import {Feature} from '../../feature'; import { addClass, removeClass, createCheckItem, createElm, elm, removeElm, getText } from '../../dom'; import {isUndef, EMPTY_FN} from '../../types'; import {addEvt, targetEvt, removeEvt} from '../../event'; import {root} from '../../root'; import {NONE} from '../../const'; import { defaultsBool, defaultsStr, defaultsFn, defaultsNb, defaultsArr } from '../../settings'; /** * Columns Visibility extension */ export default class ColsVisibility extends Feature { /** * Creates an instance of ColsVisibility * @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance * @param {Object} Configuration object */ constructor(tf, f) { super(tf,; // Configuration object let cfg = this.config; /** * Module name * @type {String} */ =; /** * Module description * @type {String} */ this.desc = defaultsStr(f.description, 'Columns visibility manager'); /** * show/hide columns container element * @private */ this.spanEl = null; /** * show/hide columns button element * @private */ this.btnEl = null; /** * show/hide columns main container element * @private */ this.contEl = null; /** * Enable tick to hide a column, defaults to true * @type {Boolean} */ this.tickToHide = defaultsBool(f.tick_to_hide, true); /** * Enable columns manager UI, defaults to true * @type {Boolean} */ this.manager = defaultsBool(f.manager, true); /** * Headers HTML table reference only if headers are external * @type {DOMElement} */ this.headersTbl = f.headers_table || null; /** * Headers row index only if headers are external * @type {Number} */ this.headersIndex = defaultsNb(f.headers_index, 1); /** * ID of main container element * @type {String} */ this.contElTgtId = defaultsStr(f.container_target_id, null); /** * Alternative text for column headers in column manager UI * @type {Array} */ this.headersText = defaultsArr(f.headers_text, []); /** * ID of button's container element * @type {String} */ this.btnTgtId = defaultsStr(f.btn_target_id, null); /** * Button's text, defaults to Columns▼ * @type {String} */ this.btnText = defaultsStr(f.btn_text, 'Columns▼'); /** * Button's inner HTML * @type {String} */ this.btnHtml = defaultsStr(f.btn_html, null); /** * Css class for button * @type {String} */ this.btnCssClass = defaultsStr(f.btn_css_class, 'colVis'); /** * Columns manager UI close link text, defaults to 'Close' * @type {String} */ this.btnCloseText = defaultsStr(f.btn_close_text, 'Close'); /** * Columns manager UI close link HTML * @type {String} */ this.btnCloseHtml = defaultsStr(f.btn_close_html, null); /** * Css for columns manager UI close link * @type {String} */ this.btnCloseCssClass = defaultsStr(f.btn_close_css_class, this.btnCssClass); /** * Extension's stylesheet filename * @type {String} */ this.stylesheet = defaultsStr(f.stylesheet, 'colsVisibility.css'); /** * Css for columns manager UI span * @type {String} */ this.spanCssClass = defaultsStr(f.span_css_class, 'colVisSpan'); /** * Css for columns manager UI main container * @type {String} */ this.contCssClass = defaultsStr(f.cont_css_class, 'colVisCont'); /** * Css for columns manager UI checklist (ul) * @type {String} */ this.listCssClass = defaultsStr(cfg.list_css_class, 'cols_checklist'); /** * Css for columns manager UI checklist item (li) * @type {String} */ this.listItemCssClass = defaultsStr(cfg.checklist_item_css_class, 'cols_checklist_item'); /** * Css for columns manager UI checklist item selected state (li) * @type {String} */ this.listSlcItemCssClass = defaultsStr( cfg.checklist_selected_item_css_class, 'cols_checklist_slc_item' ); /** * Text preceding the columns list, defaults to 'Hide' or 'Show' * depending on tick mode (tick_to_hide option) * @type {String} */ this.text = defaultsStr(f.text, this.tickToHide ? 'Hide: ' : 'Show: '); /** * List of columns indexes to be hidden at initialization * @type {Array} */ this.atStart = defaultsArr(f.at_start, []); /** * Enable hover behaviour on columns manager button/link * @type {Boolean} */ this.enableHover = Boolean(f.enable_hover); /** * Enable select all option, disabled by default * @type {Boolean} */ this.enableTickAll = Boolean(f.enable_tick_all); /** * Text for select all option, defaults to 'Select all:' * @type {String} */ this.tickAllText = defaultsStr(f.tick_all_text, 'Select all:'); /** * List of indexes of hidden columns * @private */ this.hiddenCols = []; /** * Bound mouseup wrapper * @private */ this.boundMouseup = null; /** * Callback fired when the extension is initialized * @type {Function} */ this.onLoaded = defaultsFn(f.on_loaded, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired before the columns manager is opened * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeOpen = defaultsFn(f.on_before_open, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after