define(["exports", "../dom", "../array", "../string", "../sort"], function (exports, _dom, _array, _string, _sort) { "use strict"; var _prototypeProperties = function (child, staticProps, instanceProps) { if (staticProps) Object.defineProperties(child, staticProps); if (instanceProps) Object.defineProperties(child.prototype, instanceProps); }; var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } }; var Dom = _dom.Dom; var array = _array.Arr; var Str = _string.Str; var Sort = _sort.Sort; var Dropdown = exports.Dropdown = (function () { /** * Dropdown UI component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function Dropdown(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, Dropdown); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); this.enableSlcResetFilter = f.enable_slc_reset_filter ? false : true; //defines empty option text this.nonEmptyText = f.non_empty_text || "(Non empty)"; //sets select filling method: 'innerHTML' or 'createElement' this.slcFillingMethod = f.slc_filling_method || "createElement"; //IE only, tooltip text appearing on select before it is populated this.activateSlcTooltip = f.activate_slc_tooltip || "Click to activate"; //tooltip text appearing on multiple select this.multipleSlcTooltip = f.multiple_slc_tooltip || "Use Ctrl key for multiple selections"; this.isCustom = null; this.opts = null; this.optsTxt = null; this.slcInnerHtml = null; = tf; } _prototypeProperties(Dropdown, null, { build: { /** * Build drop-down filter UI asynchronously * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} isRefreshed Enable linked refresh behaviour * @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container * @param {String} extSlcId External container id */ value: function build(colIndex, isRefreshed, isExternal, extSlcId) { var tf =; tf.EvtManager(, { slcIndex: colIndex, slcRefreshed: isRefreshed, slcExternal: isExternal, slcId: extSlcId }); }, writable: true, configurable: true }, _build: { /** * Build drop-down filter UI * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} isRefreshed Enable linked refresh behaviour * @param {Boolean} isExternal Render in external container * @param {String} extSlcId External container id */ value: function _build(colIndex) { var isRefreshed = arguments[1] === undefined ? false : arguments[1]; var isExternal = arguments[2] === undefined ? false : arguments[2]; var extSlcId = arguments[3] === undefined ? null : arguments[3]; var tf =; colIndex = parseInt(colIndex, 10); this.opts = []; this.optsTxt = []; this.slcInnerHtml = ""; var slcId = tf.fltIds[colIndex]; if (! && !isExternal || ! && isExternal) { return; } var slc = !isExternal ? :, rows = tf.tbl.rows, matchCase = tf.matchCase, fillMethod = Str.lower(this.slcFillingMethod); //custom select test this.isCustom = tf.hasCustomSlcOptions && array.has(tf.customSlcOptions.cols, colIndex); //custom selects text var activeFlt; if (isRefreshed && tf.activeFilterId) { activeFlt = tf.activeFilterId.split("_")[0]; activeFlt = activeFlt.split(tf.prfxFlt)[1]; } /*** remember grid values ***/ var fltsValues = [], fltArr = []; if (tf.rememberGridValues) { fltsValues =; if (fltsValues && !Str.isEmpty(fltsValues.toString())) { if (this.isCustom) { fltArr.push(fltsValues[colIndex]); } else { fltArr = fltsValues[colIndex].split(" " + tf.orOperator + " "); } } } var excludedOpts = null, filteredDataCol = null; if (isRefreshed && tf.disableExcludedOptions) { excludedOpts = []; filteredDataCol = []; } for (var k = tf.refRow; k < tf.nbRows; k++) { // always visible rows don't need to appear on selects as always // valid if (tf.hasVisibleRows && array.has(tf.visibleRows, k) && !tf.paging) { continue; } var cell = rows[k].cells, nchilds = cell.length; // checks if row has exact cell # if (nchilds !== tf.nbCells || this.isCustom) { continue; } // this loop retrieves cell data for (var j = 0; j < nchilds; j++) { if (colIndex === j && (!isRefreshed || isRefreshed && tf.disableExcludedOptions) || colIndex == j && isRefreshed && (rows[k].style.display === "" && !tf.paging || tf.paging && (!tf.validRowsIndex || tf.validRowsIndex && array.has(tf.validRowsIndex, k)) && (activeFlt === undefined || activeFlt == colIndex || activeFlt != colIndex && array.has(tf.validRowsIndex, k)))) { var cell_data = tf.getCellData(j, cell[j]), //Vary Peter's patch cell_string = Str.matchCase(cell_data, matchCase); // checks if celldata is already in array if (!array.has(this.opts, cell_string, matchCase)) { this.opts.push(cell_data); } if (isRefreshed && tf.disableExcludedOptions) { var filteredCol = filteredDataCol[j]; if (!filteredCol) { filteredCol = this.GetFilteredDataCol(j); } if (!array.has(filteredCol, cell_string, matchCase) && !array.has(excludedOpts, cell_string, matchCase) && !this.isFirstLoad) { excludedOpts.push(cell_data); } } } //if colIndex==j } //for j } //for k //Retrieves custom values if (this.isCustom) { var customValues = tf.