import Event from './event'; import Dom from './dom'; import Str from './string'; import Cookie from './cookie'; import Types from './types'; import Arr from './array'; import DateHelper from './date'; import Helpers from './helpers'; import {Emitter} from './emitter'; // Features import {Store} from './modules/store'; import {GridLayout} from './modules/gridLayout'; import {Loader} from './modules/loader'; import {HighlightKeyword} from './modules/highlightKeywords'; import {PopupFilter} from './modules/popupFilter'; import {Dropdown} from './modules/dropdown'; import {CheckList} from './modules/checkList'; import {RowsCounter} from './modules/rowsCounter'; import {StatusBar} from './modules/statusBar'; import {Paging} from './modules/paging'; import {ClearButton} from './modules/clearButton'; import {Help} from './modules/help'; import {AlternateRows} from './modules/alternateRows'; import {NoResults} from './modules/noResults'; let global = window, doc = global.document; export class TableFilter { /** * TableFilter object constructor * requires `table` or `id` arguments, `row` and `configuration` optional * @param {DOMElement} table Table DOM element * @param {String} id Table id * @param {Number} row index indicating the 1st row * @param {Object} configuration object */ constructor(...args) { if(args.length === 0){ return; } = null; this.version = '{VERSION}'; this.year = new Date().getFullYear(); this.tbl = null; this.startRow = null; this.refRow = null; this.headersRow = null; this.cfg = {}; this.nbFilterableRows = null; this.nbRows = null; this.nbCells = null; this._hasGrid = false; // TODO: use for-of with babel plug-in args.forEach((arg)=> { // for (let arg of args) { let argtype = typeof arg; if(argtype === 'object' && arg && arg.nodeName === 'TABLE'){ this.tbl = arg; = || `tf_${new Date().getTime()}_`; } else if(argtype === 'string'){ = arg; this.tbl =; } else if(argtype === 'number'){ this.startRow = arg; } else if(argtype === 'object'){ this.cfg = arg; } // } }); if(!this.tbl || this.tbl.nodeName != 'TABLE' || this.getRowsNb() === 0){ throw new Error( 'Could not instantiate TableFilter: HTML table not found.'); } // configuration object let f = this.cfg; this.emitter = new Emitter(); //Start row et cols nb this.refRow = this.startRow === null ? 2 : (this.startRow+1); try{ this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(this.refRow); } catch(e){ this.nbCells = this.getCellsNb(0); } //default script base path this.basePath = f.base_path || 'tablefilter/'; /*** filter types ***/ this.fltTypeInp = 'input'; this.fltTypeSlc = 'select'; this.fltTypeMulti = 'multiple'; this.fltTypeCheckList = 'checklist'; this.fltTypeNone = 'none'; /*** filters' grid properties ***/ //enables/disables filter grid this.fltGrid = f.grid === false ? false : true; //enables/disables grid layout (fixed headers) this.gridLayout = Boolean(f.grid_layout); this.filtersRowIndex = isNaN(f.filters_row_index) ? 0 : f.filters_row_index; this.headersRow = isNaN(f.headers_row_index) ? (this.filtersRowIndex === 0 ? 1 : 0) : f.headers_row_index; //defines tag of the cells containing filters (td/th) this.fltCellTag = f.filters_cell_tag!=='th' || f.filters_cell_tag!=='td' ? 