the columns manager is opened * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterOpen = defaultsFn(f.on_after_open, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired before the columns manager is closed * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeClose = defaultsFn(f.on_before_close, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after the columns manager is closed * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterClose = defaultsFn(f.on_after_close, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired before a column is hidden * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeColHidden = defaultsFn(f.on_before_col_hidden, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after a column is hidden * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterColHidden = defaultsFn(f.on_after_col_hidden, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired before a column is displayed * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeColDisplayed = defaultsFn(f.on_before_col_displayed, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after a column is displayed * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterColDisplayed = defaultsFn(f.on_after_col_displayed, EMPTY_FN); //Grid layout support if (tf.gridLayout) { this.headersTbl = tf.feature('gridLayout').headTbl; //headers table this.headersIndex = 0; //headers index } //Loads extension stylesheet tf.import( + 'Style', tf.stylePath + this.stylesheet, null, 'link'); this.enable(); } /** * Mouse-up event handler handling popup auto-close behaviour * @private */ onMouseup(evt) { let targetElm = targetEvt(evt); while (targetElm && targetElm !== this.contEl && targetElm !== this.btnEl) { targetElm = targetElm.parentNode; } if (targetElm !== this.contEl && targetElm !== this.btnEl) { this.toggle(); } return; } /** * Toggle columns manager UI */ toggle() { // ensure mouseup event handler is removed removeEvt(root, 'mouseup', this.boundMouseup); let contDisplay =; if (contDisplay !== 'inline') { this.onBeforeOpen(this); } if (contDisplay === 'inline') { this.onBeforeClose(this); } = contDisplay === 'inline' ? NONE : 'inline'; if (contDisplay !== 'inline') { this.onAfterOpen(this); addEvt(root, 'mouseup', this.boundMouseup); } if (contDisplay === 'inline') { this.onAfterClose(this); } } /** * Check an item in columns manager UI * @private */ checkItem(lbl) { let li = lbl.parentNode; if (!li || !lbl) { return; } let isChecked = lbl.firstChild.checked; let colIndex = lbl.firstChild.getAttribute('id').split('_')[1]; colIndex = parseInt(colIndex, 10); if (isChecked) { addClass(li, this.listSlcItemCssClass); } else { removeClass(li, this.listSlcItemCssClass); } let hide = false; if ((this.tickToHide && isChecked) || (!this.tickToHide && !isChecked)) { hide = true; } this.setHidden(colIndex, hide); } /** * Initializes ColsVisibility instance */ init() { if (this.initialized || !this.manager) { return; } this.emitter.on(['hide-column'], (tf, colIndex) => this.hideCol(colIndex)); this.buildBtn(); this.buildManager(); /** @inherited */ this.initialized = true; this.boundMouseup = this.onMouseup.bind(this); this.emitter.emit('columns-visibility-initialized',, this); // Hide columns at start at very end of initialization, do not move // as order is important this._hideAtStart(); } /** * Build main button UI */ buildBtn() { if (this.btnEl) { return; } let tf =; let span = createElm('span'); span.className = this.spanCssClass; //Container element (rdiv or custom element) if (!this.btnTgtId) { tf.setToolbar(); } let targetEl = !this.btnTgtId ? tf.rDiv : elm(this.btnTgtId); if (!this.btnTgtId) { let firstChild = targetEl.firstChild; firstChild.parentNode.insertBefore(span, firstChild); } else { targetEl.appendChild(span); } if (!this.btnHtml) { let btn = createElm('a', ['href', 'javascript:;']); btn.className = this.btnCssClass; btn.title = this.desc; btn.innerHTML = this.btnText; span.appendChild(btn); if (!this.enableHover) { addEvt(btn, 'click', (evt) => this.toggle(evt)); } else { addEvt(btn, 'mouseover', (evt) => this.toggle(evt)); } } else { //Custom html span.innerHTML = this.btnHtml; let colVisEl = span.firstChild; if (!this.enableHover) { addEvt(colVisEl, 'click', (evt) => this.toggle(evt)); } else { addEvt(colVisEl, 'mouseover', (evt) => this.toggle(evt)); } } this.spanEl = span; this.btnEl = this.spanEl.firstChild; this.onLoaded(this); } /** * Build columns manager UI */ buildManager() { let tf =; let container = !this.contElTgtId ? createElm('div') : elm(this.contElTgtId); container.className = this.contCssClass; //Extension description let extNameLabel = createElm('p'); extNameLabel.innerHTML = this.text; container.appendChild(extNameLabel); //Headers list let ul = createElm('ul'); ul.className = this.listCssClass; let tbl = this.headersTbl || tf.dom(); let headerIndex = this.headersTbl ? this.headersIndex : tf.getHeadersRowIndex(); let headerRow = tbl.rows[headerIndex]; //Tick all option if (this.enableTickAll) { let li = createCheckItem('col__' +, this.tickAllText, this.tickAllText); addClass(li, this.listItemCssClass); ul.appendChild(li); li.check.checked = !this.tickToHide; addEvt(li.check, 'click', () => { for (let h = 0; h < headerRow.cells.length; h++) { let itm = elm('col_' + h + '_' +; if (itm && li.check.checked !