define(["exports", "../dom", "../types", "../helpers"], function (exports, _dom, _types, _helpers) { "use strict"; var _classProps = function (child, staticProps, instanceProps) { if (staticProps) Object.defineProperties(child, staticProps); if (instanceProps) Object.defineProperties(child.prototype, instanceProps); }; var Dom = _dom.Dom; var Types = _types.Types; var Helpers = _helpers.Helpers; var RowsCounter = (function () { var RowsCounter = function RowsCounter(tf) { // TableFilter configuration var f = tf.config(); //id of custom container element this.rowsCounterTgtId = f.rows_counter_target_id || null; //element containing tot nb rows this.rowsCounterDiv = null; //element containing tot nb rows label this.rowsCounterSpan = null; //defines rows counter text this.rowsCounterText = f.rows_counter_text || "Rows: "; this.fromToTextSeparator = f.from_to_text_separator || "-"; this.overText = f.over_text || " / "; //defines css class rows counter this.totRowsCssClass = f.tot_rows_css_class || "tot"; //callback raised before counter is refreshed this.onBeforeRefreshCounter = Types.isFn(f.on_before_refresh_counter) ? f.on_before_refresh_counter : null; //callback raised after counter is refreshed this.onAfterRefreshCounter = Types.isFn(f.on_after_refresh_counter) ? f.on_after_refresh_counter : null; = tf; }; _classProps(RowsCounter, null, { init: { writable: true, value: function () { var tf =; if ((!tf.hasGrid() && !tf.isFirstLoad) || this.rowsCounterSpan) { return; } //rows counter container var countDiv = Dom.create("div", ["id", tf.prfxCounter +]); countDiv.className = this.totRowsCssClass; //rows counter label var countSpan = Dom.create("span", ["id", tf.prfxTotRows +]); var countText = Dom.create("span", ["id", tf.prfxTotRowsTxt +]); countText.appendChild(Dom.text(this.rowsCounterText)); // counter is added to defined element if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } var targetEl = !this.rowsCounterTgtId ? tf.lDiv :; //IE only: clears all for sure if (this.rowsCounterDiv && Helpers.isIE()) { this.rowsCounterDiv.outerHTML = ""; } //default container: 'lDiv' if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId) { countDiv.appendChild(countText); countDiv.appendChild(countSpan); targetEl.appendChild(countDiv); } else { //custom container, no need to append statusDiv targetEl.appendChild(countText); targetEl.appendChild(countSpan); } this.rowsCounterDiv = countDiv; this.rowsCounterSpan = countSpan; this.refresh(); } }, refresh: { writable: true, value: function (p) { if (!this.rowsCounterSpan) { return; } var tf =; if (this.onBeforeRefreshCounter) {, tf, this.rowsCounterSpan); } var totTxt; if (!tf.paging) { if (p && p !== "") { totTxt = p; } else { totTxt = tf.nbFilterableRows - tf.nbHiddenRows - (tf.hasVisibleRows ? tf.visibleRows.length : 0); } } else { var paging = tf.Cpt.paging; if (paging) { //paging start row var paging_start_row = parseInt(paging.startPagingRow, 10) + ((tf.nbVisibleRows > 0) ? 1 : 0); var paging_end_row = (paging_start_row + paging.pagingLength) - 1 <= tf.nbVisibleRows ? paging_start_row + paging.pagingLength - 1 : tf.nbVisibleRows; totTxt = paging_start_row + this.fromToTextSeparator + paging_end_row + this.overText + tf.nbVisibleRows; } } this.rowsCounterSpan.innerHTML = totTxt; if (this.onAfterRefreshCounter) {, tf, this.rowsCounterSpan, totTxt); } } }, destroy: { writable: true, value: function () { var tf =; if (!tf.hasGrid()) { return; } if (!this.rowsCounterSpan) { return; } if (!this.rowsCounterTgtId && this.rowsCounterDiv) { //IE only: clears all for sure if (Helpers.isIE()) { this.rowsCounterDiv.outerHTML = ""; } else { this.rowsCounterDiv.parentNode.removeChild(this.rowsCounterDiv); } } else { = ""; } this.rowsCounterSpan = null; this.rowsCounterDiv = null; } } }); return RowsCounter; })(); exports.RowsCounter = RowsCounter; });