(function(win, TableFilter){ var tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', col_widths: ['150px', '100px', '175px', '120px', null] }); tf.init(); module('Sanity checks'); test('Column widths', function() { var cols = tf.dom().getElementsByTagName('col'); deepEqual(tf instanceof TableFilter, true, 'TableFilter instanciated'); deepEqual(cols[1].style.width, '100px', 'Expected column width'); deepEqual(cols[4].style.width, '', 'Expected column width'); deepEqual(tf.dom().style.width, '545px', 'Table width set'); deepEqual(tf.dom().style.tableLayout, 'fixed', 'Table layout fixed'); }); test('Grid layout column widths', function() { tf.destroy(); tf = null; tf = new TableFilter('demo', { base_path: '../dist/tablefilter/', col_widths: ['150px', '100px', '175px', '120px', '200px'], grid_layout: true }); tf.init(); var gridLayout = tf.feature('gridLayout'); var cols = gridLayout.headTbl.getElementsByTagName('col'); deepEqual(cols[0].style.width, '150px', 'Expected column width'); deepEqual(cols[4].style.width, '200px', 'Expected column width'); deepEqual( tf.dom().style.width === gridLayout.headTbl.style.width, true, 'Content and headers table have same width' ); }); })(window, TableFilter);