define(['exports', '../dom', '../types', '../string', '../helpers', '../event'], function (exports, _dom, _types, _string, _helpers, _event) { 'use strict'; var _classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } }; var _createClass = (function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); var Paging = (function () { /** * Pagination component * @param {Object} tf TableFilter instance */ function Paging(tf) { _classCallCheck(this, Paging); // Configuration object var f = tf.config(); //css class for paging buttons (previous,next,etc.) this.btnPageCssClass = f.paging_btn_css_class || 'pgInp'; //stores paging select element this.pagingSlc = null; //results per page select element this.resultsPerPageSlc = null; //id of container element this.pagingTgtId = f.paging_target_id || null; //defines table paging length this.pagingLength = !isNaN(f.paging_length) ? f.paging_length : 10; //id of container element this.resultsPerPageTgtId = f.results_per_page_target_id || null; //css class for paging select element this.pgSlcCssClass = f.paging_slc_css_class || 'pgSlc'; //css class for paging input element this.pgInpCssClass = f.paging_inp_css_class || 'pgNbInp'; //stores results per page text and values this.resultsPerPage = f.results_per_page || null; //enables/disables results per page drop-down this.hasResultsPerPage = _types.Types.isArray(this.resultsPerPage); //defines css class for results per page select this.resultsSlcCssClass = f.results_slc_css_class || 'rspg'; //css class for label preceding results per page select this.resultsSpanCssClass = f.results_span_css_class || 'rspgSpan'; //1st row index of current page this.startPagingRow = 0; //total nb of pages this.nbPages = 0; //current page nb this.currentPageNb = 1; //defines next page button text this.btnNextPageText = f.btn_next_page_text || '>'; //defines previous page button text this.btnPrevPageText = f.btn_prev_page_text || '<'; //defines last page button text this.btnLastPageText = f.btn_last_page_text || '>|'; //defines first page button text this.btnFirstPageText = f.btn_first_page_text || '|<'; //defines next page button html this.btnNextPageHtml = f.btn_next_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ''); //defines previous page button html this.btnPrevPageHtml = f.btn_prev_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ''); //defines last page button html this.btnFirstPageHtml = f.btn_first_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ''); //defines previous page button html this.btnLastPageHtml = f.btn_last_page_html || (!tf.enableIcons ? null : ''); //defines text preceeding page selector drop-down this.pageText = f.page_text || ' Page '; //defines text after page selector drop-down this.ofText = f.of_text || ' of '; //css class for span containing tot nb of pages this.nbPgSpanCssClass = f.nb_pages_css_class || 'nbpg'; //enables/disables paging buttons this.hasPagingBtns = f.paging_btns === false ? false : true; //defines previous page button html this.pageSelectorType = f.page_selector_type || tf.fltTypeSlc; //calls function before page is changed this.onBeforeChangePage = _types.Types.isFn(f.on_before_change_page) ? f.on_before_change_page : null; //calls function before page is changed this.onAfterChangePage = _types.Types.isFn(f.on_after_change_page) ? f.on_after_change_page : null; //pages select this.prfxSlcPages = 'slcPages_'; //results per page select this.prfxSlcResults = 'slcResults_'; //label preciding results per page select this.prfxSlcResultsTxt = 'slcResultsTxt_'; //span containing next page button this.prfxBtnNextSpan = 'btnNextSpan_'; //span containing previous page button this.prfxBtnPrevSpan = 'btnPrevSpan_'; //span containing last page button this.prfxBtnLastSpan = 'btnLastSpan_'; //span containing first page button this.prfxBtnFirstSpan = 'btnFirstSpan_'; //next button this.prfxBtnNext = 'btnNext_'; //previous button this.prfxBtnPrev = 'btnPrev_'; //last button this.prfxBtnLast = 'btnLast_'; //first button this.prfxBtnFirst = 'btnFirst_'; //span for tot nb pages this.prfxPgSpan = 'pgspan_'; //span preceding pages select (contains 'Page') this.prfxPgBeforeSpan = 'pgbeforespan_'; //span following pages select (contains ' of ') this.prfxPgAfterSpan = 'pgafterspan_'; var start_row = this.refRow; var nrows = this.nbRows; //calculates page nb this.nbPages = Math.ceil((nrows - start_row) / this.pagingLength); //Paging elements events var o = this; // Paging DOM events this.evt = { slcIndex: function slcIndex() { return o.