/** * Cookie utilities */ (function(window, TF){ 'use strict'; TF.Cookie = {}; TF.Cookie.write = function(name, value, hours){ var expire = ''; if(hours){ expire = new Date((new Date()).getTime() + hours * 3600000); expire = '; expires=' + expire.toGMTString(); } document.cookie = name + '=' + escape(value) + expire; }; TF.Cookie.read = function(name){ var cookieValue = '', search = name + '='; if(document.cookie.length > 0){ var cookie = document.cookie, offset = cookie.indexOf(search); if(offset !== -1){ offset += search.length; var end = cookie.indexOf(';', offset); if(end === -1){ end = cookie.length; } cookieValue = unescape(cookie.substring(offset, end)); } } return cookieValue; }; TF.Cookie.remove = function(name){ this.write(name,'',-1); }; TF.Cookie.valueToArray = function(name, separator){ if(!separator){ separator = ','; } //reads the cookie var val = this.read(name); //creates an array with filters' values var arr = val.split(separator); return arr; }; TF.Cookie.getValueByIndex = function(name, index, separator){ if(!separator){ separator = ','; } //reads the cookie var val = this.valueToArray(name, separator); return val[index]; }; })(this, this.TF || {});