButton(container) { let btn = createElm(INPUT, ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnText] ); btn.className = this.btnCssClass; //filter is appended in container element container.appendChild(btn); addEvt(btn, 'click', () => this.filter()); } /** * Istantiate the collection of features required by the * configuration and add them to the features registry. A feature is * described by a `class` and `name` fields and and optional `property` * field: * { * class: AClass, * name: 'aClass' * } * @param {Array} [features=[]] * @private */ instantiateFeatures(features = []) { features.forEach((feature) => { // TODO: remove the property field. // Due to naming convention inconsistencies, a `property` // field is added to allow a conditional instanciation based // on that property on TableFilter, if supplied. = ||; if (!this.hasConfig || this[] === true || feature.enforce === true) { let {class: Cls, name} = feature; this.Mod[name] = this.Mod[name] || new Cls(this); } }); } /** * Initialise the passed features collection. A feature is described by a * `class` and `name` fields and and optional `property` field: * { * class: AClass, * name: 'aClass' * } * @param {Array} [features=[]] * @private */ initFeatures(features = []) { features.forEach((feature) => { let {property, name} = feature; if (this[property] === true && this.Mod[name]) { this.Mod[name].init(); } }); } /** * Return a feature instance for a given name * @param {String} name Name of the feature * @return {Object} */ feature(name) { return this.Mod[name]; } /** * Initialise all the extensions defined in the configuration object */ initExtensions() { let exts = this.extensions; if (exts.length === 0) { return; } // Set config's publicPath dynamically for Webpack... __webpack_public_path__ = this.basePath; this.emitter.emit('before-loading-extensions', this); exts.forEach((ext) => { this.loadExtension(ext); }); this.emitter.emit('after-loading-extensions', this); } /** * Load an extension module * @param {Object} ext Extension config object */ loadExtension(ext) { if (!ext || ! || this.hasExtension( { return; } let {name, path} = ext; let modulePath; if (name && path) { modulePath = ext.path + name; } else { name = name.replace('.js', ''); modulePath = 'extensions/{}/{}'.replace(/{}/g, name); } // Require pattern for Webpack require(['./' + modulePath], (mod) => { /* eslint-disable */ let inst = new mod.default(this, ext); /* eslint-enable */ inst.init(); this.ExtRegistry[name] = inst; }); } /** * Get an extension instance * @param {String} name Name of the extension * @return {Object} Extension instance */ extension(name) { return this.ExtRegistry[name]; } /** * Check passed extension name exists * @param {String} name Name of the extension * @return {Boolean} */ hasExtension(name) { return !isEmpty(this.ExtRegistry[name]); } /** * Register the passed extension instance with associated name * @param {Object} inst Extension instance * @param {String} name Name of the extension */ registerExtension(inst, name) { this.ExtRegistry[name] = inst; } /** * Destroy all the extensions store in extensions registry */ destroyExtensions() { let reg = this.ExtRegistry; Object.keys(reg).forEach((key) => { reg[key].destroy(); reg[key] = undefined; }); } /** * Load themes defined in the configuration object */ loadThemes() { if (!this.hasThemes) { return; } let themes = this.themes; this.emitter.emit('before-loading-themes', this); //Default theme config if (this.enableDefaultTheme) { let defaultTheme = { name: 'default' }; this.themes.push(defaultTheme); } themes.forEach((theme, i) => { let {name, path} = theme; let styleId = this.prfxTf + name; if (name && !path) { path = this.themesPath + name + '/' + name + '.css'; } else if (!name && theme.path) { name = 'theme{0}'.replace('{0}', i); } if (!this.isImported(path, 'link')) { this.import(styleId, path, null, 'link'); } }); // Enable loader indicator this.loader = true; this.emitter.emit('after-loading-themes', this); } /** * Return stylesheet DOM element for a given theme name * @return {DOMElement} stylesheet element */ getStylesheet(name = 'default') { return elm(this.prfxTf + name); } /** * Destroy filter grid */ destroy() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } let emitter = this.emitter; if (this.isExternalFlt() && !this.popupFilters) { this.removeExternalFlts(); } this.destroyExtensions(); this.validateAllRows(); // broadcast destroy event modules and extensions are subscribed to emitter.emit('destroy', this); if (this.fltGrid && !this.gridLayout) { this.dom().deleteRow(this.filtersRowIndex); } // unsubscribe to events if (this.hasExcludedRows) {['after-filtering'], () => this.setExcludeRows()); }['filter-focus'], (tf, filter) => this.setActiveFilterId(; removeClass(this.dom(), this.prfxTf); removeClass(this.dom(), this.prfxResponsive); if (this.dom().tHead) { removeClass(this.dom().tHead, this.stickyCssClass); } this.nbHiddenRows = 0; this.validRowsIndex = []; this.fltIds = []; this.initialized = false; } /** * Remove all the external column filters */ removeExternalFlts() { if (!this.isExternalFlt()) { return; } let ids = this.externalFltIds; ids.forEach((id) => { let externalFlt = elm(id); if (externalFlt) { externalFlt.innerHTML = ''; } }); } /** * Check if given column implements a filter with custom options * @param {Number} colIndex Column's index * @return {Boolean} */ isCustomOptions(colIndex) { return this.hasCustomOptions && this.customOptions.cols.indexOf(colIndex) !