module.exports = function (grunt) { var fs = require('fs'); var path = require('path'); var testDir = 'test'; var testHost = 'http://localhost:8000/'; var pkg = grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'); var repo = ''; var styleDirDist = 'dist/tablefilter/style/'; grunt.initConfig({ qunit: { options: { '--web-security': 'no', coverage: { disposeCollector: true, src: ['dist/tablefilter/*.js'], instrumentedFiles: 'temp/', htmlReport: 'report/coverage', coberturaReport: 'report/', lcovReport: 'report/', jsonReport: 'report', linesThresholdPct: 80 } }, all: { options: { urls: getTestFiles(testDir, testHost) } }, only: { options: { urls: [] } } }, connect: { server: { options: { port: 8000, base: '.' } } }, copy: { dist: { src: [ '**', '!**/*.styl', '!**/extensions/**', '!**/mixins/**' ], cwd: 'static/style', dest: 'dist/tablefilter/style', expand: true }, templates: { src: ['**'], cwd: 'static/templates', dest: 'demos', expand: true }, assets: { src: ['**'], cwd: 'static/demos-assets', dest: 'demos/assets', expand: true }, starter: { src: ['demos/starter.html'], dest: 'dist/starter.html' } }, 'string-replace': { demos: { files: { 'demos/': 'demos/*.html' }, options: { replacements: [ { pattern: /{NAME}/ig, replacement: }, { pattern: /{VERSION}/ig, replacement: pkg.version }, { pattern: /{EZEDITTABLE_LINK}/ig, replacement: '' + 'ezEditTable' }, { pattern: //ig, replacement: function (match, p1) { return'static/' + p1); } } ] } } }, clean: ['demos/starter.html'], watch: { app: { files: ['src/**/*', 'static/style/**/*'], tasks: ['dev'], options: { spawn: false } }, templates: { files: ['static/templates/**/*', 'static/partials/**/*'], tasks: ['build-demos'], options: { spawn: false } } }, // temporary shell commands while decommissioning grunt shell: { eslint: { command: 'npm run lint' }, esdoc: { command: 'npm run esdoc' }, build: { command: 'npm run build' }, dev: { command: 'npm run dev' }, test: { command: 'npm run build:test' } }, stylus: { compile: { options: { banner: '/** \n' + ' *\t ' + + ' v' + pkg.version + ' by ' + + ' \n' + ' *\t build date: ' + new Date().toISOString() + ' \n' + ' *\t MIT License \n' + ' */ \n' }, files: [ { src: ['static/style/*.styl'], dest: styleDirDist + 'tablefilter.css' }, { src: ['static/style/extensions/colsVisibility.styl'], dest: styleDirDist + 'colsVisibility.css' }, { src: ['static/style/extensions/filtersVisibility.styl'], dest: styleDirDist + 'filtersVisibility.css' }, { src: ['static/style/themes/default/*.styl'], dest: styleDirDist + 'themes/default/default.css' }, { src: ['static/style/themes/mytheme/*.styl'], dest: styleDirDist + 'themes/mytheme/mytheme.css' }, { src: ['static/style/themes/skyblue/*.styl'], dest: styleDirDist + 'themes/skyblue/skyblue.css' }, { src: ['static/style/themes/transparent/*.styl'], dest: styleDirDist + 'themes/transparent/transparent.css' } ] } }, 'gh-pages': { options: { branch: 'gh-pages', add: true }, 'publish-lib': { options: { base: 'dist', repo: 'https://' + repo, message: 'publish TableFilter lib to gh-pages (cli)' }, src: ['**/*'] }, 'publish-readme': { options: { base: './', repo: 'https://' + repo, message: 'publish README and LICENSE to gh-pages (cli)' }, src: ['', 'LICENSE'] }, 'publish-docs': { options: { base: 'docs', repo: 'https://' + repo, message: 'publish Docs to gh-pages (cli)' }, src: ['**/*'] }, 'deploy-lib': { options: { user: { name: 'koalyptus' }, base: 'dist', repo: 'https://' + process.env.GH_TOKEN + '@' + repo, message: 'publish TableFilter to gh-pages (auto)' + getDeployMessage(), silent: true }, src: ['**/*'] }, 'deploy-readme': { options: { user: { name: 'koalyptus' }, base: './', repo: 'https://' + process.env.GH_TOKEN + '@' + repo, message: 'publish README to gh-pages (auto)' + getDeployMessage(), silent: true }, src: ['', 'LICENSE'] }, 'deploy-docs': { options: { user: { name: 'koalyptus' }, base: 'docs', repo: 'https://' + process.env.GH_TOKEN + '@' + repo, message: 'publish Docs to gh-pages (auto)' + getDeployMessage(), silent: true }, src: ['**/*'] } } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-string-replace'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-connect'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-shell'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-qunit-istanbul'); // grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-stylus'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-gh-pages'); grunt.registerTask('eslint', ['shell:eslint']); grunt.registerTask('esdoc', ['shell:esdoc']); grunt.registerTask('default', ['test', 'build', 'build-demos']); // Dev dev/build/watch cycle grunt.registerTask('dev', ['eslint', 'shell:dev', 'copy:dist', /*'stylus:compile',*/'watch:app']); // Production build grunt.registerTask('build', ['eslint', 'shell:build', 'copy:dist'/*, 'stylus:compile'*/]); // Build demos grunt.registerTask('dev-demos', ['build-demos', 'watch:templates']); grunt.registerTask('build-demos', ['copy:templates', 'copy:assets', 'string-replace:demos', 'copy:starter', 'clean']); // Build tests grunt.registerTask('build-test', ['eslint', 'shell:test', 'copy:dist'/*, 'stylus:compile'*/]); // Tests with coverage grunt.registerTask('test', ['build-test', 'connect', 'qunit:all']); // Publish to gh-pages grunt.registerTask('publish', 'Publish from CLI', [ 'build', 'build-demos', 'esdoc', 'gh-pages:publish-lib', 'gh-pages:publish-readme', 'gh-pages:publish-docs' ]); // Deploy to gh-pages grunt.registerTask('deploy', 'Publish from Travis', [ 'build', 'esdoc', 'check-deploy' ]); // Custom task running QUnit tests for specified files. // Usage example: grunt test-only:test.html,test-help.html grunt.registerTask('test-only', 'A task that runs only specified tests.', function (tests) { if (!tests) { return; } tests = tests.split(','); var res = []; tests.forEach(function (itm) { var filePath = path.resolve(testDir, itm); var parts = filePath.split(path.sep); res.push(buildTestUrl(testHost, testDir, parts)); });'connect'); grunt.config('qunit.only.options.urls', res);'qunit:only'); } ); function isTestFile(pth) { var allowedExts = ['.html', '.htm']; for (var i = 0, len = allowedExts.length; i < len; i++) { var ext = allowedExts[i]; if (pth.indexOf(ext) !== -1) { return true; } } return false; } function buildTestUrl(host, testDir, parts) { var idx = parts.indexOf(testDir); var fileIdx = parts.length; var relParts = parts.slice(idx, fileIdx); return host.concat(relParts.join('/')); } // Returns the list of test files from the test folder for qunit task function getTestFiles(testDir, host) { var getFiles = function (dir, host) { var res = []; var items = fs.readdirSync(dir); items.forEach(function (itm) { var fileOrDir = path.resolve(dir, itm); if (isTestFile(fileOrDir)) { var parts = fileOrDir.split(path.sep); res.push(buildTestUrl(host, testDir, parts)); } else { if (fs.lstatSync(fileOrDir).isDirectory()) { res = res.concat(getFiles(fileOrDir, host)); } } }); return res; }; return getFiles(testDir, host); } grunt.registerTask('check-deploy', function () { var env = process.env; // need this this.requires(['build', 'esdoc']); // only deploy under these conditions if (env.TRAVIS === 'true' && env.TRAVIS_SECURE_ENV_VARS === 'true' && env.TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST === 'false') { grunt.log.writeln('executing deployment'); // queue deploy[ 'gh-pages:deploy-lib', 'gh-pages:deploy-readme', 'gh-pages:deploy-docs' ]); } else { grunt.log.writeln('skipped deployment'); } }); // Get a formatted commit message to review changes from the commit log // github will turn some of these into clickable links function getDeployMessage() { var ret = '\n\n'; var env = process.env; if (env.TRAVIS !== 'true') { ret += 'missing env vars for travis-ci'; return ret; } ret += 'branch: ' + env.TRAVIS_BRANCH + '\n'; ret += 'SHA: ' + env.TRAVIS_COMMIT + '\n'; ret += 'range SHA: ' + env.TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE + '\n'; ret += 'build id: ' + env.TRAVIS_BUILD_ID + '\n'; ret += 'build number: ' + env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER + '\n'; return ret; } };