'td' : f.filters_cell_tag; //stores filters ids this.fltIds = []; //stores filters DOM elements this.fltElms = []; //stores filters values this.searchArgs = null; //stores valid rows indexes (rows visible upon filtering) this.validRowsIndex = []; //stores filters row element this.fltGridEl = null; //is first load boolean this.isFirstLoad = true; //container div for paging elements, reset btn etc. this.infDiv = null; //div for rows counter this.lDiv = null; //div for reset button and results per page select this.rDiv = null; //div for paging elements this.mDiv = null; //defines css class for div containing paging elements, rows counter etc this.infDivCssClass = f.inf_div_css_class || 'inf'; //defines css class for left div this.lDivCssClass = f.left_div_css_class || 'ldiv'; //defines css class for right div this.rDivCssClass = f.right_div_css_class || 'rdiv'; //defines css class for mid div this.mDivCssClass = f.middle_div_css_class || 'mdiv'; //table container div css class this.contDivCssClass = f.content_div_css_class || 'cont'; /*** filters' grid appearance ***/ //stylesheet file this.stylePath = f.style_path || this.basePath + 'style/'; this.stylesheet = f.stylesheet || this.stylePath+'tablefilter.css'; this.stylesheetId = + '_style'; //defines css class for filters row this.fltsRowCssClass = f.flts_row_css_class || 'fltrow'; //enables/disables icons (paging, reset button) this.enableIcons = f.enable_icons===false ? false : true; //enables/disbles rows alternating bg colors this.alternateRows = Boolean(f.alternate_rows); //defines widths of columns this.hasColWidths = Types.isArray(f.col_widths); this.colWidths = this.hasColWidths ? f.col_widths : null; //defines css class for filters this.fltCssClass = f.flt_css_class || 'flt'; //defines css class for multiple selects filters this.fltMultiCssClass = f.flt_multi_css_class || 'flt_multi'; //defines css class for filters this.fltSmallCssClass = f.flt_small_css_class || 'flt_s'; //defines css class for single-filter this.singleFltCssClass = f.single_flt_css_class || 'single_flt'; /*** filters' grid behaviours ***/ //enables/disables enter key this.enterKey = f.enter_key===false ? false : true; //calls function before filtering starts this.onBeforeFilter = Types.isFn(f.on_before_filter) ? f.on_before_filter : null; //calls function after filtering this.onAfterFilter = Types.isFn(f.on_after_filter) ? f.on_after_filter : null; //enables/disables case sensitivity this.caseSensitive = Boolean(f.case_sensitive); //has exact match per column this.hasExactMatchByCol = Types.isArray(f.columns_exact_match); this.exactMatchByCol = this.hasExactMatchByCol ? f.columns_exact_match : []; //enables/disbles exact match for search this.exactMatch = Boolean(f.exact_match); //refreshes drop-down lists upon validation this.linkedFilters = Boolean(f.linked_filters); //wheter excluded options are disabled this.disableExcludedOptions = Boolean(f.disable_excluded_options); //stores active filter element this.activeFlt = null; //id of active filter this.activeFilterId = null; //enables always visible rows this.hasVisibleRows = Boolean(f.rows_always_visible); //array containing always visible rows this.visibleRows = this.hasVisibleRows ? f.rows_always_visible : []; //enables/disables external filters generation this.isExternalFlt = Boolean(f.external_flt_grid); //array containing ids of external elements containing filters this.externalFltTgtIds = f.external_flt_grid_ids || []; //stores filters elements if isExternalFlt is true this.externalFltEls = []; //delays any filtering process if loader true this.execDelay = !isNaN(f.exec_delay) ? parseInt(f.exec_delay,10) : 100; //calls function when filters grid loaded this.onFiltersLoaded = Types.isFn(f.on_filters_loaded) ? f.on_filters_loaded : null; //enables/disables single filter search this.singleSearchFlt = Boolean(f.single_filter); //calls function after row is validated this.onRowValidated = Types.isFn(f.on_row_validated) ? f.on_row_validated : null; //array defining columns for customCellData event this.customCellDataCols = f.custom_cell_data_cols ? f.custom_cell_data_cols : []; //calls custom function for retrieving cell data this.customCellData = Types.isFn(f.custom_cell_data) ? f.custom_cell_data : null; //input watermark text array this.watermark = f.watermark || ''; this.isWatermarkArray = Types.isArray(this.watermark); //id of toolbar container element this.toolBarTgtId = f.toolbar_target_id || null; //enables/disables help div = Types.isUndef(f.help_instructions) ? undefined : Boolean(f.help_instructions); //popup filters this.popupFilters = Boolean(f.popup_filters); //active columns color this.markActiveColumns = Boolean(f.mark_active_columns); //defines css class for active column header this.activeColumnsCssClass = f.active_columns_css_class || 'activeHeader'; //calls function before active column header is marked this.onBeforeActiveColumn = Types.isFn(f.on_before_active_column) ? f.on_before_active_column : null; //calls function after active column header is marked this.onAfterActiveColumn = Types.isFn(f.on_after_active_column) ? f.on_after_active_column : null; /*** select filter's customisation and behaviours ***/ //defines 1st option text this.displayAllText = f.display_all_text || 'Clear'; //enables/disables empty option in combo-box filters this.enableEmptyOption = Boolean(f.enable_empty_option); //defines empty option text this.emptyText = f.empty_text || '(Empty)'; //enables/disables non empty option in combo-box filters this.enableNonEmptyOption = Boolean(f.enable_non_empty_option); //defines empty option text this.nonEmptyText = f.non_empty_text || '(Non empty)'; //enables/disables onChange event on combo-box this.onSlcChange = f.on_change===false ? false : true; //enables/disables select options sorting this.sortSlc = f.sort_select===false ? false : true; //enables/disables ascending numeric options sorting this.isSortNumAsc = Boolean(f.sort_num_asc); this.sortNumAsc = this.isSortNumAsc ? f.sort_num_asc : null; //enables/disables descending numeric options sorting this.isSortNumDesc = Boolean(f.sort_num_desc); this.sortNumDesc = this.isSortNumDesc ? f.sort_num_desc : null; //Select filters are populated on demand this.loadFltOnDemand = Boolean(f.load_filters_on_demand); this.hasCustomOptions = Types.isObj(f.custom_options); this.customOptions = f.custom_options; /*** Filter operators ***/ this.rgxOperator = f.regexp_operator || 'rgx:'; this.emOperator = f.empty_operator || '[empty]'; this.nmOperator = f.nonempty_operator || '[nonempty]'; this.orOperator = f.or_operator || '||'; this.anOperator = f.and_operator || '&&'; this.grOperator = f.greater_operator || '>'; this.lwOperator = f.lower_operator || '<'; this.leOperator = f.lower_equal_operator || '<='; this.geOperator = f.greater_equal_operator || '>='; this.dfOperator = f.different_operator || '!'; this.lkOperator = f.like_operator || '*'; this.eqOperator = f.equal_operator || '='; this.stOperator = f.start_with_operator || '{'; this.enOperator = f.end_with_operator || '}'; this.curExp = f.cur_exp || '^[¥£€$]'; this.separator = f.separator || ','; /*** rows counter ***/ //show/hides rows counter this.rowsCounter = Boolean(f.rows_counter); /*** status bar ***/ //show/hides status bar this.statusBar = Boolean(f.status_bar); /*** loader ***/ //enables/disables loader/spinner indicator this.loader = Boolean(f.loader); /*** validation - reset buttons/links ***/ //show/hides filter's validation button this.displayBtn = Boolean(f.btn); //defines validation button text this.btnText = f.btn_text || (!this.enableIcons ? 'Go' : ''); //defines css class for validation button this.btnCssClass = f.btn_css_class || (!this.enableIcons ? 