import {Feature} from '../feature'; import {createElm, elm, removeElm} from '../dom'; import {isEmpty, EMPTY_FN} from '../types'; import {NONE} from '../const'; import {defaultsStr, defaultsFn} from '../settings'; /** * UI when filtering yields no matches * @export * @class NoResults * @extends {Feature} */ export class NoResults extends Feature { /** * Creates an instance of NoResults * @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance */ constructor(tf) { super(tf, 'noResults'); //configuration object let f = this.config.no_results_message || {}; /** * Text (accepts HTML) * @type {String} */ this.content = defaultsStr(f.content, 'No results'); /** * Custom container DOM element * @type {DOMElement} */ this.customContainer = defaultsStr(f.custom_container, null); /** * ID of custom container element * @type {String} */ this.customContainerId = defaultsStr(f.custom_container_id, null); /** * Indicates if UI is contained in a external element * @type {Boolean} * @private */ this.isExternal = !isEmpty(this.customContainer) || !isEmpty(this.customContainerId); /** * Css class assigned to container element * @type {String} */ this.cssClass = defaultsStr(f.css_class, 'no-results'); /** * Stores container DOM element * @type {DOMElement} */ this.cont = null; /** * Callback fired before the message is displayed * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeShow = defaultsFn(f.on_before_show_msg, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after the message is displayed * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterShow = defaultsFn(f.on_after_show_msg, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired before the message is hidden * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeHide = defaultsFn(f.on_before_hide_msg, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after the message is hidden * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterHide = defaultsFn(f.on_after_hide_msg, EMPTY_FN); } /** * Initializes NoResults instance */ init() { if (this.initialized) { return; } let tf =; let target = this.customContainer || elm(this.customContainerId) || tf.dom(); //container let cont = createElm('div'); cont.className = this.cssClass; cont.innerHTML = this.content; if (this.isExternal) { target.appendChild(cont); } else { target.parentNode.insertBefore(cont, target.nextSibling); } this.cont = cont; // subscribe to after-filtering event this.emitter.on( ['initialized', 'after-filtering'], () => this.toggle() ); /** @inherited */ this.initialized = true; } /** * Toggle no results message */ toggle() { if ( > 0) { this.hide(); } else {; } } /** * Show no results message */ show() { if (!this.initialized || !this.isEnabled()) { return; } this.onBeforeShow(, this); this.setWidth(); = 'block'; this.onAfterShow(, this); } /** * Hide no results message */ hide() { if (!this.initialized || !this.isEnabled()) { return; } this.onBeforeHide(, this); = NONE; this.onAfterHide(, this); } /** * Sets no results container width * @private */ setWidth() { if (!this.initialized || this.isExternal || !this.isEnabled()) { return; } let tf =; if (tf.gridLayout) { let gridLayout = tf.feature('gridLayout'); = gridLayout.headTbl.clientWidth + 'px'; } else { = (tf.dom().tHead ? tf.dom().tHead.clientWidth : tf.dom().tBodies[0].clientWidth) + 'px'; } } /** Remove feature */ destroy() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } removeElm(this.cont); this.cont = null; // unsubscribe to after-filtering event['after-filtering'], () => this.toggle()); this.initialized = false; } }