== -1; } /** * Returns an array [[value0, value1 ...],[text0, text1 ...]] with the * custom options values and texts * @param {Number} colIndex Column's index * @return {Array} */ getCustomOptions(colIndex) { if (isEmpty(colIndex) || !this.isCustomOptions(colIndex)) { return; } let customOptions = this.customOptions; let cols = customOptions.cols; let optTxt = [], optArray = []; let index = cols.indexOf(colIndex); let slcValues = customOptions.values[index]; let slcTexts = customOptions.texts[index]; let slcSort = customOptions.sorts[index]; for (let r = 0, len = slcValues.length; r < len; r++) { optArray.push(slcValues[r]); if (slcTexts[r]) { optTxt.push(slcTexts[r]); } else { optTxt.push(slcValues[r]); } } if (slcSort) { optArray.sort(); optTxt.sort(); } return [optArray, optTxt]; } /** * Filter the table by retrieving the data from each cell in every single * row and comparing it to the search term for current column. A row is * hidden when all the search terms are not found in inspected row. */ filter() { if (!this.fltGrid || !this.initialized) { return; } let emitter = this.emitter; //fire onbefore callback this.onBeforeFilter(this); emitter.emit('before-filtering', this); let hiddenRows = 0; this.validRowsIndex = []; // search args let searchArgs = this.getFiltersValue(); let eachRow = this.eachRow(); eachRow( (row, k) => { // already filtered rows display re-init = ''; let cells = row.cells; let nbCells = cells.length; let occurence = [], isMatch = true, //only for single filter search isSingleFltMatch = false; // this loop retrieves cell data for (let j = 0; j < nbCells; j++) { //searched keyword let sA = searchArgs[this.singleFlt ? 0 : j]; if (sA === '') { continue; } let cellValue = matchCase(this.getCellValue(cells[j]), this.caseSensitive); //multiple search parameter operator || let sAOrSplit = sA.toString().split(this.orOperator), //multiple search || parameter boolean hasMultiOrSA = sAOrSplit.length > 1, //multiple search parameter operator && sAAndSplit = sA.toString().split(this.anOperator), //multiple search && parameter boolean hasMultiAndSA = sAAndSplit.length > 1; //detect operators or array query if (isArray(sA) || hasMultiOrSA || hasMultiAndSA) { let cS, s; let found = false; if (isArray(sA)) { s = sA; } else { s = hasMultiOrSA ? sAOrSplit : sAAndSplit; } // isolate search term and check occurence in cell data for (let w = 0, len = s.length; w < len; w++) { cS = trim(s[w]); found = this._match(cS, cellValue, cells[j]); if (found) { emitter.emit('highlight-keyword', this, cells[j], cS); } if ((hasMultiOrSA && found) || (hasMultiAndSA && !found)) { break; } if (isArray(sA) && found) { break; } } occurence[j] = found; } //single search parameter else { occurence[j] = this._match(trim(sA), cellValue, cells[j]); if (occurence[j]) { emitter.emit('highlight-keyword', this, cells[j], sA); } } if (!occurence[j]) { isMatch = false; } if (this.singleFlt && this.singleFltExcludeCols.indexOf(j) === -1 && occurence[j]) { isSingleFltMatch = true; } emitter.emit('cell-processed', this, j, cells[j]); }//for j if (isSingleFltMatch) { isMatch = true; } this.validateRow(k, isMatch); if (!isMatch) { hiddenRows++; } emitter.emit('row-processed', this, k, this.validRowsIndex.length - 1, isMatch); }, // continue condition (row) => row.cells.length !== this.nbCells ); this.nbHiddenRows = hiddenRows; //fire onafterfilter callback this.onAfterFilter(this); emitter.emit('after-filtering', this, searchArgs); } /** * Match search term in cell data * @param {String} term Search term * @param {String} cellValue Cell data * @param {DOMElement} cell Current cell * @return {Boolean} * @private */ _match(term, cellValue, cell) { let numData; let colIdx = cell.cellIndex; let decimal = this.getDecimal(colIdx); let reLe = new RegExp(this.leOperator), reGe = new RegExp(this.geOperator), reL = new RegExp(this.lwOperator), reG = new RegExp(this.grOperator), reD = new RegExp(this.dfOperator), reLk = new RegExp(rgxEsc(this.lkOperator)), reEq = new RegExp(this.eqOperator), reSt = new RegExp(this.stOperator), reEn = new RegExp(this.enOperator), // re_an = new RegExp(this.anOperator), // re_cr = new RegExp(this.curExp), reEm = this.emOperator, reNm = this.nmOperator, reRe = new RegExp(rgxEsc(this.rgxOperator)); term = matchCase(term, this.caseSensitive); let occurence = false; //Search arg operator tests let hasLO = reL.test(term), hasLE = reLe.test(term), hasGR = reG.test(term), hasGE = reGe.test(term), hasDF = reD.test(term), hasEQ = reEq.test(term), hasLK = reLk.test(term), // hatermN = re_an.test(term), hasST = reSt.test(term), hasEN = reEn.test(term), hasEM = (reEm === term), hasNM = (reNm === term), hasRE = reRe.test(term); // Check for dates or resolve date type if (this.hasType(colIdx, [DATE])) { let dte1, dte2; let dateType = this.Mod.dateType; let isValidDate = dateType.isValid.bind(dateType); let parseDate = dateType.parse.bind(dateType); let locale = dateType.getLocale(colIdx); // Search arg dates tests let isLDate = hasLO && isValidDate(term.replace(reL, ''), locale); let isLEDate = hasLE && isValidDate(term.replace(reLe, ''), locale); let isGDate = hasGR && isValidDate(term.replace(reG, ''), locale); let isGEDate = hasGE && isValidDate(term.replace(reGe, ''), locale); let isDFDate = hasDF && isValidDate(term.replace(reD, ''), locale); let isEQDate = hasEQ && isValidDate(term.replace(reEq, ''), locale); dte1 = parseDate(cellValue, locale); // lower equal date if (isLEDate) { dte2 = parseDate(term.replace(reLe, ''), locale); occurence = dte1 <= dte2; } // lower date else if (isLDate) { dte2 = parseDate(term.replace(reL, ''), locale); occurence = dte1 < dte2; } // greater equal date else if (isGEDate) { dte2 = parseDate(term.replace(reGe, ''), locale); occurence = dte1 >= dte2; } // greater date else if (isGDate) { dte2 = parseDate(term.replace(reG, ''), locale); occurence = dte1 > dte2; } // different date else if (isDFDate) { dte2 = parseDate(term.replace(reD, ''), locale); occurence = dte1.toString() !== dte2.toString(); } // equal date else if (isEQDate) { dte2 = parseDate(term.replace(reEq, ''), locale); occurence = dte1.toString() === dte2.toString(); } // searched keyword with * operator doesn't have to be a date else if (reLk.test(term)) {// like date occurence = contains(term.replace(reLk, ''), cellValue, false, this.caseSensitive); } else if (isValidDate(term)) { dte2 = parseDate(term, locale); occurence = dte1.toString() === dte2.toString(); } //empty else if (hasEM) { occurence = !cell.hasChildNodes(); } //non-empty else if (hasNM) { occurence = cell.hasChildNodes(); } else { occurence = contains(term, cellValue, this.isExactMatch(colIdx), this.caseSensitive); } } else { // Convert to number anyways to auto-resolve type in case not // defined by configuration. Order is important first try to // parse formatted number then fallback to Number coercion // to avoid false positives with Number numData = parseNb(cellValue, decimal) || Number(cellValue); // first checks if there is any operator (<,>,<=,>=,!,*,=,{,}, // rgx:) //regexp if (hasRE) { //in case regexp throws try { //operator is removed let srchArg = term.replace(reRe, ''); let rgx = new RegExp(srchArg); occurence = rgx.test(cellValue); } catch (ex) { occurence = false; } } // lower equal else if (hasLE) { occurence = numData <= parseNb( term.replace(reLe, ''), decimal ); } //greater equal else if (hasGE) { occurence = numData >= parseNb( term.replace(reGe, ''), decimal ); } //lower else if (hasLO) { occurence = numData < parseNb( term.replace(reL, ''), decimal ); } //greater else if (hasGR) { occurence = numData > parseNb( term.replace(reG, ''), decimal ); } //different else if (hasDF) { occurence = contains(term.replace(reD, ''), cellValue, false, this.caseSensitive) ? false : true; } //like else if (hasLK) { occurence = contains(term.replace(reLk, ''), cellValue, false, this.caseSensitive); } //equal else if (hasEQ) { occurence = contains(term.replace(reEq, ''), cellValue, true, this.caseSensitive); } //starts with else if (hasST) { occurence = cellValue.indexOf(term.replace(reSt, '')) === 0 ? true : false; } //ends with else if (hasEN) { let searchArg = term.replace(reEn, ''); occurence = cellValue.lastIndexOf(searchArg, cellValue.length - 1) === (cellValue.length - 1) - (searchArg.length - 1) && cellValue.lastIndexOf(searchArg, cellValue.length - 1) > -1 ? true : false; } //empty else if (hasEM) { occurence = !cell.hasChildNodes(); } //non-empty else if (hasNM) { occurence = cell.hasChildNodes(); } else { // If numeric type data, perform a strict equality test and // fallback to unformatted number string comparison if (numData && this.hasType(colIdx, [NUMBER, FORMATTED_NUMBER]) && !this.singleFlt) { // parseNb can return 0 for strings which are not // formatted numbers, in that case return the original // string. TODO: handle this in parseNb term = parseNb(term, decimal) || term; occurence = numData === term || contains(term.toString(), numData.toString(), this.isExactMatch(colIdx), this.caseSensitive); } else { // Finally test search term is contained in cell data occurence = contains( term, cellValue, this.isExactMatch(colIdx), this.caseSensitive, this.ignoresDiacritics(colIdx) ); } } }//else return occurence; } /** * Return the data of a specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Array} [exclude=[]] List of row indexes to be excluded * @return Flat list of data for a column */ getColumnData(colIndex, includeHeaders = false, exclude = []) { return this.getColValues(colIndex, includeHeaders, true, exclude); } /** * Return the values of a specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Array} [exclude=[]] List of row indexes to be excluded * @return Flat list of values for a column */ getColumnValues(colIndex, includeHeaders = false, exclude = []) { return this.getColValues(colIndex, includeHeaders, false, exclude); } /** * Return the data of a specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Boolean} [typed=false] Return a typed value * @param {Array} [exclude=[]] List of row indexes to be excluded * @return {Array} Flat list of data for a column * @private */ getColValues( colIndex, includeHeaders = false, typed = false, exclude = [] ) { let colValues = []; let getContent = typed ? this.getCellData.bind(this) : this.getCellValue.bind(this); if (includeHeaders) { colValues.push(this.getHeadersText()[colIndex]); } let eachRow = this.eachRow(); eachRow((row, i) => { // checks if current row index appears in exclude array let isExludedRow = exclude.indexOf(i) !