'btnflt' : 'btnflt_icon'); //show/hides reset link this.btnReset = Boolean(f.btn_reset); //defines css class for reset button this.btnResetCssClass = f.btn_reset_css_class || 'reset'; //callback function before filters are cleared this.onBeforeReset = Types.isFn(f.on_before_reset) ? f.on_before_reset : null; //callback function after filters are cleared this.onAfterReset = Types.isFn(f.on_after_reset) ? f.on_after_reset : null; /*** paging ***/ //enables/disables table paging this.paging = Boolean(f.paging); this.nbVisibleRows = 0; //nb visible rows this.nbHiddenRows = 0; //nb hidden rows /*** autofilter on typing ***/ //enables/disables auto filtering, table is filtered when user stops //typing this.autoFilter = Boolean(f.auto_filter); //onkeyup delay timer (msecs) this.autoFilterDelay = !isNaN(f.auto_filter_delay) ? f.auto_filter_delay : 900; //typing indicator this.isUserTyping = null; this.autoFilterTimer = null; /*** keyword highlighting ***/ //enables/disables keyword highlighting this.highlightKeywords = Boolean(f.highlight_keywords); /*** No results feature ***/ this.noResults = Types.isObj(f.no_results_message) || Boolean(f.no_results_message); /*** data types ***/ //defines default date type (european DMY) this.defaultDateType = f.default_date_type || 'DMY'; //defines default thousands separator //US = ',' EU = '.' this.thousandsSeparator = f.thousands_separator || ','; //defines default decimal separator //US & javascript = '.' EU = ',' this.decimalSeparator = f.decimal_separator || '.'; //enables number format per column this.hasColNbFormat = Types.isArray(f.col_number_format); //array containing columns nb formats this.colNbFormat = this.hasColNbFormat ? f.col_number_format : null; //enables date type per column this.hasColDateType = Types.isArray(f.col_date_type); //array containing columns date type this.colDateType = this.hasColDateType ? f.col_date_type : null; /*** ids prefixes ***/ //css class name added to table this.prfxTf = 'TF'; //filters (inputs - selects) this.prfxFlt = 'flt'; //validation button this.prfxValButton = 'btn'; //container div for paging elements, rows counter etc. this.prfxInfDiv = 'inf_'; //left div this.prfxLDiv = 'ldiv_'; //right div this.prfxRDiv = 'rdiv_'; //middle div this.prfxMDiv = 'mdiv_'; //filter values cookie this.prfxCookieFltsValues = 'tf_flts_'; //page nb cookie this.prfxCookiePageNb = 'tf_pgnb_'; //page length cookie this.prfxCookiePageLen = 'tf_pglen_'; /*** cookies ***/ this.hasStoredValues = false; //remembers filters values on page load this.rememberGridValues = Boolean(f.remember_grid_values); //cookie storing filter values this.fltsValuesCookie = this.prfxCookieFltsValues +; //remembers page nb on page load this.rememberPageNb = this.paging && f.remember_page_number; //cookie storing page nb this.pgNbCookie = this.prfxCookiePageNb +; //remembers page length on page load this.rememberPageLen = this.paging && f.remember_page_length; //cookie storing page length this.pgLenCookie = this.prfxCookiePageLen +; /*** extensions ***/ //imports external script this.extensions = f.extensions; this.hasExtensions = Types.isArray(this.extensions); /*** themes ***/ this.enableDefaultTheme = Boolean(f.enable_default_theme); //imports themes this.hasThemes = (this.enableDefaultTheme || Types.isArray(f.themes)); this.themes = f.themes || []; //themes path this.themesPath = f.themes_path || this.stylePath + 'themes/'; // Features registry this.Mod = {}; // Extensions registry this.ExtRegistry = {}; /*** TF events ***/ this.Evt = { // Detect key detectKey(e) { if(!this.enterKey){ return; } if(e){ let key = Event.keyCode(e); if(key===13){ this.filter(); Event.cancel(e); Event.stop(e); } else { this.isUserTyping = true; global.clearInterval(this.autoFilterTimer); this.autoFilterTimer = null; } } }, // if auto-filter on, detect user is typing and filter columns onKeyUp(e) { if(!this.autoFilter){ return; } let key = Event.keyCode(e); this.isUserTyping = false; function filter() { /*jshint validthis:true */ global.clearInterval(this.autoFilterTimer); this.autoFilterTimer = null; if(!this.isUserTyping){ this.filter(); this.isUserTyping = null; } } if(key!