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? o.pagingSlc.options.selectedIndex : parseInt(o.pagingSlc.value, 10) - 1; }, nbOpts: function nbOpts() { return o.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? parseInt(o.pagingSlc.options.length, 10) - 1 : o.nbPages - 1; }, next: function next() { var nextIndex = o.evt.slcIndex() < o.evt.nbOpts() ? o.evt.slcIndex() + 1 : 0; o.changePage(nextIndex); }, prev: function prev() { var prevIndex = o.evt.slcIndex() > 0 ? o.evt.slcIndex() - 1 : o.evt.nbOpts(); o.changePage(prevIndex); }, last: function last() { o.changePage(o.evt.nbOpts()); }, first: function first() { o.changePage(0); }, _detectKey: function _detectKey(e) { var key = _event.Event.keyCode(e); if (key === 13) { if (tf.sorted) { tf.filter(); o.changePage(o.evt.slcIndex()); } else { o.changePage(); } this.blur(); } }, slcPagesChange: null, nextEvt: null, prevEvt: null, lastEvt: null, firstEvt: null }; = tf; } _createClass(Paging, [{ key: 'init', /** * Initialize DOM elements */ value: function init() { var _this = this; var slcPages; var tf =; var evt = this.evt; // Check resultsPerPage is in expected format and initialise the // results per page component if (this.hasResultsPerPage) { if (this.resultsPerPage.length < 2) { this.hasResultsPerPage = false; } else { this.pagingLength = this.resultsPerPage[1][0]; this.setResultsPerPage(); } } /*==================================================== - onchange event for paging select =====================================================*/ evt.slcPagesChange = function (event) { _this.changePage();; }; // Paging drop-down list selector if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { slcPages = _dom.Dom.create(tf.fltTypeSlc, ['id', this.prfxSlcPages +]); slcPages.className = this.pgSlcCssClass; _event.Event.add(slcPages, 'change', evt.slcPagesChange); } // Paging input selector if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeInp) { slcPages = _dom.Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxSlcPages +], ['value', this.currentPageNb]); slcPages.className = this.pgInpCssClass; _event.Event.add(slcPages, 'keypress', evt._detectKey); } // btns containers var btnNextSpan = _dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfxBtnNextSpan +]); var btnPrevSpan = _dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfxBtnPrevSpan +]); var btnLastSpan = _dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfxBtnLastSpan +]); var btnFirstSpan = _dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfxBtnFirstSpan +]); if (this.hasPagingBtns) { // Next button if (!this.btnNextPageHtml) { var btn_next = _dom.Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxBtnNext +], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnNextPageText], ['title', 'Next']); btn_next.className = this.btnPageCssClass; _event.Event.add(btn_next, 'click',; btnNextSpan.appendChild(btn_next); } else { btnNextSpan.innerHTML = this.btnNextPageHtml; _event.Event.add(btnNextSpan, 'click',; } // Previous button if (!this.btnPrevPageHtml) { var btn_prev = _dom.Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxBtnPrev +], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnPrevPageText], ['title', 'Previous']); btn_prev.className = this.btnPageCssClass; _event.Event.add(btn_prev, 'click', evt.prev); btnPrevSpan.appendChild(btn_prev); } else { btnPrevSpan.innerHTML = this.btnPrevPageHtml; _event.Event.add(btnPrevSpan, 'click', evt.prev); } // Last button if (!this.btnLastPageHtml) { var btn_last = _dom.Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxBtnLast +], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnLastPageText], ['title', 'Last']); btn_last.className = this.btnPageCssClass; _event.Event.add(btn_last, 'click', evt.last); btnLastSpan.appendChild(btn_last); } else { btnLastSpan.innerHTML = this.btnLastPageHtml; _event.Event.add(btnLastSpan, 'click', evt.last); } // First button if (!this.btnFirstPageHtml) { var btn_first = _dom.Dom.create(tf.fltTypeInp, ['id', this.prfxBtnFirst +], ['type', 'button'], ['value', this.btnFirstPageText], ['title', 'First']); btn_first.className = this.btnPageCssClass; _event.Event.add(btn_first, 'click', evt.first); btnFirstSpan.appendChild(btn_first); } else { btnFirstSpan.innerHTML = this.btnFirstPageHtml; _event.Event.add(btnFirstSpan, 'click', evt.first); } } // paging elements (buttons+drop-down list) are added to defined element if (!this.pagingTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.pagingTgtId ? tf.mDiv :; targetEl.appendChild(btnFirstSpan); targetEl.appendChild(btnPrevSpan); var pgBeforeSpan = _dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfxPgBeforeSpan +]); pgBeforeSpan.appendChild(_dom.Dom.text(this.pageText)); pgBeforeSpan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass; targetEl.appendChild(pgBeforeSpan); targetEl.appendChild(slcPages); var pgAfterSpan = _dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfxPgAfterSpan +]); pgAfterSpan.appendChild(_dom.Dom.text(this.ofText)); pgAfterSpan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass; targetEl.appendChild(pgAfterSpan); var pgspan = _dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfxPgSpan +]); pgspan.className = this.nbPgSpanCssClass; pgspan.appendChild(_dom.Dom.text(' ' + this.nbPages + ' ')); targetEl.appendChild(pgspan); targetEl.appendChild(btnNextSpan); targetEl.appendChild(btnLastSpan); this.pagingSlc = +; // if this.rememberGridValues==true this.setPagingInfo() is called // in ResetGridValues() method if (!tf.rememberGridValues || this.isPagingRemoved) { this.setPagingInfo(); } if (!tf.fltGrid) { tf.ValidateAllRows(); this.setPagingInfo(tf.validRowsIndex); } this.isPagingRemoved = false; } }, { key: 'addPaging', /** * Add paging when filters are already instanciated * @param {Boolean} filterTable Execute filtering once paging instanciated */ value: function addPaging() { var filterTable = arguments[0] === undefined ? false : arguments[0]; var tf =; if (!tf.hasGrid() || tf.paging) { return; } tf.paging = true; this.isPagingRemoved = true; this.init(); tf.resetValues(); if (filterTable) { tf.filter(); } } }, { key: 'setPagingInfo', /** * Calculate number of pages based on valid rows * Refresh paging select according to number of pages * @param {Array} validRows Collection of valid rows */ value: function setPagingInfo(validRows) { var tf =; var rows = tf.tbl.rows; var mdiv = !this.pagingTgtId ? tf.mDiv :; var pgspan = +; //stores valid rows indexes if (validRows && validRows.length > 0) { tf.validRowsIndex = validRows; } else { //re-sets valid rows indexes array tf.validRowsIndex = []; //counts rows to be grouped for (var j = tf.refRow; j < tf.nbRows; j++) { var row = rows[j]; if (!row) { continue; } var isRowValid = row.getAttribute('validRow'); if (isRowValid === 'true' || !isRowValid) { tf.validRowsIndex.push(j); } } } //calculate nb of pages this.nbPages = Math.ceil(tf.validRowsIndex.length / this.pagingLength); //refresh page nb span pgspan.innerHTML = this.nbPages; //select clearing shortcut if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { this.pagingSlc.innerHTML = ''; } if (this.nbPages > 0) { = 'visible'; if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { for (var z = 0; z < this.nbPages; z++) { var currOpt = new Option(z + 1, z * this.pagingLength, false, false); this.pagingSlc.options[z] = currOpt; } } else { //input type this.pagingSlc.value = this.currentPageNb; } } else { /*** if no results paging select and buttons are hidden ***/ = 'hidden'; } this.groupByPage(tf.validRowsIndex); } }, { key: 'groupByPage', /** * Group