== -1; let cells = row.cells; // checks if row has exact cell # and is not excluded if (cells.length === this.nbCells && !isExludedRow) { let data = getContent(cells[colIndex]); colValues.push(data); } }); return colValues; } /** * Return the filter's value of a specified column * @param {Number} index Column index * @return {String} Filter value */ getFilterValue(index) { if (!this.fltGrid) { return; } let fltValue = ''; let flt = this.getFilterElement(index); if (!flt) { return fltValue; } let fltColType = this.getFilterType(index); if (fltColType !== MULTIPLE && fltColType !== CHECKLIST) { fltValue = flt.value; } //mutiple select else if (fltColType === MULTIPLE) { fltValue = this.feature('dropdown').getValues(index); } //checklist else if (fltColType === CHECKLIST) { fltValue = this.feature('checkList').getValues(index); } //return an empty string if collection is empty or contains a single //empty string if (isArray(fltValue) && fltValue.length === 0 || (fltValue.length === 1 && fltValue[0] === '')) { fltValue = ''; } return fltValue; } /** * Return the filters' values * @return {Array} List of filters' values */ getFiltersValue() { if (!this.fltGrid) { return; } let searchArgs = []; this.fltIds.forEach((id, i) => { let fltValue = this.getFilterValue(i); if (isArray(fltValue)) { searchArgs.push(fltValue); } else { searchArgs.push(trim(fltValue)); } }); return searchArgs; } /** * Return the ID of a specified column's filter * @param {Number} index Column's index * @return {String} ID of the filter element */ getFilterId(index) { if (!this.fltGrid) { return; } return this.fltIds[index]; } /** * Return the list of ids of filters matching a specified type. * Note: hidden filters are also returned * * @param {String} type Filter type string ('input', 'select', 'multiple', * 'checklist') * @param {Boolean} bool If true returns columns indexes instead of IDs * @return {[type]} List of element IDs or column indexes */ getFiltersByType(type, bool) { if (!this.fltGrid) { return; } let arr = []; for (let i = 0, len = this.fltIds.length; i < len; i++) { let fltType = this.getFilterType(i); if (fltType === type.toLowerCase()) { let a = bool ? i : this.fltIds[i]; arr.push(a); } } return arr; } /** * Return the filter's DOM element for a given column * @param {Number} index Column's index * @return {DOMElement} */ getFilterElement(index) { return elm(this.fltIds[index]); } /** * Return the number of cells for a given row index * @param {Number} rowIndex Index of the row * @return {Number} Number of cells */ getCellsNb(rowIndex = 0) { let tr = this.dom().rows[rowIndex >= 0 ? rowIndex : 0]; return tr ? tr.cells.length : 0; } /** * Return the number of working rows starting from reference row if * defined * @param {Boolean} includeHeaders Include the headers row(s) * @return {Number} Number of working rows */ getRowsNb(includeHeaders) { let nbRows = this.getWorkingRows().length; if (this.dom().tHead) { return includeHeaders ? nbRows + this.dom().querySelectorAll('thead > tr').length : nbRows; } return includeHeaders ? nbRows : nbRows - this.refRow; } /** * Return the collection of the working rows, that is, the rows belonging * to the tbody section(s) * @returns {Array} */ getWorkingRows() { return doc.querySelectorAll(`table#${} > tbody > tr`); } /** * Return the text content of a given cell * @param {DOMElement} Cell's DOM element * @return {String} */ getCellValue(cell) { let idx = cell.cellIndex; let cellParser = this.cellParser; // Invoke cellParser for this column if any if (cellParser.cols.indexOf(idx) !== -1) { return cellParser.parse(this, cell, idx); } else { return getText(cell); } } /** * Return the typed data of a given cell based on the column type definition * @param {DOMElement} cell Cell's DOM element * @return {String|Number|Date} */ getCellData(cell) { let colIndex = cell.cellIndex; let value = this.getCellValue(cell); if (this.hasType(colIndex, [FORMATTED_NUMBER])) { return parseNb(value, this.getDecimal(colIndex)); } else if (this.hasType(colIndex, [NUMBER])) { return Number(value); } else if (this.hasType(colIndex, [DATE])){ let dateType = this.Mod.dateType; return dateType.parse(value, dateType.getLocale(colIndex)); } return value; } /** * Return the table data based on its columns data type definitions * with following structure: * [ * [rowIndex, [data0, data1...]], * [rowIndex, [data0, data1...]] * ] * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Boolean} [excludeHiddenCols=false] Exclude hidden columns * @return {Array} */ getData(includeHeaders = false, excludeHiddenCols = false) { return this.getTableData(includeHeaders, excludeHiddenCols, true); } /** * Return