import {Feature} from '../feature'; import {addClass, removeClass, hasClass} from '../dom'; import {EMPTY_FN} from '../types'; import {defaultsStr, defaultsFn} from '../settings'; /** * Visual indicator for filtered columns * @export * @class MarkActiveColumns * @extends {Feature} */ export class MarkActiveColumns extends Feature { /** * Create an instance of MarkActiveColumns * @param {TableFilter} tf TableFilter instance */ constructor(tf) { super(tf, 'markActiveColumns'); let config = this.config.mark_active_columns || {}; /** * Css class for filtered (active) columns * @type {String} */ this.headerCssClass = defaultsStr(config.header_css_class, 'activeHeader'); /** * Css class for filtered (active) column cells * @type {String} */ this.cellCssClass = defaultsStr(config.cell_css_class, 'activeCell'); /** * Enable/disable column highlighting * @type {Boolean} */ this.highlightColumn = Boolean(config.highlight_column); /** * Callback fired before a column is marked as filtered * @type {Function} */ this.onBeforeActiveColumn = defaultsFn(config.on_before_active_column, EMPTY_FN); /** * Callback fired after a column is marked as filtered * @type {Function} */ this.onAfterActiveColumn = defaultsFn(config.on_after_active_column, EMPTY_FN); } /** * Initialise MarkActiveColumns instance */ init() { if (this.initialized) { return; } this.emitter.on(['before-filtering'], () => this.clearActiveColumns()); this.emitter.on( ['cell-processed'], (tf, colIndex) => this.markActiveColumn(colIndex) ); /** @inherited */ this.initialized = true; } /** * Clear filtered columns visual indicator (background color) */ clearActiveColumns() { let tf =; tf.eachCol((idx) => { removeClass(tf.getHeaderElement(idx), this.headerCssClass); if (this.highlightColumn) { this.eachColumnCell(idx, (cell) => removeClass(cell, this.cellCssClass)); } }); } /** * Mark currently filtered column * @param {Number} colIndex Column index */ markActiveColumn(colIndex) { let tf =; let header = tf.getHeaderElement(colIndex); if (hasClass(header, this.headerCssClass)) { return; } this.onBeforeActiveColumn(this, colIndex); addClass(header, this.headerCssClass); if (this.highlightColumn) { this.eachColumnCell(colIndex, (cell) => addClass(cell, this.cellCssClass)); } this.onAfterActiveColumn(this, colIndex); } /** * Column cells iterator * TODO: make public and move into TableFilter if used elsewhere * @param {Number} colIndex * @param {Function} fn * @param {DOMElement} tbl * @private */ eachColumnCell(colIndex, fn = EMPTY_FN, tbl = { // TODO: remove [].forEach when polyfill for PhanthomJs is available [] tbl.querySelectorAll(`tbody td:nth-child(${colIndex + 1})`), fn); } /** * Remove feature */ destroy() { if (!this.initialized) { return; } this.clearActiveColumns();['before-filtering'], () => this.clearActiveColumns()); ['cell-processed'], (tf, colIndex) => this.markActiveColumn(colIndex) ); /** @inherited */ this.initialized = false; } }