__getCustomValues(colIndex); this.opts = customValues[0]; this.optsTxt = customValues[1]; } if (tf.sortSlc && !this.isCustom) { if (!matchCase) { this.opts.sort(Sort.ignoreCase); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(Sort.ignoreCase); } } else { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } } } //asc sort if (tf.sortNumAsc && array.has(tf.sortNumAsc, colIndex)) { try { this.opts.sort(numSortAsc); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(numSortAsc); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(numSortAsc); } } catch (e) { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(); } } //in case there are alphanumeric values } //desc sort if (tf.sortNumDesc && array.has(tf.sortNumDesc, colIndex)) { try { this.opts.sort(numSortDesc); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(numSortDesc); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(numSortDesc); } } catch (e) { this.opts.sort(); if (excludedOpts) { excludedOpts.sort(); } if (this.isCustom) { this.optsTxt.sort(); } } //in case there are alphanumeric values } //populates drop-down this.addOptions(colIndex, slc, isRefreshed, excludedOpts, fltsValues, fltArr); }, writable: true, configurable: true }, addOptions: { /** * Add drop-down options * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Object} slc Select Dom element * @param {Boolean} isRefreshed Enable linked refresh behaviour * @param {Array} excludedOpts Array of excluded options * @param {Array} fltsValues Collection of persisted filter values * @param {Array} fltArr Collection of persisted filter values */ value: function addOptions(colIndex, slc, isRefreshed, excludedOpts, fltsValues, fltArr) { var tf =, fillMethod = Str.lower(this.slcFillingMethod), slcValue = slc.value; slc.innerHTML = ""; slc = this.addFirstOption(slc); for (var y = 0; y < this.opts.length; y++) { if (this.opts[y] === "") { continue; } var val = this.opts[y]; //option value var lbl = this.isCustom ? this.optsTxt[y] : val; //option text var isDisabled = false; if (isRefreshed && this.disableExcludedOptions && array.has(excludedOpts, Str.matchCase(val, tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase)) { isDisabled = true; } if (fillMethod === "innerhtml") { var slcAttr = ""; if (tf.fillSlcOnDemand && slcValue === this.opts[y]) { slcAttr = "selected=\"selected\""; } this.slcInnerHtml += ""; } else { var opt; //fill select on demand if (tf.fillSlcOnDemand && slcValue === this.opts[y] && tf["col" + colIndex] === tf.fltTypeSlc) { opt = Dom.createOpt(lbl, val, true); } else { if (tf["col" + colIndex] !== tf.fltTypeMulti) { opt = Dom.createOpt(lbl, val, fltsValues[colIndex] !== " " && val === fltsValues[colIndex] ? true : false); } else { opt = Dom.createOpt(lbl, val, array.has(fltArr, Str.matchCase(this.opts[y], tf.matchCase), tf.matchCase) || fltArr.toString().indexOf(val) !== -1 ? true : false); } } if (isDisabled) { opt.disabled = true; } slc.appendChild(opt); } } // for y if (fillMethod === "innerhtml") { slc.innerHTML += this.slcInnerHtml; } slc.setAttribute("filled", "1"); }, writable: true, configurable: true }, addFirstOption: { /** * Add drop-down header option * @param {Object} slc Select DOM element */ value: function addFirstOption(slc) { var tf =, fillMethod = Str.lower(this.slcFillingMethod); if (fillMethod === "innerhtml") { this.slcInnerHtml += ""; } else { var opt0 = Dom.createOpt(!this.enableSlcResetFilter ? "" : tf.displayAllText, ""); if (!this.enableSlcResetFilter) { = "none"; } slc.appendChild(opt0); if (tf.enableEmptyOption) { var opt1 = Dom.createOpt(tf.emptyText, tf.emOperator); slc.appendChild(opt1); } if (tf.enableNonEmptyOption) { var opt2 = Dom.createOpt(tf.nonEmptyText, tf.nmOperator); slc.appendChild(opt2); } } return slc; }, writable: true, configurable: true } }); return Dropdown; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); }); //#