the table values with following structure: * [ * [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]], * [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]] * ] * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Boolean} [excludeHiddenCols=false] Exclude hidden columns * @return {Array} */ getValues(includeHeaders = false, excludeHiddenCols = false) { return this.getTableData(includeHeaders, excludeHiddenCols, false); } /** * Return the table data with following structure: * [ * [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]], * [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]] * ] * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Boolean} [excludeHiddenCols=false] Exclude hidden columns * @param {Boolean} [typed=false] Return typed value * @return {Array} * @private * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ getTableData( includeHeaders = false, excludeHiddenCols = false, typed = false ) { let tblData = []; let getContent = typed ? this.getCellData.bind(this) : this.getCellValue.bind(this); if (includeHeaders) { let headers = this.getHeadersText(excludeHiddenCols); tblData.push([this.getHeadersRowIndex(), headers]); } let eachRow = this.eachRow(); eachRow((row, k) => { let rowData = [k, []]; let cells = row.cells; for (let j = 0, len = cells.length; j < len; j++) { if (excludeHiddenCols && this.hasExtension('colsVisibility')) { if (this.extension('colsVisibility').isColHidden(j)) { continue; } } let cellContent = getContent(cells[j]); rowData[1].push(cellContent); } tblData.push(rowData); }); return tblData; } /** * Return the filtered table data based on its columns data type definitions * with following structure: * [ * [rowIndex, [data0, data1...]], * [rowIndex, [data0, data1...]] * ] * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Boolean} [excludeHiddenCols=false] Exclude hidden columns * @return {Array} * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ getFilteredData(includeHeaders = false, excludeHiddenCols = false) { return this.filteredData(includeHeaders, excludeHiddenCols, true); } /** * Return the filtered table values with following structure: * [ * [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]], * [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]] * ] * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Boolean} [excludeHiddenCols=false] Exclude hidden columns * @return {Array} * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ getFilteredValues(includeHeaders = false, excludeHiddenCols = false) { return this.filteredData(includeHeaders, excludeHiddenCols, false); } /** * Return the filtered data with following structure: * [ * [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]], * [rowIndex, [value0, value1...]] * ] * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Boolean} [excludeHiddenCols=false] Exclude hidden columns * @param {Boolean} [typed=false] Return typed value * @return {Array} * @private * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ filteredData( includeHeaders = false, excludeHiddenCols = false, typed = false ) { if (this.validRowsIndex.length === 0) { return []; } let rows = this.dom().rows, filteredData = []; let getContent = typed ? this.getCellData.bind(this) : this.getCellValue.bind(this); if (includeHeaders) { let headers = this.getHeadersText(excludeHiddenCols); filteredData.push([this.getHeadersRowIndex(), headers]); } let validRows = this.getValidRows(true); for (let i = 0; i < validRows.length; i++) { let rData = [this.validRowsIndex[i], []], cells = rows[this.validRowsIndex[i]].cells; for (let k = 0; k < cells.length; k++) { if (excludeHiddenCols && this.hasExtension('colsVisibility')) { if (this.extension('colsVisibility').isColHidden(k)) { continue; } } let cellValue = getContent(cells[k]); rData[1].push(cellValue); } filteredData.push(rData); } return filteredData; } /** * Return the filtered data for a given column index * @param {any} colIndex Colmun's index * @param {boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Optional Include headers row * @param {any} [exclude=[]] Optional List of row indexes to be excluded * @return {Array} Flat list of typed values [data0, data1, data2...] * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ getFilteredColumnData(colIndex, includeHeaders = false, exclude = []) { return this.getFilteredDataCol( colIndex, includeHeaders, true, exclude, false); } /** * Return the filtered and visible data for a given column index * @param {any} colIndex Colmun's index * @param {boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Optional Include headers row * @param {any} [exclude=[]] Optional List of row indexes to be excluded * @return {Array} Flat list of typed values [data0, data1, data2...] * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ getVisibleColumnData(colIndex, includeHeaders = false, exclude = []) { return this.getFilteredDataCol( colIndex, includeHeaders, true, exclude, true); } /** * Return the filtered values for a given column index * @param {any} colIndex Colmun's index * @param {boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Optional Include headers