==13 && key!==9 && key!==27 && key!==38 && key!==40) { if(this.autoFilterTimer === null){ this.autoFilterTimer = global.setInterval( filter.bind(this), this.autoFilterDelay); } } else { global.clearInterval(this.autoFilterTimer); this.autoFilterTimer = null; } }, // if auto-filter on, detect user is typing onKeyDown() { if(!this.autoFilter) { return; } this.isUserTyping = true; }, // if auto-filter on, clear interval on filter blur onInpBlur() { if(this.autoFilter){ this.isUserTyping = false; global.clearInterval(this.autoFilterTimer); } this.emitter.emit('filter-blur', this); }, // set focused text-box filter as active onInpFocus(e) { let elm =; this.activeFilterId = elm.getAttribute('id'); this.activeFlt =; // if(this.popupFilters){ // Event.cancel(e); // Event.stop(e); // } this.emitter.emit('filter-focus', this); } }; } /** * Initialise features and layout */ init(){ if(this._hasGrid){ return; } let Mod = this.Mod; let n = this.singleSearchFlt ? 1 : this.nbCells, inpclass; //loads stylesheet if not imported this.import(this.stylesheetId, this.stylesheet, null, 'link'); //loads theme if(this.hasThemes){ this.loadThemes(); } if(this.rememberGridValues || this.rememberPageNb || this.rememberPageLen){ if(!{ = new Store(this); }; } if(this.gridLayout){ if(!Mod.gridLayout){ Mod.gridLayout = new GridLayout(this); } Mod.gridLayout.init(); } if(this.loader){ if(!Mod.loader){ Mod.loader = new Loader(this); } Mod.loader.init(); } if(this.highlightKeywords){ Mod.highlightKeyword = new HighlightKeyword(this); Mod.highlightKeyword.init(); } if(this.popupFilters){ if(!Mod.popupFilter){ Mod.popupFilter = new PopupFilter(this); } Mod.popupFilter.init(); } //filters grid is not generated if(!this.fltGrid){ this._initNoFilters(); } else { // if(this.isFirstLoad){ let fltrow = this._insertFiltersRow(); this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb(); this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows; this.nbRows = this.tbl.rows.length; // Generate filters for(let i=0; i this.enforceVisibility()); this.enforceVisibility(); } if(this.rowsCounter){ Mod.rowsCounter = new RowsCounter(this); Mod.rowsCounter.init(); } if(this.statusBar){ Mod.statusBar = new StatusBar(this); Mod.statusBar.init(); } if(this.paging || Mod.paging){ if(!Mod.paging){ Mod.paging = new Paging(this); Mod.paging.init(); } Mod.paging.reset(); } if(this.btnReset){ Mod.clearButton = new ClearButton(this); Mod.clearButton.init(); } if({ if(!{ = new Help(this); }; } if(this.hasColWidths && !this.gridLayout){ this.setColWidths(); } if(this.alternateRows){ Mod.alternateRows = new AlternateRows(this); Mod.alternateRows.init(); } if(this.noResults){ if(!Mod.noResults){ Mod.noResults = new NoResults(this); } Mod.noResults.init(); } this.isFirstLoad = false; this._hasGrid = true; if(this.rememberGridValues || this.rememberPageLen || this.rememberPageNb){ this.resetValues(); } //TF css class is added to table if(!this.gridLayout){ Dom.addClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf); } /* Loads extensions */ if(this.hasExtensions){ this.initExtensions(); } // Subscribe to events if(this.markActiveColumns){ this.emitter.on(['before-filtering'], ()=> this.clearActiveColumns()); this.emitter.on(['cell-processed'], (tf, colIndex)=> this.markActiveColumn(colIndex)); } if(this.linkedFilters){ this.emitter.on(['after-filtering'], ()=> this.linkFilters()); } if(this.onFiltersLoaded){, this); } this.emitter.emit('initialized', this); } /** * Insert filters row at initialization */ _insertFiltersRow() { if(this.gridLayout){ return; } let fltrow; let thead = Dom.tag(this.tbl, 'thead'); if(thead.length > 0){ fltrow = thead[0].insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex); } else { fltrow = this.tbl.insertRow(this.filtersRowIndex); } if(this.headersRow > 1 && this.filtersRowIndex <= this.headersRow){ this.headersRow++; } fltrow.className = this.fltsRowCssClass; if(this.isExternalFlt){ = 'none'; } this.emitter.emit('filters-row-inserted', this, fltrow); return fltrow; } /** * Initialize filtersless table */ _initNoFilters(){ if(this.fltGrid){ return; } this.refRow = this.refRow > 0 ? this.refRow-1 : 0; this.nbFilterableRows = this.getRowsNb(); this.nbVisibleRows = this.nbFilterableRows; this.nbRows = this.nbFilterableRows + this.refRow; } /** * Build input filter type * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {String} cssClass Css class applied to filter * @param {DOMElement} container Container DOM element */ _buildInputFilter(colIndex, cssClass, container){ let col = this.getFilterType(colIndex); let externalFltTgtId = this.isExternalFlt ? this.externalFltTgtIds[colIndex] : null; let inptype = col===this.fltTypeInp ? 'text' : 'hidden'; let inp = Dom.create(this.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxFlt+colIndex+'_'], ['type', inptype], ['ct', colIndex]); if(inptype !== 'hidden' && this.watermark){ inp.setAttribute('placeholder', this.isWatermarkArray ? (this.watermark[colIndex] || '') : this.watermark ); } inp.className = cssClass || this.fltCssClass; Event.add(inp, 'focus', this.Evt.onInpFocus.bind(this)); //filter is appended in custom element if(externalFltTgtId){; this.externalFltEls.push(inp); } else { container.appendChild(inp); } this.fltIds.push(; Event.add(inp, 'keypress', this.Evt.detectKey.bind(this)); Event.add(inp, 'keydown', this.Evt.onKeyDown.bind(this)); Event.add(inp, 'keyup', this.Evt.onKeyUp.bind(this)); Event.add(inp, 'blur', this.Evt.onInpBlur.bind(this)); } /** * Build submit button * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {DOMElement} container Container DOM element */ _buildSubmitButton(colIndex, container){ let externalFltTgtId = this.isExternalFlt ? this.externalFltTgtIds[colIndex] : null; let btn = Dom.create(this.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxValButton+colIndex+'_'], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnText]); btn.className = this.btnCssClass; //filter is appended in custom element if(externalFltTgtId){; } else{ container.appendChild(btn); } Event.add(btn, 'click', ()=> this.filter()); } /** * Return a feature instance for a given name * @param {String} name Name of the feature * @return {Object} */ feature(name){ return this.Mod[name]; } /** * Initialise all the extensions defined in the configuration object */ initExtensions(){ let exts = this.extensions; // Set config's publicPath dynamically for Webpack... __webpack_public_path__ = this.basePath; this.emitter.emit('before-loading-extensions', this); for(let i=0, len=exts.length; i { let inst = new mod.default(this, ext); inst.init(); this.ExtRegistry[name] = inst; }); } /** * Get an extension instance * @param {String} name Name of the extension * @return {Object} Extension instance */ extension(name){ return this.ExtRegistry[name]; } /** * Check passed extension name exists * @param {String} name Name of the extension * @return {Boolean} */ hasExtension(name){ return !Types.isEmpty(this.ExtRegistry[name]); } /** * Destroy all the extensions defined in the configuration object */ destroyExtensions(){ let exts = this.extensions; for(let i=0, len=exts.length; i'; //Paging buttons this.btnPrevPageHtml = ''; this.btnNextPageHtml = ''; this.btnFirstPageHtml = ''; this.btnLastPageHtml = ''; //Loader this.loader = true; this.loaderHtml = '