table rows by page and display valid rows * @param {Array} validRows Collection of valid rows */ value: function groupByPage(validRows) { var tf =; var rows = tf.tbl.rows; var paging_end_row = parseInt(this.startPagingRow, 10) + parseInt(this.pagingLength, 10); //store valid rows indexes if (validRows) { tf.validRowsIndex = validRows; } //this loop shows valid rows of current page for (var h = 0; h < tf.validRowsIndex.length; h++) { var r = rows[tf.validRowsIndex[h]]; if (h >= this.startPagingRow && h < paging_end_row) { if (r.getAttribute('validRow') === 'true' || !r.getAttribute('validRow')) { = ''; } if (tf.alternateBgs && tf.Cpt.alternateRows) { tf.Cpt.alternateRows.setRowBg(tf.validRowsIndex[h], h); } } else { = 'none'; if (tf.alternateBgs && tf.Cpt.alternateRows) { tf.Cpt.alternateRows.removeRowBg(tf.validRowsIndex[h]); } } } tf.nbVisibleRows = tf.validRowsIndex.length; tf.isStartBgAlternate = false; //re-applies filter behaviours after filtering process tf.applyGridProps(); } }, { key: 'setPage', /** * Show page based on passed param value (string or number): * @param {String} or {Number} cmd possible string values: 'next', * 'previous', 'last', 'first' or page number as per param */ value: function setPage(cmd) { var tf =; if (!tf.hasGrid() || !tf.paging) { return; } var btnEvt = this.evt, cmdtype = typeof cmd; if (cmdtype === 'string') { switch (_string.Str.lower(cmd)) { case 'next':; break; case 'previous': btnEvt.prev(); break; case 'last': btnEvt.last(); break; case 'first': btnEvt.first(); break; default:; break; } } else if (cmdtype === 'number') { this.changePage(cmd - 1); } } }, { key: 'setResultsPerPage', /** * Generates UI elements for the number of results per page drop-down */ value: function setResultsPerPage() { var _this2 = this; var tf =; var evt = this.evt; if (!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad) { return; } if (this.resultsPerPageSlc || !this.resultsPerPage) { return; } /*==================================================== - onchange event for results per page select =====================================================*/ evt.slcResultsChange = function (ev) { _this2.changeResultsPerPage();; }; var slcR = _dom.Dom.create(tf.fltTypeSlc, ['id', this.prfxSlcResults +]); slcR.className = tf.resultsSlcCssClass; var slcRText = this.resultsPerPage[0], slcROpts = this.resultsPerPage[1]; var slcRSpan = _dom.Dom.create('span', ['id', this.prfxSlcResultsTxt +]); slcRSpan.className = this.resultsSpanCssClass; // results per page select is added to external element if (!this.resultsPerPageTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.resultsPerPageTgtId ? tf.rDiv :; slcRSpan.appendChild(_dom.Dom.text(slcRText)); targetEl.appendChild(slcRSpan); targetEl.appendChild(slcR); this.resultsPerPageSlc = +; for (var r = 0; r < slcROpts.length; r++) { var currOpt = new Option(slcROpts[r], slcROpts[r], false, false); this.resultsPerPageSlc.options[r] = currOpt; } _event.Event.add(slcR, 'change', evt.slcResultsChange); } }, { key: 'removeResultsPerPage', /** * Remove number of results per page UI elements */ value: function removeResultsPerPage() { var tf =; if (!tf.hasGrid() || !this.resultsPerPageSlc || !this.resultsPerPage) { return; } var slcR = this.resultsPerPageSlc, slcRSpan = +; if (slcR) { slcR.parentNode.removeChild(slcR); } if (slcRSpan) { slcRSpan.parentNode.removeChild(slcRSpan); } this.resultsPerPageSlc = null; } }, { key: 'changePage', /** * Change the page asynchronously according to passed index * @param {Number} index Index of the page (0-n) */ value: function changePage(index) { var tf =; var evt = tf.Evt; tf.EvtManager(, { pgIndex: index }); } }, { key: 'changeResultsPerPage', /** * Change rows asynchronously according to page results */ value: function changeResultsPerPage() { var tf =; var evt = tf.Evt; tf.EvtManager(; } }, { key: 'resetPage', /** * Re-set asynchronously page nb at page re-load */ value: function resetPage() { var tf =; var evt = tf.Evt; tf.EvtManager(; } }, { key: 'resetPageLength', /** * Re-set