row * @param {any} [exclude=[]] Optional List of row indexes to be excluded * @return {Array} Flat list of values ['value0', 'value1', 'value2'...] * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ getFilteredColumnValues(colIndex, includeHeaders = false, exclude = []) { return this.getFilteredDataCol( colIndex, includeHeaders, false, exclude, false); } /** * Return the filtered and visible values for a given column index * @param {any} colIndex Colmun's index * @param {boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Optional Include headers row * @param {any} [exclude=[]] Optional List of row indexes to be excluded * @return {Array} Flat list of values ['value0', 'value1', 'value2'...] * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ getVisibleColumnValues(colIndex, includeHeaders = false, exclude = []) { return this.getFilteredDataCol( colIndex, includeHeaders, false, exclude, true); } /** * Return the filtered data for a given column index * @param {Number} colIndex Colmun's index * @param {Boolean} [includeHeaders=false] Include headers row * @param {Boolean} [typed=false] Return typed value * @param {Array} [exclude=[]] List of row indexes to be excluded * @param {Boolean} [visible=true] Return only filtered and visible data * (relevant for paging) * @return {Array} Flat list of values ['val0','val1','val2'...] * @private * * TODO: provide an API returning data in JSON format */ getFilteredDataCol( colIndex, includeHeaders = false, typed = false, exclude = [], visible = true ) { if (isUndef(colIndex)) { return []; } let rows = this.dom().rows; let getContent = typed ? this.getCellData.bind(this) : this.getCellValue.bind(this); // ensure valid rows index do not contain excluded rows and row is // displayed let validRows = this.getValidRows(true).filter((rowIdx) => { return exclude.indexOf(rowIdx) === -1 && (visible ? this.getRowDisplay(rows[rowIdx]) !== 'none' : true); }); // convert column value to expected type if necessary let validColValues = => { return getContent(rows[rowIdx].cells[colIndex]); }); if (includeHeaders) { validColValues.unshift(this.getHeadersText()[colIndex]); } return validColValues; } /** * Get the display value of a row * @param {HTMLTableRowElement} row DOM element of the row * @return {String} Usually 'none' or '' */ getRowDisplay(row) { return; } /** * Validate/invalidate row by setting the 'validRow' attribute on the row * @param {Number} rowIndex Index of the row * @param {Boolean} isValid */ validateRow(rowIndex, isValid) { let row = this.dom().rows[rowIndex]; if (!row || !isBoolean(isValid)) { return; } // always visible rows are valid if (this.excludeRows.indexOf(rowIndex) !== -1) { isValid = true; } let displayFlag = isValid ? '' : NONE, validFlag = isValid ? 'true' : 'false'; = displayFlag; if (this.paging) { row.setAttribute('validRow', validFlag); } if (isValid) { if (this.validRowsIndex.indexOf(rowIndex) === -1) { this.validRowsIndex.push(rowIndex); } this.onRowValidated(this, rowIndex); this.emitter.emit('row-validated', this, rowIndex); } } /** * Validate all filterable rows */ validateAllRows() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.validRowsIndex = []; for (let k = this.refRow; k < this.nbFilterableRows; k++) { this.validateRow(k, true); } } /** * Set search value to a given filter * @param {Number} index Column's index * @param {String or Array} query searcharg Search term */ setFilterValue(index, query = '') { if (!this.fltGrid) { return; } let slc = this.getFilterElement(index), fltColType = this.getFilterType(index); if (!slc) { return; } //multiple selects if (fltColType === MULTIPLE) { let values = isArray(query) ? query : query.split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' '); if (this.loadFltOnDemand && !this.initialized) { this.emitter.emit('build-select-filter', this, index, this.linkedFilters, this.isExternalFlt()); } this.emitter.emit('select-options', this, index, values); } //checklist else if (fltColType === CHECKLIST) { let values = []; if (this.loadFltOnDemand && !this.initialized) { this.emitter.emit('build-checklist-filter', this, index, this.linkedFilters); } if (isArray(query)) { values = query; } else { query = matchCase(query, this.caseSensitive); values = query.split(' ' + this.orOperator + ' '); } this.emitter.emit('select-checklist-options', this, index, values); } else { if (this.loadFltOnDemand && !this.initialized) { this.emitter.emit('build-select-filter', this, index, this.linkedFilters, this.isExternalFlt()); } slc.value = query; } } /** * Make passed or default working table element width fixed * @param {TableElement} tbl optional table DOM element */ setFixedLayout(tbl = this.dom()) { let colWidths = this.colWidths; let tableWidth = tbl.clientWidth; if (colWidths.length > 0) { let defaultWidth = this.defaultColWidth; tableWidth = colWidths .reduce((x, y) => parseInt((x || defaultWidth), 10) + parseInt((y || defaultWidth), 10) ); } = `${tableWidth}px`; = 'fixed'; } /** * Set passed or default working table columns' widths with configuration * values * @param {TableElement} tbl optional table DOM element */ setColWidths(tbl = this.dom()) { let colWidths = this.colWidths; if (colWidths.length === 0) { return; } let colTags = tag(tbl, 'col'); let tblHasColTag = colTags.length > 0; let frag = !tblHasColTag ? doc.createDocumentFragment() : null; this.eachCol((k) => { let col; if (tblHasColTag) { col = colTags[k]; } else { col = createElm('col'); frag.appendChild(col); } = colWidths[k]; }); if (!tblHasColTag) { tbl.insertBefore(frag, tbl.firstChild); } } /** * Exclude rows from actions */ setExcludeRows() { if (!this.hasExcludedRows) { return; } this.excludeRows.forEach((rowIdx) => this.validateRow(rowIdx, true)); } /** * Clear all the filters' values */ clearFilters() { if (!this.fltGrid) { return; } this.emitter.emit('before-clearing-filters', this); this.onBeforeReset(this, this.getFiltersValue()); for (let i = 0, len = this.fltIds.length; i < len; i++) { this.setFilterValue(i, ''); } this.filter(); this.onAfterReset(this); this.emitter.emit('after-clearing-filters', this); } /** * Return the ID of the current active filter * @return {String} */ getActiveFilterId() { return this.activeFilterId; } /** * Set the ID of the current active filter * @param {String} filterId Element ID */ setActiveFilterId(filterId) { this.activeFilterId = filterId; } /** * Return the column index for a given filter ID * @param {string} [filterId=''] Filter ID * @return {Number} Column index */ getColumnIndexFromFilterId(filterId = '') { let idx = filterId.split('_')[0]; idx = idx.split(this.prfxFlt)[1]; return parseInt(idx, 10); } /** * Build filter element ID for a given column index * @param {any} colIndex * @return {String} Filter element ID string * @private */ buildFilterId(colIndex) { return `${this.prfxFlt}${colIndex}_${}`; } /** * Check if has external filters * @returns {Boolean} * @private */ isExternalFlt() { return this.externalFltIds.length > 0; } /** * Returns styles path * @returns {String} * @private */ getStylePath() { return defaultsStr(this.config.style_path, this.basePath + 'style/'); } /** * Returns main stylesheet path * @returns {String} * @private */ getStylesheetPath() { return defaultsStr(this.config.stylesheet, this.getStylePath() + 'tablefilter.css'); } /** * Returns themes path * @returns {String} * @private */ getThemesPath() { return defaultsStr(this.config.themes_path, this.getStylePath() + 'themes/'); } /** * Make specified column's filter active * @param colIndex Index of a column */ activateFilter(colIndex) { if (isUndef(colIndex)) { return; } this.setActiveFilterId(this.getFilterId(colIndex)); } /** * Determine if passed filter column implements exact query match * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @return {Boolean} */ isExactMatch(colIndex) { let fltType = this.getFilterType(colIndex); return this.exactMatchByCol[colIndex] || this.exactMatch || fltType !== INPUT; } /** * Check if passed row is valid * @param {Number} rowIndex Row index * @return {Boolean} */ isRowValid(rowIndex) { return this.getValidRows().indexOf(rowIndex) !== -1; } /** * Check if passed row is visible * @param {Number} rowIndex Row index * @return {Boolean} */ isRowDisplayed(rowIndex) { let row = this.dom().rows[rowIndex]; return this.getRowDisplay(row) === ''; } /** * Check if specified column filter ignores diacritics. * Note this is only applicable to input filter types. * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @return {Boolean} */ ignoresDiacritics(colIndex) { let ignoreDiac = this.ignoreDiacritics; if (isArray(ignoreDiac)) { return ignoreDiac[colIndex]; } return Boolean(ignoreDiac); } /** * Return clear all text for specified filter column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @return {String} */ getClearFilterText(colIndex) { let clearText = this.clearFilterText; if (isArray(clearText)) { return clearText[colIndex]; } return clearText; } /** * Column iterator invoking continue and break condition callbacks if any * then calling supplied callback for each item * @param {Function} [fn=EMPTY_FN] callback * @param {Function} [continueFn=EMPTY_FN] continue condition callback * @param {Function} [breakFn=EMPTY_FN] break condition callback */ eachCol(fn = EMPTY_FN, continueFn = EMPTY_FN, breakFn = EMPTY_FN) { let len = this.getCellsNb(this.refRow); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (continueFn(i) === true) { continue; } if (breakFn(i) === true) { break; } fn(i); } } /** * Rows iterator starting from supplied row index or defaulting to reference * row index. Closure function accepts a callback function and optional * continue and break callbacks. * @param {Number} startIdx Row index from which filtering starts */ eachRow(startIdx = this.refRow) { return (fn = EMPTY_FN, continueFn = EMPTY_FN, breakFn = EMPTY_FN) => { let rows = this.dom().rows; let len = this.getRowsNb(true); for (let i = startIdx; i < len; i++) { if (continueFn(rows[i], i) === true) { continue; } if (breakFn(rows[i], i) === true) { break; } fn(rows[i], i); } }; } /** * Check if passed script or stylesheet is already imported * @param {String} filePath Ressource path * @param {String} type Possible values: 'script' or 'link' * @return {Boolean} */ isImported(filePath, type = 'script') { let imported = false, attr = type === 'script' ? 