import {Feature} from '../feature'; import {createElm, createText, elm, removeElm} from '../dom'; import {EMPTY_FN, isNull} from '../types'; import {defaultsStr, defaultsFn} from '../settings'; import {LEFT} from './toolbar'; /** * Rows counter UI component * @export * @class RowsCounter * @extends {Feature} */ export class RowsCounter extends Feature { /** * Creates an instance of RowsCounter * @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance */ constructor(tf) { super(tf, 'rowsCounter'); // TableFilter configuration let f = this.config.rows_counter || {}; /** * ID of custom container element * @type {String} */ this.targetId = defaultsStr(f.target_id, null); /** * Container DOM element * @type {DOMElement} * @private */ this.container = null; /** * Container DOM element for label displaying the total number of rows * @type {DOMElement} * @private */ this.label = null; /** * Text preceding the total number of rows * @type {String} */ this.text = defaultsStr(f.text, 'Rows: '); /** * Separator symbol appearing between the first and last visible rows of * current page when paging is enabled. ie: Rows: 31-40 / 70 * @type {String} */ this.fromToTextSeparator = defaultsStr(f.separator, '-'); /** * Separator symbol appearing between the first and last visible rows of * current page and the total number of filterable rows when paging is * enabled. ie: Rows: 31-40 / 70 * @type {String} */ this.overText = defaultsStr(f.over_text, ' / '); /** * Css class for container element * @type {String} */ this.cssClass = defaultsStr(f.css_class, 'tot'); /** * Default position in toolbar ('left'|'center'|'right') * @type {String} */ this.toolbarPosition = defaultsStr(f.toolbar_position, LEFT); /** * Callback fired before the counter is refreshed * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeRefreshCounter = defaultsFn(f.on_before_refresh_counter, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after the counter is refreshed * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterRefreshCounter = defaultsFn(f.on_after_refresh_counter, EMPTY_FN); } /** * Initializes RowsCounter instance */ init() { if (this.initialized) { return; } this.emitter.emit('initializing-feature', this, !isNull(this.targetId)); let tf =; //rows counter container let countDiv = createElm('div'); countDiv.className = this.cssClass; //rows counter label let countSpan = createElm('span'); let countText = createElm('span'); countText.appendChild(createText(this.text)); // counter is added to defined element // if (!this.targetId) { // tf.setToolbar(); // } let targetEl = !this.targetId ? /*tf.lDiv*/ tf.feature('toolbar').container(this.toolbarPosition) : elm(this.targetId); //default container: 'lDiv' if (!this.targetId) { countDiv.appendChild(countText); countDiv.appendChild(countSpan); targetEl.appendChild(countDiv); } else { //custom container, no need to append statusDiv targetEl.appendChild(countText); targetEl.appendChild(countSpan); } this.container = countDiv; this.label = countSpan; // subscribe to events this.emitter.on(['after-filtering', 'grouped-by-page'], () => this.refresh(tf.getValidRowsNb())); this.emitter.on(['rows-changed'], () => this.refresh()); /** @inherited */ this.initialized = true; this.refresh(); this.emitter.emit('feature-initialized', this); } /** * Refreshes the rows counter * @param {Number} p Optional parameter the total number of rows to display */ refresh(p) { if (!this.initialized || !this.isEnabled()) { return; } let tf =; this.onBeforeRefreshCounter(tf, this.label); let totTxt; if (!tf.paging) { if (p && p !== '') { totTxt = p; } else { totTxt = tf.getFilterableRowsNb() - tf.nbHiddenRows; } } else { let paging = tf.feature('paging'); if (paging) { let nbValidRows = tf.getValidRowsNb(); //paging start row let pagingStartRow = parseInt(paging.startPagingRow, 10) + ((nbValidRows > 0) ? 1 : 0); let pagingEndRow = (pagingStartRow + paging.pageLength) - 1 <= nbValidRows ? pagingStartRow + paging.pageLength - 1 : nbValidRows; totTxt = pagingStartRow + this.fromToTextSeparator + pagingEndRow + this.overText + nbValidRows; } } this.label.innerHTML = totTxt; this.onAfterRefreshCounter(tf, this.label, totTxt); } /** * Remove feature */ destroy() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } if (!this.targetId && this.container) { removeElm(this.container); } else { elm(this.targetId).innerHTML = ''; } this.label = null; this.container = null; // unsubscribe to events['after-filtering', 'grouped-by-page'], () => this.refresh(tf.getValidRowsNb()));['rows-changed'], () => this.refresh()); this.initialized = false; } }