asynchronously page length at page re-load */ value: function resetPageLength() { var tf =; var evt = tf.Evt; tf.EvtManager(; } }, { key: '_changePage', /** * Change the page according to passed index * @param {Number} index Index of the page (0-n) */ value: function _changePage(index) { var tf =; if (!tf.paging) { return; } if (index === null) { index = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.options.selectedIndex : this.pagingSlc.value - 1; } if (index >= 0 && index <= this.nbPages - 1) { if (this.onBeforeChangePage) {, this, index); } this.currentPageNb = parseInt(index, 10) + 1; if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { this.pagingSlc.options[index].selected = true; } else { this.pagingSlc.value = this.currentPageNb; } if (tf.rememberPageNb) {; } this.startPagingRow = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.value : index * this.pagingLength; this.groupByPage(); if (this.onAfterChangePage) {, this, index); } } } }, { key: '_changeResultsPerPage', /** * Change rows according to page results */ value: function _changeResultsPerPage() { var tf =; if (!tf.paging) { return; } var slcR = this.resultsPerPageSlc; var slcPagesSelIndex = this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc ? this.pagingSlc.selectedIndex : parseInt(this.pagingSlc.value - 1, 10); this.pagingLength = parseInt(slcR.options[slcR.selectedIndex].value, 10); this.startPagingRow = this.pagingLength * slcPagesSelIndex; if (!isNaN(this.pagingLength)) { if (this.startPagingRow >= tf.nbFilterableRows) { this.startPagingRow = tf.nbFilterableRows - this.pagingLength; } this.setPagingInfo(); if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { var slcIndex = this.pagingSlc.options.length - 1 <= slcPagesSelIndex ? this.pagingSlc.options.length - 1 : slcPagesSelIndex; this.pagingSlc.options[slcIndex].selected = true; } if (tf.rememberPageLen) {; } } } }, { key: '_resetPage', /** * Re-set page nb at page re-load */ value: function _resetPage(name) { var tf =; var pgnb =; if (pgnb !== '') { this.changePage(pgnb - 1); } } }, { key: '_resetPageLength', /** * Re-set page length at page re-load */ value: function _resetPageLength(name) { var tf =; if (!tf.paging) { return; } var pglenIndex =; if (pglenIndex !== '') { this.resultsPerPageSlc.options[pglenIndex].selected = true; this.changeResultsPerPage(); } } }, { key: 'destroy', /** * Remove paging feature */ value: function destroy() { var tf =; if (!tf.hasGrid()) { return; } // btns containers var btnNextSpan, btnPrevSpan, btnLastSpan, btnFirstSpan; var pgBeforeSpan, pgAfterSpan, pgspan; btnNextSpan = +; btnPrevSpan = +; btnLastSpan = +; btnFirstSpan = +; //span containing 'Page' text pgBeforeSpan = +; //span containing 'of' text pgAfterSpan = +; //span containing nb of pages pgspan = +; var evt = this.evt; if (this.pagingSlc) { if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeSlc) { _event.Event.remove(this.pagingSlc, 'change', evt.slcPagesChange); } else if (this.pageSelectorType === tf.fltTypeInp) { _event.Event.remove(this.pagingSlc, 'keypress', evt._detectKey); } this.pagingSlc.parentNode.removeChild(this.pagingSlc); } if (btnNextSpan) { _event.Event.remove(btnNextSpan, 'click',; btnNextSpan.parentNode.removeChild(btnNextSpan); } if (btnPrevSpan) { _event.Event.remove(btnPrevSpan, 'click', evt.prev); btnPrevSpan.parentNode.removeChild(btnPrevSpan); } if (btnLastSpan) { _event.Event.remove(btnLastSpan, 'click', evt.last); btnLastSpan.parentNode.removeChild(btnLastSpan); } if (btnFirstSpan) { _event.Event.remove(btnFirstSpan, 'click', evt.first); btnFirstSpan.parentNode.removeChild(btnFirstSpan); } if (pgBeforeSpan) { pgBeforeSpan.parentNode.removeChild(pgBeforeSpan); } if (pgAfterSpan) { pgAfterSpan.parentNode.removeChild(pgAfterSpan); } if (pgspan) { pgspan.parentNode.removeChild(pgspan); } if (this.hasResultsPerPage) { this.removeResultsPerPage(); } this.pagingSlc = null; this.nbPages = 0; this.isPagingRemoved = true; tf.paging = false; } }]); return Paging; })(); exports.Paging = Paging; }); //#