'; this.loaderText = null; this.emitter.emit('after-loading-themes', this); } /** * Return stylesheet DOM element for a given theme name * @return {DOMElement} stylesheet element */ getStylesheet(name='default'){ return + name); } /** * Destroy filter grid */ destroy(){ if(!this._hasGrid){ return; } let rows = this.tbl.rows, Mod = this.Mod; if(this.isExternalFlt && !this.popupFilters){ this.removeExternalFlts(); } if(this.infDiv){ this.removeToolbar(); } if(this.highlightKeywords){ Mod.highlightKeyword.unhighlightAll(); } if(this.markActiveColumns){ this.clearActiveColumns();['before-filtering'], ()=> this.clearActiveColumns());['cell-processed'], (tf, colIndex)=> this.markActiveColumn(colIndex)); } if(this.hasExtensions){ this.destroyExtensions(); } for(let j=this.refRow; j this.enforceVisibility()); } if(this.linkedFilters){['after-filtering'], ()=> this.linkFilters()); } Dom.removeClass(this.tbl, this.prfxTf); this.nbHiddenRows = 0; this.validRowsIndex = []; this.activeFlt = null; this._hasGrid = false; } /** * Generate container element for paging, reset button, rows counter etc. */ setToolbar(){ if(this.infDiv){ return; } /*** container div ***/ let infdiv = Dom.create('div', ['id',]); infdiv.className = this.infDivCssClass; //custom container if(this.toolBarTgtId){; } //grid-layout else if(this.gridLayout){ let gridLayout = this.Mod.gridLayout; gridLayout.tblMainCont.appendChild(infdiv); infdiv.className = gridLayout.gridInfDivCssClass; } //default location: just above the table else{ var cont = Dom.create('caption'); cont.appendChild(infdiv); this.tbl.insertBefore(cont, this.tbl.firstChild); } this.infDiv =; /*** left div containing rows # displayer ***/ let ldiv = Dom.create('div', ['id',]); ldiv.className = this.lDivCssClass; infdiv.appendChild(ldiv); this.lDiv =; /*** right div containing reset button + nb results per page select ***/ let rdiv = Dom.create('div', ['id',]); rdiv.className = this.rDivCssClass; infdiv.appendChild(rdiv); this.rDiv =; /*** mid div containing paging elements ***/ let mdiv = Dom.create('div', ['id',]); mdiv.className = this.mDivCssClass; infdiv.appendChild(mdiv); this.mDiv =; // Enable help instructions by default if topbar is generated and not // explicitely set to false if(Types.isUndef({ if(!{ = new Help(this); }; = true; } } /** * Remove toolbar container element */ removeToolbar(){ if(!this.infDiv){ return; } Dom.remove(this.infDiv); this.infDiv = null; let tbl = this.tbl; let captions = Dom.tag(tbl, 'caption'); if(captions.length > 0){ [], function(elm) { tbl.removeChild(elm); }); } } /** * Remove all the external column filters */ removeExternalFlts(){ if(!this.isExternalFlt){ return; } let ids = this.externalFltTgtIds, len = ids.length; for(let ct=0; ct { if(val !== ' '){ this.setFilterValue(idx, val); } }); } } this.filter(); } /** * Reset persisted filter values when load filters on demand feature is * enabled * @param {String} name cookie name storing filter values */ _resetGridValues(name){ if(!this.loadFltOnDemand){ return; } let fltsValues =, slcFltsIndex = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeSlc, true), multiFltsIndex = this.getFiltersByType(this.fltTypeMulti, true); //if the number of columns is the same as before page reload if(Number(fltsValues[(fltsValues.length-1)]) === this.fltIds.length){ for(let i=0; i<(fltsValues.length - 1); i++){ if(fltsValues[i]===' '){ continue; } let s, opt; let fltType = this.getFilterType(i); // if loadFltOnDemand, drop-down needs to contain stored // value(s) for filtering if(fltType===this.fltTypeSlc || fltType===this.fltTypeMulti){ let slc = this.fltIds[i] ); slc.options[0].selected = false; //selects if(slcFltsIndex.indexOf(i) != -1){ opt = Dom.createOpt(fltsValues[i], fltsValues[i], true); slc.appendChild(opt); this.hasStoredValues = true; } //multiple select if(multiFltsIndex.indexOf(i) != -1){ s = fltsValues[i].split(' '+this.orOperator+' '); for(let j=0, len=s.length; j