== itm.checked) {; itm.checked = li.check.checked; } } }); } for (let i = 0; i < headerRow.cells.length; i++) { let cell = headerRow.cells[i]; let cellText = this.headersText[i] || this._getHeaderText(cell); let liElm = createCheckItem('col_' + i + '_' +, cellText, cellText); addClass(liElm, this.listItemCssClass); if (!this.tickToHide) { addClass(liElm, this.listSlcItemCssClass); } ul.appendChild(liElm); if (!this.tickToHide) { liElm.check.checked = true; } addEvt(liElm.check, 'click', (evt) => { let elm = targetEvt(evt); let lbl = elm.parentNode; this.checkItem(lbl); }); } //separator let p = createElm('p', ['align', 'center']); let btn; //Close link if (!this.btnCloseHtml) { btn = createElm('a', ['href', 'javascript:;']); btn.className = this.btnCloseCssClass; btn.innerHTML = this.btnCloseText; addEvt(btn, 'click', (evt) => this.toggle(evt)); p.appendChild(btn); } else { p.innerHTML = this.btnCloseHtml; btn = p.firstChild; addEvt(btn, 'click', (evt) => this.toggle(evt)); } container.appendChild(ul); container.appendChild(p); this.btnEl.parentNode.insertBefore(container, this.btnEl); this.contEl = container; } /** * Hide or show specified columns * @param {Number} colIndex Column index * @param {Boolean} hide Hide column if true or show if false */ setHidden(colIndex, hide) { let tf =; let tbl = tf.dom(); if (hide) { this.onBeforeColHidden(this, colIndex); } if (!hide) { this.onBeforeColDisplayed(this, colIndex); } this._hideCells(tbl, colIndex, hide); if (this.headersTbl) { this._hideCells(this.headersTbl, colIndex, hide); } let hiddenCols = this.hiddenCols; let itemIndex = hiddenCols.indexOf(colIndex); if (hide) { if (itemIndex === -1) { this.hiddenCols.push(colIndex); } } else { if (itemIndex !== -1) { this.hiddenCols.splice(itemIndex, 1); } } if (hide) { this.onAfterColHidden(this, colIndex); this.emitter.emit('column-hidden', tf, this, colIndex, this.hiddenCols); } if (!hide) { this.onAfterColDisplayed(this, colIndex); this.emitter.emit('column-shown', tf, this, colIndex, this.hiddenCols); } } /** * Show specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ showCol(colIndex) { if (isUndef(colIndex) || !this.isColHidden(colIndex)) { return; } if (this.manager && this.contEl) { let itm = elm('col_' + colIndex + '_' +; if (itm) {; } } else { this.setHidden(colIndex, false); } } /** * Hide specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ hideCol(colIndex) { if (isUndef(colIndex) || this.isColHidden(colIndex)) { return; } if (this.manager && this.contEl) { let itm = elm('col_' + colIndex + '_' +; if (itm) {; } } else { this.setHidden(colIndex, true); } } /** * Determine if specified column is hidden * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ isColHidden(colIndex) { if (this.hiddenCols.indexOf(colIndex) !== -1) { return true; } return false; } /** * Toggle visibility of specified column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ toggleCol(colIndex) { if (isUndef(colIndex) || this.isColHidden(colIndex)) { this.showCol(colIndex); } else { this.hideCol(colIndex); } } /** * Return the indexes of the columns currently hidden * @return {Array} column indexes */ getHiddenCols() { return this.hiddenCols; } /** * Remove the columns manager */ destroy() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } if (elm(this.contElTgtId)) { elm(this.contElTgtId).innerHTML = ''; } else { this.contEl.innerHTML = ''; removeElm(this.contEl); this.contEl = null; } this.btnEl.innerHTML = ''; removeElm(this.btnEl); this.btnEl = null;['hide-column'], (tf, colIndex) => this.hideCol(colIndex)); this.boundMouseup = null; this.initialized = false; } _getHeaderText(cell) { if (!cell.hasChildNodes) { return ''; } for (let i = 0; i < cell.childNodes.length; i++) { let n = cell.childNodes[i]; if (n.nodeType === 3) { return n.nodeValue; } else if (n.nodeType === 1) { if ( &&'popUp') !== -1) { continue; } else { return getText(n); } } continue; } return ''; } _hideCells(tbl, colIndex, hide) { for (let i = 0; i < tbl.rows.length; i++) { let row = tbl.rows[i]; let cell = row.cells[colIndex]; if (cell) { = hide ? NONE : ''; } } } _hideAtStart() { this.atStart.forEach((colIdx) => { this.hideCol(colIdx); }); } }