'src' : 'href', files = tag(doc, type); for (let i = 0, len = files.length; i < len; i++) { if (isUndef(files[i][attr])) { continue; } if (files[i][attr].match(filePath)) { imported = true; break; } } return imported; } /** * Import script or stylesheet * @param {String} fileId Ressource ID * @param {String} filePath Ressource path * @param {Function} callback Callback * @param {String} type Possible values: 'script' or 'link' */ import(fileId, filePath, callback, type = 'script') { if (this.isImported(filePath, type)) { return; } let o = this, isLoaded = false, file, head = tag(doc, 'head')[0]; if (type.toLowerCase() === 'link') { file = createElm('link', ['id', fileId], ['type', 'text/css'], ['rel', 'stylesheet'], ['href', filePath] ); } else { file = createElm('script', ['id', fileId], ['type', 'text/javascript'], ['src', filePath] ); } //Browser <> IE onload event works only for scripts, not for stylesheets file.onload = file.onreadystatechange = () => { if (!isLoaded && (!this.readyState || this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete')) { isLoaded = true; if (typeof callback === 'function') {, o); } } }; file.onerror = () => { throw new Error(`TableFilter could not load: ${filePath}`); }; head.appendChild(file); } /** * Check if table has filters grid * @return {Boolean} */ isInitialized() { return this.initialized; } /** * Get list of filter IDs * @return {Array} List of filters ids */ getFiltersId() { return this.fltIds || []; } /** * Get filtered (valid) rows indexes * @param {Boolean} reCalc Force calculation of filtered rows list * @return {Array} List of row indexes */ getValidRows(reCalc) { if (!reCalc) { return this.validRowsIndex; } this.validRowsIndex = []; let eachRow = this.eachRow(); eachRow((row) => { if (!this.paging) { if (this.getRowDisplay(row) !== NONE) { this.validRowsIndex.push(row.rowIndex); } } else { if (row.getAttribute('validRow') === 'true' || row.getAttribute('validRow') === null) { this.validRowsIndex.push(row.rowIndex); } } }); return this.validRowsIndex; } /** * Get the index of the row containing the filters * @return {Number} */ getFiltersRowIndex() { return this.filtersRowIndex; } /** * Get the index of the headers row * @return {Number} */ getHeadersRowIndex() { return this.headersRow; } /** * Get the row index from where the filtering process start (1st filterable * row) * @return {Number} */ getStartRowIndex() { return this.refRow; } /** * Get the index of the last row * @return {Number} */ getLastRowIndex() { let nbRows = this.getRowsNb(true); return (nbRows - 1); } /** * Determine whether the specified column has one of the passed types * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Array} [types=[]] List of column types * @return {Boolean} */ hasType(colIndex, types = []) { if (this.colTypes.length === 0) { return false; } let colType = this.colTypes[colIndex]; if (isObj(colType)) { colType = colType.type; } return types.indexOf(colType) !== -1; } /** * Get the header DOM element for a given column index * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @return {Element} */ getHeaderElement(colIndex) { let table = this.gridLayout ? this.Mod.gridLayout.headTbl : this.dom(); let tHead = tag(table, 'thead'); let rowIdx = this.getHeadersRowIndex(); let header; if (tHead.length === 0) { header = table.rows[rowIdx].cells[colIndex]; } if (tHead.length === 1) { header = tHead[0].rows[rowIdx].cells[colIndex]; } return header; } /** * Return the list of headers' text * @param {Boolean} excludeHiddenCols Optional: exclude hidden columns * @return {Array} list of headers' text */ getHeadersText(excludeHiddenCols = false) { let headers = []; this.eachCol( (j) => { let header = this.getHeaderElement(j); let headerText = getFirstTextNode(header); headers.push(headerText); }, // continue condition function (j) => { if (excludeHiddenCols && this.hasExtension('colsVisibility')) { return this.extension('colsVisibility').isColHidden(j); } return false; } ); return headers; } /** * Return the filter type for a specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column's index * @return {String} */ getFilterType(colIndex) { return this.filterTypes[colIndex]; } /** * Get the total number of filterable rows * @return {Number} */ getFilterableRowsNb() { return this.getRowsNb(false); } /** * Return the total number of valid rows * @param {Boolean} [reCalc=false] Forces calculation of filtered rows * @return {Number} */ getValidRowsNb(reCalc = false) { return this.getValidRows(reCalc).length; } /** * Return the working DOM element * @return {HTMLTableElement} */ dom() { return this.tbl; } /** * Return the decimal separator for supplied column as per column type * configuration or global setting * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @returns {String} '.' or ',' */ getDecimal(colIndex) { let decimal = this.decimalSeparator; if (this.hasType(colIndex, [FORMATTED_NUMBER])) { let colType = this.colTypes[colIndex]; if (colType.hasOwnProperty('decimal')) { decimal = colType.decimal; } } return decimal; } /** * Get the configuration object (literal object) * @return {Object} */ config() { return this.cfg; } }